コード例 #1
def test_VB_compression_plain_docids(IFfilename):
    Tests the performance of VB codes using plain docIds.
    int_bytes = calculate_int_bytes_of_IF(IFfilename)
    all_postings_docids = flatten(get_postings_list_ints(open(IFfilename).readlines()))
    t = time.time()
    bytelists = ic.vb_encode(all_postings_docids)
    t2 = time.time() - t
    flattened = flatten(bytelists)
    # since every entry in the flattened list is 8 bits long, the number of
    # used bytes is exactly the length of the flattened list
    compressed_bytes = len(flattened)
    t = time.time()
    t3 = time.time() - t
    print 'VB-encdoing: using plain doc ids'
    print '-------------------------------'
    print '# of IDs to compress: ' + str(len(all_postings_docids))
    print 'Uncompressed (bytes): ' + str(int_bytes)
    print 'Compressed (bytes): ' + str(compressed_bytes)
    print 'Compression factor: ' + str(float(int_bytes) / float(compressed_bytes))
    print 'Time to compress (s): ' + str(t2)
    print 'Time to decompress (s): ' + str(t3)
    print '==================================='
コード例 #2
def test_VB_compression_gaps_docids(IFfilename):
    Tests the performance of VB codes using gaps.
    int_bytes = calculate_int_bytes_of_IF(IFfilename)
    lines = open(IFfilename).readlines()
    int_lists = get_postings_list_ints(lines)
    gap_lists = get_gaps_from_int_lists(int_lists)
    all_postings_gapids = flatten(gap_lists)
    t = time.time()
    bytelists = ic.vb_encode(all_postings_gapids)
    t2 = time.time() - t
    flattened = flatten(bytelists)
    compressed_bytes = len(flattened)
    t = time.time()
    t3 = time.time() - t

    print 'VB-encoding: using gaps instead of plain doc ids'
    print '-----------------------------------------------'
    print '# of IDs to compress: ' + str(len(all_postings_gapids))
    print 'Uncompressed (bytes): ' + str(int_bytes)
    print 'Compressed (bytes): ' + str(compressed_bytes)
    print 'Compression factor: ' + str(float(int_bytes) / float(compressed_bytes))
    print 'Time to compress (s): ' + str(t2)
    print 'Time to decompress (s): ' + str(t3)
    print '==================================='