コード例 #1
class Searcher:
    """ Searcher is a class dealing with real-time querying.
        It implements the ranked retrieval based on the VSM(Vector Space Model).
        It also support Phrasal Queries and Pivoted Normalized Document Length.
        dictionary_file: the file path of the dictionary
        postings_file: the file path of the postings
        rate: the penalty rate of the pivoted normalized document length
        expand: boolean indicator for using Query Expansion
        feedback: boolean indicator for using Relevance Feedback
        pivoted: boolean indicator for using pivoted normalized document length
        score: output the score of each result
    def __init__(self,

        self.dictionary_file = dictionary_file
        self.postings_file = postings_file
        self.rate = rate
        self.pivoted = pivoted
        self.score = score

        self.stemmer = PorterStemmer()
        self.indexer = Indexer(dictionary_file, postings_file)
        self.refiner = Refiner(indexer=self.indexer,
        self.feedback = feedback

        self.a, _, _, _ = self.indexer.LoadDict()

    """ Search and return docIds according to the boolean expression.
        query: the query string
        relevant_docs: relevanct doc used for relevance feedback
        result: the list of K most relevant docIds in response to the query
        urls: the url corresponding to each result
        score: the score corresponding to each result

    def search(self, query, relevant_docs):
        # step 1: let refiner to refine the query and get query_infos
        query_infos, postings_lists = self.refiner.refine(query, relevant_docs)

        # step 2: get candidate docs that need to rank(phrasal query)
        # step 2-1: get all the docs that contains all the terms in the query
        self._get_intersection(query_infos, postings_lists)

        # step 2-2: judging every doc whether it contains the phrase
        self._judge(query_infos, postings_lists)

        # step 3: rank documents based on VSM and relevance feedback based on top doc to get final result
        # step 3-1: rank documents get the result
        result, score = self.rank(query_infos, postings_lists)

        # step 3-2: relevance feedback based on top doc
        if (self.feedback):
            self.refiner._feedback(query_infos, result[:5], postings_lists)

        # step 3-3: rank again using new query vector
        result, score = self.rank(query_infos, postings_lists)

        # step 4: fetch url from result
        urls = self.indexer.LoadUrls(result)

        # step 4: return the result
        return result, urls, score

    """ Rank the documents and return the K most relevant docIds.
        The result should be in the order of relevant.
        query_infos: a list of instances of QueryInfo that contains the query
        postings_lists: the dictionary with terms to posting lists mapping
       result: the list of K most relevant docIds in response to the query
       score: the list of the scores corresponding to the docIds

    def rank(self, query_infos, postings_lists):
        total_scores = defaultdict(lambda: 1)

        for query_info in query_infos:
            # step 1: Initialize variables
            terms = query_info.terms
            scores = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            query_vector = query_info.query_vector

            # step 2: processing every document and every term
            for i, term in enumerate(terms):
                candidates = query_info.candidates
                postings_list = postings_lists[term]
                postings = postings_list[1]
                weights = postings_list[2]

                for j in range(0, len(postings)):
                    doc = postings[j]

                    if query_info.is_phrase and (doc not in candidates):

                    weight = weights[j]
                    scores[doc] += weight * query_vector[i]

            # step 3: use pivoted document length
            for doc in scores:
                length = self.total_doc[doc]
                if self.pivoted:
                    piv = 1 - self.rate + self.rate * length / self.average
                    scores[doc] /= length * piv
                    scores[doc] /= length

            # step 4: update total scores
            for doc in scores:
                total_scores[doc] += scores[doc]

        # use pagerank to change the weight

        # step 4: get the topK docs from the heap
        heap = [(total_scores[doc], -doc) for doc in total_scores]
        heap = heapq.nlargest(len(total_scores), heap, key=lambda x: x)

        result = [-item[1] for item in heap]

        score = []
        if self.score:
            score = [item[0] for item in heap]

        # step 5: return the topK docs
        return result, score

    """ Use array a generated from pagerank algorithm to change the weight
        total_scores: dict of doc and score
        total_scores: processed dict of doc and score

    def _pagerank(self, total_scores):
        # normalize the total_scores
            sum_score = sum(total_scores.values())
            # min_score = min(total_scores.values())
            # max_score = max(total_scores.values())
        except ValueError:
            return total_scores
            # to_be_divided_by = max_score - min_score
            to_be_divided_by = sum_score
            for key in total_scores.keys():
                total_scores[key] = (total_scores[key]) / to_be_divided_by

            # normalize the a value
            # min_score = np.min(self.a)
            # max_score = np.max(self.a)
            # to_be_divided_by = max_score - min_score

            # # all same value in array a
            # if (to_be_divided_by == 0):
            #     return total_scores

            # self.a = (self.a - min_score)/to_be_divided_by

            # use pagerank to change the weight
            for key in total_scores.keys():
                total_scores[key] = (total_scores[key] + self.a[0][key]) / 2

            return total_scores

    """ Get the intersection of docs
        query_infos: a list of instances of QueryInfo that contains the query
        postings_lists: the dictionary with terms to posting lists mapping

    def _get_intersection(self, query_infos, postings_lists):
        for query_info in query_infos:
            terms = query_info.terms

            if not query_info.is_phrase:

            if len(terms) == 0:
                query_info.candidates = []

            # optimize the order of the merge
            costs = []
            for term in terms:
                postings = postings_lists[term][1]
                costs.append((term, len(postings)))

            costs.sort(key=lambda key: key[1])

            # perform pairwise merge
            result = postings_lists[costs[0][0]][1]
            for i in range(1, len(costs)):
                term = costs[i][0]
                postings = postings_lists[term][1]

                p1 = p2 = 0
                len1, len2 = len(result), len(postings)
                temp = array.array('i')

                while p1 < len1 and p2 < len2:
                    doc1 = result[p1]
                    doc2 = postings[p2]

                    if doc1 == doc2:
                        p1, p2 = p1 + 1, p2 + 1
                    elif doc1 < doc2:
                        p1 += 1
                        p2 += 1

                result = temp

            # update the candidates
            query_info.candidates = set(result)

    """ Judging whether candidate documents contain the phrase
        query_infos: a list of instances of QueryInfo that contains the query
        postings_lists: the dictionary with terms to posting lists mapping

    def _judge(self, query_infos, postings_lists):
        for query_info in query_infos:
            tokens = query_info.tokens

            if not query_info.is_phrase:

            if len(tokens) <= 1:

            positions = defaultdict(lambda: [])
            candidates = query_info.candidates

            # get postions for docs
            for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
                postings_list = postings_lists[token]
                postings = postings_list[1]
                length = len(postings)
                for j in range(0, length):
                    docId = postings[j]
                    if docId in candidates:

            # judging every doc
            ans = set()
            for doc in positions:
                position = positions[doc]
                pointers = [0] * len(position)

                index = 1
                flag = False
                prev_pos = position[0][0]
                while True:
                    pointer = pointers[index]
                    length = len(position[index])

                    while pointer + 1 < length:
                        tmp = position[index][pointer + 1]
                        if tmp <= prev_pos + 1:
                            pointer += 1

                    pointers[index] = pointer
                    cur_pos = position[index][pointer]

                    if cur_pos != prev_pos + 1:
                        index -= 1
                        pointers[index] += 1
                        if pointers[index] >= len(position[index]):
                        if index == 0:
                            index += 1

                        pointer = pointers[index - 1]
                        prev_pos = position[index - 1][pointer]
                        prev_pos = cur_pos
                        index += 1
                        if index >= len(position):
                            flag = True

                if flag:

                query_info.candidates = ans