コード例 #1
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: harsox/moneyboy
def plot(data):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax2 = ax.twinx()

    data = data.iloc[-24 * 500:-24 * 250]
    close = data['close']
    x = data.index

    upper, lower, sma = indicators.bollinger(close, window=30, std_mul=2.0)
    sell, buy = indicators.bollinger_signals(close, upper, lower)
    balance, returns, live_returns = sim.trade(data, sell, buy)

    # indicator chart
    ax.fill_between(x, upper, lower, color='darkslategray')
    ax.plot(x, close, color='springgreen', lw=1)
    ax.plot(x, sma, color='turquoise', lw=1)


    # ax2.plot(x, balance, color='gold', lw=1)
    for y in live_returns:
        ax2.plot(x, y, color='gold', alpha=0.1, lw=1)

    # signals
    ax.scatter(x[buy], close[buy], color='green', marker=10)
    ax.scatter(x[sell], close[sell], color='crimson', marker=11)

    # plt.ylim((min(0.0, np.min(balance)), np.max(balance)))


コード例 #2
    def testPolicy(self, symbol, sd, ed, sv):
        lookback = 18
        period = 10

        symbols = []

        price = get_data(symbols, pd.date_range(sd, ed))

        sma = smacalc(price, lookback)
        bbp = bollinger(price, lookback, sma)
        sma = smaoverprice(sma, price)
        rsi = Rsi(lookback, price)
        mom = momentum_calc(price, period)

        orders = price.copy()
        orders.ix[:, :] = np.nan

        spy_mom = mom.copy()
        spy_mom.values[:, :] = spy_mom.ix[:, ['SPY']]

        sma_cross = pd.DataFrame(0, index=sma.index, columns=sma.columns)
        sma_cross[sma >= 1] = 1

        sma_cross[1:] = sma_cross.diff()
        sma_cross.ix[0] = 0

        orders[(sma < 0.95) & (bbp < 0) & (mom < 0) & (spy_mom > 0)] = 1000
        orders[(sma > 1.05) & (bbp > 1) & (mom > 0) & (spy_mom < 0)] = -1000

        orders[sma_cross != 0] = 0
        orders.fillna(0, inplace=True)

        orders[1:] = orders.diff()
        orders.ix[0] = 0

        del orders['SPY']

        symbols = list(orders.columns)
        orders = orders.loc[(orders != 0).any(axis=1)]

        order_list = []

        for day in orders.index:
            for sym in symbols:
                if orders.ix[day, sym] > 0:
                    order_list.append([day.date(), sym, 'BUY', 1000])
                elif orders.ix[day, sym] < 0:
                    order_list.append([day.date(), sym, 'SELL', 1000])

        df_orders = pd.DataFrame(data=order_list,
                                 columns=['Date', 'Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares'])

        return df_orders
コード例 #3
    def testPolicy(self, symbol = "ML4T-220", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2011,12,31), \
        sv = 10000):
        # example usage of the old backward compatible util function
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] 
        lookback = 14
        period = 5
        # calculate the indicators
        sma = smacalc(prices, lookback)
        bbp = bollinger(prices, lookback, sma)
        sma = smaoverprice(sma, prices)
        mom = momentum_calc(prices, period)
        position = 1
        state = int(str(position) + str(discretize(self.mom, float(mom.iloc[lookback]))) + 
                    str(discretize(self.sma, float(sma.iloc[lookback]))) + 
                    str(discretize(self.bbp, float(bbp.iloc[lookback]))))
        df_trades = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((prices.shape[0], 2)), columns = [symbol, 'Cash'], index = prices.index)
        for day in range(lookback+1, prices.shape[0]):
            action = self.q.querysetstate(state)
            if position != action:
                if 1000 * (action - position) > 0:
                    df_trades[symbol][prices.index[day]] += abs(1000 * (action - position))
                    df_trades['Cash'][prices.index[day]] -= abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] + abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] * self.impact
                    df_trades[symbol][prices.index[day]] -= abs(1000 * (action - position))
                    df_trades['Cash'][prices.index[day]] += abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] + abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] * self.impact
                position = action
            state = int(str(action) + str(discretize(self.mom, float(mom.iloc[day]))) + 
                    str(discretize(self.sma, float(sma.iloc[day]))) + 
                    str(discretize(self.bbp, float(bbp.iloc[day]))))
        if self.verbose: print type(df_trades) # it better be a DataFrame!
        if self.verbose: print df_trades
        self.trades = df_trades
#        if self.verbose: print prices_all
        return df_trades[symbol].to_frame()
コード例 #4
 def calculateIndicators(self, b=20, r=14, m=[12, 26, 9]):
     self.bb, self.s, self.l, self.h = bollinger(self.value, b)
     self.macd, self.signal, self.hist = macd(self.value, m[0], m[1], m[2])
     self.rsi = rsi(self.open, self.close, r)
     self.bbn = bollingernormalized(self.value, self.bb, self.s)
コード例 #5
    def addEvidence(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        # add your code to do learning here

        # example usage of the old backward compatible util function
        syms = [symbol]
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        #if self.verbose: print prices
        #print prices

        # example use with new colname
        volume_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates,
                                 colname="Volume")  # automatically adds SPY
        volume = volume_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        volume_SPY = volume_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        if self.verbose: print volume
        #print volume

        S = sma(prices, 20)
        upper, lower, bb, r_m, r_std = bollinger(prices)
        M = momentum(prices)

        SMA = pd.DataFrame({'SMA': S})
        bb_val = pd.DataFrame({'Bollinger': bb})
        Upper = pd.DataFrame({'Upper': upper})
        Lower = pd.DataFrame({'Lower': lower})
        Momentum = pd.DataFrame({'Momentum': M})
        R_M = pd.DataFrame({'Rolling Mean': r_m})
        R_STD = pd.DataFrame({"Rolling STD": r_std})
        ind = pd.concat((SMA, bb_val, Upper, Lower, R_M, R_STD, Momentum),
        ind.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        ind = ind[:-self.Days]

        x_train = ind.values
        for i in range(0,len(prices)-self.Days):
            if i<20:
                x_train[i][0] = 0
                x_train[i][1] = 0
                x_train[i][2] = 0
                x_train[i][3] = prices.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][4] = prices.iloc[i + self.Days]
                x_train[i][0] = SMA.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][1] = bb_val.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][2] = Momentum.iloc[i]

        #print x_train

        y_temp = []

        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if prices.ix[i + self.Days,
                         symbol] / prices.ix[i, symbol] > 1.008 + self.impact:
            elif prices.ix[i + self.Days, symbol] / prices.ix[
                    i, symbol] < 0.992 - self.impact:

        y_train = np.array(y_temp)

        self.learner.addEvidence(x_train, y_train)
コード例 #6
    def testPolicy(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        # here we build a fake set of trades
        # your code should return the same sort of data
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data([symbol], dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[[
        ]]  # only portfolio symbols
        trades_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later

        #print prices

        S = sma(prices, 20)
        upper, lower, bb, r_m, r_std = bollinger(prices)
        M = momentum(prices)

        SMA = pd.DataFrame({'SMA': S})
        bb_val = pd.DataFrame({'Bollinger': bb})
        Upper = pd.DataFrame({'Upper': upper})
        Lower = pd.DataFrame({'Lower': lower})
        Momentum = pd.DataFrame({'Momentum': M})
        R_M = pd.DataFrame({'Rolling Mean': r_m})
        R_STD = pd.DataFrame({"Rolling STD": r_std})

        ind = pd.concat((SMA, bb_val, Upper, Lower, R_M, R_STD, Momentum),
        ind.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        ind = ind[:-self.Days]

        x_test = ind.values
        x_test = np.zeros(shape=(len(prices) - self.Days, 3))
        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if i<20:
                x_test[i][0] = 0
                x_test[i][1] = 0
                x_test[i][2] = 0
                x_test[i][0] = SMA.iloc[i]
                x_test[i][1] = bb_val.iloc[i]
                x_test[i][2] = Momentum.iloc[i]

        #print x_test
        y_ans = self.learner.query(x_test)
        trades = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=prices.columns, index=prices.index)
        shares = 0
        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if y_ans[i] == 1:
                trades[symbol].iloc[i] = 1000 - shares
                shares = 1000
            elif y_ans[i] == -1:
                trades[symbol].iloc[i] = -shares - 1000
                shares = -1000

        #print trades
        trades.values[:,:] = 0 # set them all to nothing  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[0,:] = 1000 # add a BUY at the start  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[40,:] = -1000 # add a SELL  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[41,:] = 1000 # add a BUY  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[60,:] = -2000 # go short from long  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[61,:] = 2000 # go long from short  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[-1,:] = -1000 #exit on the last day  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print type(trades) # it better be a DataFrame!  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print trades  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print prices_all  		

        return trades
コード例 #7
    def addEvidence(self, symbol = "ML4T-220", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2009,12,31), \
        sv = 100000):
        # example usage of the old backward compatible util function
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        it = 0
        max_iter = 50
        min_iter = 25
        convergence = False
        lookback = 14
        period = 5
        cr_prev = None
        # calculate the indicators
        sma = smacalc(prices, lookback)
        bbp = bollinger(prices, lookback, sma)
        sma = smaoverprice(sma, prices)
        mom = momentum_calc(prices, period)
        # create the discrtizer lists
        self.bbp = create_discretize(bbp.iloc[lookback:], syms = syms)
        self.sma = create_discretize(sma.iloc[lookback:], syms = syms)
        self.mom = create_discretize(mom.iloc[lookback:], syms = syms)
        self.q = ql.QLearner(num_states=10**4, num_actions = 3, alpha = 0.2,
                             gamma = 0.9, rar = 0.5, radr = 0.99, dyna = 0, verbose = False)
        # position can be {0: 'short', 1: 'nothing', 2:'long'}
        while it < max_iter and not convergence or it < min_iter:
            df_trades = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((prices.shape[0], 2)), columns = [symbol, 'Cash'], index = prices.index)

            position = 1
            action = 1
            state = int(str(position) + str(discretize(self.mom, float(mom.iloc[lookback]))) + 
                        str(discretize(self.sma, float(sma.iloc[lookback]))) + 
                        str(discretize(self.bbp, float(bbp.iloc[lookback]))))
            for day in range(lookback+1, prices.shape[0]):
                if action == 0 and action != position:
                    r = -(prices.iloc[day]/prices.iloc[day-1] - 1) - penalty
                elif action == 0:
                    r = -(prices.iloc[day]/prices.iloc[day-1] - 1)
                elif action == 1:
                    r = 0
                elif action == 2 and action != position:
                    r = (prices.iloc[day]/prices.iloc[day-1] - 1) - penalty
                    r = (prices.iloc[day]/prices.iloc[day-1] - 1)
                position = action
                action = self.q.query(state, r)
                if position != action:
                    if 1000 * (action - position) > 0:
                        df_trades[symbol][prices.index[day]] += abs(1000 * (action - position))
                        df_trades['Cash'][prices.index[day]] -= abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] + abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] * self.impact
                        df_trades[symbol][prices.index[day]] -= abs(1000 * (action - position))
                        df_trades['Cash'][prices.index[day]] += abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] + abs(1000 * (action - position)) * prices[symbol][day] * self.impact
                    penalty = self.impact * prices.iloc[day]
                    penalty = 0
                state = int(str(action) + str(discretize(self.mom, float(mom.iloc[day]))) + 
                        str(discretize(self.sma, float(sma.iloc[day]))) + 
                        str(discretize(self.bbp, float(bbp.iloc[day]))))
            opt = compute_portvals(df_trades, sd, ed, start_val = sv, commission = 0.0, impact = self.impact)
            cr = float((opt.iloc[-1] - opt.iloc[0])/ opt.iloc[0])
            if self.verbose: print str(it) + ': cr = ' + str(cr)
            if cr == cr_prev:
                convergence = True
                cr_prev = cr
            it += 1
        return df_trades