def discretize(self, symbol="IBM", sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31)): syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) indicator_dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(days=28), ed) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols indicator_prices_all = ut.get_data( syms, indicator_dates ) #will this be the same size as the number of days traded? indicator_prices = indicator_prices_all[syms] prices_SPY = prices_all["SPY"] # only SPY, for comparison later #get 3 indicators using passed in start date minus window required for each rm = ind.get_rolling_mean(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) percent_bb = ind.get_rolling_std(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) #aka rstd upper_band, lower_band = ind.get_bollinger_bands(rm, percent_bb) percent_bb = percent_bb.iloc[19:] rm = rm.iloc[19:] upper_band = upper_band.iloc[19:] lower_band = lower_band.iloc[19:] for x in range(rm.size): #did i format that right?? #print(prices.iloc[x]) #print(type(rm.iloc[x])) if (prices.iloc[x][0] == rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = 0.0 elif (prices.iloc[x][0] > rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (prices.iloc[x][0] - rm.iloc[x]) / ( upper_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) elif (prices.iloc[x][0] < rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (rm.iloc[x] - prices.iloc[x][0]) / ( lower_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) percent_bb = pd.Series(percent_bb) #print(percent_bb) indicator_prices = indicator_prices.iloc[9:] #print(indicator_prices) momentum = pd.Series( ind.get_momentum(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) momentum = momentum.iloc[10:] #print(momentum) volatility = pd.Series( ind.get_volatility(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) volatility = volatility.iloc[10:] #print(volatility.values.shape) uglystupidnobodylikesyouvol, vol = pd.qcut(volatility.values, 10, retbins=True) esrfergs, momnt = pd.qcut(momentum.values, 10, retbins=True) rgefsegrf, bb = pd.qcut(percent_bb.values, 10, retbins=True) vol = vol[1:-1] momnt = momnt[1:-1] bb = bb[1:-1] return vol, momnt, bb
def get_features1(self, prices, symbol, print=False): ''' Compute technical indicators and use them as features to be fed into a Q-learner. :param: prices: Adj Close prices dataframe :param: Whether adding data for printing to dataframe or not :return: Normalize Features dataframe ''' # Fill NAN values if any prices.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) prices.fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True) prices.fillna(1.0, inplace=True) # Price adj_close = prices[symbol] # Compute Momentum mom = get_momentum(adj_close, window=10) # Compute RSI rsi = get_RSI(adj_close) # Compute rolling mean rm = get_rolling_mean(adj_close, window=10) # Compute rolling standard deviation rstd = get_rolling_std(adj_close, window=10) # Compute upper and lower bands upper_band, lower_band = get_bollinger_bands(rm, rstd) # Compute SMA sma = get_sma_indicator(adj_close, rm) df = prices.copy() df['Momentum'] = mom df['Adj. Close/SMA'] = adj_close/sma df['middle_band'] = rm # Delete 'Adj Close' column del df[symbol] if set(['cash']).issubset(df.columns): del df['cash'] # Normalize dataframe df_norm = normalize_data(df) # Add Adj Close, Bollinrt Bands and RSY if printing if print: df_norm['Adj Close'] = prices[symbol] df_norm['upper_band'] = upper_band df_norm['lower_band'] = lower_band df_norm['middle_band'] = rm df_norm['RSI'] = rsi # Drop NaN df_norm.dropna(inplace=True) return df_norm
def usePossibleStrategy(df_prices, symbols, sd, ed, start_val): orders = [] short_Xs = [] long_Xs = [] trade_num = 1000 shares_min = -1000 shares_max = 1000 # rm = get_rolling_mean(df_prices['SPY'], window=20) # rstd = get_rolling_std(df_prices['SPY'], window=20) # # market = get_bollinger_bands(rm, rstd) # market['SPY'] = df_prices['SPY'] # market = market.fillna(method='bfill') # market = market.fillna(method='ffill') # Get the Rolling Mean rm = get_rolling_mean(df_prices['JPM'], window=10) # Get the Rolling Standard Deviation rstd = get_rolling_std(df_prices['JPM'], window=10) bband = get_bollinger_bands(rm, rstd) bband[symbols] = df_prices[symbols] bband = bband.fillna(method='bfill') current_number_of_shares = 0 for i in range(1, bband.shape[0]): if (bband.iloc[i - 1][symbols] > bband.iloc[i - 1]['Upper'])[0] and ( bband.iloc[i][symbols] < bband.iloc[i]['Upper'] )[0] and current_number_of_shares - trade_num >= shares_min: short_Xs.append([bband.index[i]]) orders.append([bband.index[i], symbols, 'SELL', trade_num]) current_number_of_shares -= trade_num elif (bband.iloc[i - 1][symbols] < bband.iloc[i - 1]['Lower'])[0] and ( bband.iloc[i][symbols] > bband.iloc[i]['Lower'] )[0] and current_number_of_shares + trade_num <= shares_max: long_Xs.append([bband.index[i]]) orders.append([bband.index[i], symbols, 'BUY', trade_num]) current_number_of_shares += trade_num orders.append([ed - dt.timedelta(days=1), symbols, 'BUY', 0]) df_trades = pd.DataFrame(orders, columns=['Date', 'Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares']) df_shortXs = pd.DataFrame(short_Xs, columns=['Shorts']) df_longXs = pd.DataFrame(long_Xs, columns=['Longs']) df_benchmark_orders = pd.DataFrame( [[min(df_prices.index), symbols, 'BUY', 1000], [max(df_prices.index), symbols, 'BUY', 0]], columns=['Date', 'Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares']) df_ms_value = get_portfolio_value(df_prices, df_trades, start_val, commission=9.95, impact=0.005) df_benchmark_value = get_portfolio_value(df_prices, df_benchmark_orders, start_val, commission=9.95, impact=0.005) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Manual vs Benchmark Strategy', fontsize=20) ax.plot(df_ms_value.index, df_ms_value / df_ms_value.ix[0], color='black', label='Manual Strategy') ax.plot(df_benchmark_value.index, df_benchmark_value / df_benchmark_value.ix[0], color='blue', label='Benchmark Strategy') ax.legend(loc='best') plt.xticks(rotation=45) for i in range(0, df_shortXs.shape[0]): plt.axvline(x=pd.to_datetime(df_shortXs.iloc[i]['Shorts']), color='red') for i in range(0, df_longXs.shape[0]): plt.axvline(x=pd.to_datetime(df_longXs.iloc[i]['Longs']), color='green') avg_daily_ret, std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio, cum_ret = get_stats( df_ms_value) # Comparative Analysis Stuff print('Manual Strategy Performance Data; ') print('Cumulative Return of Fund: {}'.format(cum_ret)) print('Standard Deviation of Fund: {}'.format(std_daily_ret)) print('Average Daily Return of Fund: {}\n'.format(avg_daily_ret)) return df_trades, df_shortXs, df_longXs, bband
def testPolicy(self, symbol = "AAPL", sd=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2011,12,31), sv = 100000): start_date = sd end_date = ed dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) symbols = symbol window = 20 df = get_data([symbols],dates) df = df.fillna(method='ffill') df = df.fillna(method='bfill') rm = get_rolling_mean(df[symbols],window) rstd = get_rolling_std(df[symbols],window) upper_band, lower_band = get_bollinger_bands(rm,rstd) SMA = get_rolling_mean(df[symbols],window) BB = get_bollinger_value(df[symbols],window) Momentum = get_momentum_value(df[symbols],window) mom_max = Momentum.max() mom_min = Momentum.min() #print mom_max,mom_min nethold = 0 share = [] date = [] position = 0 # -1,0,1 stand for short, out, long for i in range(len(upper_band.index)): if df[symbols][i-1] > upper_band.loc[upper_band.index[i-1]] and df[symbols][i] < upper_band.loc[upper_band.index[i]] and nethold != -1000: share.append(-1000-nethold) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = -1000 position = -1 self.short_entry.append(df.index[i]) elif df[symbols][i-1] > rm.loc[upper_band.index[i-1]] and df[symbols][i] < rm.loc[upper_band.index[i]] and nethold == -1000: share.append(1000) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = 0 position = 0 elif df[symbols][i-1] < lower_band.loc[upper_band.index[i-1]] and df[symbols][i] > lower_band.loc[upper_band.index[i]] and nethold != 1000: share.append(1000-nethold) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = 1000 position = 1 self.long_entry.append(df.index[i]) elif df[symbols][i-1] < rm.loc[upper_band.index[i-1]] and df[symbols][i] > rm.loc[upper_band.index[i]] and nethold == 1000: share.append(-1000) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = 0 position = 0 elif Momentum.loc[upper_band.index[i]] > 0.6 and nethold != 1000: share.append(1000-nethold) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = 1000 position = 1 self.long_entry.append(df.index[i]) elif Momentum.loc[upper_band.index[i]] < -0.5 and nethold != -1000: share.append(-1000-nethold) date.append(df.index[i]) nethold = -1000 position = -1 self.short_entry.append(df.index[i]) if nethold != 0: share.append(-nethold) date.append(df.index[len(df.index)-1]) df_trades = pd.DataFrame(data = share, index = date, columns = ['orders']) #print df_trades return df_trades
def showvalues(): # Specify the start and end dates for this period. start_d =, 1, 1) #end_d = dt.datetime(2018, 10, 30) yesterday = - dt.timedelta(1) # Get portfolio values from Yahoo symbol = request.form['symbol'] portf_value = fetchOnlineData(start_d, yesterday, symbol) # ****Stock prices chart**** plot_prices = plot_stock_prices(portf_value.index, portf_value['Adj Close'], symbol) # ****Momentum chart**** # Normalize the prices Dataframe normed = pd.DataFrame() normed['Adj Close'] = portf_value['Adj Close'].values / portf_value[ 'Adj Close'].iloc[0] # Compute momentum sym_mom = get_momentum(normed['Adj Close'], window=10) # Create momentum chart plot_mom = plot_momentum(portf_value.index, normed['Adj Close'], sym_mom, "Momentum Indicator", (12, 8)) # ****Bollinger Bands**** # Compute rolling mean rm_JPM = get_rolling_mean(portf_value['Adj Close'], window=10) # Compute rolling standard deviation rstd_JPM = get_rolling_std(portf_value['Adj Close'], window=10) # Compute upper and lower bands upper_band, lower_band = get_bollinger_bands(rm_JPM, rstd_JPM) # Plot raw symbol values, rolling mean and Bollinger Bands dates = pd.date_range(start_d, yesterday) plot_boll = plot_bollinger(dates, portf_value.index, portf_value['Adj Close'], symbol, upper_band, lower_band, rm_JPM, num_std=1, title="Bollinger Indicator", fig_size=(12, 6)) # ****Simple moving average (SMA)**** # Compute SMA sma_JPM, q = get_sma(normed['Adj Close'], window=10) # Plot symbol values, SMA and SMA quality plot_sma = plot_sma_indicator(dates, portf_value.index, normed['Adj Close'], symbol, sma_JPM, q, "Simple Moving Average (SMA)") # ****Relative Strength Index (RSI)**** # Compute RSI rsi_value = get_RSI(portf_value['Adj Close']) # Plot RSI plot_rsi = plot_rsi_indicator(dates, portf_value.index, portf_value['Adj Close'], symbol, rsi_value, window=14, title="RSI Indicator", fig_size=(12, 6)) # Session variables session['start_val'] = request.form['start_val'] session['symbol'] = request.form['symbol'] session['start_d'] = start_d.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') session['num_shares'] = request.form['num_shares'] session['commission'] = request.form['commission'] session['impact'] = request.form['impact'] return render_template( # name of template "stockpriceschart.html", # now we pass in our variables into the template start_val=request.form['start_val'], symbol=request.form['symbol'], commission=request.form['commission'], impact=request.form['impact'], num_shares=request.form['num_shares'], start_date=start_d, end_date=yesterday, tables=[portf_value.to_html(classes=symbol)], titles=['na', 'Stock Prices '], div_placeholder_stock_prices=Markup(plot_prices), div_placeholder_momentum=Markup(plot_mom), div_placeholder_bollinger=Markup(plot_boll), div_placeholder_sma=Markup(plot_sma), div_placeholder_rsi=Markup(plot_rsi))
def add_evidence( #this is where you could use the inspiration for the grading function from project 7 self, symbol="JPM", sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), sv=10000, ): """ Trains your strategy learner over a given time frame. :param symbol: The stock symbol to train on :type symbol: str :param sd: A datetime object that represents the start date, defaults to 1/1/2008 :type sd: datetime :param ed: A datetime object that represents the end date, defaults to 1/1/2009 :type ed: datetime :param sv: The starting value of the portfolio :type sv: int """ # add your code to do learning here syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) indicator_dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(days=28), ed) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols indicator_prices_all = ut.get_data( syms, indicator_dates ) #will this be the same size as the number of days traded? indicator_prices = indicator_prices_all[syms] prices_SPY = prices_all["SPY"] # only SPY, for comparison later #get 3 indicators using passed in start date minus window required for each rm = ind.get_rolling_mean(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) percent_bb = ind.get_rolling_std(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) #aka rstd upper_band, lower_band = ind.get_bollinger_bands(rm, percent_bb) percent_bb = percent_bb.iloc[19:] rm = rm.iloc[19:] upper_band = upper_band.iloc[19:] lower_band = lower_band.iloc[19:] for x in range(rm.size): #did i format that right?? #print(prices.iloc[x]) #print(type(rm.iloc[x])) if (prices.iloc[x][0] == rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = 0.0 elif (prices.iloc[x][0] > rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (prices.iloc[x][0] - rm.iloc[x]) / ( upper_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) elif (prices.iloc[x][0] < rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (rm.iloc[x] - prices.iloc[x][0]) / ( lower_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) percent_bb = pd.Series(percent_bb) #print(percent_bb) indicator_prices = indicator_prices.iloc[9:] #print(indicator_prices) momentum = pd.Series( ind.get_momentum(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) momentum = momentum.iloc[10:] #print(momentum) volatility = pd.Series( ind.get_volatility(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) volatility = volatility.iloc[10:] #print(volatility.values.shape) uglystupidnobodylikesyouvol, vol = pd.qcut(volatility.values, 10, retbins=True) esrfergs, momnt = pd.qcut(momentum.values, 10, retbins=True) rgefsegrf, bb = pd.qcut(percent_bb.values, 10, retbins=True) vol = vol[1:-1] momnt = momnt[1:-1] bb = bb[1:-1] #print(volatility.iloc[0]) #print(vol) #print(volatility.iloc[0] in vol[0]) total_reward = 0 performance_list = np.zeros(10) for z in range(10): cash_value = float(sv) stock_value = 0.0 portfolio_value = cash_value + stock_value #figure out state vol_set = False mo_set = False bb_set = False vol_bin = "" mo_bin = "" bb_bin = "" for x in range(vol.size): if (volatility.iloc[0] <= vol[x] and vol_set == False): vol_bin = str(x) vol_set = True elif (x == vol.size - 1 and vol_set == False): vol_bin = str(x + 1) vol_set = True if (momentum.iloc[0] <= momnt[x] and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(x) mo_set = True elif (x == momnt.size - 1 and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(x + 1) mo_set = True if (percent_bb.iloc[0] <= bb[x] and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(x) bb_set = True elif (x == bb.size - 1 and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(x + 1) bb_set = True #print(volatility.iloc[0]) #position = 0 actually this could be action variable below final_str = vol_bin + mo_bin + bb_bin state = int(final_str) #print(state) action = self.learner.querysetstate(state) - 1 old_action = action same_action = False count = 0 stock_value = action * 1000.0 * prices.iloc[0] cash_value -= stock_value #print("Daily Value for end of Day 1" + ": " + str(portfolio_value)) for x in range( 1, prices.size ): #while the trading simualtion hasnt reached last day #at this point assume day 1 or x is over and now calculate the reward of the prior day's #decision to pass in next action call as r. also calculate the # holdings of the bot(maybe just check the action variable for this) daily_gain = (prices.values[x, 0] - prices.values[x - 1, 0] ) / prices.values[x - 1, 0] #daily percentage gain #print(type(daily_gain)) portfolio_value = ( (1.0 + daily_gain) * stock_value) + cash_value #print(portfolio_value) if (action == 1): if (daily_gain - self.impact > 0.02): reward = 35.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact > 0.012): reward = 20.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact > 0.004): reward = 7.5 elif (daily_gain - self.impact < -0.019): reward = -25.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact < -0.009): reward = -10.0 else: reward = daily_gain * 10.0 elif (action == 0): reward = abs(daily_gain - self.impact) * 3.5 elif (action == -1): if (daily_gain - self.impact < -0.026): reward = 35.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact < -0.015): reward = 20.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact < -0.004): reward = 7.5 elif (daily_gain - self.impact > 0.019): reward = -25.0 elif (daily_gain - self.impact > 0.007): reward = -10.0 else: reward = daily_gain * -10.0 if (same_action == True): reward += (7.5 + self.impact) #determine state vol_set = False mo_set = False bb_set = False vol_bin = "" mo_bin = "" bb_bin = "" for y in range(vol.size): if (volatility.iloc[x] <= vol[y] and vol_set == False): #print(x) vol_bin = str(y) vol_set = True elif (y == vol.size - 1 and vol_set == False): vol_bin = str(y + 1) vol_set = True if (momentum.iloc[x] <= momnt[y] and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(y) mo_set = True elif (y == momnt.size - 1 and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(y + 1) mo_set = True if (percent_bb.iloc[x] <= bb[y] and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(y) bb_set = True elif (y == bb.size - 1 and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(y + 1) bb_set = True state = int(vol_bin + mo_bin + bb_bin) old_action = action action = self.learner.query(state, reward) - 1 same_action = False if (old_action == action and reward > 0.0): same_action = True stock_value = action * 1000.0 * prices.iloc[x] cash_value = portfolio_value - stock_value total_reward += reward #print("Daily Value for end of Day " + str(x+1) + ": " + str(portfolio_value)) #print("Ending value for test phase " + str(z+1) + ": " + str(portfolio_value)) performance_list[z] = portfolio_value mat.pyplot.plot(performance_list)
def testPolicy( self, symbol="IBM", sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 31), sv=10000, ): """ Tests your learner using data outside of the training data :param symbol: The stock symbol that you trained on on :type symbol: str :param sd: A datetime object that represents the start date, defaults to 1/1/2008 :type sd: datetime :param ed: A datetime object that represents the end date, defaults to 1/1/2009 :type ed: datetime :param sv: The starting value of the portfolio :type sv: int :return: A DataFrame with values representing trades for each day. Legal values are +1000.0 indicating a BUY of 1000 shares, -1000.0 indicating a SELL of 1000 shares, and 0.0 indicating NOTHING. Values of +2000 and -2000 for trades are also legal when switching from long to short or short to long so long as net holdings are constrained to -1000, 0, and 1000. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) indicator_dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(days=28), ed) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols indicator_prices_all = ut.get_data( syms, indicator_dates ) #will this be the same size as the number of days traded? indicator_prices = indicator_prices_all[syms] prices_SPY = prices_all["SPY"] # only SPY, for comparison later rm = ind.get_rolling_mean(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) percent_bb = ind.get_rolling_std(indicator_prices[symbol], window=20) #aka rstd upper_band, lower_band = ind.get_bollinger_bands(rm, percent_bb) percent_bb = percent_bb.iloc[19:] rm = rm.iloc[19:] upper_band = upper_band.iloc[19:] lower_band = lower_band.iloc[19:] for x in range(rm.size): #did i format that right?? #print(prices.iloc[x]) #print(type(rm.iloc[x])) if (prices.iloc[x][0] == rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = 0.0 elif (prices.iloc[x][0] > rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (prices.iloc[x][0] - rm.iloc[x]) / ( upper_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) elif (prices.iloc[x][0] < rm.iloc[x]): percent_bb.iloc[x] = (rm.iloc[x] - prices.iloc[x][0]) / ( lower_band.iloc[x] - rm.iloc[x]) percent_bb = pd.Series(percent_bb) #print(percent_bb) indicator_prices = indicator_prices.iloc[9:] #print(indicator_prices) momentum = pd.Series( ind.get_momentum(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) momentum = momentum.iloc[10:] #print(momentum) volatility = pd.Series( ind.get_volatility(indicator_prices[symbol], window=10)) volatility = volatility.iloc[10:] # here we build a fake set of trades # your code should return the same sort of data dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = ut.get_data([symbol], dates) # automatically adds SPY trades = prices_all[[ symbol, ]] # only portfolio symbols trades_SPY = prices_all["SPY"] # only SPY, for comparison later trades.values[:, :] = 0 # set them all to nothing vol, momnt, bb = self.discretize(symbol) #print(volatility.iloc[0]) #print(vol) vol_bin = "" mo_bin = "" bb_bin = "" holdings = 0 for x in range(trades.size): vol_set = False mo_set = False bb_set = False for y in range(vol.size): if (volatility.iloc[x] <= vol[y] and vol_set == False): #print(x) vol_bin = str(y) vol_set = True elif (y == vol.size - 1 and vol_set == False): vol_bin = str(y + 1) vol_set = True if (momentum.iloc[x] <= momnt[y] and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(y) mo_set = True elif (y == momnt.size - 1 and mo_set == False): mo_bin = str(y + 1) mo_set = True if (percent_bb.iloc[x] <= bb[y] and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(y) bb_set = True elif (y == bb.size - 1 and bb_set == False): bb_bin = str(y + 1) bb_set = True state = int(vol_bin + mo_bin + bb_bin) #print(state) action = self.learner.querysetstate(state) - 1 #print(action) if (action == 1): if (holdings == 0): trades.values[x, :] = 1000 elif (holdings == -1000): trades.values[x, :] = 2000 elif (holdings == 1000): trades.values[x, :] = 0 holdings = 1000 elif (action == 0): if (holdings == 0): trades.values[x, :] = 0 elif (holdings == -1000): trades.values[x, :] = 1000 elif (holdings == 1000): trades.values[x, :] = -1000 holdings = 0 elif (action == -1): if (holdings == 0): trades.values[x, :] = -1000 elif (holdings == -1000): trades.values[x, :] = 0 elif (holdings == 1000): trades.values[x, :] = -2000 holdings = -1000 #print(trades) if self.verbose: print(type(trades)) # it better be a DataFrame! if self.verbose: print(trades) if self.verbose: print(prices_all) #print(trades) return trades
def bollinger_bands_test(): data = load_data(DATA_STOCK) bollinger_band = get_bollinger_bands(data["close"], 20, 20, 2) print(bollinger_band)