コード例 #1
    def testPolicy(self,
                   sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                   ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 31),
        df_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed)).ffill().bfill()
        df_prices_symbol = df_prices[[symbol]]

        momentum = get_momentum(df_prices_symbol)
        sma_r = get_sma_r(df_prices_symbol)
        bbp = get_bbp(df_prices_symbol)

        df_trades = df_prices_symbol.copy()
        df_trades[symbol] = 0

        impact = 0.005
        commission = 9.95
        current_holding = 0

        for i in range(df_prices_symbol.shape[0] - 1):
            price = df_prices_symbol.iloc[i, 0]
            sign = 0
            if (bbp.iloc[i, 0] <= 0.6 and sma_r.iloc[i, 0] < 1) or \
                    (sma_r.iloc[i, 0] < 1 and momentum.iloc[i, 0] > 0.1) or \
                    (bbp.iloc[i, 0] <= 0.6 and momentum.iloc[i, 0] > 0.1):
                sign = 1
                price = price * (1 + impact * sign)
            if (bbp.iloc[i, 0] >= 0.8 and sma_r.iloc[i, 0] > 1) or \
                    (sma_r.iloc[i, 0] > 1 and momentum.iloc[i, 0] < 0) or \
                    (bbp.iloc[i, 0] >= 0.8 and momentum.iloc[i, 0] < 0):
                sign = -1
                price = price * (1 + impact * sign)
            if sign != 0:
                if current_holding == 0:
                    sv -= commission
                    sv = sv - price * 1000 * sign
                    current_holding = 1000 * sign
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 1000 * sign
                elif current_holding == -1000 * sign:
                    sv -= commission
                    sv = sv - price * 2000 * sign
                    current_holding = 1000 * sign
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2000 * sign

        df_trades.index.names = ['Date']
        df_trades.columns = ['Shares']
        df_trades["Symbol"] = "JPM"
        df_trades["Order"] = [
            "BUY" if x > 0 else "SELL" if x < 0 else "NA"
            for x in df_trades['Shares']
        df_trades.drop(df_trades[df_trades['Shares'] == 0].index, inplace=True)
        df_trades['Shares'] = df_trades['Shares'].abs()
        df_trades = df_trades.reindex(columns=['Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares'])

        return df_trades
コード例 #2
    def testPolicy(self,
                   sd=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1),
                   ed=dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31),

        df_prices = ut.get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd,
        df_prices = df_prices[[symbol]]

        # Make indicators df
        indicator_details = df_prices.copy()
        indicator_details.drop([symbol], axis=1, inplace=True)
        indicator_details[self.momentum] = idc.get_momentum(df_prices)
        indicator_details[self.sma_ratio] = idc.get_sma_r(df_prices)
        indicator_details[self.bollinger_percent] = idc.get_bbp(df_prices)

        df_trades = df_prices.copy()
        df_trades[symbol] = 0
        current_holding = 0

        indicators = indicator_details.iloc[self.window - 1]
        s = self.serialize(indicators)
        a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)
        prices_len = df_prices.shape[0]

        for i in range(self.window, prices_len - 1):
            s = self.serialize(indicator_details.iloc[i])
            if a == 1:
            elif a == 0 and current_holding == 0:
                current_holding = -1000
                df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = current_holding
            elif a == 0 and current_holding == 1000:
                current_holding = -1000
                df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = current_holding * 2
            elif a == 2 and current_holding == 0:
                current_holding = 1000
                df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = current_holding
            elif a == 2 and current_holding == -1000:
                current_holding = 1000
                df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = current_holding * 2

            a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)

        return df_trades
コード例 #3
    def addEvidence(self,
                    sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                    ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31),

        df_prices = ut.get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd,
        df_prices = df_prices[[symbol]]

        indicator_details = df_prices.copy()
        indicator_details.drop([symbol], axis=1, inplace=True)
        indicator_details[self.momentum] = idc.get_momentum(df_prices)
        indicator_details[self.sma_ratio] = idc.get_sma_r(df_prices)
        indicator_details[self.bollinger_percent] = idc.get_bbp(df_prices)


        indicators = indicator_details.iloc[self.window - 1]
        s = self.serialize(indicators)
        a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)
        df_prices_len = df_prices.shape[0]

        ith_run = 0
        run_results = []

        while ith_run < self.max_runs:
            if len(run_results) > 10 and round(run_results[-1], 4) == round(
                    run_results[-2], 4):
            ith_run = ith_run + 1
            holding = 0
            df_trades = df_prices.copy()
            df_trades[symbol] = 0

            for i in range(self.window, df_prices_len - 1):
                reward = 0
                s = self.serialize(indicator_details.iloc[i])
                current_price = df_prices.iloc[i, 0]
                next_price = df_prices.iloc[i + 1, 0]
                if rand.uniform(0.0, 1.0) <= 0:
                    a = rand.randint(0, 2)
                if a == 1:
                elif a == 2 and holding == 0:
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = holding
                    reward = -self.impact * (current_price +
                                             next_price) * holding
                elif a == 2 and holding == -1000:
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2 * holding
                    reward = -self.impact * (current_price +
                                             next_price) * 2 * holding
                elif a == 0 and holding == 0:
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = holding
                    reward = -self.impact * (current_price + next_price) * 1000

                elif a == 0 and holding == 1000:
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2 * holding
                    reward = -self.impact * (current_price + next_price) * 2000

                reward += (next_price - current_price) * holding
                a = self.learner.query(s, reward)

            df_trades.index.names = ['Date']
            df_trades.columns = ['Shares']
            df_trades["Symbol"] = "JPM"
            df_trades["Order"] = [
                "BUY" if x > 0 else "SELL" if x < 0 else "NA"
                for x in df_trades['Shares']
            df_trades.drop(df_trades[df_trades['Shares'] == 0].index,
            df_trades['Shares'] = df_trades['Shares'].abs()
            df_trades = df_trades.reindex(
                columns=['Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares'])

            port_values = ms.compute_portvals('./orders.csv',
            cumulative_return = port_values[-1] / port_values[0] - 1
コード例 #4
    def testPolicy(self,
                   sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                   ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 31),
        # get data
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = get_data([symbol], dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices_all.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        prices_all.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
        prices = prices_all[[symbol]]
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']

        lookback = 7
        momentum = get_momentum(prices, lookback=lookback)
        sma_r = get_sma_r(prices, lookback=lookback)
        bbp = get_bbp(prices, lookback=lookback)

        commission = 9.95
        impact = 0.005
        holding = 0
        cash = sv

        df_trades = prices.copy()
        df_trades[symbol] = 0

        for i in range(lookback - 1, prices.shape[0] - 1):
            price = prices.iloc[i, 0]
            # BUY
            if (bbp.iloc[i,0] <= 0.6 and sma_r.iloc[i,0] < 1) or \
                (sma_r.iloc[i,0] < 1 and momentum.iloc[i,0] > 0.1) or \
                (bbp.iloc[i,0] <= 0.6 and momentum.iloc[i,0] > 0.1):
                price = price * (1 + impact)

                if holding == 0:
                    cash = cash - price * 1000 - commission
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 1000
                elif holding == -1000:
                    cash = cash - price * 2000 - commission
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2000

            # SELL
            elif (bbp.iloc[i,0] >= 0.8 and sma_r.iloc[i,0] > 1) or \
                (sma_r.iloc[i,0] > 1 and momentum.iloc[i,0] < 0) or \
                (bbp.iloc[i,0] >= 0.8 and momentum.iloc[i,0] < 0):
                price = price * (1 - impact)

                if holding == 0:
                    cash = cash + price * 1000 - commission
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -1000
                elif holding == 1000:
                    cash = cash + price * 2000 - commission
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -2000

        return df_trades
コード例 #5
    def addEvidence(self, symbol = "JPM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2009,12,31), \
        sv = 100000):

        LOOKBACK = 10
        randomrate = 0.0

        # Getting data
        syms = [symbol]
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        prices.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later

        # Make indicators df
        X = prices.copy()
        X.drop([symbol], axis=1, inplace=True)
        X['mmt'] = idc.get_momentum(prices)
        X['smar'] = idc.get_sma_r(prices)
        X['bbp'] = idc.get_bbp(prices)

        # Get thresholds for 3 indicators
        # Momentum
        sorted_vals = X['mmt'].sort_values()
        sorted_vals = sorted_vals.dropna()
        stepsize = math.floor(sorted_vals.shape[0] / 10)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            self.threshold_mmt.append(sorted_vals[(i + 1) * stepsize])

        # Simple moving average ratio
        sorted_vals = X['smar'].sort_values()
        sorted_vals = sorted_vals.dropna()
        stepsize = math.floor(sorted_vals.shape[0] / 10)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            self.threshold_smar.append(sorted_vals[(i + 1) * stepsize])

        # Bollinger band percentage
        sorted_vals = X['bbp'].sort_values()
        sorted_vals = sorted_vals.dropna()
        stepsize = math.floor(sorted_vals.shape[0] / 10)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            self.threshold_bbp.append(sorted_vals[(i + 1) * stepsize])

        # Get initial state
        indicators = X.iloc[LOOKBACK - 1]
        s = self.serialize(indicators)
        a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)
        df_len = prices.shape[0]

        run_i = 0
        run_results = []
        MAX_RUNS = 50

        while run_i < MAX_RUNS:
            if len(run_results) > 10:  # Check for convergence
                if (round(run_results[-1], 4) == round(run_results[-2], 4)):
            run_i += 1
            holding = 0
            df_trades = prices.copy()
            df_trades[symbol] = 0

            for i in range(LOOKBACK, df_len - 1):
                s = self.serialize(X.iloc[i])
                price = prices.iloc[i, 0]
                next_price = prices.iloc[i + 1, 0]

                if rand.uniform(0.0, 1.0) <= randomrate:  # going rogue
                    a = rand.randint(0, 2)  # choose the random direction

                # Calculate reward
                r = 0
                if a == 2:  # LONG
                    if holding == 0:
                        holding = 1000
                        df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 1000
                        r = -self.impact * (price + next_price) * 1000
                    elif holding == -1000:
                        holding = 1000
                        df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2000
                        r = -self.impact * (price + next_price) * 2000

                elif a == 1:  # do nothing

                elif a == 0:  # SHORT
                    if holding == 0:
                        holding = -1000
                        df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -1000
                        r = -self.impact * (price + next_price) * 1000

                    elif holding == 1000:
                        holding = -1000
                        df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -2000
                        r = -self.impact * (price + next_price) * 2000

                    raise Exception("ERROR: INVALID ACTION")

                r += (next_price - price) * holding
                a = self.learner.query(s, r)

            por_vals = ms.compute_portvals(df_trades,
            cum_ret = por_vals[-1] / por_vals[0] - 1
コード例 #6
    def testPolicy(self, symbol = "JPM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2011,12,31), \
        sv = 100000):

        LOOKBACK = 10

        # example usage of the old backward compatible util function
        syms = [symbol]
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        prices.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        if self.verbose: print(prices)

        # Make indicators df
        X = prices.copy()
        X.drop([symbol], axis=1, inplace=True)
        X['mmt'] = idc.get_momentum(prices)
        X['smar'] = idc.get_sma_r(prices)
        X['bbp'] = idc.get_bbp(prices)

        df_trades = prices.copy()
        df_trades[symbol] = 0
        holding = 0

        # Get initial state
        indicators = X.iloc[LOOKBACK - 1]
        s = self.serialize(indicators)
        a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)
        df_len = prices.shape[0]

        for i in range(LOOKBACK, df_len - 1):
            s = self.serialize(X.iloc[i])

            if a == 2:  # LONG
                if holding == 0:
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 1000
                elif holding == -1000:
                    holding = 1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = 2000
            elif a == 1:
            elif a == 0:  # SHORT
                if holding == 0:
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -1000
                elif holding == 1000:
                    holding = -1000
                    df_trades.iloc[i, 0] = -2000
                raise Exception("ERROR: INVALID ACTION")
            a = self.learner.querysetstate(s)

    # por_vals = ms.compute_portvals(df_trades, start_val = sv, commission=0.0, impact=self.impact)
    # cum_ret = por_vals[-1]/por_vals[0] - 1
        return df_trades

        if self.verbose: print(type(trades))  # it better be a DataFrame!
        if self.verbose: print(trades)
        if self.verbose: print(prices_all)