コード例 #1
def genPop(N, chromGenfuncs, chromGenParams):
    """ Return a population (list) of N unique individuals.
        Each individual has len(chromgGenFuncs) chromosomes.
        For each individual, chromosome_i is generated by calling chromGenFuncs_i(chromeGenParams_i)

            N >= 0
            isinstance(chromGenfuncs, list)
            isinstance(chromGenParams, list)
            len(chromGenfuncs) == len(chromGenParams)

            isinstance(__return__, list)
            len(__return__) == N
            forall(__return__, lambda indiv: __return__.count(indiv) == 1)

        post[chromGenfuncs, chromGenParams]:
            __old__.chromGenfuncs == chromGenfuncs
            __old__.chromGenParams == chromGenParams

    answer = set()
    chromGens = zip(chromGenfuncs, chromGenParams)
    while len(answer) < N:
        indiv = Individual([])
        for genfunc, genparams in chromGens:
    return list(answer)
コード例 #2
def oneChildCrossover(p1, p2, crossfuncs, crossparams):
		Crossover all the chromosomes in the two individuals.
		The crossover function for each pair of  corresponding chromosomes is the the corresponding element in crossfuncs, 
		called with the corresponding tuple in crossparams.
		Note that it is assumed that each crossover function in crossfuncs returns one child chromosome
			isinstance(p1, Individual)
			isinstance(p2, Individual)
			len(p1) == len(p2)
			len(p1) == len(crossfuncs)
			len(crossfuncs) == len(crossparams)
			__old__.p1 is p1
			__old__.p2 is p2
			__old__.p1 == p1
			__old__.p2 == p2
			len(__return__) == 1
			isinstance(__return__, Individual)
			all(len(c)==len(p1[i]) for i,c in enumerate(__return__.chromosomes))
			all(len(c)==len(p1[i]) for i,c in enumerate(__return__.chromosomes))
    answer = Individual([])
    for i, (crossfunc, crossparams) in enumerate(zip(crossfuncs, crossparams)):
        answer.append(crossfunc(p1[i], p2[i], *crossparams))

    return answer
コード例 #3
def oneChildCrossover(args): #p1, p2, crossfuncs, crossparams):
		Crossover all the chromosomes in the two individuals.
		The crossover function for each pair of  corresponding chromosomes is the the corresponding element in crossfuncs, 
		called with the corresponding tuple in crossparams.
		Note that it is assumed that each crossover function in crossfuncs returns one child chromosome
	answer = Individual([])
	for i, crossfunc, crossparams in zip(itertools.count(), args.crossfuncs, args.crossparams):
		answer.append(crossfunc(args.p1[i], args.p2[i], crossparams))
	return answer
コード例 #4
def genPop(args):
    """ Return a population (list) of N unique individuals.
		Each individual has len(chromgGenFuncs) chromosomes.
		For each individual, chromosome_i is generated by calling chromGenFuncs_i(chromeGenParams_i)

    answer = set()
    while len(answer) < args.popSize:
        indiv = Individual([])
        for genfunc, genparams in args.chromGens:
    return list(answer)
コード例 #5
def twoChildCrossover(p1, p2, crossfuncs, crossparams):
		Crossover all the chromosomes in the two individuals.
		The crossover function for each pair of  corresponding chromosomes is the the corresponding element in crossfuncs, 
		called with the corresponding tuple in crossparams.
		Note that it is assumed that each crossover function in crossfuncs returns two child chromosomes
			isinstance(p1, Individual)
			isinstance(p2, Individual)
			len(p1) == len(p2)
			len(p1) == len(crossfuncs)
			len(crossfuncs) == len(crossparams)
			forall(crossparams, lambda params: isinstance(params, tuple))
			__old__.p1 is p1
			__old__.p2 is p2
			__old__.p1 == p1
			__old__.p2 == p2
			len(__return__) == 2
			forall(_return__, lambda p: isinstance(p, Individual))
			forall(__return__, lambda p: len(p)==len(p1))
			forall(__return__, lambda p: all(len(c)==len(p1[i]) for i,c in enumerate(p.chromosomes)))
			forall(__return__, lambda p: all(len(c)==len(p2[i]) for i,c in enumerate(p.chromosomes)))

    c1, c2 = Individual([]), Individual([])
    for i, (crossfunc, crossparams) in enumerate(zip(crossfuncs, crossparams)):
        chrom1, chrom2 = crossfunc(p1[i], p2[i], *crossparams)

    return c1, c2