コード例 #1
ファイル: test_reach.py プロジェクト: steppi/indra
def test_process_pmc():
    for offline in offline_modes:
        rp = reach.process_pmc('PMC4338247', offline=offline)
        assert rp is not None
        for stmt in rp.statements:
        assert unicode_strs(rp.statements)
コード例 #2
def reach_process_pmc():
    """Process PubMedCentral article and return INDRA Statements."""
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return {}
    response = request.body.read().decode('utf-8')
    body = json.loads(response)
    pmcid = body.get('pmcid')
    rp = reach.process_pmc(pmcid)
    return _stmts_from_proc(rp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: johnbachman/indra
def reach_process_pmc():
    """Process PubMedCentral article and return INDRA Statements."""
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return {}
    response = request.body.read().decode('utf-8')
    body = json.loads(response)
    pmcid = body.get('pmcid')
    rp = reach.process_pmc(pmcid)
    return _stmts_from_proc(rp)
コード例 #4
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: steppi/indra
    def post(self):
        """Process PubMedCentral article and return INDRA Statements.

        pmc_id : str
            The ID of a PubmedCentral article. The string may start with PMC
            but passing just the ID also works.
            Examples: 8511698, PMC8511698

        offline : Optional[bool]
            If set to True, the REACH system is run offline via a JAR file.
            Otherwise (by default) the web service is called. Default: False

        url : Optional[str]
            URL for a REACH web service instance, which is used for reading if
            provided. If not provided but offline is set to False (its default
            value), REACH_NXML_URL set in configuration will be used. If not
            provided in configuration, the Arizona REACH web service is called
            Default: None

        statements : list[indra.statements.Statement.to_json()]
            A list of extracted INDRA Statements.
        args = request.json
        pmcid = args.get('pmc_id')
        offline = True if args.get('offline') else False
        given_url = args.get('url')
        config_url = get_config('REACH_NXML_URL', failure_ok=True)
        # Order: URL given as an explicit argument in the request. Then any URL
        # set in the configuration. Then, unless offline is set, use the
        # default REACH web service URL.
        if 'url' in args:  # This is to take None if explicitly given
            url = given_url
        elif config_url:
            url = config_url
        elif not offline:
            url = reach_nxml_url
            url = None
        # If a URL is set, prioritize it over the offline setting
        if url:
            offline = False
        rp = reach.process_pmc(pmcid, offline=offline, url=url)
        return _stmts_from_proc(rp)
コード例 #5
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: budakn/INDRA
def reach_process_pmc():
    """Process PubMedCentral article and return INDRA Statements."""
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return {}
    response = request.body.read().decode('utf-8')
    body = json.loads(response)
    pmcid = body.get('pmcid')
    rp = reach.process_pmc(pmcid)
    if rp and rp.statements:
        stmts = stmts_to_json(rp.statements)
        res = {'statements': stmts}
        return res
        res = {'statements': []}
    return res
コード例 #6
def test_readme_using_indra2():
    from indra.sources import reach
    reach_processor = reach.process_pmc('3717945', url=reach.local_nxml_url)
    assert reach_processor.statements
コード例 #7
def test_getting_started4():
    # Chunk 4
    from indra.sources import reach
    reach_processor = reach.process_pmc('3717945')
    assert reach_processor.statements
コード例 #8
covidMetaDataFN = '2020-03-13/all_sources_metadata_2020-03-13.csv'
pmcids = []
with open(covidMetaDataFN) as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    line_count = 0
    for row in csv_reader:
        if line_count == 0:
            print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')
            line_count += 1
        if line_count == 1:
            pmc = f'{row[4]}'
            pmc = pmc.replace('PMC', '', 1)
            if ((pmc != '') & (pmc != 'pmcid')):
            #line_count += 1
            #reach_processor = reach.process_pmc(pmc)
        #    print(f'\t{row[0]} works in the {row[1]} department, and was born in {row[2]}.')
    #print(f'Processed {line_count} lines.')

reach_processor = reach.process_pmc('1054884')
# print(reach_processor)

#line_count = 0
#for pmcid in pmcids:
#    if line_count == 0:
#        print(pmcid)
#        reach_processor = reach.process_pmc(pmcid)
#        print(reach_processor.print_event_statistics())
#        line_count += 1
#        print(reach_processor.get_all_events())
コード例 #9
from indra.tools import assemble_corpus as ac
from indra.statements import stmts_to_json_file
from indra.assemblers.html import HtmlAssembler
from indra.sources import reach
tp = reach.process_pmc('PMC4455820', url=reach.local_nxml_url)
if tp:
    stmts = tp.statements
    stmts = ac.filter_grounded_only(stmts)  # Filter out ungrounded agents
    stmts = ac.run_preassembly(
        stmts,  # Run preassembly
        True,  # Optional: rewrite equivalent groundings to one standard
        True,  # Optional: rewrite opposite groundings to one standard
    )  # Use 'WM' namespace to normalize equivalences and opposites
    stmts = ac.filter_belief(stmts, 0.8)  # Apply belief cutoff of e.g., 0.8
    stmts_to_json_file(stmts, 'PMC4455820.json')
    ha = HtmlAssembler(stmts)

コード例 #10
#attempt to combine many statements

from indra.tools import assemble_corpus as ac
from indra.statements import stmts_to_json_file
from indra.assemblers.html import HtmlAssembler
from indra.sources import reach

pmcids = ["PMC3717945", "PMC5906628"]
stmts = []

for pmcid in pmcids:
    tp = reach.process_pmc(pmcid)
    stmts += tp.statements

stmts = ac.filter_grounded_only(stmts)  # Filter out ungrounded agents
stmts = ac.run_preassembly(
    stmts,  # Run preassembly
    True,  # Optional: rewrite equivalent groundings to one standard
    True,  # Optional: rewrite opposite groundings to one standard
)  # Use 'WM' namespace to normalize equivalences and opposites
stmts = ac.filter_belief(stmts, 0.8)  # Apply belief cutoff of e.g., 0.8
stmts_to_json_file(stmts, 'bigresults.json')
ha = HtmlAssembler(stmts)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_reach.py プロジェクト: johnbachman/indra
def test_process_pmc():
    for offline in offline_modes:
        rp = reach.process_pmc('PMC4338247', offline=offline)
        for stmt in rp.statements:
        assert unicode_strs(rp.statements)