コード例 #1
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id=os.environ['APP_ID'],
        choices = {}
        buttons = []
        symp = tracker.get_slot('symptom')
        request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age='25')

        symp = api.parse(symp).to_dict()
        symp_id = symp['mentions'][0]['id']
        request.add_symptom(symp_id, 'present')

        request = api.diagnosis(request)
        items = request.question.items

        for choice in items:
            choices[choice['id']] = choice['name']

        response = request.question.text

        for key, value in choices.items():
            title = value
            payload = ('/slot{\"choice\": ' + key + '}')
            buttons.append({"title": title, "payload": payload})
        #  response = "Let's try this medicine"

        dispatcher.utter_button_message(response, buttons)
        return [SlotSet('symptom', symp)]
コード例 #2
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='f1acb630',
        choices = {}
        buttons = []
        symp = tracker.get_slot('symptom')
        request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age='25')

        symp = api.parse(symp).to_dict()
        symp_id = symp['mentions'][0]['id']
        request.add_symptom(symp_id, 'present')

        request = api.diagnosis(request)
        items = request.question.items

        for choice in items:
            choices[choice['id']] = choice['name']

        response = request.question.text

        for key, value in choices.items():
            title = value
            request.add_symptom(key, 'present')
            request = api.diagnosis(request)
            text = request.question.text
            buttons.append({"title": title, "payload": text})
            response = "Let's try this medicine"

        dispatcher.utter_button_message(response, buttons)
        return [SlotSet('symptom', symp)]
コード例 #3
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='bc1dd653',

        choices = {}
        buttons = []
        symp = tracker.get_slot('symptom')
        request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age='25')

        symp = api.parse(symp).to_dict()
        symp_id = symp['mentions'][0]['id']
        request.add_symptom(symp_id, 'present')

        request = api.diagnosis(request)
        items = request.question.items

        for choice in items:
            choices[choice['id']] = choice['name']

        for key, value in choices.items():
            title = value
            #payload = ('/slot{\"choice\": ' + key + '}')
            #buttons.append({"title": title, "payload": payload})
            request.add_symptom(key, 'present')
            request = api.diagnosis(request)
            text = request.question.text
        #  response = "Let's try this medicine"
        #dispatcher.utter_button_message(response, buttons)
        return [SlotSet('symptom', symp)]
コード例 #4
    def post(self, request):
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='945555e1',
        # r = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(app_id='945555e1', app_key='be2ee424c225c567086a084637a359de')
        data = api.conditions_list()

        # r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps({'text': text}),headers={'Authorization': apiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
        return Response({"test": data}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
コード例 #5
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='bc1dd653',

        rr = tracker.get_slot('symptom')
        request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age='25')
        rr = api.parse(rr).to_dict()
        rr_id = rr['mentions'][0]['id']
        request = api.diagnosis(request)

        return [SlotSet('diagnosis', rr)]
コード例 #6
def diagnosis_med():
    selectedSymptom = request.form[
        'symp']  #getting symptom selected by user in above step
    selectedSymptom = selectedSymptom.split(',')
    gender = request.form['gender']
    age = request.form['age']
    api = infermedica_api.API(
        app_id='APP_ID', app_key='APP_KEY'
    )  #insert app_key and app_id you get from infermedica api
    req = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex=gender, age=age)
    for sym in selectedSymptom:
        req.add_symptom(sym, 'present')

    req = api.diagnosis(req)
    return render_template("diagnosis_bot.html", req=req)
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: bhumil2210/Med_Care
def symp_checker(request):
    text = text1 = text2 = text3 = condition = ""
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'btn' in request.POST:
        age = request.POST.get("age")
        gender = request.POST.get("gender")
        symptons = request.POST.get("symptons")
        api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='<api_id>', app_key='<api_key>')
        r = api.parse(symptons)
        j = json.loads(str(r))
        d = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(gender, age)
        for i in range(len(j['mentions'])):

        d = api.diagnosis(d)
        text = d.question.text
        if request.POST.get("present1"):
            d = api.diagnosis(d)
            text1 = d.question.text
        if request.POST.get("present2"):
            d = api.diagnosis(d)
            text2 = d.question.text

        condition = d.conditions[0]['name']
    return render(request, "Hospital/sympton.html", {
        'text': text,
        'text1': text1,
        'text2': text2,
        'condition': condition
コード例 #8
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: c135792468/WhatsWrong
def diagnosis():
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",

    #mysql cursor object
    mycursor = mydb.cursor()

    #setting the api credentials, in the infermedica object
    api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='ab68b198',

    #android sends json array objects and react sends a regular json
    #thats why there is an if statement checking the objects

    ##use json dumps for android
    #can use the search key for react
    #have to check type because react and android send different objects
    jsonResp = request.get_json()
    if type(jsonResp) is list:
        #in order to read the object, have to convert the json array that was sent to a json obj, then get the data
        #for each key, other wise we will  run into python errors

        #dumps converts the json to a string
        #we can take the first object because we know the android app will only send one object
        jsonString = json.dumps(jsonResp[0])
        #loads converts the string to a pyython json
        jsonObj = json.loads(jsonString)
        #get thhe data from the json
        stringSearch = jsonObj['search']
        stringSex = jsonObj['gender']
        numAge = jsonObj['age']
        #the json is much simpler from react
        #we can use the search keys directly
        stringSearch = jsonResp['search']
        stringSex = jsonResp['gender']
        numAge = jsonResp['age']

    #setting the sex of the user
    ##there are errors when you send the item in the dictionary so do an if statement for a hardcoded sex value
    if stringSex == 'Male':
        infer_request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age=numAge)
    elif stringSex == 'Female':
        infer_request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='female', age=numAge)
        #there really shouldnt ever be an error with gender because the front end sends hard coded values
        #also the front end checks for null entries as well
        return 'error with gender'

    #iterate through the json, and add each symptom id to the request, also set the symptom as present as apposed to absent
    for jsonSymp in jsonResp:
        infer_request.add_symptom(jsonSymp['SID'], 'present')

    #using the infermedica library, use the diagnosis function to receive the diagnosis
    infer_request = api.diagnosis(infer_request)

    jsonArrData = []
    #have to convert the json received in the api request to a python string
    stringConditions = json.dumps(infer_request.conditions)
    #then convert it to a python json
    jsonConditions = json.loads(stringConditions)

    #each diagnosis we receive  from infermedica is referred to as a medical condition
    #our database has all of the medical conditions available in infermedica
    #when we receive the diagnosis( a json of conditions and their condition ids) we search our
    #database for those id's, and the condition's medical information, then send that information back to the
    #front end

    #if there is no available diagnosis
    if len(jsonConditions) == 0:
        jsonArrData.append({'CID': 'no_results'})
        return jsonify(jsonArrData)

    for jsonTmp in jsonConditions:
        #create the sql select statement using the cid we receive from infermedica as the filter in the where statement
        #category is medical field, severity is medical severity, hint is advice that infermedica suggests,
        #physician is the specialist for the condition
        stringSQL = "SELECT category, severity, hint, physician FROM infermedica.condition_data WHERE CID = '" + jsonTmp[
            'id'] + "'"
        #using try except to catch sql errors
            myresult = mycursor.fetchall()

            if len(myresult) == 0:
                #there should never be a case where we have 0 results, because all of the condition ids are in our database
                # but better to be safe

                #do nothing, skip to next item in the list
                #python throws an error if you dont execute a command, so just set a dummy variable
                t = 't'
                #add the data to our json. convert probability to a string to avoid type errors for the front end and android
                    'CID': r['id'],
                    'common_name': r['common_name'],
                    'condition_name': r['name'],
                    'probability': str(r['probability']),
                    'category': myresult[0][0],
                    'severity': myresult[0][1],
                    'hint': myresult[0][2],
                    'physician': myresult[0][3]
            #move on to the next item
            t = 't'

    #again, there really shouldnt be a case like this, unless something went wrong in ppython or sql, so keep the error checking and let
    # the front end know theres an error
    #otherwise send the json of conditions
    if len(jsonArrData) == 0:
        jsonArrData.append({'CID': 'error_python_error'})
        return jsonify(jsonArrData)
        return jsonify(jsonArrData)
コード例 #9
ファイル: complete.py プロジェクト: skcethackathons/TheDocBoT
import infermedica_api

api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='bfdd6ddf',

# Create diagnosis object with initial patient information.
# Note that time argument is optional here as well as in the add_symptom function
request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age=35)

request.add_symptom('s_21', 'present')
request.add_symptom('s_98', 'present')
request.add_symptom('s_107', 'absent')

# call diagnosis
request = api.diagnosis(request)

# Access question asked by API
print(request.question.text)  # actual text of the question
    request.question.items)  # list of related evidences with possible answers
print(request.question.items[0]['choices'])  # list of possible answers
print(request.question.items[0]['choices'][0]['id'])  # answer id
print(request.question.items[0]['choices'][0]['label'])  # answer label

# Access list of conditions with probabilities
コード例 #10
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: prakashabhigyan/chatbot3
import json

import requests
import apiai
import sqlite3
import string
import diagnose
import urllib, json
from flask import Flask, request

import infermedica_api


api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='21794b8d', app_key=INFERMEDICA_KEY)

app = Flask(name)

symptom_mode = False
symptom = None
gender = None
age = None
diagnosis = None

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def verify():
    # when the endpoint is registered as a webhook, it must echo back
    # the 'hub.challenge' value it receives in the query arguments
    if request.args.get("hub.mode") == "subscribe" and request.args.get("hub.challenge"):
コード例 #11
import json
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, Flask, Response, make_response
from flask_cors import CORS

from rasa_core.channels.channel import UserMessage
from rasa_core.channels.channel import InputChannel, OutputChannel, CollectingOutputChannel
from rasa_core.events import SlotSet
import actions
import infermedica_api
import string
import requests
import urllib

api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='bc1dd653',
logger = logging.getLogger()
symptom_mode = False
symptom = None
gender = None
age = None
diagnosis = None

class FileMessageStore:

    DEFAULT_FILENAME = "message_store.json"

    def __init__(self, filename=DEFAULT_FILENAME):
        self._store = defaultdict(list)
        self._filename = filename
コード例 #12
import infermedica_api
import json

app_id = '{get your key from infermedica}'
app_key = "{get your key from infermedica}"  #https://infermedica.com
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id=app_id, app_key=app_key)

symptoms_list = []
conditions_list = []
with open('symptoms.json') as symfile:
    symptoms_list = json.load(symfile)

with open('conditions.json') as condfile:
    conditions_list = json.load(condfile)

def initialize_request(age, sex):
    Creates initial diagnosis request.
    :param age: Patient's age.
    :param sex: Patient's gender.
    print("requesting " + str(age) + str(sex))
    request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(age=age, sex='male')
    return request

def add_symptom_to_request_multichoice(request, id, isPresent):
    present = "present" if isPresent else "absent"
    request.add_symptom(id, present)
コード例 #13
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: menlonoma/meditext
SECRET_KEY = 'a3knBL401Ajsgk3qr4NB' 
application = Flask(__name__)

# Create a Twilio client with credentials -- may be useful later for
# sending messages without any user input

account_sid = "ACa7f75dbd1aa495c95f84c3178c87c96e"
auth_token = "8aec53e337711206ef043bc8c10450ea"
client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token)

#configure the api
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='30d763f7', app_key='91a0b173fc675d415ef8f782a4eff3e8')

# This function gets the question we want to ask, depending on the state that we're in. The state and the 
# q_number are counters stored in the session object, and get reset when we're done with a user
# interaction. Every time the function is called, it's passed in the current patient information.
def get_question(user_input, state, q_number, a, s, symptoms, prev, conditions):
	# If the user wants to restart, they can enter Q and quit.
	user_input = user_input.lower()
	if (user_input == 'q' or user_input == 'Q'):
		session['state'] = 4
		session['q_number'] = 0
		session['symptoms'] = []
		return "Thanks for using Meditext. Text hello to restart Meditext."
コード例 #14
import infermedica_api

api = infermedica_api.API(app_id = '059ee519', app_key = '82d0384c0192bf00021a4eda9846503b')

import requests
sex = input("What is your sex? \n")
age = input("What is your age? \n")
symptoms = input("What symptoms are you feeling? \n")
headers = {
    'App-Id': '059ee519',
    'App-Key': '82d0384c0192bf00021a4eda9846503b',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

data = '{"text": \"' +symptoms +'\"}'

response = requests.post('https://api.infermedica.com/v2/parse', headers=headers, data=data)

response = response.json()

id = response['mentions'][0]['id']
choiceid = response['mentions'][0]['choice_id']
headers = {
    'App-Id': '059ee519',
    'App-Key': '82d0384c0192bf00021a4eda9846503b',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

data = '{\n    "sex": \"'+sex+'\",\n    "age":'+age+',\n    "evidence": [\n      {"id": \"' +id + '\", "choice_id": \"'+choiceid + '\"}\n  ]\n  }'
コード例 #15
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Saumya-Suvarna/finalchatbot
import os
import sys
import json

import requests
import apiai
import sqlite3
import string
import diagnose
import urllib, json
from flask import Flask, request

import infermedica_api

api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='d50419ca',

app = Flask(__name__)

symptom_mode = False
symptom = None
gender = None
age = None
diagnosis = None

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def verify():
    # when the endpoint is registered as a webhook, it must echo back
    # the 'hub.challenge' value it receives in the query arguments
コード例 #16
def testdelete(request, patient_id, testresult_id):
    patient = get_object_or_404(Patient, pk=patient_id)
    testresult = TestResults.objects.get(pk=testresult_id)
    return render(request, 'patientdetails/patientdetail.html',
                  {'patient': patient})

def Prediction(request):
    testresult = TestResults.objects.all()
    diagnosis = Diagnosis.objects.all()

import infermedica_api
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='1db218b3',

def inferform(request):
    form = infer_form()
    symptoms = symptom.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'patientdetails/inferform.html', {
        'form': form,
        'symptoms': 'symptom'

def symplist(request):
    symptomslist = api.symptoms_list()
    for symp in symptomslist:
        sid = (symp['id'])
コード例 #17
import infermedica_api
import random

api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='de9f4fd9', app_key='675302b9ab8bd6ba22f8868968f74033')

request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='female', age=70)
request.add_symptom('s_285', 'absent') # weight loss
request.add_symptom('s_13', 'absent') # abdominal pain
request.add_symptom('s_156', 'absent') # nausea
request.add_symptom('s_98', 'present') # fever
request.add_symptom('s_21', 'present') # headache
request.add_symptom('s_119', 'absent') # weakness
request.add_symptom('s_88', 'absent') # shortness of breath
request.add_symptom('s_241', 'absent') # skin lesions

request = api.diagnosis(request)

# print(request)

doneDiagnosing = False

while(request.question and doneDiagnosing == False):
	print(request.question.text + " (" + request.question.type + ")")

	donePresent = False

	for i, item in enumerate(request.question.items):
		if (request.question.type == "group_single" or request.question.type == "single"):
			if donePresent == False:
				choiceIndex = 0
コード例 #18
import os
import sys
import json
import requests
import urllib, json
import infermedica_api
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='aaccd529',

def search_symtom(phrase):
    return api.search(phrase)

def search_symtom_limit(phrase, limit):
    return api.search(phrase, max_results=limit)

def search_symtom_gender(phrase, gender):
    return api.search(phrase, sex=gender)

def search_symtom_gender_limit(phrase, gender, limit):
    return api.search(phrase, sex=gender, max_results=limit)

def search_symtom_filter(phrase, search_filters):
    return api.search(phrase, filters=search_filters)

コード例 #19
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: mudithalasantha/support-bot
import apiai
import sqlite3
import string
import diagnose
import search
import user
import psql
import movie_tickets
import urllib, json
from flask import Flask, request

import infermedica_api

ClientAccessToken = '58ff267796024863a39bcc78efe8e0ed'
googleApiKey = 'AIzaSyDajx797IQYukLSGkT3VwP02Qa2pyWQlEw'
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='21794b8d',

app = Flask(__name__)
myUser = user.MyUser()
myMovie = movie_tickets.MyMovie()

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def verify():
    # when the endpoint is registered as a webhook, it must echo back
    # the 'hub.challenge' value it receives in the query arguments
    if request.args.get("hub.mode") == "subscribe" and request.args.get(
        if not request.args.get(
                "hub.verify_token") == os.environ["VERIFY_TOKEN"]:
コード例 #20
import logging
from random import randint
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_ask import Ask, statement, question, session
import infermedica_api
import requests
import json
api = infermedica_api.API(app_id='b31c571d', app_key='240b0fc2f38307e25a7b5ab82199e961')
print('Parse simple text:')
response = api.parse('i have a huge headache and couoghing today')
ids = []
length = len(response.mentions)
for i in range (0, length):
	if (response.mentions[i].choice_id == "present"):
print ids[0]
print len(ids)

request = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex='male', age=35)

for i in range (0,len(ids)):

request = api.diagnosis(request)
print "hello" 
question = request.question.text
print type(question.encode('utf-8'))
print request.question.items[0]['choices'][0]['label']