コード例 #1
ファイル: lstar.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _close(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> utils.ObservationTable:
        Closes the observation table by adding an extra row.

        :param ot: The observation table to close.
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: The closed and updated observation table
        :rtype: ObservationTable
        self._logger.info('Closing the table by adding a row.')
        for s in self._blue.copy():
            if not all([ot.get_row(s) != ot.get_row(u) for u in self._red]):


            for a in self._alphabet:
                sa = s + a
                if sa not in self._blue:

            for u, e in ot.find_holes():
                ot.put(u, e, self._oracle.membership_query(u + e))

        return ot
コード例 #2
ファイル: lstar.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _build_automaton(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> automaton.DFA:
        Builds an automaton from the observation table.

        :param ot: The data to build the dfa from.
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: The dfa built from the observation table.
        :rtype: DFA
        self._logger.info('Building DFA from the table.')
        dfa = automaton.DFA(self._alphabet)

        for u in self._red:
            for v in ot.ot.keys():
                if u == v:

                if len(v) < len(u) and ot.get_row(v) != ot.get_row(u):

        for u in dfa.states:
            if ot.entry_exists(u.name, ''):
                if ot.get(u.name, '') == 1:
                elif ot.get(u.name, '') == 0:

            for a in self._alphabet:
                for w in dfa.states:
                    if ot.get_row(u.name + a) == ot.get_row(w.name):
                        dfa.add_transition(u, w, a)

        return dfa.rename_states()
コード例 #3
ファイル: lstar.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _consistent(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> utils.ObservationTable:
        Makes the observation table consistent by adding an extra

        :param ot: The observation table to make consistent.
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: The consistent and updated observation table
        :rtype: ObservationTable
        self._logger.info('Making the table consistent by adding a column.')
        s1, s2, a, e = self._find_inconsistent(ot)

        ae = a + e

        for u, e in ot.find_holes():
            ot.put(u, e, self._oracle.membership_query(u + e))

        return ot
コード例 #4
ファイル: lstar.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _find_inconsistent(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
        Tries to find two inconsistent rows s1 and s2 in the
        observation table. s1 and s2 are elements of red.
        OT[s1] == OT[s2] and OT[s1.a][e] != OT[s2.a][e] where
        a is an element in the alphabet and e is an
        experiment (element in the set ot.exp)

        :param ot: The observation table to find two inconsistent
                   red states.
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: Inconsistent row
        :rtype: Tuple[str, str, str, str]
        self._logger.info('Trying to find two inconsistent rows in the table.')
        for s1 in self._red:
            for s2 in self._red:
                if s1 == s2:
                for a in self._alphabet:
                    for e in ot.exp:
                        if ot.get_row(s1) == ot.get_row(s2) and \
                            ot.entry_exists(s1 + a, e) and ot.entry_exists(s2 + a, e) \
                                and ot.get(s1 + a, e) != ot.get(s2 + a, e):
                            self._logger.info('Found two inconsistent rows {} and {}'
                                              .format(s1, s2))
                            return s1, s2, a, e

        self._logger.info('Did not find a inconsistency in the table.')
        return '', '', '', ''
コード例 #5
ファイル: gold.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _build_automaton(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> automaton.DFA:
        Builds an automaton from the observation table.

        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: Automaton built from the observation table
        :rtype: Automaton
        dfa = automaton.DFA(self._alphabet)

        states = {automaton.State(i) for i in self._red}

        we = utils.break_strings_in_two(self._red)
        for w, e in we:
            we = w + e
            if we in self._red and ot.entry_exists(w, e):
                val = ot.get(w, e)
                state = automaton.State(we)
                if val == 1:
                elif val == 0:

        for w in states:
            for a in self._alphabet:
                for u in self._red:
                    wa = w.name + a
                    if ot.row_exists(u) and ot.row_exists(wa) and \
                            ot.get_row(u) == ot.get_row(wa):
                        dfa.add_transition(w, automaton.State(u), a)

        return dfa
コード例 #6
ファイル: interactive_lstar.py プロジェクト: steynvl/reggy
    def _find_inconsistent(
            self, ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
        Tries to find two inconsistent rows s1 and s2 in the
        observation table. s1 and s2 are elements of red.
        OT[s1] == OT[s2] and OT[s1.a][e] != OT[s2.a][e] where
        a is an element in the alphabet and e is an
        experiment (element in the set ot.exp)

        :param ot: The observation table to find two inconsistent
                   red states.
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :return: Inconsistent row
        :rtype: Tuple[str, str, str, str]
        for s1 in sorted(self._red):
            for s2 in sorted(self._red):
                if s1 == s2:
                for a in sorted(self._alphabet):
                    for e in sorted(ot.exp):
                        if ot.get_row(s1) == ot.get_row(s2) and \
                            ot.entry_exists(s1 + a, e) and ot.entry_exists(s2 + a, e) \
                                and ot.get(s1 + a, e) != ot.get(s2 + a, e):
                            return s1, s2, a, e
        return '', '', '', ''
コード例 #7
ファイル: lstar.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _useq(self, ot: utils.ObservationTable, answer: str) -> utils.ObservationTable:
        This method is called when the table is closed and complete.
        The algorithm then makes an equivalence query to the oracle,
        if the oracle is not satisfied and provides us with a
        counterexample, then this method is called with that counterexample.
        The method adds new rows to the observation table, to account
        for the new counterexample.

        :param ot: The observation table to update
        :type ot: ObservationTable
        :param answer: The counter-example given by the oracle
        :type answer: str
        :return: Updated ObservationTable
        :rtype: ObservationTable
        prefix_set = set(utils.prefix_set({answer}, self._alphabet))
        self._logger.info('Updating table by adding the following prefixes: {}'
                          .format(', '.join(prefix_set)))

        for p in prefix_set:

            if p not in self._red:
                if p not in self._blue:

            for a in self._alphabet:
                pa = p + a
                if pa not in prefix_set:
                    if pa not in self._blue:
                        if pa not in self._red:

        for u, e in ot.find_holes():
            ot.put(u, e, self._oracle.membership_query(u + e))

        return ot
コード例 #8
 def test_ot_01(self):
     ot = ObservationTable(set(), {''}, set())
     ot.put('', '', 1)
     self.assertEqual(1, ot.get('', ''))
     self.assertEqual({'': 1}, ot.get_row(''))
コード例 #9
 def test_ot_03(self):
     ot = ObservationTable(set(), {''}, set())
     self.assertEqual({}, ot.get_row('a'))
     ot.put('a', 'a', 1)
     ot.put('a', 'b', 0)
     self.assertEqual(0, ot.get('a', 'b'))
     self.assertEqual(True, ot.row_exists('a'))
     self.assertEqual(False, ot.row_exists('b'))
         ot.get('a', 'c')
         self.fail('Indexing row and column that'
                   ' is not defined should throw an exception!')
     except KeyError:
コード例 #10
 def test_ot_02(self):
     ot = ObservationTable(set(), {''}, set())
     self.assertEqual({}, ot.get_row('a'))
     ot.put('a', 'b', 0)
     self.assertEqual(0, ot.get('a', 'b'))
コード例 #11
ファイル: gold.py プロジェクト: whitemech/inferrer
    def _fill_holes(
            ot: utils.ObservationTable) -> Tuple[utils.ObservationTable, bool]:
        Tries to make the table complete by filling in all the entries that
        are None.

        :param ot: the updated observation table
        :return: updated ObservationTable and whether the method was successful.
        :rtype: tuple(ObservationTable, bool)
            'Try to make table complete by filling in * entries.')
        for p in self._blue:
            r = ot.find_compatible_row(p)
            if r is not None:
                for e in ot.exp:
                    if ot.entry_exists(p, e) and ot.get(p, e) is not None:
                        ot.put(r, e, ot.get(p, e))
                return ot, True

        for r in self._red:
            for e in ot.exp:
                if ot.entry_exists(r, e) and ot.get(r, e) is None:
                    ot.put(r, e, 1)

        for p in self._blue:
            r = ot.find_compatible_row(p)
            if r is not None:
                for e in ot.exp:
                    if ot.entry_exists(p, e) and ot.get(p, e) is None:
                        if ot.entry_exists(r, e):
                            ot.put(p, e, ot.get(r, e))
                return ot, True

        return ot, False