コード例 #1
ファイル: interfaces.py プロジェクト: alexanderankin/pyopencv
    def cvCreateMatFromGtkPixbuf(pixbuf):
        """Converts a gtk.gdk.pixbuf into a CV_8UC3 Mat
        The pixbuf must have 8 bits per sample and no alpha channel, or else
        a TypeError is raised. Since in gtk, a pixbuf's color space is RGB,
        the output Mat would therefore use the same color space (i.e. you
        may want to call cvCvtColor() to convert the color space *after*
        invoking this function). Whether the pixbuf's data is shared or 
        copied to the Mat depends on whether the function 
        gtk.gdk.get_pixels() returns its data array or a copy of the array, 
        and not on PyOpenCV.
        if not isinstance(pixbuf, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf):
            raise TypeError("The first argument 'pixbuf' is not a gtk pixbuf.")
        if pixbuf.get_has_alpha():
            raise TypeError("Pixbuf source with an alpha channel is currently not supported.")
        if pixbuf.get_bits_per_sample() != 8:
            raise TypeError("The pixbuf source does not have exactly 8 bits per sample.")

        rows = pixbuf.get_height()
        cols = pixbuf.get_width()
        step = pixbuf.get_row_stride()
        z = _NP.frombuffer(pixbuf.get_pixels(), dtype="uint8", count=rows * step).reshape(rows, step, 1)
        z.shape = (rows, cols, 3)
        z.strides = (step, 3, 1)
        return asMat(z)
コード例 #2
ファイル: interfaces.py プロジェクト: alexanderankin/pyopencv
 def cvCreateImageFromPilImage(pilimage):
     """Converts a PIL.Image into a Mat
     Right now, PyOpenCV can convert PIL.Images of band ('L'), ('I'), 
     ('F'), ('R', 'G', 'B'), or ('R', 'G', 'B', 'A'). Whether the 
     data array is copied from PIL.Image to IplImage or shared between
     the two images depends on how PIL converts the PIL.Image's data into
     a string (i.e. via function PIL.Image.tostring()).
         dtype, elem_size, nchannels, decoder, mode = _pil_image_bands_to_attrs[pilimage.getbands()]
     except KeyError:
         raise TypeError("Don't know how to convert the image. Check its bands and/or its mode.")
     cols = pilimage.size[0]
     rows = pilimage.size[1]
     step = cols * nchannels * elem_size
     data = pilimage.tostring(decoder, mode, step)
     z = _NP.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype, count=rows * cols * nchannels).reshape(rows, cols, nchannels)
     return asMat(z)