コード例 #1
ファイル: bacula_monitor_mod.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/icsw
 def process_client_args(self, opts, hmb):
     ok, why = (1, "")
     my_lim = limits.limits()
     for opt, arg in opts:
         if hmb.name in ["jobinfo"]:
             if opt == "-w":
                 if my_lim.set_warn_val(arg) == 0:
                     ok, why = (0, "Can't parse warning value !")
             if opt == "-c":
                 if my_lim.set_crit_val(arg) == 0:
                     ok, why = (0, "Can't parse critical value !")
     return ok, why, [my_lim]
コード例 #2
 def process_client_args(self, opts, hmb):
     ok, why = (1, "")
     my_lim = limits.limits()
     for opt, arg in opts:
         # print opt, arg
         if opt == "-w":
             if my_lim.set_warn_val(arg) == 0:
                 ok = 0
                 why = "Can't parse warning value !"
         if opt == "-c":
             if my_lim.set_crit_val(arg) == 0:
                 ok = 0
                 why = "Can't parse critical value !"
     return ok, why, [my_lim]
コード例 #3
 def process_return(self):
     _dict = self._reorder_dict(self.snmp_dict.values()[0])
     # keys:
     # 1 ... pid
     # 2 ... name
     # 3 ... oid (always (0, 0))
     # 4 ... path
     # 5 ... options
     # 6 ... type (4 ... application 2 ... operatingSystem)
     # 7 ... status (1 ... running, 2 ... runnable)
     if self.opts.name:
         _name_re = re.compile(self.opts.name)
         # import pprint
         # pprint.pprint(_dict)
         _dict = {
             key: value
             for key, value in _dict.iteritems()
             if 2 in value and _name_re.match(value[2])
         _lim = limits.limits(warn_val=self.opts.w, crit_val=self.opts.c)
         ret_state, _state_str = _lim.check_floor(len(_dict))
         info_f = [
             "found {} of {}".format(
                 logging_tools.get_plural("instance", len(_dict)),
         if self.opts.detail:
             if _dict:
                 for _key in sorted(_dict):
                     _value = _dict[_key]
                     print _value
                     info_f.append("{}@{:d}: {} {}".format(
                 info_f.append("nothing found")
         ret_str = ", ".join(info_f)
         # use range_parameter in limits for comparision
     elif self.opts.overview:
         _type_dict = {}
         for _entry in _dict.itervalues():
             _type_dict.setdefault(_entry[6], []).append(_entry)
         _info_str = ", ".join([
             "{}: {}".format({
                 4: "application",
                 2: "operatingSystem",
             }.get(_key, "type {:d}".format(_key)),
                                 "entry", len(_type_dict[_key])))
             for _key in sorted(_type_dict.keys())
         ret_state, ret_str = (limits.mon_STATE_OK,
                               "{:d} Processes, {}".format(
         ret_state, ret_str = (limits.mon_STATE_OK,
                               "Process tree has {}".format(
                                       "entry", len(_dict))))
     return ret_state, ret_str