コード例 #1
 def draw_coluor_bars(self, cx, cy, rotate, name, parent, bbox):
     group = parent.add(inkex.Group(id=name))
     group.transform = inkex.Transform(translate=(cx, cy)) * inkex.Transform(rotate=rotate)
     loc = 0
     if bbox:
         loc = min(self.mark_size / 3, max(bbox.width, bbox.height) / 45)
     for bar in [{'c': '*', 'stroke': '#000', 'x': 0, 'y': -(loc + 1)},
                 {'c': 'r', 'stroke': '#0FF', 'x': 0, 'y': 0},
                 {'c': 'g', 'stroke': '#F0F', 'x': (loc * 11) + 1, 'y': -(loc + 1)},
                 {'c': 'b', 'stroke': '#FF0', 'x': (loc * 11) + 1, 'y': 0}
         i = 0
         while i <= 1:
             color = inkex.Color('white')
             if bar['c'] == 'r' or bar['c'] == '*':
                 color.red = 255 * i
             if bar['c'] == 'g' or bar['c'] == '*':
                 color.green = 255 * i
             if bar['c'] == 'b' or bar['c'] == '*':
                 color.blue = 255 * i
             r_att = {'fill': str(color),
                      'stroke': bar['stroke'],
                      'stroke-width': loc/8,
                      'x': str((loc * i * 10) + bar['x']), 'y': str(bar['y']),
                      'width': loc, 'height': loc}
             rect = Rectangle()
             for att, value in r_att.items():
                 rect.set(att, value)
             i += 0.1
コード例 #2
def draw_rect(x, y, w, h, stroke_width, fill, name):
    elem = Rectangle(x=str(x), y=str(y), width=str(w), height=str(h))
    elem.style = {
        'stroke': '#000000',
        'stroke-width': str(stroke_width),
        'fill': fill
    elem.set('inkscape:label', name)
    return elem
コード例 #3
ファイル: parchis_extension.py プロジェクト: afijog/plugins
 def generateRectangle(self, x, y, w, h, strokeWidth, stroke, fill, name):
     rect = Rectangle(x=str(x), y=str(y), width=str(w), height=str(h))
     rect.style = {
         'stroke': stroke,
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
         'fill': fill
     rect.label = name
     return rect
コード例 #4
    def test_regular_rectangle_with_stroke(self):

        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20
        stroke_half_width = 1

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

        rect.style = Style("stroke-width:{};stroke:red".format(stroke_half_width * 2))

                                          (x - stroke_half_width, x + w + stroke_half_width),
                                          (y - stroke_half_width, y + h + stroke_half_width))
コード例 #5
    def test_group_with_number_of_rects_translated(self):

        group = Group()

        dx, dy = 5, 10

        xmin, ymin = 1000, 1000
        xmax, ymax = -1000, -1000
        rects = []

        for x, y, w, h in [
            (10, 20, 5, 7),
            (30, 40, 5, 7),
            rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

            xmin = min(xmin, x)
            xmax = max(xmax, x + w)
            ymin = min(ymin, y)
            ymax = max(ymax, y + h)


        group.transform = Transform(translate=(dx, dy))

        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(group, (dx + xmin,
                                                  dx + xmax),
                                          (dy + ymin,
                                           dy + ymax))
コード例 #6
    def test_rectangle_without_coordinates(self):

        x, y = 0, 0
        w, h = 7, 20

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h))

        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(rect, (x, x + w), (y, y + h))
コード例 #7
    def test_regular_rectangle(self):

        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(rect, (x, x + w), (y, y + h))
コード例 #8
    def test_regular_rectangle_scaled(self):

        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20

        scale_x = 2
        scale_y = 3

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

        rect.transform = Transform(scale=(scale_x, scale_y))

                                          (scale_x * x,
                                           scale_x * (x + w)),
                                          (scale_y * y,
                                           scale_y * (y + h)))
コード例 #9
    def test_rectangle_without_dimensions(self):

        x, y = 10, 15
        w, h = 0, 0

        rect = Rectangle(x=str(x), y=str(y))

        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(rect, (x, x + w), (y, y + h))
コード例 #10
    def test_regular_rectangle_with_stroke_scaled(self):

        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20
        stroke_half_width = 1

        scale_x = 2
        scale_y = 3

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

        rect.style = Style("stroke-width:{};stroke:red".format(stroke_half_width * 2))
        rect.transform = Transform(scale=(scale_x, scale_y))

                                          (scale_x * (x - stroke_half_width),
                                           scale_x * (x + w + stroke_half_width)),
                                          (scale_y * (y - stroke_half_width),
                                           scale_y * (y + h + stroke_half_width)))
コード例 #11
ファイル: grid_cartesian.py プロジェクト: wachin/inkscape
def draw_rect(x, y, w, h, width, fill, name, parent):
    """Draw an SVG Rectangle"""
    rect = parent.add(
        Rectangle(x=str(x), y=str(y), width=str(w), height=str(h)))
    rect.style = {
        'stroke': '#000000',
        'stroke-width': str(width),
        'fill': fill
    rect.label = name
コード例 #12
    def test_group_with_regular_rect(self):
        group = Group()
        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))


        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(group, (x, x + w),
                                          (y, y + h))
コード例 #13
    def test_group_nested_transform(self):
        group = Group()

        x, y = 10, 20
        w, h = 7, 20

        scale = 2

        rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

        rect.transform = Transform(rotate=45, scale=scale)


        group.transform = Transform(rotate=-45)  # rotation is compensated, but scale is not

        a = rect.composed_transform()
        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(group, (scale * x,
                                                  scale * (x + w)),
                                          (scale * y,
                                           scale * (y + h)))
コード例 #14
 def test_parse(self):
     """Test Rectangle parsed from XML"""
     rect = Rectangle(attrib={
         "x": "10px", "y": "20px",
         "width": "100px", "height": "200px",
         "rx": "15px", "ry": "30px" })
     self.assertEqual(rect.left, 10)
     self.assertEqual(rect.top, 20)
     self.assertEqual(rect.right, 10+100)
     self.assertEqual(rect.bottom, 20+200)
     self.assertEqual(rect.width, 100)
     self.assertEqual(rect.height, 200)
     self.assertEqual(rect.rx, 15)
     self.assertEqual(rect.ry, 30)
コード例 #15
    def generate(self):
        size = str(self.options.size)
        style = inkex.Style({
            'stroke': 'none',
            'stroke-width': '1',
            'fill': '#000000'
        attribs = {'style': str(style), 'height': size, 'width': size}

        if not self.options.text:
            raise inkex.AbortExtension("Please enter an input string.")

        # create a 2d list corresponding to the 1's and 0s of the DataMatrix
        encoded = self.encode(self.options.text, *self.options.symbol)
        for x, y in self.render_data_matrix(encoded):
            attribs.update({'x': str(x), 'y': str(y)})
            yield Rectangle(**attribs)
コード例 #16
    def draw_rectangle(self, x, y, width, height):
        """Draw a rectangle bar with optional shadow"""
        if self.blur:
            shadow = Rectangle(x=str(x + 1),
                               y=str(y + 1),
            shadow.style = self.blur
            yield shadow

        rect = Rectangle(x=str(x),
        rect.set("style", "fill:" + self.get_color())
        yield rect
コード例 #17
    def render_svg(self, grp, drawtype):
        """Render to svg"""
        drawer = getattr(self, f"render_{drawtype}", self.render_obsolete)
        if drawer is None:
            raise Exception("Unknown draw type: " + drawtype)

        canvas_width = (self.draw.col_count() + 2 * self.margin) * self.boxsize
        canvas_height = (self.draw.row_count() +
                         2 * self.margin) * self.boxsize

        # white background providing margin:
        rect = grp.add(Rectangle.new(0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height))
        rect.style['stroke'] = 'none'
        rect.style['fill'] = "black" if self.invert_code else "white"

        qrg = grp.add(Group())
        qrg.style['stroke'] = 'none'
        qrg.style['fill'] = "white" if self.invert_code else "black"
コード例 #18
ファイル: text_merge.py プロジェクト: wachin/inkscape
    def effect(self):
        if not self.svg.selected:
            for node in self.svg.xpath('//svg:text | //svg:flowRoot'):
                self.svg.selected[node.get('id')] = node

        if not self.svg.selected:

        parentnode = self.svg.get_current_layer()

        if self.options.flowtext:
            text_element = FlowRoot
            text_span = FlowPara
            text_element = TextElement
            text_span = Tspan

        text_root = parentnode.add(text_element())
        text_root.set('xml:space', 'preserve')
        text_root.style = {
            'font-size': '20px',
            'font-style': 'normal',
            'font-weight': 'normal',
            'line-height': '125%',
            'letter-spacing': '0px',
            'word-spacing': '0px',
            'fill': '#000000',
            'fill-opacity': 1,
            'stroke': 'none'

        for node in sorted(self.svg.selected.values(), key=self._sort):
            self.recurse(text_span, node, text_root)

        if self.options.flowtext:
            region = text_root.add(FlowRegion())
            region.set('xml:space', 'preserve')
            rect = region.add(Rectangle())
            rect.set('xml:space', 'preserve')
            rect.set('height', 200)
            rect.set('width', 200)
コード例 #19
    def test_group_with_number_of_rects(self):

        group = Group()

        xmin, ymin = 1000, 1000
        xmax, ymax = -1000, -1000

        rects = []

        for x, y, w, h in [
            (10, 20, 5, 7),
            (30, 40, 5, 7),
            rect = Rectangle(width=str(w), height=str(h), x=str(x), y=str(y))

            xmin = min(xmin, x)
            xmax = max(xmax, x + w)
            ymin = min(ymin, y)
            ymax = max(ymax, y + h)


        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(group, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
コード例 #20
 def test_new_group(self):
     """Test creating groups"""
     svg = Layer.new('layerA', Group.new('groupA', Rectangle()))
         b'<g inkscape:groupmode="layer" inkscape:label="layerA">'\
         b'<g inkscape:label="groupA"><rect/></g></g>')
コード例 #21
ファイル: layout_nup.py プロジェクト: wachin/inkscape
    def generate_nup(self,
                     pgSize=("8.5*96", "11*96"),
                     pgMargin=(0, 0),
                     pgPadding=(0, 0),
                     num=(2, 2),
                     margin=(0, 0),
                     padding=(20, 20),
        """Generate the SVG.  Inputs are run through 'eval(str(x))' so you can use
    '8.5*72' instead of 612.  Margin / padding dimension tuples can be
    (top & bottom, left & right) or (top, right, bottom, left).

    Keyword arguments:
    pgSize -- page size, width x height
    pgMargin -- extra space around each page
    pgPadding -- added to pgMargin
    n -- rows x cols
    size -- override calculated size, width x height
    margin -- white space around each piece
    padding -- inner padding for each piece
    show -- list of keywords indicating what to show
            - 'crosses' - cutting guides
            - 'inner' - inner boundary
            - 'outer' - outer boundary

        if 'default' in show:
            show = set(show).union(['inner', 'innerbox', 'holder', 'crosses'])

        pgMargin = self.expandTuple(unit, pgMargin)
        pgPadding = self.expandTuple(unit, pgPadding)
        margin = self.expandTuple(unit, margin)
        padding = self.expandTuple(unit, padding)

        pgSize = self.expandTuple(unit, pgSize, length=2)
        #    num = tuple(map(lambda ev: eval(str(ev)), num))

        if not pgMargin or not pgPadding:
            return inkex.errormsg("No padding or margin available.")

        page_edge = list(map(sum, zip(pgMargin, pgPadding)))

        top, right, bottom, left = 0, 1, 2, 3
        width, height = 0, 1
        rows, cols = 0, 1
        size = self.expandTuple(unit, size, length=2)
        if size is None or calculateSize or len(size) < 2 or size[0] == 0 or size[1] == 0:
            size = ((pgSize[width]
                     - page_edge[left] - page_edge[right]
                     - num[cols] * (margin[left] + margin[right])) / num[cols],
                     - page_edge[top] - page_edge[bottom]
                     - num[rows] * (margin[top] + margin[bottom])) / num[rows]
            size = self.expandTuple(unit, size, length=2)

        # sep is separation between same points on pieces
        sep = (size[width] + margin[right] + margin[left],
               size[height] + margin[top] + margin[bottom])

        style = 'stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;'

        padbox = Rectangle(
            x=str(page_edge[left] + margin[left] + padding[left]),
            y=str(page_edge[top] + margin[top] + padding[top]),
            width=str(size[width] - padding[left] - padding[right]),
            height=str(size[height] - padding[top] - padding[bottom]),
        margbox = Rectangle(
            x=str(page_edge[left] + margin[left]),
            y=str(page_edge[top] + margin[top]),

        doc = self.get_template(width=pgSize[width], height=pgSize[height])
        svg = doc.getroot()

        def make_clones(under, to):
            for row in range(0, num[rows]):
                for col in range(0, num[cols]):
                    if row == 0 and col == 0:
                    use = under.add(Use())
                    use.set('xlink:href', '#' + to)
                    use.transform.add_translate(col * sep[width], row * sep[height])

        # guidelayer #####################################################
        if {'inner', 'outer'}.intersection(show):
            layer = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new('Guide Layer'))
            if 'inner' in show:
                ibox = layer.add(padbox.copy())
                ibox.style['stroke'] = '#8080ff'
                ibox.set('id', 'innerguide')
                make_clones(layer, 'innerguide')
            if 'outer' in show:
                obox = layer.add(margbox.copy())
                obox.style['stroke'] = '#8080ff'
                obox.set('id', 'outerguide')
                make_clones(layer, 'outerguide')

        # crosslayer #####################################################
        if {'crosses'}.intersection(show):
            layer = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new('Cut Layer'))

            if 'crosses' in show:
                crosslen = 12
                group = layer.add(inkex.Group(id='cross'))
                x, y = 0, 0
                path = 'M%f %f' % (x + page_edge[left] + margin[left],
                                   y + page_edge[top] + margin[top] - crosslen)
                path += ' L%f %f' % (x + page_edge[left] + margin[left],
                                     y + page_edge[top] + margin[top] + crosslen)
                path += ' M%f %f' % (x + page_edge[left] + margin[left] - crosslen,
                                     y + page_edge[top] + margin[top])
                path += ' L%f %f' % (x + page_edge[left] + margin[left] + crosslen,
                                     y + page_edge[top] + margin[top])
                group.add(inkex.PathElement(style=style + 'stroke-width:0.05',
                                            d=path, id='crossmarker'))
                for row in 0, 1:
                    for col in 0, 1:
                        if row or col:
                            cln = group.add(Use())
                            cln.set('xlink:href', '#crossmarker')
                            cln.transform.add_translate(col * size[width], row * size[height])
                make_clones(layer, 'cross')

        # clonelayer #####################################################
        layer = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new('Clone Layer'))
        make_clones(layer, 'main')

        # mainlayer ######################################################
        layer = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new('Main Layer'))
        group = layer.add(inkex.Group(id='main'))

        if 'innerbox' in show:
        if 'outerbox' in show:
        if 'holder' in show:
            x, y = (page_edge[left] + margin[left] + padding[left],
                    page_edge[top] + margin[top] + padding[top])
            w, h = (size[width] - padding[left] - padding[right],
                    size[height] - padding[top] - padding[bottom])
            path = 'M{:f} {:f}'.format(x + w / 2., y)
            path += ' L{:f} {:f}'.format(x + w, y + h / 2.)
            path += ' L{:f} {:f}'.format(x + w / 2., y + h)
            path += ' L{:f} {:f}'.format(x, y + h / 2.)
            path += ' Z'
            group.add(inkex.PathElement(style=style, d=path))

        return svg.tostring()
コード例 #22
    def render_stbar(self, keys, values):
        """Draw stacked bar chart"""

        # Iterate over all values to draw the different slices
        color = 0

        # create value sum in order to divide the bars
            valuesum = sum(values)
        except ValueError:
            valuesum = 0.0

        # Init offset
        offset = 0
        width = self.options.bar_width
        height = self.options.bar_height
        x = self.width / 2
        y = self.height / 2

        if self.blur:
            if self.options.rotate:
                width, height = height, width
                shy = y
                shy = str(y - self.options.bar_height)

            # Create rectangle element
            shadow = Rectangle(

            # Set shadow blur (connect to filter object in xml path)
            shadow.style = self.blur
            yield shadow

        # Draw Single bars
        for cnt, value in enumerate(values):

            # Calculate the individual heights normalized on 100units
            normedvalue = (self.options.bar_height / valuesum) * float(value)

            # Create rectangle element
            rect = Rectangle()

            # Set chart position to center of document.
            if not self.options.rotate:
                rect.set('x', str(self.width / 2))
                rect.set('y', str(self.height / 2 - offset - normedvalue))
                rect.set("width", str(self.options.bar_width))
                rect.set("height", str(normedvalue))
                rect.set('x', str(self.width / 2 + offset))
                rect.set('y', str(self.height / 2))
                rect.set("height", str(self.options.bar_width))
                rect.set("width", str(normedvalue))

            rect.set("style", "fill:" + self.get_color())

            # If text is given, draw short paths and add the text
            # TODO: apply overlap workaround for visible gaps in between
            if keys:
                if not self.options.rotate:
                    x1 = (self.width + self.options.bar_width) / 2
                    y1 = y - offset - (normedvalue / 2)
                    x2 = self.options.bar_width / 2 + self.options.text_offset
                    y2 = 0
                    txt = self.width / 2 + self.options.bar_width + self.options.text_offset + 1
                    tyt = y - offset + self.fontoff - (normedvalue / 2)
                    x1 = x + offset + normedvalue / 2
                    y1 = y + self.options.bar_width / 2
                    x2 = 0
                    y2 = self.options.bar_width / 2 + (self.options.font_size \
                            * cnt) + self.options.text_offset
                    txt = x + offset + normedvalue / 2 - self.fontoff
                    tyt = (y) + self.options.bar_width + (self.options.font_size \
                            * (cnt + 1)) + self.options.text_offset

                elem = inkex.PathElement()
                elem.path = [Move(x1, y1), line(x2, y2)]
                elem.style = {
                    'fill': 'none',
                    'stroke': self.options.font_color,
                    'stroke-width': self.options.stroke_width,
                    'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
                yield elem
                yield self.draw_text(keys[cnt], x=str(txt), y=str(tyt))

            # Increase Offset and Color
            offset = offset + normedvalue
            color = (color + 1) % 8

            # Draw rectangle
            yield rect

        yield self.draw_header(self.width / 2 + offset + normedvalue)
コード例 #23
ファイル: voronoi2svg.py プロジェクト: wachin/inkscape
    def effect(self):
        # Check that elements have been selected
        if not self.svg.selected:
            inkex.errormsg(_("Please select objects!"))

        linestyle = {
            'stroke': '#000000',
            'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')),
            'fill': 'none',
            'stroke-linecap': 'round',
            'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

        facestyle = {
            'stroke': '#000000',
            'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('1px')),
            'fill': 'none',
            'stroke-linecap': 'round',
            'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

        parent_group = self.svg.selection.first().getparent()
        trans = parent_group.composed_transform()

        invtrans = None
        if trans:
            invtrans = -trans

        # Recovery of the selected objects
        pts = []
        nodes = []
        seeds = []
        fills = []

        for node in self.svg.selected.values():
            bbox = node.bounding_box()
            if bbox:
                center_x, center_y = bbox.center
                point = [center_x, center_y]
                if trans:
                    point = trans.apply_to_point(point)
                if self.options.delaunayFillOptions != "delaunay-no-fill":
                    fills.append(node.style.get('fill', 'none'))
                seeds.append(Point(center_x, center_y))

        # Creation of groups to store the result
        if self.options.diagramType != 'Delaunay':
            # Voronoi
            group_voronoi = parent_group.add(Group())
            group_voronoi.set('inkscape:label', 'Voronoi')
            if invtrans:
                group_voronoi.transform *= invtrans
        if self.options.diagramType != 'Voronoi':
            # Delaunay
            group_delaunay = parent_group.add(Group())
            group_delaunay.set('inkscape:label', 'Delaunay')

        # Clipping box handling
        if self.options.diagramType != 'Delaunay':
            # Clipping bounding box creation
            group_bbox = sum([node.bounding_box() for node in nodes], None)

            # Clipbox is the box to which the Voronoi diagram is restricted
            if self.options.clip_box == 'Page':
                svg = self.document.getroot()
                width = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
                height = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('height'))
                clip_box = (0, width, 0, height)
                clip_box = (group_bbox.left,

            # Safebox adds points so that no Voronoi edge in clip_box is infinite
            safe_box = (2 * clip_box[0] - clip_box[1],
                        2 * clip_box[1] - clip_box[0],
                        2 * clip_box[2] - clip_box[3],
                        2 * clip_box[3] - clip_box[2])
            pts.append(Point(safe_box[0], safe_box[2]))
            pts.append(Point(safe_box[1], safe_box[2]))
            pts.append(Point(safe_box[1], safe_box[3]))
            pts.append(Point(safe_box[0], safe_box[3]))

            if self.options.showClipBox:
                # Add the clip box to the drawing
                rect = group_voronoi.add(Rectangle())
                rect.set('x', str(clip_box[0]))
                rect.set('y', str(clip_box[2]))
                rect.set('width', str(clip_box[1] - clip_box[0]))
                rect.set('height', str(clip_box[3] - clip_box[2]))
                rect.style = linestyle

        # Voronoi diagram generation
        if self.options.diagramType != 'Delaunay':
            vertices, lines, edges = voronoi.computeVoronoiDiagram(pts)
            for edge in edges:
                vindex1, vindex2 = edge[1:]
                if (vindex1 < 0) or (vindex2 < 0):
                    continue  # infinite lines have no need to be handled in the clipped box
                    segment = self.clip_edge(vertices, lines, edge, clip_box)
                    # segment = [vertices[vindex1],vertices[vindex2]] # deactivate clipping
                    if len(segment) > 1:
                        x1, y1 = segment[0]
                        x2, y2 = segment[1]
                        cmds = [['M', [x1, y1]], ['L', [x2, y2]]]
                        path = group_voronoi.add(PathElement())
                        path.set('d', str(inkex.Path(cmds)))
                        path.style = linestyle

        if self.options.diagramType != 'Voronoi':
            triangles = voronoi.computeDelaunayTriangulation(seeds)
            i = 0
            if self.options.delaunayFillOptions == "delaunay-fill":
            for triangle in triangles:
                pt1 = seeds[triangle[0]]
                pt2 = seeds[triangle[1]]
                pt3 = seeds[triangle[2]]
                cmds = [['M', [pt1.x, pt1.y]],
                        ['L', [pt2.x, pt2.y]],
                        ['L', [pt3.x, pt3.y]],
                        ['Z', []]]
                if self.options.delaunayFillOptions == "delaunay-fill" \
                    or self.options.delaunayFillOptions == "delaunay-fill-random":
                    facestyle = {
                        'stroke': fills[triangle[random.randrange(0, 2)]],
                        'stroke-width': str(self.svg.unittouu('0.005px')),
                        'fill': fills[triangle[random.randrange(0, 2)]],
                        'stroke-linecap': 'round',
                        'stroke-linejoin': 'round'
                path = group_delaunay.add(PathElement())
                path.set('d', str(inkex.Path(cmds)))
                path.style = facestyle
                i += 1
コード例 #24
 def render_obsolete(self):
     for row in range(self.draw.row_count()):
         for col in range(self.draw.col_count()):
             if self.draw.isDark(col, row):
                 x, y = self.get_svg_pos(col, row)
                 return Rectangle.new(x, y, self.boxsize, self.boxsize)
コード例 #25
    def generate(self):
        """Generate the actual svg from the coding"""
        string = self.encode(self.text)

        if string == 'ERROR':

        name = self.get_id('barcode')

        # use an svg group element to contain the barcode
        barcode = Group()
        barcode.set('id', name)
        barcode.set('style', 'fill: black;')

        barcode.transform.add_translate(self.pos_x, self.pos_y)
        if self.scale:

        bar_id = 1
        bar_offset = 0
        tops = set()

        for datum in self.graphical_array(string):
            # Datum 0 tells us what style of bar is to come next
            style = self.get_style(int(datum[0]))
            # Datum 1 tells us what width in units,
            # style tells us how wide a unit is
            width = int(datum[1]) * int(style['width'])

            if style['write']:
                rect = Rectangle()
                rect.set('x', str(bar_offset))
                rect.set('y', str(style['top']))
                if self.pos_text == TEXT_POS_TOP:
                    rect.set('y', str(style['top'] + self.font_size))
                rect.set('id', "{}_bar{:d}".format(name, bar_id))
                rect.set('width', str(width))
                rect.set('height', str(style['height']))
            bar_offset += width
            bar_id += 1

        for extra in self._extra:
            if extra is not None:

        bar_width = bar_offset
        # Add text at the bottom of the barcode
        text = TextElement()
        text.set('x', str(int(bar_width / 2)))
        text.set('y', str(min(tops) + self.font_size - 1))
        if self.pos_text == TEXT_POS_BOTTOM:
            text.set('y', str(self.height + max(tops) + self.font_size))
        text.set('style', TEXT_TEMPLATE % self.font_size)
        text.set('xml:space', 'preserve')
        text.set('id', '{}_text'.format(name))
        text.text = str(self.text)
        return barcode
コード例 #26
    def test_rectangle_without_attributes(self):
        rect = Rectangle()

        self.assert_bounding_box_is_equal(rect, (0, 0), (0, 0))
コード例 #27
 def test_new(self):
     """Anchor tag creation"""
     link = Anchor.new('https://inkscape.org', Rectangle())
     self.assertElement(link, b'<a xlink:href="https://inkscape.org"><rect/></a>')