def update(self, surface): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if self.bounds.collidepoint(pos): self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % 5 if self.mode == 1: self.mode += 1 self.value = 1 self.prev = 0 self.color = (0, 0, 0) if self.mode == 3: self.prev = 1 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if self.bounds.collidepoint(pos) and self.mode > 1: if self.mode == 2: txtbx = InputBox(self.x + 30, self.y + 30, pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20), 6, str(self.value), 'Resistance', 'mOm') if self.mode == 4: txtbx = InputBox(self.x + 30, self.y + 30, pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20), 6, str(self.value), 'Inductance', 'H') if self.mode == 3: txtbx = InputBox(self.x + 30, self.y + 30, pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20), 6, str(self.value), 'Capacity', 'F') while 1: events = pygame.event.get() pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255, 255, 255), (self.x + 30, self.y + 30, 300, 50), 0) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (0, 0, 0), (self.x + 30, self.y + 30, 300, 50), 2) ans = txtbx.update(events) if ans is not None: self.value = int(ans) break txtbx.draw(surface) pygame.display.flip()
class Menu: """Ecran dans lequel on a une input_box permettant d'entrer un pseudo puis d'essayer de se connecter à une session. """ def __init__(self, client, message=None): self.client = client self.inputbox = InputBox(client.window_width / 2 - 100, client.window_height / 2 - 12, self.launch) self.inputbox.isWriting = True self.logger = Logger() if(not message is None): self.logger.add_message(message, (255, 0, 0)) self.logger.add_message("Please enter a username") self.main_loop() def main_loop(self): while(True): self.handle_keyboard_input() self.draw_frame() self.client.clock.tick(REFRESH_TICKRATE) def handle_keyboard_input(self): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() self.inputbox.handle_continuous_pressed_keys(keys) for event in pygame.event.get(): if(event.type == pygame.QUIT): self.stop() if(event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN): if(event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): self.stop() self.inputbox.handle_input_event(event) def draw_frame(self): self.client.window.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.inputbox.draw(self.client.window) self.logger.draw(self.client.window) pygame.display.update() def stop(self): pygame.quit() exit(0) def launch(self, text): """Fonction pour lancer une partie multijoueur. On vérifie la validité du pseudo avant de lancer la partie """ if(not re.match('^[a-z]+$', text) or len(text) > 10): self.logger.add_message("The username must be composed of only lower case letters and be less than 10 characters") pass else: multiplayer_game.MultiplayerGame(self.client, text)
def game(players): input_box = InputBox(440, 340, 480, 50) quit_button = Button(690, 520, 80, 50, 'QUIT', 'quit') start_button = Button(680, 440, 100, 50, 'START', 'start') player_text = Player(140, 160, 130, 50) play = GuessWord() snowman = SnowMan() rand_word = play.random_word() print_word = [False for i in range(len(rand_word))] in_letter = [] out_letter = [] done = False start_game = False while not done: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: done = True pg.quit() quit() input_box.handle_event(event) quit_button.handle_event(event) start_game = start_button.handle_event(event) SCREEN.fill(PURPLE) quit_button.draw(SCREEN) if len(out_letter) == 14: start_button.draw(SCREEN) else: if in_letter == list(rand_word): if players: won = (len(in_letter) + len(out_letter)) % 2 if won: player_text.text = 'Player 2!' else: player_text.text = 'Player 1!' player_text.draw(SCREEN) start_button.draw(SCREEN) else: input_box.draw(SCREEN) if input_box.text in rand_word: if input_box.text not in in_letter: in_letter = play.check_in(input_box.text, print_word) else: if input_box.text not in out_letter: if len(out_letter) <= 14: out_letter.append(input_box.text) play.draw_lines(SCREEN, print_word) if start_game: done = True snowman.wrong_letter = out_letter snowman.draw_snowman(SCREEN) pg.display.flip()
def main(): clock = pg.time.Clock() input_box1 = InputBox(100, 100, 140, 32) done = False while not done: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: done = True input_box1.handle_event(event) screen.fill((30, 30, 30)) input_box1.draw(screen) input_box1.update() pg.display.flip() clock.tick(30)
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 450)) screen.fill(pygame.Color('white')) mp = MapParams() input_box = InputBox(50, 10, 140, 32) im ='data/search_icon.png') im = im.resize((30, 30))'data/search_icon.png') button = pygame.image.load('data/search_icon.png').convert_alpha() b_rect = pygame.Rect(10, 10, 50, 50) reset = Button('Сброс поискового результата', 350, 10, 24) while True: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # Выход из программы break elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: # Обрабатываем различные нажатые клавиши. mp.update(event) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: # Выполняем поиск по клику мышки. if event.button == 1: # LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON mp.add_reverse_toponym_search(event.pos) if b_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): text = input_box.text toponym = reverse_geocode(text) if toponym: point = toponym['Point']['pos'].split() mp.lon = float(point[0]) = float(point[1]) mp.search_result = SearchResult( point, toponym["metaDataProperty"] ["GeocoderMetaData"]["text"] if toponym else None, toponym["metaDataProperty"]["GeocoderMetaData"] ["Address"].get("postal_code") if toponym else None) else: input_box.text = 'Ничего не найдено' if reset.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): mp.search_result = None elif event.button == 3: # RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON mp.add_reverse_org_search(event.pos) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and text = input_box.text toponym = reverse_geocode(text) if toponym: point = toponym['Point']['pos'].split() mp.lon = float(point[0]) = float(point[1]) mp.search_result = SearchResult( point, toponym["metaDataProperty"]["GeocoderMetaData"]["text"] if toponym else None, toponym["metaDataProperty"]["GeocoderMetaData"] ["Address"].get("postal_code") if toponym else None) else: input_box.text = 'Ничего не найдено' map_file = load_map(mp) screen.blit(pygame.image.load(map_file), (0, 0)) if mp.search_result: if mp.use_postal_code and mp.search_result.postal_code: text = render_text(mp.search_result.postal_code + ", " + mp.search_result.address) else: text = render_text(mp.search_result.address) screen.blit(text, (20, 400)) input_box.handle_event(event) input_box.update() input_box.draw(screen) screen.blit(button, b_rect) reset.draw(screen) screen.blit(screen, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit() os.remove(map_file)
class InputWindow(yutani.Window): def __init__(self): _w = yutani.yutani_ctx._ptr.contents.display_width _h = yutani.yutani_ctx._ptr.contents.display_height self.logo = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png('/usr/share/logo_login.png') super(InputWindow, self).__init__(272, self.logo.get_height() + 110 + 50, doublebuffer=True) self.update_position(_w,_h) self.username = InputBox(placeholder="Username",width=180) self.password = InputBox(password=True,placeholder="Password",width=180) self.focused_widget = None self.username.tab_handler = self.focus_password self.password.tab_handler = self.focus_username self.username.submit = self.password_or_go self.password.submit = self.go self.error_font = toaru_fonts.Font(toaru_fonts.FONT_SANS_SERIF, 11, 0xFFFF0000) self.error_font.set_shadow((0xFF000000, 2, 0, 0, 3.0)) self.error_tr = text_region.TextRegion(0,0,self.width,20,font=self.error_font) self.error_tr.set_alignment(2) self.error = None def focus_changed(self, msg): if not msg.focused: self.username.focus_leave() self.password.focus_leave() def update_position(self, w, h): self.move(int((w - self.width)/2),int((h - self.height)/2)) def finish_resize(self, msg): pass # lol no def draw(self): surface = self.get_cairo_surface() ctx = cairo.Context(surface) # Clear ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) ctx.rectangle(0,0,self.width,self.height) ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0) ctx.fill() ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) ctx.set_source_surface(self.logo, (self.width - self.logo.get_width())/2, 0) ctx.paint() base = self.height - 110 rounded_rectangle(ctx, 0, base, self.width, 110, 4) ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5) ctx.fill() if self.error: self.error_tr.move(0,base+8) self.error_tr.set_text(self.error) self.error_tr.draw(self) ctx.translate(46,base + 30) self.username.draw(self,ctx) ctx.restore() ctx.translate(46,base + 60) self.password.draw(self,ctx) ctx.restore() self.flip() def keyboard_event(self, msg): if self.focused_widget: self.focused_widget.keyboard_event(msg) else: self.focus_username() self.focused_widget.keyboard_event(msg) def focus_password(self): self.username.focus_leave() self.password.focus_enter() self.focused_widget = self.password self.draw() def focus_username(self): self.password.focus_leave() self.username.focus_enter() self.focused_widget = self.username self.draw() def password_or_go(self): if self.password.text: self.go() else: self.focus_password() def go(self): print(f"USER {self.username.text}") print(f"PASS {self.password.text}") print(f"AUTH",flush=True) response = input() if response == "FAIL": self.error = "Incorrect username or password." self.username.update_text("") self.password.update_text("") self.username.reset_cursor() self.password.reset_cursor() self.focus_username() self.draw() elif response == "SUCC": sys.exit(0) def mouse_event(self, msg): if self.username.mouse_event(msg): self.focus_username() elif self.password.mouse_event(msg): self.focus_password() elif msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN: self.password.focus_leave() self.username.focus_leave() self.focused_widget = None
class InputWindow(yutani.Window): def __init__(self): _w = yutani.yutani_ctx._ptr.contents.display_width _h = yutani.yutani_ctx._ptr.contents.display_height self.logo = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png( '/usr/share/logo_login.png') super(InputWindow, self).__init__(272, self.logo.get_height() + 110 + 50, doublebuffer=True) self.update_position(_w, _h) self.username = InputBox(placeholder="Username", width=180) self.password = InputBox(password=True, placeholder="Password", width=180) self.focused_widget = None self.username.tab_handler = self.focus_password self.password.tab_handler = self.focus_username self.username.submit = self.password_or_go self.password.submit = self.go self.error_font = toaru_fonts.Font(toaru_fonts.FONT_SANS_SERIF, 11, 0xFFFF0000) self.error_font.set_shadow((0xFF000000, 2, 0, 0, 3.0)) self.error_tr = text_region.TextRegion(0, 0, self.width, 20, font=self.error_font) self.error_tr.set_alignment(2) self.error = None def focus_changed(self, msg): if not msg.focused: self.username.focus_leave() self.password.focus_leave() def update_position(self, w, h): self.move(int((w - self.width) / 2), int((h - self.height) / 2)) def finish_resize(self, msg): pass # lol no def draw(self): surface = self.get_cairo_surface() ctx = cairo.Context(surface) # Clear ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.height) ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) ctx.fill() ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) ctx.set_source_surface(self.logo, (self.width - self.logo.get_width()) / 2, 0) ctx.paint() base = self.height - 110 rounded_rectangle(ctx, 0, base, self.width, 110, 4) ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ctx.fill() if self.error: self.error_tr.move(0, base + 8) self.error_tr.set_text(self.error) self.error_tr.draw(self) ctx.translate(46, base + 30) self.username.draw(self, ctx) ctx.restore() ctx.translate(46, base + 60) self.password.draw(self, ctx) ctx.restore() self.flip() def keyboard_event(self, msg): if self.focused_widget: self.focused_widget.keyboard_event(msg) else: self.focus_username() self.focused_widget.keyboard_event(msg) def focus_password(self): self.username.focus_leave() self.password.focus_enter() self.focused_widget = self.password self.draw() def focus_username(self): self.password.focus_leave() self.username.focus_enter() self.focused_widget = self.username self.draw() def password_or_go(self): if self.password.text: self.go() else: self.focus_password() def go(self): print(f"USER {self.username.text}") print(f"PASS {self.password.text}") print(f"AUTH", flush=True) response = input() if response == "FAIL": self.error = "Incorrect username or password." self.username.update_text("") self.password.update_text("") self.username.reset_cursor() self.password.reset_cursor() self.focus_username() self.draw() elif response == "SUCC": sys.exit(0) def mouse_event(self, msg): if self.username.mouse_event(msg): self.focus_username() elif self.password.mouse_event(msg): self.focus_password() elif msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN: self.password.focus_leave() self.username.focus_leave() self.focused_widget = None
import pygame from input_box import InputBox pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 800)) testTextBox = InputBox(40, 100, 200, 50, "enter text here") running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() testTextBox.runInputBox(event) window.fill((54, 54, 54)) testTextBox.draw(window) pygame.display.update()
class MultiplayerGame: def __init__(self, client, username): self.client = client self.logger = Logger() self.score_displayer = Score(username) self.inputbox = InputBox(5, self.client.window_width - 30, self.send_message) self.username = username self.is_socket_connected_to_server = False self.session_state = "nosession" # Indicate whether we not connected, requested connection or in a session self.socket = None self.arena = Arena(self.client.window_width, self.client.window_height) # Creation de l'arene self.main_player = Player("player.png", self.username, to_display=True) self.last_newcom = 0 self.arena.players[username] = self.main_player self.main_loop() def main_loop(self): while (True): self.handle_server_coms() self.handle_keyboard_input() self.enitities_update() self.draw_frame() self.client.clock.tick( REFRESH_TICKRATE ) # Limite le nombre de mise a jour par seconde def handle_server_coms(self): if (not self.is_socket_connected_to_server): self.logger.add_message("Connecting to server...") self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.socket.connect((HOST, PORT)) except ConnectionRefusedError: menu.Menu(self.client, "Connection to server failed") self.logger.add_message("Connection successful.") self.is_socket_connected_to_server = True if (self.session_state == "nosession"): self.logger.add_message("Trying to join a session...") self.session_state = "request" send_serveur.connect(self.socket, self.username) elif (self.session_state == "jeu"): # send_serveur.newpos(self.socket, self.main_player.pos) if (time.time() - self.last_newcom > 1 / SERVER_TICKRATE): send_serveur.newcom(self.socket, self.main_player.command_angle, self.main_player.command_thrust, self.main_player.hasShoot) self.main_player.hasShoot = False self.last_newcom = time.time() # Commands sent, reset self.main_player.command_angle = 0 self.main_player.command_thrust = 0 self.handle_server_responses() def handle_server_responses(self): try: data = self.socket.recv(8192, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) except BlockingIOError: # Nothing to read return commands = data.decode().split("\n") commands = [cmd.split("/") for cmd in commands] # print(commands) for cmd in commands: if (cmd[0] == "WELCOME"): self.apply_command_welcome(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "DENIED"): self.apply_command_denied(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "NEWPLAYER"): self.apply_command_newplayer(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "PLAYERLEFT"): self.apply_command_playerleft(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "SESSION"): self.apply_command_session(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "WINNER"): self.apply_command_winner(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "TICK"): self.apply_command_tick(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "TICK2"): self.apply_command_tick2(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "NEWOBJ"): self.apply_command_newobj(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "RECEPTION"): self.apply_command_reception(cmd) elif (cmd[0] == "PRECEPTION"): self.apply_command_preception(cmd) def apply_command_welcome(self, cmd): phase = cmd[1] scores = cmd[2] coord = cmd[3] obs_coords = cmd[4] if (phase == "attente"): self.logger.add_message("Waiting to start session") self.logger.add_message("Type /race to start a race next") self.session_state = "attente" elif (phase == "jeu" or phase == "ingame_race"): self.logger.add_message("Joining a game") self.session_state = "jeu" goals_coord = coord.split("|") goalx, goaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[0]) if (len(goals_coord) == 2): nextgoalx, nextgoaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[1]) self.arena.next_goal = Goal(nextgoalx, nextgoaly, True) else: self.arena.next_goal = None self.arena.goal = Goal(goalx, goaly) self.main_player.to_display = False # Wait to get coord before displaying for s in scores.split("|"): [name, score] = s.split(":") if (name in self.arena.players): self.arena.players[name].score = int(score) else: new_player = Player("enemy.png", name) new_player.score = int(score) self.arena.players[name] = new_player if (len(obs_coords) > 0): for o in obs_coords.split("|"): pos = parse_coord(o) self.arena.obstacles.append(Obstacle(pos[0], pos[1])) def apply_command_denied(self, cmd): self.logger.add_message("Joining session failed") menu.Menu(self.client, "This username is already taken, please choose another") def apply_command_newplayer(self, cmd): user = cmd[1] self.logger.add_message(user + " joins the game") self.arena.players[user] = Player("enemy.png", user) def apply_command_playerleft(self, cmd): user = cmd[1] self.logger.add_message(user + " left the game") if (user in self.arena.players): del self.arena.players[user] def apply_command_session(self, cmd): coords = cmd[1] coord = cmd[2] obs_coords = cmd[3] self.logger.add_message("Session starting !") players_coords = coords.split("|") for p in players_coords: [name, pos] = p.split(":") pos = parse_coord(pos) if (name in self.arena.players): self.arena.players[name].reset() self.arena.players[name].moveTo(pos[0], pos[1]) self.arena.players[name].to_display = True else: self.arena.players[name] = Player("enemy.png", name, pos, True) goals_coord = coord.split("|") goalx, goaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[0]) if (len(goals_coord) == 2): nextgoalx, nextgoaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[1]) self.arena.next_goal = Goal(nextgoalx, nextgoaly, True) self.arena.goal = Goal(goalx, goaly) if (len(obs_coords) > 0): for o in obs_coords.split("|"): pos = parse_coord(o) self.arena.obstacles.append(Obstacle(pos[0], pos[1])) self.session_state = "jeu" def apply_command_winner(self, cmd): scores = cmd[1] for s in scores.split("|"): [name, score] = s.split(":") self.arena.players[name].score = int(score) if (int(score) == WIN_CAP): winner = name if (self.username == winner): self.logger.add_message( "End of game, congratulations you are the winner !!") else: self.logger.add_message("End of game, winner is : " + winner) self.logger.add_message("A new game will restart soon") self.session_state = "attente" self.arena.goal = None self.arena.obstacles.clear() self.arena.attacks.clear() # Don't display other player if not ingame for p in self.arena.players.values(): if (not p.username == self.username): p.to_display = False def apply_command_tick(self, cmd): coords = cmd[1] self.arena.attacks.clear() players_coords = coords.split("|") for p in players_coords: [name, vals] = p.split(":") pos, vector, direction = parse_coord(vals) player = self.arena.players[name] player.moveTo(pos[0], pos[1]) player.direction = direction player.vector = vector player.to_display = True def apply_command_tick2(self, cmd): self.apply_command_tick(cmd) self.arena.attacks.clear() coords = cmd[2] for a in coords.split("|"): pos = parse_coord(a) self.arena.attacks.append(Attack(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) def apply_command_newobj(self, cmd): coord = cmd[1] scores = cmd[2] for s in scores.split("|"): [name, score] = s.split(":") self.arena.players[name].score = int(score) goals_coord = coord.split("|") goalx, goaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[0]) if (len(goals_coord) == 2): nextgoalx, nextgoaly = parse_coord(goals_coord[1]) self.arena.next_goal = Goal(nextgoalx, nextgoaly, True) else: self.arena.next_goal = None self.arena.goal = Goal(goalx, goaly) def apply_command_reception(self, cmd): message = cmd[1] self.logger.add_message(message, (255, 0, 0)) def apply_command_preception(self, cmd): message = cmd[1] user = cmd[2] self.logger.add_message("From " + user + " : " + message, (255, 105, 180)) def handle_keyboard_input(self): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if (not self.inputbox.isWriting): if (keys[pygame.K_q] or keys[pygame.K_LEFT]): self.main_player.anticlock() elif (keys[pygame.K_d] or keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]): self.main_player.clock() else: self.inputbox.handle_continuous_pressed_keys(keys) for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): self.stop() if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN): if (not self.inputbox.isWriting): if (event.key == pygame.K_SPACE): self.main_player.thrust() if (event.key == pygame.K_e): self.main_player.shoot() if (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): self.stop() self.inputbox.handle_input_event(event) def enitities_update(self): self.arena.update( ) # Updates every players in the arena including the main_player def draw_frame(self): self.client.window.fill( (0, 0, 0)) # Efface tout ce qui est sur la fenetre self.arena.draw(self.client.window) # Dessine toutes les entites self.logger.draw(self.client.window) self.score_displayer.draw(self.arena.players, self.client.window) self.inputbox.draw(self.client.window) pygame.display.update() # Met a jour la fenetre def stop(self): if (not self.socket is None): self.socket.close() pygame.quit() exit(0) def send_message(self, text): words = text.split(" ") if (len(words) >= 3 and words[0] == "/w" and len(words[1]) > 0 and len(words[2]) > 0): msg = " ".join(words[2:]) self.logger.add_message("To " + words[1] + " : " + msg, (255, 105, 180)) send_serveur.sendpmsg(self.socket, words[1], msg) elif (len(words) == 1 and words[0] == "/race"): self.logger.add_message("The next session will be a race") send_serveur.sendrace(self.socket) else: self.logger.add_message(text, (255, 0, 0)) send_serveur.sendmsg(self.socket, text)
class ColoradTheGame: screen_size = None screen = None background_color = None clock = None seed = None font_path = None # UI grid = None text_box_score = None text_box_score_value = None text_box_cur_seed = None text_box_cur_seed_value = None text_box_seed = None input_box_seed = None button_generate = None def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # window self.screen_size = (842, 562) self.background_color = (222, 213, 200) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen_size) pygame.display.set_caption('Colorad') self.font_path = 'fonts/Quicksand-Bold.ttf' # grid self.seed = 180603 self.grid = Grid(size=(32, 32), point_pxl=(20, 20), border_color=(205, 192, 180), border_thickness_pxl=5, cell_size_pxl=(16, 16), spacing_pxl=(0, 0), cell_colors=color_values, random_seed=self.seed) # text box score self.text_box_score = TextBox(point=(550, 20), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=32, font_color=(100, 92, 85)) self.text_box_score.set_text("Score:") # text box score value self.text_box_score_value = TextBox(point=(550, 50), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=32, font_color=(100, 92, 85)) self.text_box_score_value.set_text(str(self.grid.total_score)) # text box current seed self.text_box_cur_seed = TextBox(point=(550, 150), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=32, font_color=(100, 92, 85)) self.text_box_cur_seed.set_text("Current seed:") # text box current seed value self.text_box_cur_seed_value = TextBox(point=(550, 180), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=32, font_color=(100, 92, 85)) self.text_box_cur_seed_value.set_text(str(self.seed)) # text box seed self.text_box_seed = TextBox(point=(550, 280), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=32, font_color=(100, 92, 85)) self.text_box_seed.set_text("Enter seed:") # input box seed self.input_box_seed = InputBox(point=(550, 320), length=140, max_char=10, font_size=32, text_padding=(4, -4), font_path=self.font_path) # button generate self.button_generate = Button(point=(550, 360), size=(147, 40), text='Generate', text_padding=(10, 0), font_path=self.font_path, font_size=28, font_color=(100, 92, 85), background_color=(205, 192, 180), callback=self.set_seed) # draw the first time!! self.draw() #_____core_____ def run(self): running = True # main loop while (running): events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.on_mouse_button_down(event) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self.on_key_down(event) if self.is_end_game(): self.end_game() self.clock.tick(30) # loop over, quite pygame pygame.quit() def update(self): self.text_box_score_value.set_text(str(self.grid.total_score)) self.text_box_cur_seed_value.set_text(str(self.seed)) def draw(self): # clear screen self.screen.fill(self.background_color) self.grid.draw(self.screen) self.text_box_score.draw(self.screen) self.text_box_score_value.draw(self.screen) self.text_box_cur_seed.draw(self.screen) self.text_box_cur_seed_value.draw(self.screen) self.text_box_seed.draw(self.screen) self.input_box_seed.draw(self.screen) self.button_generate.draw(self.screen) # update screen pygame.display.flip() #_____events_____ def on_key_down(self, event): self.input_box_seed.on_key_down(event) self.update() self.draw() def on_mouse_button_down(self, event): self.grid.on_mouse_button_down(event) self.input_box_seed.on_mouse_button_down(event) self.button_generate.on_mouse_button_down(event) self.update() self.draw() def is_end_game(self): return self.grid.is_empty() def end_game(self): print("end game!!!") #_____logic_____ def set_seed(self): try: seed = int(self.input_box_seed.text) self.seed = seed except: pass self.grid.reset_seed(self.seed) self.update() self.draw()
class NameScene(SceneBase): def __init__(self): SceneBase.__init__(self) self.FONT = pygame.font.SysFont(FONT_FAMILY, FONT_SIZE) self.play_button = pygame.Rect(WIN_WIDTH * 5.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 3 / 5, WIN_WIDTH / 5, WIN_HEIGHT / 10) self.back_button = pygame.Rect(WIN_WIDTH * 2.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 3 / 5, WIN_WIDTH / 5, WIN_HEIGHT / 10) self.play_text = self.FONT.render('PLAY', False, pygame.Color(WHITE)) self.back_text = self.FONT.render('back', False, pygame.Color(BLUE)) self.enter_name_text = self.FONT.render('Enter your name', False, pygame.Color(BLUE)) self.name_input_form = InputBox(WIN_WIDTH * 2.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 2 / 5, WIN_WIDTH / 2, WIN_HEIGHT / 10) self.hint_text = self.FONT.render('', False, pygame.Color(RED)) self.blank_from = True def process_input(self, events, pressed_keys): for event in events: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = event.pos if self.play_button.collidepoint(mouse_pos): if self.name_input_form.get_text() != '': self.switch_to_scene(GameScene()) self.blank_from = False else: self.hint_text = self.FONT.render( 'Enter name!', False, pygame.Color(RED)) if self.back_button.collidepoint(mouse_pos): from menu_scene import MenuScene self.switch_to_scene(MenuScene()) self.name_input_form.handle_event(event) def update(self): pygame.display.update() def render(self, screen): screen.fill(pygame.Color(BACKGROUND_COLOR)) # Play button position screen.blit(self.play_text, (WIN_WIDTH * 5.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 3 / 5)) # Back score button screen.blit(self.back_text, (WIN_WIDTH * 2.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 3 / 5)) # Enter name text screen.blit(self.enter_name_text, (WIN_WIDTH * 2.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 1 / 5)) # Hint text screen.blit(self.hint_text, (WIN_WIDTH * 2.5 / 10, WIN_HEIGHT * 4 / 5)) # Draw input form with text self.name_input_form.draw(screen) def save(self): f = open(SCORE_FILE, 'a') f.write(self.name_input_form.text + ':') f.close()
banner_rect.x = math.ceil( (screen.get_width() - banner.get_width()) / 2) banner_rect.y = math.ceil((screen.get_height() - title_pos_y - text_height - banner.get_height()) / 2) screen.blit(play_button, (play_button_rect)) play_button_rect.x = math.ceil( (screen.get_width() - play_button.get_width()) / 2) play_button_rect.y = screen.get_height() - math.ceil( screen.get_height() - box.rect.y - box.rect.h - play_button.get_height() / 2) if seconds % 2 == 0: screen.blit( input_info, (width / 2 - input_info.get_width() / 2, height / 4 * 2.35)) box.update() box.draw(screen) if box.is_error: box.error_surface = FONT.render(box.error, True, (255, 255, 255)) else: box.error_surface = FONT.render(box.error, True, (0, 0, 0)) game.name_player = box.text.strip() screen.blit(box.error_surface, (math.ceil( (screen.get_width() - box.error_surface.get_width()) / 2), box.rect.y + box.rect.h + math.ceil( (play_button_rect.y - (box.rect.y + box.rect.h) - 32) / 2))) pygame.display.flip() # si le on ferme la fenetre for event in pygame.event.get(): box.handle_event(event)