def __call__(self, input_pl): """callable object, a operator for model Args: input_pl: input placeholder """ if not isinstance(input_pl, Input): raise ValueError('Input placeholder mus be same type with Input') # setup input_placeholder as current layer input, get shape self.set_input_shape(input_pl.shape) # get output_shape = input_pl_shape, takes input_pl_shape as output shape of a layer output_shape = self.get_output_shape() # create a output_placeholder return Input(output_shape, [input_pl], self)
def load_inputs(self, config): """ Loads dictionary of the input parameters from import handler configuration. """ if not hasattr(config, "inputs"): logging.debug("No input parameters declared") return inputs_conf = config.inputs if inputs_conf is not None: for param_conf in inputs_conf.xpath("param"): inp = Input(param_conf) self.inputs[] = inp
def __call__(self, input_pl1, input_pl2): """callable method to add 2 layer """ if (not isinstance(input_pl1, Input)) and (not isinstance(input_pl2, Input)): raise ValueError('Layer1 and layer2 must be same type') if input_pl1.shape != input_pl2.shape: raise ValueError('Layer1 and layer2 must be same shape') # input_pl is current layer input self.set_input_shape(input_pl1.shape) output_shape = self.get_output_shape() # create output placeholder return Input(output_shape, [input_pl1, input_pl2], self)
from perceptron import Perceptron, BIAS from inputs import Input from random import randint perceptron = Perceptron() train_datas = [Input(2 * i + 2 + randint(-10, 10) / 100) for i in range(10)] expected = 1.0 EPOCHS = 1 for epoch in range(EPOCHS): for train_data in train_datas: print(f'wynik: {, BIAS)}') perceptron.train(expected, train_data, BIAS)
def get_input(self): return Input(player_up=False, player_down=False, player_left=False, player_right=False)
def __init__(self, log, conf=None): Input.__init__(self, log) = {} if conf: for c in conf: self.add_source(c)
RESTORE = False # if true, just train, otherwise restore cache and skip training TRAIN = True # publish result or just tuning PUBLISH = not TRAIN # remember when we start start_time = time.time() print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() train_data_source = Input(WORKING_PATH, TRAIN_FILE, shuffle=True, loop=True, temp_file_path=TEMP_FILE, n_mfcc=FLATTEN_SIZE_W, fixed_sample=FLATTEN_SIZE_H) CATEGORY_NUM = train_data_source.get_category_num() # tf Graph Input x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, FLATTEN_SIZE_W, FLATTEN_SIZE_H]) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, CATEGORY_NUM]) keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) x_audio = tf.reshape(x, [-1, FLATTEN_SIZE_W, FLATTEN_SIZE_H, 1]) # conv layer 1 conv_1 = model.conv2d_layer("cnn_1", x_audio, [5, 5], 1, 64, use_BN=True, training=TRAIN) # conv layer 2 conv_2 = model.conv2d_layer("cnn_2", conv_1, [3, 3], 64, 128, pool_size=[2, 2], use_BN=True, training=TRAIN) # conv layer 3
weight = weight - self.learning_rate * self.error_fn_deriv( inputs[i]) new_weights.append(weight) self.weights = new_weights def train(self, expected, *inputs): ''' Funkcja train jest skrótem funkcji xtrain; Ma zastosowanie do wszystkich funkcji aktywacji, które nie potrzebują dodatkowych argumentów; ''' return self.xtrain([], expected, *inputs) def xtrain(self, activation_args: list, expected, *inputs): ''' Funkcja przyjmuje dodatkowe argumenty dla funkcji aktywacji oraz sygnały wejściowe; Jeśli nie ma konieczności podawania dodatkowych argumentów należy użyć funkcji skróconej train; Sygnały na wejściu powinny być obiektami klasy Input, która zwraca parametr liczbowy value; Funkcja uczy perceptron; ''' self._run(inputs) print(f'Błąd przed korekcją: {self.sqr_error(expected)}') self.activation_deriv = activation_args self.error_fn_deriv = expected self.update_weights(self._inputs) # kontrolnie self._run(inputs) print(f'Błąd po korekcji: {self.sqr_error(expected)}') BIAS = Input(1)