def set_uc(self): admin = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() ucid, ucname, ucsort = data.get('ucid'), data.get('ucname'), data.get( 'ucsort') ucdict = {} if ucname: ucdict['UCname'] = ucname if ucsort: try: ucsort = int(ucsort) except: raise ParamsError('权重只能是整数') ucdict['UCsort'] = ucsort with db.auto_commit(): if not ucid: if not ucname: raise ParamsError('分类名缺失') ucdict['UCid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) ucinstance = UnitCategory.create(ucdict) msg = '添加成功' else: ucinstance = UnitCategory.query.filter( UnitCategory.UCid == ucid, UnitCategory.isdelete == false()).first_('分类已删除') if data.get('delete'): ucinstance.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: ucinstance.update(ucdict) msg = '更新成功' db.session.add(ucinstance) return Success(message=msg, data={'ucid': ucinstance.UCid})
def update_white_list(self): admin = get_current_admin() if not admin: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required(("usid", "action")) usid = data.get('usid') action = data.get("action", 10) if action: try: action = WhiteListAction(int(action)).value except: raise ParamsError('action 只能是整数') user = User.query.filter(User.USid == usid, User.isdelete == false()).first() if not user: raise ParamsError('用户不在本系统') with db.auto_commit(): if action == WhiteListAction.putin.value: if user.USinWhiteList: raise ParamsError('用户已在白名单') user.USinWhiteList = True elif action == WhiteListAction.delete.value: if not user.USinWhiteList: raise ParamsError('用户不在白名单') user.USinWhiteList = False else: raise ParamsError('参数异常') db.session.add(user) return Success(data='{}修改成功'.format(user.USname))
def update_admin_password(self): """更新管理员密码""" if not is_admin(): raise AuthorityError('权限不足') data = parameter_required( ('password_old', 'password_new', 'password_repeat')) admin = get_current_admin() pwd_new = data.get('password_new') pwd_old = data.get('password_old') pwd_repeat = data.get('password_repeat') if pwd_new != pwd_repeat: raise ParamsError('两次输入的密码不同') with db.auto_commit(): if check_password_hash(admin.ADpassword, pwd_old): self.__check_password(pwd_new) admin.ADpassword = generate_password_hash(pwd_new) # BASEADMIN().create_action(AdminActionS.update.value, 'none', 'none') db.session.add(admin) return Success('更新密码成功')'{0} update pwd failed'.format( admin.ADname)) raise ParamsError('旧密码有误') raise AuthorityError('账号已被回收')
def bind_phone(self): """小程序绑定手机号更新用户""" data = parameter_required(( 'ustelphone', 'identifyingcode', )) ustelphone = data.get('ustelphone') if not ustelphone: raise ParamsError('为获得更优质的服务,请允许授权您的手机号码') user = self._get_exist_user((User.USid == getattr(request, 'user').id, )) if user.UStelphone: raise TokenError('您已绑定过手机号码') self.__check_identifyingcode(ustelphone, data.get("identifyingcode")) covered_number = str(ustelphone).replace(str(ustelphone)[3:7], '*' * 4) if self._get_exist_user((User.USid != getattr(request, 'user').id, User.UStelphone == ustelphone)): raise ParamsError(f'该手机号({covered_number})已被其他用户绑定,请联系客服处理') with db.auto_commit(): user.update({'UStelphone': ustelphone}) db.session.add(user) res_user = user token = usid_to_token(res_user.USid, level=res_user.USlevel, username=res_user.USname) # 更换token response = {'phonenumber': covered_number, 'token': token}'return_data: {}'.format(response)) return Success('绑定成功', response)
def __check_password(self, password): if not password or len(password) < 4: raise ParamsError('密码长度低于4位') zh_pattern = re.compile(r'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+') match = if match: raise ParamsError(u'密码包含中文字符') return True
def get_inforcode(self): """发送/校验验证码""" args = request.args.to_dict() # print('get inforcode args: {0}'.format(args)) Utel = args.get('ustelphone') if not Utel or not re.match(r'^1[1-9][0-9]{9}$', str(Utel)): raise ParamsError('请输入正确的手机号码') if is_user(): user = User.query.filter_by_( if (user and user.UStelphone) and str(Utel) != user.UStelphone: raise ParamsError('请使用已绑定手机号 {} 获取验证码' ''.format( str(user.UStelphone).replace( str(user.UStelphone)[3:7], '*' * 4))) # 拼接验证码字符串(6位) code = "" while len(code) < 6: item = random.randint(1, 9) code = code + str(item) # 获取当前时间,与上一次获取的时间进行比较,小于60秒的获取直接报错 time_time = # 根据电话号码获取时间 time_up = IdentifyingCode.query.filter( IdentifyingCode.ICtelphone == Utel, IdentifyingCode.isdelete == False).order_by( IdentifyingCode.createtime.desc()).first_() # print("this is time up %s", time_up) if time_up: delta = time_time - time_up.createtime if delta.seconds < 60: raise TimeError("验证码已发送") with db.auto_commit(): newidcode = IdentifyingCode.create({ "ICtelphone": Utel, "ICcode": code, "ICid": str(uuid.uuid1()) }) db.session.add(newidcode) params = {"code": code} response_send_message = SendSMS(Utel, params) if not response_send_message: raise SystemError('发送验证码失败') response = {'ustelphone': Utel} return Success('获取验证码成功', data=response)
def __check_adname(self, adname, adid): """账户名校验""" if not adname or adid: return True suexist = Admin.query.filter_by(ADname=adname, isdelete=False).first() if suexist and suexist.ADid != adid: raise ParamsError('用户名已存在') return True
def set_proudct(self): admin = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() prid, prname, pcid, prsort = data.get('prid'), data.get( 'prname'), data.get('pcid'), data.get('prsort') product_dict = {"ADid": admin.ADid} if prname: product_dict['PRname'] = prname if pcid: pc = ProductCategory.query.filter( ProductCategory.PCid == pcid, ProductCategory.isdelete == false()).first_('分类已删除') product_dict['PCid'] = pc.PCid if prsort: try: prsort = int(prsort) except: raise ParamsError('权重只能是整数') product_dict['PRsort'] = prsort with db.auto_commit(): if not prid: if not prname: raise ParamsError('缺少产品名') if not pcid: raise ParamsError('缺少分类ID') product_dict['PRid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) product = Product.create(product_dict) msg = '添加成功' else: product = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('产品已删除') if data.get('delete'): product.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: product.update(product_dict) msg = '编辑成功' db.session.add(product) return Success(message=msg, data={'prid': product.PRid})
def set_userlevelsetting(self): admin = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() ulsid, ulslevel, ulscoefficient = data.get('ulsid'), data.get( 'ulslevel'), data.get('ulscoefficient') ulsdict = {} if ulslevel or ulslevel == 0: try: ulslevel = int(ulslevel) except: raise ParamsError('等级只能是整数') ulsdict['ULSlevel'] = ulslevel if ulscoefficient or ulscoefficient == 0: try: ulscoefficient = Decimal(ulscoefficient) except: raise ParamsError('系数只能是数字') ulsdict['ULScoefficient'] = ulscoefficient with db.auto_commit(): if not ulsid: if not ulslevel: raise ParamsError('等级参数缺失') if not ulscoefficient: raise ParamsError('系数缺失') ulsdict['ULSid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) # 同级校验 uls = UserLevelSetting.query.filter( UserLevelSetting.isdelete == false(), UserLevelSetting.ULSlevel == ulslevel).first() if uls: raise ParamsError('该等级已设置对应系数') ulsinstance = UserLevelSetting.create(ulsdict) msg = '添加成功' else: ulsinstance = UserLevelSetting.query.filter( UserLevelSetting.isdelete == false(), UserLevelSetting.ULSid == ulsid).first_('系数设置已删除') if data.get('delete'): ulsinstance.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: ulsinstance.update(ulsdict) msg = '更新成功' db.session.add(ulsinstance) return Success(msg, data={'ulsid': ulsinstance.ULSid})
def set_pc(self): _ = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() pcid, pcname, pcsort, pcurl, pcicon = data.get('pcid'), data.get( 'pcname'), data.get('pcsort'), data.get('pcurl'), data.get( 'pcicon') pc_dict = {} if pcname: pc_dict['PCname'] = pcname # if pcurl: pc_dict['PCurl'] = pcurl if pcicon: pc_dict['PCicon'] = pcicon if pcsort: try: pcsort = int(pcsort) except: raise ParamsError('权重只能是整数') pc_dict['PCsort'] = pcsort with db.auto_commit(): if not pcid: if not pcname: raise ParamsError('缺少分类名') if not pcicon: raise ParamsError('缺少icon') pc_dict['PCid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) pc = ProductCategory.create(pc_dict) msg = '添加成功' else: pc = ProductCategory.query.filter( ProductCategory.PCid == pcid, ProductCategory.isdelete == false()).first_('分类已删除') if data.get('delete'): pc.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: pc.update(pc_dict, null='not ignore') msg = '编辑成功' db.session.add(pc) return Success(message=msg, data={'pcid': pc.PCid})
def _check_time(self, check_time): if not check_time: return # 日期校验 if not isinstance(check_time, datetime): try: check_time = datetime.strptime(str(check_time), format_for_web_second) except: raise ParamsError( '日期格式不对,具体格式为{}'.format(format_for_web_second)) return check_time
def update_user_level(self): admin = get_current_admin() if not admin: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required(("usid", "uslevel")) usid = data.get('usid') uslevel = data.get("uslevel", 0) if uslevel or uslevel == 0: try: uslevel = int(uslevel) except: raise ParamsError('uslevel 只能是整数') user = User.query.filter(User.USid == usid, User.isdelete == false()).first() if not user: raise ParamsError('用户不在本系统') with db.auto_commit(): user.USlevel = uslevel db.session.add(user) return Success(data='{}修改成功'.format(user.USname))
def __check_identifyingcode(self, ustelphone, identifyingcode): """验证码校验""" # identifyingcode = str(data.get('identifyingcode')) if not ustelphone or not identifyingcode: raise ParamsError("验证码/手机号缺失") idcode = IdentifyingCode.query.filter( IdentifyingCode.ICtelphone == ustelphone, IdentifyingCode.isdelete == False).order_by( IdentifyingCode.createtime.desc()).first_() if not idcode or str(idcode.ICcode) != identifyingcode: 'get identifyingcode ={0} get idcode = {1}'.format( identifyingcode, idcode.ICcode)) raise ParamsError('验证码有误') timenow = if (timenow - idcode.createtime).seconds > 600:'get timenow ={0}, sendtime = {1}'.format( timenow, idcode.createtime)) raise ParamsError('验证码已经过期') return True
def download(self): """导出""" data = parameter_required(('uhid', )) uhid = data.get('uhid') uh = UserHistory.query.filter( UserHistory.UHid == uhid, UserHistory.isdelete == false()).first_('查询记录已删除') if is_user(): uhcost = json.loads(uh.UHcost) return Success('获取成功', data=uhcost) filepath, filename = uh.UHabs, uh.UHfile, if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(filepath, filename)): raise ParamsError('报表未能成功导出') return send_from_directory(filepath, filename, as_attachment=True, cache_timeout=-1)
def upload_img(self): if is_anonymous():">>> Tourist Uploading Files <<<") else:">>> {} Uploading Files <<<".format(request.user.model)) self.check_file_size() file = request.files.get('file') data = parameter_required() if not data: data = request.form'form : {}'.format(data))'type is {}'.format(data.get('type'))) folder = self.allowed_folder(data.get('type')) if not file: raise ParamsError(u'上传有误') file_data, video_thum, video_dur, upload_type = self._upload_file(file, folder) # return Success('上传成功', data={'url': file_data, 'video_thum': video_thum, 'video_dur': video_dur, # 'upload_type': upload_type}) file_data = HTTP_HOST + file_data return Success('上传成功', data=file_data).get_body(video_thum=video_thum, video_dur=video_dur, upload_type=upload_type)
def batch_upload(self): if is_anonymous():">>> Tourist Bulk Uploading Files <<<") else:">>> {} Bulk Uploading Files <<<".format(request.user.model)) self.check_file_size() files = request.files.to_dict()">>> Uploading {} Files <<<".format(len(files))) if len(files) > 30: raise ParamsError('最多可同时上传30张图片') data = parameter_required() folder = self.allowed_folder(data.get('type')) file_url_list = [] for file in files.values(): file_data, video_thum, video_dur, upload_type = self._upload_file(file, folder) file_dict = { 'url': file_data, 'video_thum': video_thum, 'video_dur': video_dur, 'upload_type': upload_type } file_url_list.append(file_dict) return Success('上传成功', file_url_list)
def admin_login(self): """管理员登录""" data = parameter_required(('adname', 'adpassword')) admin = Admin.query.filter( Admin.isdelete == false(), Admin.ADname == data.get('adname')).first_('用户不存在') # 密码验证 if admin and check_password_hash(admin.ADpassword, data.get("adpassword")):'管理员登录成功 %s' % admin.ADname) # 创建管理员登录记录 ul_instance = UserLoginTime.create({ "ULTid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "USid": admin.ADid, "USTip": request.remote_addr, "ULtype": UserLoginTimetype.admin.value, "UserAgent": request.user_agent.string }) db.session.add(ul_instance) token = usid_to_token(admin.ADid, 'Admin', admin.ADlevel, username=admin.ADname) admin.fields = ['ADname', 'ADheader', 'ADlevel'] admin.fill('adlevel', AdminLevel(admin.ADlevel).zh_value) admin.fill('adstatus', AdminStatus(admin.ADstatus).zh_value) return Success('登录成功', data={'token': token, "admin": admin}) return ParamsError("用户名或密码错误")
def get_user_list(self): admin = get_current_admin() if not admin: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required() ustelphone = data.get('ustelphone') usname = data.get('usname') uslevel = data.get('uslevel') filter_args = [User.isdelete == false()] if ustelphone: filter_args.append(User.UStelphone.ilike( '%{}%'.format(ustelphone))) if usname: filter_args.append(User.USname.ilike('%{}%'.format(usname))) if uslevel or uslevel == 0: try: uslevel = int(uslevel) except Exception: raise ParamsError('等级只能是整数') filter_args.append(User.USlevel == uslevel) user_list = User.query.filter(*filter_args).all_with_page() return Success('获取成功', data=user_list)
def _upload_file(self, file, folder): filename = file.filename shuffix = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]">>> Upload File Shuffix is {0} <<<".format(shuffix)) shuffix = shuffix.lower() if self.allowed_file(shuffix): img_name = self.new_name(shuffix) time_now = year = str(time_now.year) month = str(time_now.month) day = str( newPath = os.path.join(current_app.config['BASEDIR'], 'img', folder, year, month, day) if not os.path.isdir(newPath): os.makedirs(newPath) newFile = os.path.join(newPath, img_name) # 保存图片 data = '/img/{folder}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{img_name}'.format(folder=folder, year=year, month=month, day=day, img_name=img_name) if shuffix in ['.mp4', '.avi', '.wmv', '.mov', '.3gp', '.flv', '.mpg']: upload_type = 'video' # 生成视频缩略图 thum_origin_name = img_name.split('.')[0] thum_name = video2frames(newFile, newPath, output_prefix=thum_origin_name, extract_time_points=(2,), jpg_quality=80) video_thum = '/img/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(folder, year, month, day, thum_name.get('thumbnail_name_list')[0]) dur_second = int(thum_name.get('video_duration', 0)) minute = dur_second // 60 second = dur_second % 60 minute_str = '0' + str(minute) if minute < 10 else str(minute) second_str = '0' + str(second) if second < 10 else str(second) video_dur = minute_str + ':' + second_str if current_app.config.get('IMG_TO_OSS'): try:, filename=data[1:]) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(">>> 视频上传到七牛云出错 : {} <<<".format(e)) raise ParamsError('上传视频失败,请稍后再试') video_thumbnail_path = os.path.join(newPath, thum_name.get('thumbnail_name_list')[0]) if current_app.config.get('IMG_TO_OSS'): try:, filename=video_thum[1:]) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(">>> 视频预览图上传到七牛云出错 : {} <<<".format(e)) else: upload_type = 'image' video_thum = '' video_dur = '' # 读取 # img = # img_size = '_' + 'x'.join(map(str, img.size)) # path_with_size = thumbnail_img + img_size + shuffix # data += (img_size + shuffix) # # os.remove(newFile) # 生成压缩图 try: thumbnail_img = CompressPicture().resize_img(ori_img=newFile, ratio=0.8, save_q=80) except Exception as e:">>> Resize Picture Error : {} <<<".format(e)) raise ParamsError('图片格式错误,请检查后重新上传(请勿强制更改图片后缀名)') data += '_' + thumbnail_img.split('_')[-1] # 上传到七牛云,并删除本地压缩图 if current_app.config.get('IMG_TO_OSS'): try:, filename=data[1:]) # os.remove(str(newFile + '_' + thumbnail_img.split('_')[-1])) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(">>> 图片上传到七牛云出错 : {} <<<".format(e)) raise ParamsError('上传图片失败,请稍后再试')">>> Upload File Path is {} <<<".format(data)) return data, video_thum, video_dur, upload_type else: raise SystemError(u'上传有误, 不支持的文件类型 {}'.format(shuffix))
def check_file_size(self): max_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024 upload_file_size = request.content_length">>> Upload File Size is {0} MB <<<".format(round(upload_file_size / 1048576, 2))) if upload_file_size > max_file_size: raise ParamsError("上传文件过大,请上传小于100MB的文件")
def set_pp(self): _ = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() ppid, prid, ppname, pprequired, pptype, ppremarks, ppunit, ppsort, ppvlist = data.get( 'ppid'), data.get('prid'), data.get('ppname'), data.get( 'pprequired'), data.get('pptype'), data.get( 'ppremarks'), data.get('ppunit'), data.get( 'ppsort'), data.get('ppvlist', []) pp_dict = {} if ppname: pp_dict['PPname'] = ppname if prid: _ = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('商品已删除') pp_dict['PRid'] = prid # if pprequired: pp_dict['PPrequired'] = bool(pprequired) if ppsort: try: ppsort = int(ppsort) except: raise ParamsError('权重只能是整数') pp_dict['PPsort'] = ppsort if pptype: try: pptype = ProductParamsType(int(pptype)).value except: raise ParamsError('类型有误') pp_dict['PPtype'] = pptype # if ppunit: pp_dict['PPunit'] = ppunit if ppremarks: pp_dict['PPremarks'] = ppremarks with db.auto_commit(): if not ppid: # if not prid: # raise ParamsError('需绑定产品') if not ppname: raise ParamsError('缺少参数名') if not pptype: raise ParamsError('缺少参数类型') pp_dict['PPid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) pp = ProductParams.create(pp_dict) msg = '添加成功' else: pp = ProductParams.query.filter( ProductParams.PPid == ppid, ProductParams.isdelete == false()).first_('参数已删除') if data.get('delete'): pp.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: pp.update(pp_dict, null='not ignore') msg = '编辑成功' db.session.add(pp) if isinstance(ppvlist, list): # ProductParamsValue.query.filter(ProductParams.PPid == pp.PPid).delete_() ppvidlist = [] instance_list = [] for ppv in ppvlist: ppvvalue = ppv.get('ppvvalue') ppvprice = ppv.get('ppvprice', 0) ppvid = ppv.get('ppvid') if ppvprice: try: ppvprice = Decimal(str(ppvprice)) except: raise ParamsError('单价只能是数字') ppvdict = { 'PPid': pp.PPid, "PPVvalue": ppvvalue, "PPVprice": ppvprice } if ppvid: ppv_instance = ProductParamsValue.query.filter( ProductParamsValue.PPVid == ppvid, ProductParamsValue.isdelete == false()).first() if ppv_instance: ppv_instance.update(ppvdict) else: ppvdict.setdefault('PPVid', str(uuid.uuid1())) ppv_instance = ProductParamsValue.create(ppvdict) else: ppvdict.setdefault('PPVid', str(uuid.uuid1())) ppv_instance = ProductParamsValue.create(ppvdict) frontids = ppv.get('frontid', []) if isinstance(frontids, list): fpids = [] for frontid in frontids: front = ProductParams.query.filter( ProductParams.PPid == frontid).first_( "后续参数已删除") fp_instance = FrontParams.query.filter( FrontParams.PPid == front.PPid, FrontParams.PPVid == ppv_instance.PPVid, FrontParams.isdelete == false()).first() if not fp_instance: fp_instance = FrontParams.create({ "FPid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "PPid": front.PPid, "PPVid": ppv_instance.PPVid, }) instance_list.append(fp_instance) fpids.append(fp_instance.FPid) front.PRid = "" instance_list.append(front) unused_fp = FrontParams.query.filter( FrontParams.PPVid == ppv_instance.PPVid, FrontParams.FPid.notin_(fpids), FrontParams.isdelete == false()).all() # 删除无用绑定 for fp in unused_fp: unused_pp = ProductParams.query.filter( ProductParams.PPid == fp.PPid, ProductParams.isdelete == false()).first() if unused_pp: unused_pp.PRid = pp.PRid instance_list.append(unused_pp) fp.isdelete = True instance_list.append(fp) ppvidlist.append(ppv_instance.PPVid) instance_list.append(ppv_instance) db.session.add_all(instance_list) unused_ppv = ProductParamsValue.query.filter( ProductParamsValue.PPid == pp.PPid, ProductParamsValue.PPVid.notin_(ppvidlist)).all() ProductParamsValue.query.filter( ProductParamsValue.PPid == pp.PPid, ProductParamsValue.PPVid.notin_(ppvidlist)).delete_( synchronize_session=False) return Success(message=msg, data={'ppid': pp.PPid})
def set_un(self): admin = get_current_admin() data = parameter_required() unid, ucid, unname, prid, ucrequired, ununit, ununitprice, untype, unlimit, unlimitmin, pcid, ppvid, unexnum = data.get( 'unid'), data.get('ucid'), data.get('unname'), data.get( 'prid'), data.get('ucrequired'), data.get('ununit'), data.get( 'ununitprice'), data.get('untype'), data.get( 'unlimit'), data.get('unlimitmin'), data.get( 'pcid'), data.get('ppvid'), data.get('unexnum') undict = {} if unname: undict['UNname'] = unname if ucid: uc = UnitCategory.query.filter( UnitCategory.UCid == ucid, UnitCategory.isdelete == false()).first_('分类已删除') undict['UCid'] = ucid if prid: product = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('商品已删除') undict['PRid'] = prid if pcid: pc = ProductCategory.query.filter( ProductCategory.PCid == pcid, ProductCategory.isdelete == false()).first_("商品分类已删除") undict['PCid'] = pcid if ununit: undict['UNunit'] = ununit if ppvid: ppv = ProductParamsValue.query.filter( ProductParamsValue.PPVid == ppvid, ProductParamsValue.isdelete == false()).first_('参数值已删除') undict['PPVid'] = ppvid if ununitprice: try: ununitprice = Decimal(ununitprice) except: raise ParamsError('单价只能是数字') undict['UNunitPrice'] = ununitprice if untype: try: untype = UnitType(int(untype)).value except: raise ParamsError('参数类型有误') undict['UNtype'] = untype or 0 if unlimit: try: unlimit = Decimal(unlimit) except: raise ParamsError('最大值只能是数字') undict['UNlimit'] = unlimit or 0 if unlimitmin: try: unlimitmin = Decimal(unlimitmin) except: raise ParamsError('最小值只能是数字') undict['UNlimitMin'] = unlimitmin or 0 undict['UCrequired'] = bool(ucrequired) if unexnum: try: ununitprice = Decimal(unexnum) except: raise ParamsError('倍数系数只能是数字') undict['UNexnum'] = unexnum with db.auto_commit(): if not unid: if not unname: raise ParamsError('计算名缺失') if not ununitprice: raise ParamsError('单价缺失') if not (pcid or prid): raise ParamsError('商品或者商品分类必须指定') if not unexnum: undict['UNexnum'] = 1 undict['UNid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) uninstance = Unit.create(undict) msg = '添加成功' else: uninstance = Unit.query.filter( Unit.UNid == unid, Unit.isdelete == false()).first_('部件已删除') if data.get('delete'): uninstance.update({'isdelete': True}) msg = '删除成功' else: uninstance.update(undict, null='not ignore') msg = '更新成功' db.session.add(uninstance) return Success(message=msg, data={'ucid': uninstance.UNid})
def calculation(self): """通过参数计算价格""" if not is_user(): raise AuthorityError user = get_current_user() if not user.USinWhiteList: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required(('prid', 'params')) prid = data.get('prid') product = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('商品已删除') params = data.get('params') # 参数分析 wide = 0 high = 0 area = 0 pillarshigh = 0 perimeter = 0 minner = 0 ppvidlist = [] try: for param in params: if param.get('ppvid'): ppvidlist.append(param.get('ppvid')) pptype = int(param.get('pptype')) if pptype == ProductParamsType.wide.value: wide = Decimal(param.get('value')) elif pptype == ProductParamsType.high.value: high = Decimal(param.get('value')) elif pptype == ProductParamsType.pillarshigh.value: pillarshigh = Decimal(param.get('value')) except: raise ParamsError('参数异常') area = wide * high perimeter = 2 * (wide + high) minner = min(wide, high) # 获取价格系数 ul = UserLevelSetting.query.filter( UserLevelSetting.ULSlevel == user.USlevel, UserLevelSetting.isdelete == false()).first() coefficient = Decimal(ul.ULScoefficient if ul else 1) # 先计算固定成本 filter_proudct = [ or_(and_(Unit.PRid == product.PRid, ), Unit.PRid == None), Unit.PCid == product.PCid, Unit.isdelete == false(), UnitCategory.isdelete == false() ] import configparser conf = configparser.ConfigParser() conf_path = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'inquiry', 'config', 'lightprice.cfg') subway = conf.get('subway', 'subway') if product.PRid == subway: filter_proudct.append(Unit.UNtype == UnitType.metro.value) # 成本 cost = Decimal('0') cost_item_list = [] # unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter(*filter_proudct, # Unit.UCrequired == True).all() # for un in unlist: # cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) # 计算除人工费的其他费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype != UnitType.cost.value, Unit.UNtype != UnitType.mount.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( UnitCategory.UCsort.desc(), Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() for un in unlist: if un.UCrequired == True: if un.UNtype: if un.UNtype == UnitType.wide.value: if not self._check_limit(wide, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.high.value: if not self._check_limit(high, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.pillarshigh.value: if not self._check_limit(pillarshigh, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.perimeter.value: if not self._check_limit(perimeter, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.area.value: if not self._check_limit(area, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.alarea.value: if not self._check_limit(area, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.minner.value: if not self._check_limit(minner, un): continue cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) continue if un.UNtype == UnitType.wide.value: if self._check_limit(wide, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, wide) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.high.value: if self._check_limit(high, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, high) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.pillarshigh.value: if self._check_limit(pillarshigh, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, pillarshigh) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.perimeter.value: if self._check_limit(perimeter, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, perimeter) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.area.value: if self._check_limit(area, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, area) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.alarea.value: if self._check_limit(area, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, perimeter) elif un.UNtype == UnitType.minner.value: if self._check_limit(minner, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, minner) continue else: cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) continue # 计算电源费用 todo 限制产品 if wide and high: cost += self._caculate_power(ppvidlist, wide, high, cost_item_list, coefficient, conf) # 计算人工费等依赖成本的费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype == UnitType.cost.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() # mount = Decimal(0) ex_cost = Decimal(0)'get cost = {}'.format(cost)) for un in unlist: ex_cost += self._add_ex_cost(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient)'get ex cost = {}'.format(ex_cost)) mount = cost + ex_cost'get mount = {}'.format(mount)) # 计算 依赖总额的费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype == UnitType.mount.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() final_mount = mount for un in unlist: final_mount += self._add_ex_cost(mount, cost_item_list, un, coefficient)'get final_mount = {}'.format(final_mount)) cost_item_list.append(('合计', '', '', '', '', final_mount)) # 建立表格 todo filepath, filename = self._create_table(cost_item_list) cost_dict_list = [{ 'ucname': item[0], 'unname': item[1], 'ununit': "{} * {}".format(item[2], item[4]), 'ununitprice': item[3], 'mount': item[5] } for item in cost_item_list] # 创建查询记录 with db.auto_commit(): uh = UserHistory.create({ "UHid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "USid": user.USid, "UHparams": json.dumps(params, cls=JSONEncoder), "PRid": prid, "UHprice": final_mount, "UHcost": json.dumps(cost_dict_list, cls=JSONEncoder), "UHfile": filename, "UHabs": filepath, }) db.session.add(uh) return Success('询价成功', data={"mount": mount, "uhid": uh.UHid})
def add_admin_by_superadmin(self): """超级管理员添加普通管理""" superadmin = get_current_admin() if superadmin.ADlevel != AdminLevel.super_admin.value or \ superadmin.ADstatus != AdminStatus.normal.value: raise AuthorityError('当前非超管权限') data = request.json"add admin data is %s" % data) parameter_required(('adname', 'adpassword', 'adtelphone')) adid = str(uuid.uuid1()) password = data.get('adpassword') # 密码校验 self.__check_password(password) adname = data.get('adname') adlevel = getattr(AdminLevel, data.get('adlevel', '')) adlevel = 2 if not adlevel else int(adlevel.value) header = data.get('adheader') or GithubAvatarGenerator().save_avatar( adid) # 等级校验 if adlevel not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ParamsError('adlevel参数错误') telephone = data.get('adtelphone') if not re.match(r'^1[0-9]{10}$', str(telephone)): raise ParamsError('手机号格式错误') # 账户名校验 self.__check_adname(adname, adid) adnum = self.__get_adnum() # 创建管理员 with db.auto_commit(): adinstance = Admin.create({ 'ADid': adid, 'ADnum': adnum, 'ADname': adname, 'ADtelephone': telephone, 'ADfirstpwd': password, 'ADfirstname': adname, 'ADpassword': generate_password_hash(password), 'ADheader': header, 'ADlevel': adlevel, 'ADstatus': 0, }) db.session.add(adinstance) # 创建管理员变更记录 an_instance = AdminNotes.create({ 'ANid': str(uuid.uuid1()), 'ADid': adid, 'ANaction': '{0} 创建管理员{1} 等级{2}'.format(superadmin.ADname, adname, adlevel), "ANdoneid": }) db.session.add(an_instance) return Success('创建管理员成功')
def update_admin(self): """更新管理员信息""" if not is_admin(): raise AuthorityError('权限不足') data = request.json or {} admin = get_current_admin() if admin.ADstatus != AdminStatus.normal.value: raise AuthorityError('权限不足') update_admin = {} action_list = [] with db.auto_commit(): if data.get("adname"): update_admin['ADname'] = data.get("adname") action_list.append( str(AdminAction.ADname.value) + '为' + str(data.get("adname")) + '\n') if data.get('adheader'): update_admin['ADheader'] = data.get("adheader") action_list.append(str(AdminAction.ADheader.value) + '\n') if data.get('adtelphone'): # self.__check_identifyingcode(data.get('adtelphone'), data.get('identifyingcode')) update_admin['ADtelephone'] = data.get('adtelphone') action_list.append( str(AdminAction.ADtelphone.value) + '为' + str(data.get("adtelphone")) + '\n') password = data.get('adpassword') if password and password != '*' * 6: self.__check_password(password) password = generate_password_hash(password) update_admin['ADpassword'] = password action_list.append( str(AdminAction.ADpassword.value) + '为' + str(password) + '\n') if admin.ADlevel == AdminLevel.super_admin.value: filter_adid = data.get('adid') or admin.ADid if getattr(AdminLevel, data.get('adlevel', ""), ""): update_admin['ADlevel'] = getattr( AdminLevel, data.get('adlevel')).value action_list.append( str(AdminAction.ADlevel.value) + '为' + getattr(AdminLevel, data.get('adlevel')).zh_value + '\n') if getattr(AdminStatus, data.get('adstatus', ""), ""): update_admin['ADstatus'] = getattr( AdminStatus, data.get('adstatus')).value action_list.append( str(AdminAction.ADstatus.value) + '为' + getattr(AdminStatus, data.get('adstatus')).zh_value + '\n') else: filter_adid = admin.ADid self.__check_adname(data.get("adname"), filter_adid) update_admin = { k: v for k, v in update_admin.items() if v or v == 0 } update_result = Admin.query.filter( Admin.ADid == filter_adid, Admin.isdelete == false()).update(update_admin) if not update_result: raise ParamsError('管理员不存在') filter_admin = Admin.query.filter( Admin.isdelete == false(), Admin.ADid == filter_adid).first_('管理员不存在') action_str = admin.ADname + '修改' + filter_admin.ADname + ','.join( action_list) an_instance = AdminNotes.create({ 'ANid': str(uuid.uuid1()), 'ADid': filter_adid, 'ANaction': action_str, "ANdoneid": }) db.session.add(an_instance) # if is_admin(): # self.base_admin.create_action(AdminActionS.insert.value, 'AdminNotes', str(uuid.uuid1())) return Success("操作成功")