コード例 #1
def test_format_proceeding(app):
    proceedings = get_db_record('lit', 701585)
    expected = (
        Entry('proceedings', [
            ('address', u"Geneva"),
            ('pages', u"pp.1--326"),
            ('publisher', u"CERN"),
             u"HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A"
            ('year', u"2005"),
            ('reportNumber', u"CERN-2005-014, DESY-PROC-2005-01"),
            ('archivePrefix', u"arXiv"),
            ('eprint', u"hep-ph/0601012"),
            ('url', u"http://weblib.cern.ch/abstract?CERN-2005-014"),
                  'editor': [Person(u"De Roeck, A."),
                             Person(u"Jung, H.")],
                  'author': [],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(proceedings)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #2
def test_format_inbook(app):
    inbook = get_db_record('lit', 1375491)
    expected = ("Bechtle:2015nta",
                Entry('inbook', [
                    ('pages', u"421--462"),
                    ('title', u"Supersymmetry"),
                    ('year', u"2015"),
                    ('doi', u"10.1007/978-3-319-15001-7_10"),
                    ('archivePrefix', u"arXiv"),
                    ('eprint', u"1506.03091"),
                    ('primaryClass', u"hep-ex"),
                          'editor': [],
                          'author': [
                              Person(u"Bechtle, Philip"),
                              Person(u"Plehn, Tilman"),
                              Person(u"Sander, Christian")

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(inbook)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #3
def test_format_book(app):
    book = get_db_record('lit', 736770)
    expected = ("Fecko:2006zy", Entry('book', [
        ('publisher', u"Cambridge University Press"),
        ('title', u"Differential geometry and Lie groups for physicists"),
        ('year', u"2011"),
        ('isbn', u"978-0-521-18796-1, 978-0-521-84507-6, 978-0-511-24296-0"),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [],
        'author': [Person(u"Fecko, M.")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(book)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #4
def test_format_phdthesis(app):
    phdthesis = get_db_record('lit', 1395663)
    expected = ("Mankuzhiyil:2010jpa", Entry('phdthesis', [
        ('school', u"Udine U."),
        ('title', u"MAGIC $\\gamma$-ray observations of distant AGN and a study of source variability and the extragalactic background light using FERMI and air Cherenkov telescopes"),
        ('year', u"2010"),
        ('url', u"https://magicold.mpp.mpg.de/publications/theses/NMankuzhiyil.pdf"),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [],
        'author': [Person(u"Mankuzhiyil, Nijil")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(phdthesis)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #5
def test_format_inproceeding(app):
    inproceedings = get_db_record('lit', 524480)
    expected = ("Hu:2000az", Entry('inproceedings', [
        ('address', u"Tokyo, Japan"),
        ('booktitle', u"4th RESCEU International Symposium on Birth and Evolution of the Universe"),
        ('title', u"CMB anisotropies: A Decadal survey"),
        ('archivePrefix', u'arXiv'),
        ('eprint', u"astro-ph/0002520"),
        ('url', u"http://alice.cern.ch/format/showfull?sysnb=2178340"),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [],
        'author': [Person(u"Hu, Wayne")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(inproceedings)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #6
def test_format_article(app):
    article = get_db_record('lit', 4328)
    expected = ("Glashow:1961tr", Entry('article', [
        ('journal', u'Nucl.Phys.'),
        ('pages', u'579--588'),
        ('title', u'Partial Symmetries of Weak Interactions'),
        ('volume', u'22'),
        ('year', u'1961'),
        ('doi', u'10.1016/0029-5582(61)90469-2'),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [],
        'author': [Person(u"Glashow, S.L.")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(article)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #7
def test_format_inbook(app):
    inbook = get_db_record('lit', 1375491)
    expected = ("Bechtle:2015nta", Entry('inbook', [
        ('pages', u"421--462"),
        ('title', u"Supersymmetry"),
        ('year', u"2015"),
        ('doi', u"10.1007/978-3-319-15001-7_10"),
        ('archivePrefix', u"arXiv"),
        ('eprint', u"1506.03091"),
        ('primaryClass', u"hep-ex"),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [],
        'author': [Person(u"Bechtle, Philip"), Person(u"Plehn, Tilman"), Person(u"Sander, Christian")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(inbook)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #8
def test_format_article(app):
    article = get_db_record('lit', 4328)
    expected = ("Glashow:1961tr",
                Entry('article', [
                    ('journal', u'Nucl.Phys.'),
                    ('pages', u'579--588'),
                    ('title', u'Partial Symmetries of Weak Interactions'),
                    ('volume', u'22'),
                    ('year', u'1961'),
                    ('doi', u'10.1016/0029-5582(61)90469-2'),
                          'editor': [],
                          'author': [Person(u"Glashow, S.L.")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(article)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #9
def test_format_book(app):
    book = get_db_record('lit', 736770)
    expected = (
        Entry('book', [
            ('publisher', u"Cambridge University Press"),
            ('title', u"Differential geometry and Lie groups for physicists"),
            ('year', u"2011"),
             u"978-0-521-18796-1, 978-0-521-84507-6, 978-0-511-24296-0"),
                  'editor': [],
                  'author': [Person(u"Fecko, M.")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(book)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #10
def test_format_proceeding(app):
    proceedings = get_db_record('lit', 701585)
    expected = ("Alekhin:2005dx", Entry('proceedings', [
        ('address', u"Geneva"),
        ('pages', u"pp.1--326"),
        ('publisher', u"CERN"),
        ('title', u"HERA and the LHC: A Workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics: Proceedings Part A"),
        ('year', u"2005"),
        ('reportNumber', u"CERN-2005-014, DESY-PROC-2005-01"),
        ('archivePrefix', u"arXiv"),
        ('eprint', u"hep-ph/0601012"),
        ('url', u"http://weblib.cern.ch/abstract?CERN-2005-014"),
    ], persons={
        'editor': [Person(u"De Roeck, A."), Person(u"Jung, H.")],
        'author': [],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(proceedings)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #11
def test_format_inproceeding(app):
    inproceedings = get_db_record('lit', 524480)
    expected = (
        Entry('inproceedings', [
            ('address', u"Tokyo, Japan"),
             u"4th RESCEU International Symposium on Birth and Evolution of the Universe"
            ('title', u"CMB anisotropies: A Decadal survey"),
            ('archivePrefix', u'arXiv'),
            ('eprint', u"astro-ph/0002520"),
            ('url', u"http://alice.cern.ch/format/showfull?sysnb=2178340"),
                  'editor': [],
                  'author': [Person(u"Hu, Wayne")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(inproceedings)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #12
def test_format_phdthesis(app):
    phdthesis = get_db_record('lit', 1395663)
    expected = (
        Entry('phdthesis', [
            ('school', u"Udine U."),
             u"MAGIC $\\gamma$-ray observations of distant AGN and a study of source variability and the extragalactic background light using FERMI and air Cherenkov telescopes"
            ('year', u"2010"),
                  'editor': [],
                  'author': [Person(u"Mankuzhiyil, Nijil")],

    schema = PybtexSchema()
    result = schema.load(phdthesis)

    assert result is not None
    assert pybtex_entries_equal(result, expected)