def robotupload_callback(): """Handle callback from robotupload. If robotupload was successful caches the workflow object id that corresponds to the uploaded record, so the workflow can be resumed when webcoll finish processing that record. If robotupload encountered an error sends an email to site administrator informing him about the error.""" request_data = request.get_json() id_object = request_data.get("nonce", "") results = request_data.get("results", []) status = False for result in results: status = result.get('success', False) if status: recid = result.get('recid') pending_records = cache.get("pending_records") or dict() pending_records[str(recid)] = str(id_object) cache.set("pending_records", pending_records, timeout=current_app.config["PENDING_RECORDS_CACHE_TIMEOUT"]) else: from invenio_mail.tasks import send_email body = ("There was an error when uploading the " "submission with id: %s.\n" % id_object) body += "Error message:\n" body += result.get('error_message', '') send_email.delay(dict( sender=current_app.config["CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL"], receipient=current_app.config["CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL"], subject='BATCHUPLOAD ERROR', body=body )) return jsonify({"result": status})
def webcoll_callback(): """Handle a callback from webcoll with the record ids processed. Expects the request data to contain a list of record ids in the recids field. """ recids = dict(request.form).get('recids', []) pending_records = cache.get("pending_records") or dict() for rid in recids: if rid in pending_records: objectid = pending_records[rid] workflow_object = workflow_object_class.get(objectid) base_url = _get_base_url() workflow_object.extra_data['url'] = join( base_url, 'record', str(rid) ) workflow_object.extra_data['recid'] = rid db.session.commit() workflow_object.continue_workflow(delayed=True) del pending_records[rid] cache.set("pending_records", pending_records, timeout=current_app.config["PENDING_RECORDS_CACHE_TIMEOUT"]) return jsonify({"result": "success"})