コード例 #1
    def assign_detections_to_tracks(self, detections):
        # A. no instances now: initial—>将detection的结果加入instances
        # B. we have instances now: (prediction/track<—>detection matching)
        #    1. predict/track—> kalman filter
        #    2. 找到detection和prediction相互的匹配
        #       2.a Munkres Algorithm
        #           det:   b    e f    //       b->b       e->f f->f
        #           pre: a b c    f    // a->b  b->b c->b       f->f
        #           matched: b, f
        #       2.b bi-matching: 以predict/track为基准,先匹配det;再由det为基准,匹配pre/track
        #    3. 对于正确匹配的物体,进行更新:correction
        #    4. 处理未正确匹配的物体
        #       4.1 未检测到的物体:a.即时移除(不建议) b.继续更新(单纯pred/track,不考虑detection)
        #                        c.长久未匹配,移除
        #       4.2 检测到有新物体:a. 即时加入 b.加入track(试用期),几帧后(通过适用期后),加入instances

        if len(self.instances) == 0:
            for det in detections:
                # det: 检测结果
                # det: {'tag': [bbox_left, bbox_right, bbox_top, bbox_bottom]}
                instance = Instance(self.config, self.video_helper)
                tag = list(det.keys())[0]
                bbox = det[tag]
                # instance.add_to_track(tag, bbox)        # 辅助
        # B.
        # B.1
        # 算距离:检测框与预测框之间的距离
        # costs[i, j]: 每一个预测框与检测框之间的距离
        costs = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.instances), len(detections)))
        for i, instance in enumerate(self.instances):
            # Here, by using Kalman Filter, we predict an bbx for each instance
            predicted_bbx = instance.get_predicted_bbx()
            for j, det in enumerate(detections):
                detected_bbx = list(det.values())[0]
                dist = util.dist_btwn_bbx_centroids(predicted_bbx,
                max_dist = self.config.MAX_PIXELS_DIST_BETWEEN_PREDICTED_AND_DETECTED
                if dist > max_dist:
                    dist = 1000  # sys.maxsize
                costs[i, j] = dist
        # set all tracked instances as unassigned
        for instance in self.instances:
            instance.has_match = False

        # B.2
        # 利用cost矩阵寻找匹配
        # Munkres Algorithm
        # Instructions and C# version can be found here: http://csclab.murraystate.edu/~bob.pilgrim/445/munkres.html
        # while in Python we can solve the problem by using method imported as below.
        # Descriptions for Python version can be found in
        # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.18.1/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment.html
        assigned_instances, assigned_detections = linear_sum_assignment(costs)

        # B.3
        # 更新assigned bbox
        assigned_detection_id = []
        for idx, instance_id in enumerate(assigned_instances):
            detection_id = assigned_detections[idx]
            # if assignment for this instance and detection is sys.maxsize, discard it
            if costs[instance_id, detection_id] != 1000:  # sys.maxsize:
                self.instances[instance_id].has_match = True
                self.instances[instance_id].num_misses = 0

        # B.4
        # keep track of how many times a track has gone unassigned
        for instance in self.instances:
            if instance.has_match is False:
                instance.num_misses += 1
        # The function shown below can only remove those instances which has already been
        # added to tracks but CAN NOT remove detected bbx which has a huge IOU with
        # existed tracks. So we need another remove function to dual with that

        # get unassigned detection ids
        unassigned_detection_id = list(
            set(range(0, len(detections))) - set(assigned_detection_id))
        for idx in range(0, len(detections)):
            if idx in unassigned_detection_id:
                # det: {'tag' : [bbx_left, bbx_right, bbx_up, bbx_bottom]}
                tag = list(detections[idx].keys())[0]
                bbx = detections[idx][tag]
                # then we need to confirm whether the detection is a good one
                if self.is_good_detection(bbx):
                    instance = Instance(self.config, self.video_helper)
                    # instance.add_to_track(tag, bbx)
コード例 #2
    def assign_detections_to_tracks(self, detections, frame_id, frame):
        This function aims to assign detections to their corresponding tracks by minimizing the cost matrix using
        Munkres Algorithm.

            param 1. detections: [{'tag1' : [bbx1]}, {'tag2' : [bbx2]}, ..., {'tagn' : [bbxn]}]
                     where bbx = [bbx_left, bbx_right, bbx_up, bbx_down]
            param 2. frame_id: current frame ID starting from 0
        """ Step 0: got measurements (detections) """
        """ Step 1: get predicted states """
        # find distance from all tracked instances to all detected boxes
        # if there are no instances, then all detections are new tracks
        if (len(self.instances)) == 0:
            for det in detections:
                # det: {'tag' : [bbx_left, bbx_right, bbx_up, bbx_bottom]}
                instance = Instance(self.config, self.video_helper, frame)
                tag = list(det.keys())[0]
                bbx = det[tag]
                instance.add_to_track(tag, bbx, frame)
            return True
        """ Step 2: assign detections to correspondiong instances """
        # iou match between detected bboxes and tracked bboxes
        track_det_iou, det_track_iou = {}, {}
        for t, instance in enumerate(self.instances):
            if not track_det_iou.__contains__(t):
                track_det_iou[t] = []  # creat key
            predicted_bbx = instance.get_predicted_bbx(
            )  # Here, by using KCF, we predict an bbx for each instance
            for d, det in enumerate(detections):
                if not det_track_iou.__contains__(d):
                    det_track_iou[d] = []
                detected_bbx = list(det.values())[0]
                iou = util.get_iou(
                    predicted_bbx, detected_bbx
                )  # get IOU between all detected bboxes and tracked bboxes
                track_det_iou[t].append([d, iou])
                det_track_iou[d].append([t, iou])

        # set all tracked instances as unassigned
        for instance in self.instances:
            instance.has_match = False

        assigned_instances, assigned_detections = [], []
        for i, id_iou in track_det_iou.items():
            match_detid = util.get_maxiou_id(id_iou)
            if match_detid != None:
                match_trackid = util.get_maxiou_id(det_track_iou[match_detid])
                if match_trackid == i:  # match
        """ Step 3: correct an instance if it's matched by correponsding instance and detection """
        assigned_detection_id = []
        if assigned_instances != None and assigned_detections != None:  # sys.maxsize:

            for idx, instance_id in enumerate(assigned_instances):
                detection_id = assigned_detections[idx]
                # if assignment for this instance and detection is sys.maxsize, discard it
                # record this detection is assigned
                # record this tracked instance which is assigned
                self.instances[instance_id].has_match = True
                # correct states by using kalman filter
                    detections[detection_id], frame)
                # means this instance is detected
                self.instances[instance_id].num_misses = 0
        """ Step 4: remove instances which should be """
        # keep track of how many times a track has gone unassigned
        for instance in self.instances:
            if instance.has_match is False:
                instance.num_misses += 1
        # The function shown below can only remove those instances which has already been
        # added to tracks but CAN NOT remove detected bbx which has a huge IOU with
        # existed tracks. So we need another remove function to dual with that
        """ Step 5: create new instances to track if no detections are matched """
        # get unassigned detection ids
        unassigned_detection_id = list(
            set(range(0, len(detections))) - set(assigned_detection_id))
        for idx in range(0, len(detections)):
            if idx in unassigned_detection_id:
                # det: {'tag' : [bbx_left, bbx_right, bbx_up, bbx_bottom]}
                tag = list(detections[idx].keys())[0]
                bbx = detections[idx][tag]
                # then we need to confirm whether the detection is a good one
                if self.is_good_detection(bbx):
                    instance = Instance(self.config, self.video_helper, frame)
                    instance.add_to_track(tag, bbx, frame)