def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(DiscoverThrd, self).__init__() self.__logger = logging.getLogger('') self.__msg_callback = instance_cache.getInstance(UI_MSG) # Set numpy to print in hex for easier debugging #np.set_printoptions(formatter={'int':hex}) # Discover request packet # 0-3 sequence no (always set to zero) # 4 command byte (0x02) # 5..59 zero self.__discovery_request = np.zeros((HPSDR_DISCOVER_RQST_SIZE), dtype=np.ubyte) self.__discovery_request[4] = 0x02 # Command discovery # Discover reply packet self.__discovery_reply = np.zeros((HPSDR_DISCOVER_RPLY_SIZE), dtype=np.ubyte) # Class vars self.__terminate = False # True when terminating self.__hpsdr_units = 0 # Count of discovered units # Wait event self.__wait_event = threading.Event()
def __reset(self): """ Do another scan """ self.__resetBtn.setEnabled(False) instance_cache.getInstance(DISCOVER).reset()