def check_cluster_status(cluster_ID, redis_client): provider = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "provider") zone = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "zone") cluster_status = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster_ID, zone) num_masters = len(cluster_status["online_masters"]) num_masters_booting = len(cluster_status["booting_masters"]) master = cluster_status["master"] connectable = cluster_status["master_connectable"] num_slaves = len(cluster_status["online_slaves"]) num_slaves_booting = len(cluster_status["booting_slaves"]) if num_masters == 1: print "Master online" else: assert num_masters == 0, "Cannot have multiple masters online but "\ "found %d" % num_masters if num_masters_booting == 1: print "Master booting" else: assert num_masters_booting == 0,\ "Cannot have multiple masters booting but found %d"\ % num_masters_booting print "Master offline" if connectable: print "Master connectable" else: print "Master not connectable" print "%d slaves online" % num_slaves print "%d slaves booting" % num_slaves_booting if master != None: print "" print "Cluster status page: %s:4280" % master[1] print "Master internal address: %s" % master[0] return 0
def list_clusters(): global redis_client, jinja_env, cluster_info print "Listing clusters" clusters = redis_client.smembers("clusters") clusters = map(lambda x: int(x), clusters) cluster_info = {} for cluster in clusters: info = redis_client.hgetall("cluster:%s" % cluster) cluster_info[cluster] = info provider = info["provider"] zone = info["zone"] cluster_status = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster, zone) for key, value in cluster_status.iteritems(): cluster_info[cluster][key] = value master_status = "Offline" master_connectible = False if cluster_status["num_online_masters"] == 1: master_status = "Online" else: if cluster_status["num_booting_masters"] == 1: master_status = "Booting" cluster_info[cluster]["master_status"] = master_status master = cluster_info[cluster]["master"] if master != None: # Use external address. cluster_info[cluster]["master_address"] = master[1] else: cluster_info[cluster]["master_address"] = None template = jinja_env.get_template("display_clusters.jinja2") return template.render(clusters=clusters, cluster_info=cluster_info, now=time.asctime())
def list_clusters(): global redis_client, jinja_env, cluster_info print "Listing clusters" clusters = redis_client.smembers("clusters") clusters = map(lambda x : int(x), clusters) cluster_info = {} for cluster in clusters: info = redis_client.hgetall("cluster:%s" % cluster) cluster_info[cluster] = info provider = info["provider"] zone = info["zone"] cluster_status = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster, zone) for key, value in cluster_status.iteritems(): cluster_info[cluster][key] = value master_status = "Offline" master_connectible = False if cluster_status["num_online_masters"] == 1: master_status = "Online" else: if cluster_status["num_booting_masters"] == 1: master_status = "Booting" cluster_info[cluster]["master_status"] = master_status master = cluster_info[cluster]["master"] if master != None: # Use external address. cluster_info[cluster]["master_address"] = master[1] else: cluster_info[cluster]["master_address"] = None template = jinja_env.get_template("display_clusters.jinja2") return template.render( clusters = clusters, cluster_info = cluster_info, now = time.asctime())
def main(): # Read the cluster config to get cluster ID. parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() cluster_ID = int(parser.get("cluster", "id")) provider = parser.get("cluster", "provider") zone = read_conf_file("%s.conf" % provider, provider, "zone") # Store master address information master = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster_ID, zone)["master"] if master == None: print >>sys.stderr, "Could not find master hostname" return 1 # Set master hostname in cluster.conf parser.set("cluster", "master_internal_address", master[0]) parser.set("cluster", "master_external_address", master[1]) with open(CLUSTER_CONFIG, "w") as config_file: parser.write(config_file) return 0
def main(): # Read the cluster config to get cluster ID. parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() cluster_ID = int(parser.get("cluster", "id")) provider = parser.get("cluster", "provider") zone = read_conf_file("%s.conf" % provider, provider, "zone") # Store master address information master = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster_ID, zone)["master"] if master == None: print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find master hostname" return 1 # Set master hostname in cluster.conf parser.set("cluster", "master_internal_address", master[0]) parser.set("cluster", "master_external_address", master[1]) with open(CLUSTER_CONFIG, "w") as config_file: parser.write(config_file) return 0
def modify_clusters(): global redis_client, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key,\ cluster_info, provider_info print "Modifying Clusters" if bottle.request.POST.new_amazon_cluster: print "Launching new Amazon cluster" cluster_name = bottle.request.POST.cluster_name cluster_size = int(bottle.request.POST.cluster_size) instance_type = bottle.request.POST.instance_type AMI_ID = bottle.request.POST.AMI_ID master_instance_type = bottle.request.POST.master_instance_type subnet_ID = bottle.request.POST.subnet_ID security_group_ID = bottle.request.POST.security_group_ID S3_bucket = bottle.request.POST.S3_bucket private_key = bottle.request.POST.private_key public_key = bottle.request.POST.public_key username = bottle.request.POST.username themis_config_directory = bottle.request.POST.themis_config_directory placement_group = bottle.request.POST.placement_group if placement_group == "": placement_group = None EBS_optimized = bottle.request.POST.EBS_optimized if EBS_optimized == "Yes": EBS_optimized = True else: EBS_optimized = False try: launch_amazon_cluster(provider_info["amazon"], cluster_name, cluster_size, instance_type, AMI_ID, master_instance_type, subnet_ID, security_group_ID, S3_bucket, private_key, public_key, themis_config_directory, placement_group, EBS_optimized, username, redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.new_google_cluster: print "Launching new Google cluster" cluster_name = bottle.request.POST.cluster_name cluster_size = int(bottle.request.POST.cluster_size) instance_type = bottle.request.POST.instance_type local_ssds = bottle.request.POST.local_ssds image = bottle.request.POST.image master_instance_type = bottle.request.POST.master_instance_type zone = network = bucket = bottle.request.POST.bucket private_key = bottle.request.POST.private_key public_key = bottle.request.POST.public_key themis_config_directory = bottle.request.POST.themis_config_directory try: launch_google_cluster(cluster_name, cluster_size, instance_type, local_ssds, image, master_instance_type, network, zone, bucket, private_key, public_key, themis_config_directory, provider_info["google"], redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.terminate: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.terminate) print "Terminating cluster %d" % cluster_ID try: terminate_cluster(cluster_ID, redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.bring_online: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.bring_online) print "Bringing cluster %d online" % cluster_ID print "Fetching relevant information from redis..." # Fetch instance type from redis instance_type = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "instance_type") themis_directory = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "themis_directory") # Run configuration command on master via its external address. master = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["master"][1] print "Adding nodes to cluster..." ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(master, username=cluster_info[cluster_ID]["username"]) # Fetch a recent list of online nodes. zone = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["zone"] provider = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["provider"] cluster_status = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster_ID, zone) node_list = cluster_status["online_slaves"] # Use internal addresses node_list = [node[0] for node in node_list] device_map = None if provider == "amazon": device_map = provider_info[provider]["device_map"] elif provider == "google": # We can look up the number of devices directly from redis. device_map = {} device_map[instance_type] = int( redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "local_ssds")) # Configure the master with cluster information command = "%s add" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for node in node_list: command = "%s %s" % (command, node) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Format disks print "Formatting disks..." devices_are_partitions = "" # NVME devices on GCE show up as partitions rather than devices that # need to be partitioned with fdisk, so if using NVME, # devices_are_partitions should be set to the '--format_disks' # option. However, since the nvme debian image appears to be buggy, # we'll launch in SCSI mode, which does require the fdisk, so leave # this option string blank for both providers. command = "%s \"%s %s --format_disks\"" % ( os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), devices_are_partitions) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Set master hostname for slave nodes print "Setting master information on slaves..." command = "%s \"%s\"" % ( os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cloud/")) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Build themis rc file so nodes can see master redis print "Building .themisrc files" command = "%s -m \"%s\"" % ( os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/")) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # By default, populate with eth0 and all devices - half I/O and half # intermediate. If there are extra devices give them to the I/O print "Configuring cluster with default interface and disks..." interface = "eth0" num_devices = device_map[instance_type] disk_list = ["/mnt/disks/disk_%d" % x for x in xrange(num_devices)] if num_devices == 1: # Special case for 1 device, use for both input and output. io_disks = disk_list intermediate_disks = disk_list else: io_devices = num_devices / 2 if num_devices % 2 > 0: # Give extra device to the I/O disks. io_devices += 1 io_disks = disk_list[0:io_devices] intermediate_disks = disk_list[io_devices:] # Configure the cluster command = "%s interfaces %s" % (os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), interface) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) if len(io_disks) > 0: command = "%s io_disks" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for disk in io_disks: command = "%s %s" % (command, disk) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) if len(intermediate_disks) > 0: command = "%s intermediate_disks" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for disk in intermediate_disks: command = "%s %s" % (command, disk) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Set cluster status to online. redis_client.hset("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "cluster_status", "Online") elif bottle.request.POST.persist_to_storage: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.persist_to_storage) provider = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["provider"] print "Persisting logs from cluster %d to cloud storage" % cluster_ID print "Fetching relevant information from redis..." bucket = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "bucket") log_directory = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "log_directory") themis_directory = redis_client.hget("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "themis_directory") # Run configuration command on master via its external address. master = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["master"][1] print "Persisting logs to storage..." ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(master, username=cluster_info[cluster_ID]["username"]) command = os.path.join(themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cloud/") channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) return list_clusters()
def modify_clusters(): global redis_client, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key,\ cluster_info, provider_info print "Modifying Clusters" if bottle.request.POST.new_amazon_cluster: print "Launching new Amazon cluster" cluster_name = bottle.request.POST.cluster_name cluster_size = int(bottle.request.POST.cluster_size) instance_type = bottle.request.POST.instance_type AMI_ID = bottle.request.POST.AMI_ID master_instance_type = bottle.request.POST.master_instance_type subnet_ID = bottle.request.POST.subnet_ID security_group_ID = bottle.request.POST.security_group_ID S3_bucket = bottle.request.POST.S3_bucket private_key = bottle.request.POST.private_key public_key = bottle.request.POST.public_key username = bottle.request.POST.username themis_config_directory = bottle.request.POST.themis_config_directory placement_group = bottle.request.POST.placement_group if placement_group == "": placement_group = None EBS_optimized = bottle.request.POST.EBS_optimized if EBS_optimized == "Yes": EBS_optimized = True else: EBS_optimized = False try: launch_amazon_cluster( provider_info["amazon"], cluster_name, cluster_size, instance_type, AMI_ID, master_instance_type, subnet_ID, security_group_ID, S3_bucket, private_key, public_key, themis_config_directory, placement_group, EBS_optimized, username, redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.new_google_cluster: print "Launching new Google cluster" cluster_name = bottle.request.POST.cluster_name cluster_size = int(bottle.request.POST.cluster_size) instance_type = bottle.request.POST.instance_type local_ssds = bottle.request.POST.local_ssds persistent_ssds = bottle.request.POST.persistent_ssds image = bottle.request.POST.image master_instance_type = bottle.request.POST.master_instance_type zone = network = bucket = bottle.request.POST.bucket private_key = bottle.request.POST.private_key public_key = bottle.request.POST.public_key themis_config_directory = bottle.request.POST.themis_config_directory try: launch_google_cluster( cluster_name, cluster_size, instance_type, local_ssds, persistent_ssds, image, master_instance_type, network, zone, bucket, private_key, public_key, themis_config_directory, provider_info["google"], redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.terminate: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.terminate) print "Terminating cluster %d" % cluster_ID try: terminate_cluster(cluster_ID, redis_client) except ProcessExecutionError as e: return display_error(e) elif bottle.request.POST.bring_online: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.bring_online) print "Bringing cluster %d online" % cluster_ID print "Fetching relevant information from redis..." # Fetch instance type from redis instance_type = redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "instance_type") themis_directory = redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "themis_directory") # Run configuration command on master via its external address. master = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["master"][1] print "Adding nodes to cluster..." ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect( master, username=cluster_info[cluster_ID]["username"]) # Fetch a recent list of online nodes. zone = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["zone"] provider = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["provider"] cluster_status = get_cluster_status(provider, cluster_ID, zone) node_list = cluster_status["online_slaves"] # Use internal addresses node_list = [node[0] for node in node_list] device_map = None if provider == "amazon": device_map = provider_info[provider]["device_map"] elif provider == "google": # We can look up the number of devices directly from redis. device_map = {} device_map[instance_type] = int(redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "local_ssds")) device_map[instance_type + "_persist"] = int(redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "persistent_ssds")) # Configure the master with cluster information command = "%s add" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for node in node_list: command = "%s %s" % (command, node) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout = channel.recv(1024) sys.stdout.write(stdout) while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Format disks print "Formatting disks, setting master info, and building themis rc..." devices_are_partitions = "" # NVME devices on GCE show up as partitions rather than devices that # need to be partitioned with fdisk, so if using NVME, # devices_are_partitions should be set to the '--format_disks' # option. However, since the nvme debian image appears to be buggy, # we'll launch in SCSI mode, which does require the fdisk, so leave # this option string blank for both providers. command_1 = "%s %s --format_disks" % (os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), devices_are_partitions) command_2 = "%s" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cloud/") command_3 = "%s" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") full_command = "%s \"%s; %s; %s\"; %s" % ( os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), command_1, command_2, command_3, command_3) # command = "%s \"%s %s --format_disks\"" % ( # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), # devices_are_partitions) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(full_command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout = channel.recv(1024) sys.stdout.write(stdout) while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Set master hostname for slave nodes # print "Setting master information on slaves..." # command = "%s \"%s\"" % ( # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cloud/")) # channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() # channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) # channel.get_pty() # channel.exec_command(command) # return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() # if return_code != 0: # while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): # stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) # sys.stderr.write(stderr) # sys.exit(return_code) # # Build themis rc file so nodes can see master redis # print "Building .themisrc files" # command = "%s -m \"%s\"" % ( # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), # os.path.join( # themis_directory, # "src/scripts/themis/cluster/")) # channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() # channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) # channel.get_pty() # channel.exec_command(command) # return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() # if return_code != 0: # while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): # stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) # sys.stderr.write(stderr) # sys.exit(return_code) # By default, populate with eth0 and all devices - half I/O and half # intermediate. If there are extra devices give them to the I/O print "Configuring cluster with default interface and disks..." interface = "eth0" num_devices = device_map[instance_type] disk_list = ["/mnt/disks/disk_%d" % x for x in xrange(num_devices)] if num_devices == 1: # Special case for 1 device, use for both input and output. io_disks = disk_list intermediate_disks = disk_list else: io_devices = num_devices / 2 if num_devices % 2 > 0: # Give extra device to the I/O disks. io_devices += 1 io_disks = disk_list[0:io_devices] intermediate_disks = disk_list[io_devices:] # If there's persistent disks, use those as the sole I/O disks. num_persist = device_map[instance_type + "_persist"] if num_persist: persist_disk_list = ["/mnt/disks/disk_persist_%d" % x for x in xrange(num_persist)] io_disks = persist_disk_list intermediate_disks = disk_list # Configure the cluster command = "%s interfaces %s" % ( os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/"), interface) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout = channel.recv(1024) sys.stdout.write(stdout) while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) if len(io_disks) > 0: command = "%s io_disks" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for disk in io_disks: command = "%s %s" % (command, disk) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout = channel.recv(1024) sys.stdout.write(stdout) while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) if len(intermediate_disks) > 0: command = "%s intermediate_disks" % os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cluster/") for disk in intermediate_disks: command = "%s %s" % (command, disk) channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout = channel.recv(1024) sys.stdout.write(stdout) while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) # Set cluster status to online. redis_client.hset("cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "cluster_status", "Online") elif bottle.request.POST.persist_to_storage: cluster_ID = int(bottle.request.POST.persist_to_storage) provider = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["provider"] print "Persisting logs from cluster %d to cloud storage" % cluster_ID print "Fetching relevant information from redis..." bucket = redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "bucket") log_directory = redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "log_directory") themis_directory = redis_client.hget( "cluster:%d" % cluster_ID, "themis_directory") # Run configuration command on master via its external address. master = cluster_info[cluster_ID]["master"][1] print "Persisting logs to storage..." ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect( master, username=cluster_info[cluster_ID]["username"]) command = os.path.join( themis_directory, "src/scripts/themis/cloud/") channel = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() channel.request_forward_agent(paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(command) return_code = channel.recv_exit_status() if return_code != 0: while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr = channel.recv_stderr(1024) sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.exit(return_code) return list_clusters()