def test_mini_remote_button_config_with_data3(self): modem = MockModem() remote = Remote(modem.protocol, modem, Address("11.22.33"), "Remote", 4) modem.devices[str(remote.addr)] = remote device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # We'll build the following via DeviceEntrys: = [{'controllers': [{'11.22.33': {group: 2, data_3: 2}], # 'responders': ['']}] scenes._init_scene_entries() # Preserve data_3 values if present entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"addr": "", "group": 2, "mem_loc" : 8119, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": True}, "data": [3, 0, 2]}) scenes.add_or_update(remote, entry) print(str( # We should end up with a single scene with: # - 1 controller entry: 11.22.33, group 2, data_3 = 2 # - 1 responder entry: assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 assert len([0]['controllers']) == 1 assert len([0]['responders']) == 1 assert scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].group == 2 assert scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].link_data == [3, 0, 2] assert scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].style == 0 assert[0]['controllers'][0]['Remote']['group'] == 2 assert[0]['controllers'][0]['Remote']['data_3'] == 2
def test_foreign_hub_group_0(self): modem = MockModem() device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # We'll build the following via DeviceEntrys: = [{'controllers': [{'': 0}], # 'responders': ['', '']}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 0, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) print(str( # Check that group == 0 assert scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].group == 0 assert scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].style == 1 assert[0]['controllers'][0]['dev -'] == 0
def test_foreign_hub_group_0_and_1(self): modem = MockModem() device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # We'll build the following via DeviceEntrys: = [{'controllers': [{'': 0}, ''], # 'responders': ['']}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry1 = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry1) entry2 = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 0, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry2) scenes.compress_controllers() print(str( # Check that we have two controller entries & 1 responder assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 assert len([0]['controllers']) == 2 assert len([0]['responders']) == 1
def test_merge_by_responders(self): # empty modem = MockModem() scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # test updating controller entry = [{'controllers': [''], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}, {'controllers': [''], 'responders': ['', ''], 'name': 'test2'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": True}, "addr": ""}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) scenes.compress_controllers() scenes.compress_responders() assert len(scenes.entries) == 1
def test_FanLinc_scenes_different_ramp_rates(self): modem = MockModem() fanlinc = FanLinc(modem.protocol, modem, Address("11.22.33"), "FanLinc") modem.devices[str(fanlinc.addr)] = fanlinc device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{'controllers': [{'': {'group': 22}}], 'responders': ['11.22.33']}, {'controllers': [{'': {'group': 33}}], 'responders': ['11.22.33']}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry1 = DeviceEntry.from_json({"addr": "", "group": 22, "mem_loc" : 8119, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [255, 23, 1]}) scenes.add_or_update(fanlinc, entry1) entry2 = DeviceEntry.from_json({"addr": "", "group": 33, "mem_loc" : 8119, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [255, 13, 1]}) scenes.add_or_update(fanlinc, entry2) scenes.compress_controllers() print(str( # We should end up with 2 scenes: # - Controller, group 22 -> FanLinc w/ 19 second ramp_rate # - Controller, group 33 -> FanLinc w/ 47 second ramp_rate # (Just checking # of scenes should be adequate for this test.) assert len(scenes.entries) == 2
def test_assign_modem_group_multiple(self): modem = MockModem() # Add an existing entry to the modem entry1 = ModemEntry.from_json({ "addr": "", "group": 44, "is_controller": True, "data": [0, 0, 0] }) modem.db.add_entry(entry1) scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [ { 'controllers': ['ff.ff.ff'], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test' }, # This entry has a group, but is not synced to modem # yet { 'controllers': [{ 'ff.ff.ff': { 'group': 22 } }], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test3' }, # This entry has a group, and is already synced to the # modem { 'controllers': [{ 'ff.ff.ff': { 'group': 44 } }], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test3' }, { 'controllers': ['ff.ff.ff'], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test2' }, { 'controllers': ['ff.ff.ff'], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test3' } ] scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes._assign_modem_group() # 20 is the current lowest allowed group number assert[0]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 20 assert[1]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 22 assert[2]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 44 assert[3]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 21 assert[4]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 23
def test_bad_config(self): modem = MockModem() scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{'controllers': [{'a1.b1.c1': None}], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() assert[0]['controllers'][0] == 'dev - a1.b1.c1'
def test_set_group(self): modem = MockModem() scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{'controllers': [{'a1.b1.c1': {'data_1': 0}}], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes.entries[0].controllers[0].group = 2 assert[0]['controllers'][0]['dev - a1.b1.c1']['group'] == 2
def test_KeypadLinc_scenes_same_ramp_rate(self): modem = MockModem() keypadlinc = KeypadLinc(modem.protocol, modem, Address("11.22.33"), "KeypadLinc") modem.devices[str(keypadlinc.addr)] = keypadlinc device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{ 'controllers': [{ '': { 'group': 22 } }], 'responders': ['11.22.33'] }, { 'controllers': [{ '': { 'group': 33 } }], 'responders': ['11.22.33'] }] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry1 = DeviceEntry.from_json({ "addr": "", "group": 22, "mem_loc": 8119, "db_flags": { "is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False }, "data": [255, 23, 1] }) scenes.add_or_update(keypadlinc, entry1) entry2 = DeviceEntry.from_json({ "addr": "", "group": 33, "mem_loc": 8119, "db_flags": { "is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False }, "data": [255, 23, 1] }) scenes.add_or_update(keypadlinc, entry2) scenes.compress_controllers() print(str( # We should end up with a single scene with: # - 2 controller entries:, group 22, group 23 # - 1 responder entry: 11.22.33, ramp_rate 19 seconds assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 assert len([0]['controllers']) == 2 assert len([0]['responders']) == 1 assert[0]['responders'][0]['KeypadLinc']['ramp_rate'] == 19
def test_assign_modem_group(self): modem = MockModem() scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{'controllers': ['ff.ff.ff'], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes._assign_modem_group() # 20 is the current lowest allowed group number assert[0]['controllers'][0]['modem'] == 20
def test_populate_scenes(self): modem = MockModem() device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) = [{'controllers': [''], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes.populate_scenes()
def test_fanlinc_dimmer_ramp_rate_scene(self): modem = MockModem() fanlinc = FanLinc(modem.protocol, modem, Address("11.22.33"), "FanLinc") modem.devices[str(fanlinc.addr)] = fanlinc device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # Define a FanLinc scene with ramp rate and a matching DB entry = [ {'controllers': [{'': 22}], 'responders': [{'11.22.33': {'ramp_rate': 19, 'group': 1}}]}] fanlinc_db = Device.from_json( { "address": "11.22.33", "delta": 0, "engine": None, "dev_cat": 1, "sub_cat": 46, "firmware": 69, "used":[ {"addr": "", "group": 22, "mem_loc" : 8119, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [255, 23, 1]}], "unused": [], "last": {"addr": "00.00.00", "group": 0, "mem_loc": 8519, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": True, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "data": [0, 0, 0]}, "meta": {} }, None, fanlinc) fanlinc.db = fanlinc_db scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes.populate_scenes() print(str( # Make sure link data matches scene config & DB entry: assert scenes.entries[0].responders[0].link_data == [255, 23, 1] # Compute if any DB changes needed to implement scenes seq = CommandSeq(modem.protocol, "Sync complete", name="test") fanlinc.sync(dry_run=True, refresh=False, sequence=seq) # Uncomment the next two lines to see what sequence would do: #IM.log.initialize() # No changes to DB should be needed assert len(seq.calls) == 0
def test_foreign_hub_keypad_button_backlights_scene(self): modem = MockModem() keypad = KeypadLinc(modem.protocol, modem, Address("11.22.33"), "Keypad") modem.devices[str(keypad.addr)] = keypad device = modem.find(Address("")) modem.devices[device.label] = device scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # Define multiple KeypadLinc scenes and matching DB entries = [ {'controllers': [{'': 19}], 'responders': [{'11.22.33': 3}, {'11.22.33': {'group': 4, 'on_level': 0.0}}, {'11.22.33': {'group': 5, 'on_level': 0.0}}, {'11.22.33': {'group': 6, 'on_level': 0.0}}]}] keypad_db = Device.from_json( { "address": "11.22.33", "delta": 0, "engine": None, "dev_cat": 1, "sub_cat": 66, "firmware": 69, "used":[ {"addr": "", "group": 19, "mem_loc" : 8119, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [255, 0x1f, 3]}, {"addr": "", "group": 19, "mem_loc" : 8219, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [0, 0x1f, 4]}, {"addr": "", "group": 19, "mem_loc" : 8319, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [0, 0x1f, 5]}, {"addr": "", "group": 19, "mem_loc" : 8419, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": True, "is_controller": False}, "data": [0, 0x1f, 6]}], "unused": [], "last": {"addr": "00.00.00", "group": 0, "mem_loc": 8519, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": True, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "data": [0, 0, 0]}, "meta": {} }, None, keypad) keypad.db = keypad_db scenes._init_scene_entries() scenes.populate_scenes() print(str( # Compute if any DB changes needed to implement scenes seq = CommandSeq(modem.protocol, "Sync complete") keypad.sync(dry_run=True, refresh=False, sequence=seq) # Uncomment the next two lines to see what sequence would do: #IM.log.initialize() # No changes to DB should be needed assert len(seq.calls) == 0
def test_add_or_update(self): # empty modem = MockModem() scenes = Scenes.SceneManager(modem, None) # test updating controller entry = [{'controllers': [''], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": True}, "addr": ""}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 # test updating responder entry = [{'controllers': [''], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 # test splitting scene = [{'controllers': ['ff.ff.ff', {'': {'group': 22}}], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "addr": "ff.ff.ff"}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) assert len(scenes.entries) == 2 # test appending responder = [{'controllers': [{'': 1}], 'responders': [{'': {}}], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 1, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) assert len(scenes.entries) == 1 # test appending entire new scene = [{'controllers': [''], 'responders': [''], 'name': 'test'}] scenes._init_scene_entries() entry = DeviceEntry.from_json({"data": [3, 0, 239], "mem_loc" : 8119, "group": 2, "db_flags": {"is_last_rec": False, "in_use": False, "is_controller": False}, "addr": ""}, db=None) device = modem.find("") scenes.add_or_update(device, entry) assert len(scenes.entries) == 2