コード例 #1
def test_iterable_eq_fails_two_numpy_array(b):
    Test that different value and different length
    comparisons against numpy arrays fail
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
    b = numpy.array(b)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        iterable_eq(a, b)
コード例 #2
def test_iterable_eq_passes_two_numpy_array_quantities():
    Test that two unitful quantities with numpy array data
    will equal data will pass
    values = [1, 2, 3]
    a = numpy.array(values) * u.V
    b = numpy.array(a) * u.V
    iterable_eq(a, b)
コード例 #3
def test_take_measurement():
    with expected_protocol(
                "SRAT 4",
                "SEND 0",
                "FAST 2",
    ) as inst:
        resp = inst.take_measurement(sample_rate=1, num_samples=2)
        expected = ((1.234, 5.678), (0.456, 5.321))
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array(expected)
        iterable_eq(resp, expected)
コード例 #4
def test_upload_waveform_type_mismatch(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform):
    """Raise type error when types for method mismatched."""
    wrong_type_yzero = "42"
    wrong_type_ymult = "42"
    wrong_type_xincr = "42"
    waveform_ndarray = numpy.array(waveform)
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekAWG2000, [], []) as inst:
        # wrong yzero type
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
            inst.upload_waveform(wrong_type_yzero, ymult, xincr,
        exc_msg = exc_info.value.args[0]
        assert exc_msg == "yzero must be specified as a float or int"
        # wrong ymult type
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
            inst.upload_waveform(yzero, wrong_type_ymult, xincr,
        exc_msg = exc_info.value.args[0]
        assert exc_msg == "ymult must be specified as a float or int"
        # wrong xincr type
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
            inst.upload_waveform(yzero, ymult, wrong_type_xincr,
        exc_msg = exc_info.value.args[0]
        assert exc_msg == "xincr must be specified as a float or int"
        # wrong waveform type
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
            inst.upload_waveform(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform)
        exc_msg = exc_info.value.args[0]
        assert exc_msg == "waveform must be specified as a numpy array"
コード例 #5
def test_maui_data_source_read_waveform(init):
    """Return a numpy array of a waveform."""
    with expected_protocol(
                'TRMD SINGLE',
                "C1:INSPECT? 'SIMPLE'",
                "C1:INSPECT? 'HORIZ_OFFSET'",
                "C1:INSPECT? 'HORIZ_INTERVAL'",
                'TRMD AUTO'
                '"  1.   2.   3.   4.  "',
                "HORIZ_OFFSET       : 0.   ",
                "HORIZ_INTERVAL     : 2.5        "
    ) as osc:
        if numpy:
            expected_wf = numpy.array(
                    [0., 2.5, 5., 7.5],
                    [1., 2., 3., 4.]
            expected_wf = (
                (0., 2.5, 5., 7.5),
                (1., 2., 3., 4.)
        actual_wf = osc.channel[0].read_waveform()
        iterable_eq(actual_wf, expected_wf)
コード例 #6
def test_tektds224_data_source_read_waveform():
    with expected_protocol(
            "DAT:SOU?", "DAT:SOU CH2", "DAT:ENC RIB", "DATA:WIDTH?", "CURVE?",
            "WFMP:CH2:YOF?", "WFMP:CH2:YMU?", "WFMP:CH2:YZE?", "WFMP:XZE?",
            "WFMP:XIN?", "WFMP:CH2:NR_P?", "DAT:SOU CH1"
            # pylint: disable=no-member
            "#210" + bytes.fromhex("00000001000200030004").decode("utf-8") +
        ]) as tek:
        data = tuple(range(5))
        if numpy:
            data = numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
        (x, y) = tek.channel[1].read_waveform()
        iterable_eq(x, data)
        iterable_eq(y, data)
コード例 #7
def test_iterable_eq_fails_one_numpy_array_equal_values():
    Test failure for one is numpy array, other is not
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
    b = (1, 2, 3)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        iterable_eq(a, b)
コード例 #8
def test_upload_waveform_wrong_max(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform):
    """Raise ValueError when waveform maximum is too large."""
    waveform_wrong_max = numpy.array(waveform)
    waveform_wrong_max[0] = 42.
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekAWG2000, [], []) as inst:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
            inst.upload_waveform(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform_wrong_max)
        exc_msg = exc_info.value.args[0]
        assert exc_msg == "The max value for an element in waveform is 1."
コード例 #9
def test_maui_data_source_read_waveform_different_length(init):
    """BF: Stacking return arrays with different length.

    Depending on rounding issues, time and data arrays can have
    different lengths. Shorten to the shorter one by cutting the longer
    one from the end.
    faulty_dataset_str = []
    faulty_dataset_int = []
    for it in range(402):  # 402 datapoints will make the error
    return_data_string = '"   ' + '   '.join(faulty_dataset_str) + '   "'

    with expected_protocol(
                'TRMD SINGLE',
                "C1:INSPECT? 'SIMPLE'",
                "C1:INSPECT? 'HORIZ_OFFSET'",
                "C1:INSPECT? 'HORIZ_INTERVAL'",
                'TRMD AUTO'
                "HORIZ_OFFSET       : 9.8895e-06   ",
                "HORIZ_INTERVAL     : 5e-10        "
    ) as osc:
        h_offset = 9.8895e-06
        h_interval = 5e-10

        if numpy:
            # create the signal that we want to get returned
            signal = numpy.array(faulty_dataset_int)
            timebase = numpy.arange(
                h_offset + h_interval * (len(signal)),

            # now cut timebase to the length of the signal
            timebase = timebase[0:len(signal)]
            # create return dataset
            dataset_return = numpy.stack((timebase, signal))
            signal = tuple(faulty_dataset_int)
            timebase = tuple([float(val) * h_interval + h_offset for val in range(len(signal))])
            timebase = timebase[0:len(signal)]
            dataset_return = timebase, signal

        actual_wf = osc.channel[0].read_waveform()
        iterable_eq(actual_wf, dataset_return)
コード例 #10
def test_channel_read_waveform():
    """Read waveform of channel object."""
    with expected_protocol(
            ik.rigol.RigolDS1000Series, [":WAV:DATA? CHAN2"],
        [b"#210" + bytes.fromhex("00000001000200030004") + b"0"]) as osc:
        expected = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array(expected)
        iterable_eq(osc.channel[1].read_waveform(), expected)
コード例 #11
def test_instrument_binblockread():
    with expected_protocol(ik.Instrument, [], [
            b"#210" + bytes.fromhex("00000001000200030004") + b"0",
                           sep="\n") as inst:
        actual_data = inst.binblockread(2)
        expected = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array(expected)
        iterable_eq(actual_data, expected)
コード例 #12
def test_data_source_read_waveform_binary(values):
    """Read waveform from data source as binary."""
    # constants - to not overkill it with hypothesis
    channel_no = 0
    data_width = 2
    yoffs = 1.
    ymult = 1.
    yzero = 0.3
    xincr = 0.001
    # make values to compare with
    ptcnt = len(values)
    values_arr = values
    if numpy:
        values_arr = numpy.array(values)
    values_packed = b"".join(struct.pack(">h", value) for value in values)
    values_len = str(len(values_packed)).encode()
    values_len_of_len = str(len(values_len)).encode()

    # calculations
    if numpy:
        x_calc = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * xincr
        y_calc = ((values_arr - yoffs) * ymult) + yzero
        x_calc = tuple([float(val) * float(xincr) for val in range(ptcnt)])
        y_calc = tuple(((val - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) for val in values)

    with expected_protocol(
                "DAT:ENC RIB",

                b"#" + values_len_of_len + values_len + values_packed,
    ) as inst:
        channel = inst.channel[channel_no]
        x_read, y_read = channel.read_waveform(bin_format=True)
        iterable_eq(x_read, x_calc)
        iterable_eq(y_read, y_calc)
コード例 #13
def test_channel_wavelength(values, channel):
    values_packed = b"".join(struct.pack("<d", value) for value in values)
    values_len = str(len(values_packed)).encode()
    values_len_of_len = str(len(values_len)).encode()
    with expected_protocol(ik.yokogawa.Yokogawa6370, [
            ":FORMat:DATA REAL,64",
            ":TRAC:X? {}".format(channel.value),
    ], [b"#" + values_len_of_len + values_len + values_packed]) as inst:
        values = tuple(values)
        if numpy:
            values = numpy.array(values, dtype="<d")
        iterable_eq(inst.channel[channel].wavelength(), values)
コード例 #14
def test_data_source_read_waveform_ascii(values, ymult, yzero, xzero, xincr):
    """Read waveform back in ASCII format."""
    old_dat_source = 3
    old_dat_stop = 100  # "previous" setting
    # new values
    channel = 0
    yoffs = 0  # already tested with hypothesis
    # transform values to strings
    values_str = ",".join([str(value) for value in values])
    # calculated values
    ptcnt = len(values)
    with expected_protocol(
            "DAT:SOU?",  # old data source
            f"DAT:SOU CH{channel + 1}",
            f"DAT:STOP {10**7}",
            "DAT:ENC ASCI",  # set encoding
            "CURVE?",  # get the data (in bin format)
            "WFMP:YMU?",  # query y-offset
            "WFMP:YZE?",  # query y zero
            "WFMP:XZE?",  # query x zero
            "WFMP:XIN?",  # retrieve x increments
            "WFMP:NR_P?",  # retrieve number of points
            f"DAT:STOP {old_dat_stop}",
            f"DAT:SOU CH{old_dat_source + 1}"  # set back old data source
            f"CH{old_dat_source + 1}", f"{old_dat_stop}", f"{values_str}",
            f"{yoffs}", f"{ymult}", f"{yzero}", f"{xzero}", f"{xincr}",
        ]) as inst:
        # get the values from the instrument
        x_read, y_read = inst.channel[channel].read_waveform(bin_format=False)

        # manually calculate the values
        if numpy:
            raw = numpy.array(values_str.split(","), dtype=numpy.float)
            x_calc = numpy.arange(ptcnt) * xincr + xzero
            y_calc = (raw - yoffs) * ymult + yzero
            x_calc = tuple(
                [float(val) * xincr + xzero for val in range(ptcnt)])
            y_calc = tuple([((float(val) - yoffs) * ymult) + yzero
                            for val in values])

        # assert arrays are equal
        iterable_eq(x_read, x_calc)
        iterable_eq(y_read, y_calc)
コード例 #15
def test_agilent34410a_r():
    with expected_protocol(
        ["CONF?", "FORM:DATA REAL,64", "R? 1"],
            "VOLT +1.000000E+01,+3.000000E-06",
            # pylint: disable=no-member
            b"#18" + bytes.fromhex("3FF0000000000000")
        ]) as dmm:
        expected = (u.Quantity(1, u.volt), )
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array([1]) * u.volt
        actual = dmm.r(1)
        iterable_eq(actual, expected)
コード例 #16
def test_instrument_binblockread_two_reads():
    inst = ik.Instrument.open_test()
    data = bytes.fromhex("00000001000200030004")
    inst._file.read_raw = mock.MagicMock(
        side_effect=[b"#", b"2", b"10", data[:6], data[6:]])

    expected = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    if numpy:
        expected = numpy.array((0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
    iterable_eq(inst.binblockread(2), expected)

    calls_expected = [1, 1, 2, 10, 4]
    calls_actual = [call[0][0] for call in inst._file.read_raw.call_args_list]
    iterable_eq(calls_actual, calls_expected)
コード例 #17
def test_data_source_read_waveform_ascii(values):
    """Read waveform from data source as ASCII."""
    # constants - to not overkill it with hypothesis
    channel_no = 0
    yoffs = 1.
    ymult = 1.
    yzero = 0.3
    xincr = 0.001
    # make values to compare with
    values_str = ",".join([str(value) for value in values])
    values_arr = values
    if numpy:
        values_arr = numpy.array(values)

    # calculations
    ptcnt = len(values)
    if numpy:
        x_calc = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * xincr
        y_calc = ((values_arr - yoffs) * ymult) + yzero
        x_calc = tuple([float(val) * float(xincr) for val in range(ptcnt)])
        y_calc = tuple(((val - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) for val in values)

    with expected_protocol(
                "DAT:ENC ASCI",

    ) as inst:
        channel = inst.channel[channel_no]
        x_read, y_read = channel.read_waveform(bin_format=False)
        iterable_eq(x_read, x_calc)
        iterable_eq(y_read, y_calc)
コード例 #18
def test_upload_waveform(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform):
    """Upload a waveform from the PC to the instrument."""
    # prep waveform
    waveform = numpy.array(waveform)
    waveform_send = waveform * (2**12 - 1)
    waveform_send = waveform_send.astype("<u2").tobytes()
    wfm_header_2 = str(len(waveform_send))
    wfm_header_1 = len(wfm_header_2)
    bin_str = "#{}{}{}".format(wfm_header_1, wfm_header_2, waveform_send)
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekAWG2000, [
            f"WFMP:YZERO {yzero}", f"WFMP:YMULT {ymult}",
            f"WFMP:XINCR {xincr}", f"CURVE {bin_str}"
    ], []) as inst:
        inst.upload_waveform(yzero, ymult, xincr, waveform)
コード例 #19
def test_data_source_read_waveform_bin(values, ymult, yzero, xzero, xincr):
    """Read the waveform of a data trace in bin format."""
    old_dat_source = 3
    old_dat_stop = 100  # "previous" setting
    # new values
    channel = 0
    data_width = 2  # use format '>h' for decoding
    yoffs = 0  # already tested with hypothesis
    # values packing
    ptcnt = len(values)
    values_packed = b"".join(struct.pack(">h", value) for value in values)
    values_len = str(len(values_packed)).encode()
    values_len_of_len = str(len(values_len)).encode()
    with expected_protocol(
            "DAT:SOU?",  # old data source
            f"DAT:SOU CH{channel+1}",
            f"DAT:STOP {10**7}",
            "DAT:ENC RIB",  # set encoding
            "DATA:WIDTH?",  # query data width
            "CURVE?",  # get the data (in bin format)
            "WFMP:YOF?",  # query yoffs
            "WFMP:YMU?",  # query ymult
            "WFMP:YZE?",  # query yzero
            "WFMP:XZE?",  # query x zero
            "WFMP:XIN?",  # retrieve x increments
            "WFMP:NR_P?",  # retrieve number of points
            f"DAT:STOP {old_dat_stop}",
            f"DAT:SOU CH{old_dat_source + 1}"  # set back old data source
            f"CH{old_dat_source+1}", f"{old_dat_stop}", f"{data_width}",
            b"#" + values_len_of_len + values_len + values_packed, f"{yoffs}",
            f"{ymult}", f"{yzero}", f"{xzero}", f"{xincr}", f"{ptcnt}"
    ) as inst:
        x_read, y_read = inst.channel[channel].read_waveform()
        if numpy:
            x_calc = numpy.arange(ptcnt) * xincr + xzero
            y_calc = ((numpy.array(values) - yoffs) * ymult) + yzero
            x_calc = tuple(
                [float(val) * xincr + xzero for val in range(ptcnt)])
            y_calc = tuple([((float(val) - yoffs) * ymult) + yzero
                            for val in values])
        iterable_eq(x_read, x_calc)
        iterable_eq(y_read, y_calc)
コード例 #20
    def take_measurement(self, sample_rate, num_samples):
        Wrapper function that allows you to easily take measurements with a
        specified sample rate and number of desired samples.

        Function will call time.sleep() for the required amount of time it will
        take the instrument to complete this sampling operation.

        Returns a list containing two items, each of which are lists containing
        the channel data. The order is [[Ch1 data], [Ch2 data]].

        :param `int` sample_rate: Set the desired sample rate of the
            measurement. See `~SRS830.sample_rate` for more information.

        :param `int` num_samples: Number of samples to take.

        :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`float`, ...], `tuple`[`float`, ...]]
            or if numpy is installed, `numpy.array`[`numpy.array`, `numpy.array`]
        if num_samples > 16383:
            raise ValueError('Number of samples cannot exceed 16383.')

        sample_time = math.ceil(num_samples / sample_rate)

        self.init(sample_rate, SRS830.BufferMode['one_shot'])

        time.sleep(sample_time + 0.1)


        # The following should fail. We do this to force the instrument
        # to flush its internal buffers.
        # Note that this causes a redundant transmission, and should be fixed
        # in future versions.
        except IOError:

        ch1 = self.read_data_buffer('ch1')
        ch2 = self.read_data_buffer('ch2')

        if numpy:
            return numpy.array([ch1, ch2])
        return ch1, ch2
コード例 #21
def test_read_data_buffer_mode_as_str():
    with expected_protocol(
    ) as inst:
        data = inst.read_data_buffer(channel="ch1")
        expected = (1.234, 9.876)
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array(expected)
        iterable_eq(data, expected)
コード例 #22
def test_take_measurement_num_dat_points_fails():
    """Simulate the failure of num_data_points.

    This is the way it is currently implemented.
    with expected_protocol(
                "SRAT 4",
                "SEND 0",
                "FAST 2",
            ] +
            ] * 11 +
            ] * 10 +
    ) as inst:
        resp = inst.take_measurement(sample_rate=1, num_samples=2)
        expected = ((1.234, 5.678), (0.456, 5.321))
        if numpy:
            expected = numpy.array(expected)
        iterable_eq(resp, expected)
コード例 #23
def test_tektds224_data_source_read_waveform_ascii(values):
    """Read waveform as ASCII"""
    # values
    values_str = ",".join([str(value) for value in values])

    # parameters
    yoffs = 1
    ymult = 1
    yzero = 0
    xzero = 0
    xincr = 1
    ptcnt = len(values)

    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekTDS224, [
            "DAT:SOU?", "DAT:SOU CH2", "DAT:ENC ASCI", "CURVE?",
            "WFMP:CH2:YOF?", "WFMP:CH2:YMU?", "WFMP:CH2:YZE?", "WFMP:XZE?",
            "WFMP:XIN?", "WFMP:CH2:NR_P?", "DAT:SOU CH1"
    ], [
            "CH1", values_str, f"{yoffs}", f"{ymult}", f"{yzero}", f"{xzero}",
            f"{xincr}", f"{ptcnt}"
    ]) as tek:
        if numpy:
            x_expected = numpy.arange(
                float(ptcnt)) * float(xincr) + float(xzero)
            y_expected = ((numpy.array(values) - float(yoffs)) *
                          float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
            x_expected = tuple([
                float(val) * float(xincr) + float(xzero)
                for val in range(ptcnt)
            y_expected = tuple([
                ((val - float(yoffs)) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
                for val in values
        x_read, y_read = tek.channel[1].read_waveform(bin_format=False)
        iterable_eq(x_read, x_expected)
        iterable_eq(y_read, y_expected)
コード例 #24
        def read_waveform(self, bin_format=False, single=True):
            Reads the waveform and returns an array of floats with the

            :param bin_format: Not implemented, always False
            :type bin_format: bool
            :param single: Run a single trigger? Default True. In case
                a waveform from a channel is required, this option
                is recommended to be set to True. This means that the
                acquisition system is first stopped, a single trigger
                is issued, then the waveform is transfered, and the
                system is set back into the state it was in before.
                If sampling math with multiple samples, set this to
                false, otherwise the sweeps are cleared by the
                oscilloscope prior when a single trigger command is
            :type single: bool

            :return: Data (time, signal) where time is in seconds and
                signal in V
            :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...], `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...]]
                or if numpy is installed, `tuple`[`numpy.array`, `numpy.array`]

            :raises NotImplementedError: Bin format was chosen, but
                it is not implemented.

            Example usage:
                >>> import instruments as ik
                >>> import instruments.units as u
                >>> inst = ik.teledyne.MAUI.open_visa("TCPIP0::")
                >>> channel = inst.channel[0]  # set up channel
                >>> xdat, ydat = channel.read_waveform()  # read waveform
            if bin_format:
                raise NotImplementedError("Bin format reading is currently "
                                          "not implemented for the MAUI "

            if single:
                # get current trigger state (to reset after read)
                trig_state = self._parent.trigger_state
                # trigger state to single
                self._parent.trigger_state = self._parent.TriggerState.single

            # now read the data
            retval = self.query("INSPECT? 'SIMPLE'")  # pylint: disable=E1101

            # read the parameters to create time-base array
            horiz_off = self.query("INSPECT? 'HORIZ_OFFSET'")  # pylint: disable=E1101
            horiz_int = self.query("INSPECT? 'HORIZ_INTERVAL'")  # pylint: disable=E1101

            if single:
                # reset trigger
                self._parent.trigger_state = trig_state

            # format the string to appropriate data
            retval = retval.replace('"', '').split()
            if numpy:
                dat_val = numpy.array(retval, dtype=numpy.float)  # Convert to ndarray
                dat_val = tuple(map(float, retval))

            # format horizontal data into floats
            horiz_off = float(horiz_off.replace('"', '').split(':')[1])
            horiz_int = float(horiz_int.replace('"', '').split(':')[1])

            # create time base
            if numpy:
                dat_time = numpy.arange(
                    horiz_off + horiz_int * (len(dat_val)),
                dat_time = tuple(val * horiz_int + horiz_off for val in range(len(dat_val)))

            # fix length bug, sometimes dat_time is longer than dat_signal
            if len(dat_time) > len(dat_val):
                dat_time = dat_time[0:len(dat_val)]
            else:  # in case the opposite is the case
                dat_val = dat_val[0:len(dat_time)]

            if numpy:
                return numpy.stack((dat_time, dat_val))
                return dat_time, dat_val
コード例 #25
def test_iterable_eq_passes_two_numpy_array():
    Test pases for two identical numpy arrays
    a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
    iterable_eq(a, a.copy())
コード例 #26
    def read_waveform(self, bin_format=True):
        Read waveform from the oscilloscope.
        This function is all inclusive. After reading the data from the
        oscilloscope, it unpacks the data and scales it accordingly.

        Supports both ASCII and binary waveform transfer. For 2500 data
        points, with a width of 2 bytes, transfer takes approx 2 seconds for
        binary, and 7 seconds for ASCII over Galvant Industries' GPIBUSB

        Function returns a tuple (x,y), where both x and y are numpy arrays.

        :param bool bin_format: If `True`, data is transfered
            in a binary format. Otherwise, data is transferred in ASCII.

        :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`float`, ...], `tuple`[`float`, ...]]
            or if numpy is installed, `tuple`[`numpy.array`, `numpy.array`]
        with self:

            if not bin_format:
                self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC ASCI")
                # Set the data encoding format to ASCII
                raw = self._tek.query("CURVE?")
                raw = raw.split(',')  # Break up comma delimited string
                if numpy:
                    raw = numpy.array(raw,
                                      dtype=numpy.float)  # Convert to ndarray
                    raw = tuple(map(float, raw))
                self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC RIB")
                # Set encoding to signed, big-endian
                data_width = self._tek.data_width
                raw = self._tek.binblockread(
                    data_width)  # Read in the binary block,
                # data width of 2 bytes

                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                self._tek._file.flush_input()  # Flush input buffer

            yoffs = self._tek.query(
                f"WFMP:{self.name}:YOF?")  # Retrieve Y offset
            ymult = self._tek.query(
                f"WFMP:{self.name}:YMU?")  # Retrieve Y multiply
            yzero = self._tek.query(
                f"WFMP:{self.name}:YZE?")  # Retrieve Y zero

            xzero = self._tek.query("WFMP:XZE?")  # Retrieve X zero
            xincr = self._tek.query("WFMP:XIN?")  # Retrieve X incr
            ptcnt = self._tek.query(
                f"WFMP:{self.name}:NR_P?")  # Retrieve number of data points

            if numpy:
                x = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * float(xincr) + float(xzero)
                y = ((raw - float(yoffs)) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
                x = tuple(
                    float(val) * float(xincr) + float(xzero)
                    for val in range(int(ptcnt)))
                y = tuple(((x - float(yoffs)) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
                          for x in raw)

            return x, y
コード例 #27
    def read_waveform(self, bin_format=True):
        Read waveform from the oscilloscope.
        This function is all inclusive. After reading the data from the
        oscilloscope, it unpacks the data and scales it accordingly.

        Supports both ASCII and binary waveform transfer. For 2500 data
        points, with a width of 2 bytes, transfer takes approx 2 seconds for
        binary, and 7 seconds for ASCII over Galvant Industries' GPIBUSB

        Function returns a tuple (x,y), where both x and y are numpy arrays.

        :param bool bin_format: If `True`, data is transfered
            in a binary format. Otherwise, data is transferred in ASCII.

        :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`float`, ...], `tuple`[`float`, ...]]
            or if numpy is installed, `tuple`[`numpy.array`, `numpy.array`]
        with self:

            if not bin_format:
                # Set the data encoding format to ASCII
                self._parent.sendcmd('DAT:ENC ASCI')
                raw = self._parent.query('CURVE?')
                raw = raw.split(',')  # Break up comma delimited string
                if numpy:
                    raw = numpy.array(raw, dtype=numpy.float)  # Convert to numpy array
                    raw = map(float, raw)
                # Set encoding to signed, big-endian
                self._parent.sendcmd('DAT:ENC RIB')
                data_width = self._parent.data_width
                # Read in the binary block, data width of 2 bytes
                raw = self._parent.binblockread(data_width)

                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                # read line separation character

            # Retrieve Y offset
            yoffs = float(self._parent.query('WFMP:{}:YOF?'.format(self.name)))
            # Retrieve Y multiply
            ymult = float(self._parent.query('WFMP:{}:YMU?'.format(self.name)))
            # Retrieve Y zero
            yzero = float(self._parent.query('WFMP:{}:YZE?'.format(self.name)))

            # Retrieve X incr
            xincr = float(self._parent.query('WFMP:{}:XIN?'.format(self.name)))
            # Retrieve number of data points
            ptcnt = int(self._parent.query('WFMP:{}:NR_P?'.format(self.name)))

            if numpy:
                x = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * float(xincr)
                y = ((raw - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
                x = tuple([float(val) * float(xincr) for val in range(ptcnt)])
                y = tuple(((x - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) for x in raw)

            return x, y
コード例 #28
    def read_waveform(self, bin_format=True):
        Read waveform from the oscilloscope.
        This function is all inclusive. After reading the data from the
        oscilloscope, it unpacks the data and scales it accordingly.
        Supports both ASCII and binary waveform transfer.

        Function returns a tuple (x,y), where both x and y are numpy arrays.

        :param bool bin_format: If `True`, data is transfered
            in a binary format. Otherwise, data is transferred in ASCII.
        :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...], `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...]]
            or if numpy is installed, `tuple` of two `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data

        # Set the acquisition channel
        with self:

            # TODO: move this out somewhere more appropriate.
            old_dat_stop = self._tek.query("DAT:STOP?")
            self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:STOP {}".format(10**7))

            if not bin_format:
                # Set data encoding format to ASCII
                self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC ASCI")
                sleep(0.02)  # Work around issue with 2.48 firmware.
                raw = self._tek.query("CURVE?")
                raw = raw.split(",")  # Break up comma delimited string
                if numpy:
                    raw = numpy.array(raw, dtype=numpy.float)  # Convert to numpy array
                    raw = map(float, raw)
                # Set encoding to signed, big-endian
                self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC RIB")
                sleep(0.02)  # Work around issue with 2.48 firmware.
                data_width = self._tek.data_width
                # Read in the binary block, data width of 2 bytes.
                raw = self._tek.binblockread(data_width)
                # Read the new line character that is sent
                self._tek._file.read_raw(1)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            yoffs = self._tek.y_offset  # Retrieve Y offset
            ymult = self._tek.query("WFMP:YMU?")  # Retrieve Y multiplier
            yzero = self._tek.query("WFMP:YZE?")  # Retrieve Y zero

            xzero = self._tek.query("WFMP:XZE?")  # Retrieve X zero
            xincr = self._tek.query("WFMP:XIN?")  # Retrieve X incr
            # Retrieve number of data points
            ptcnt = self._tek.query("WFMP:NR_P?")

            if numpy:
                x = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * float(xincr) + float(xzero)
                y = ((raw - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero)
                x = tuple([float(val) * float(xincr) + float(xzero) for val in range(int(ptcnt))])
                y = tuple(((x - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) for x in raw)

            self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:STOP {}".format(old_dat_stop))

            return x, y