コード例 #1
def captureImage(program):
    output = [[]]

    def handleOutput(x):
        if x == 10:

    startNew(program, handleOutput)

    return [o for o in output if o]
コード例 #2
def paint(program):
    colors = {(0,0):1}
    currentPosition = (0, 0)
    currentVelocity = (0, 1)
    output = []
    state = startNew(program, lambda x: output.append(x))
    while state:
        state = resumeWithInput(state, colors.get(currentPosition, 0))
        color, direction = output

        output = []
        colors[currentPosition] = color
        currentVelocity = rotate(currentVelocity, right=direction)

        dx,dy = currentVelocity
        currentPosition = (x + dx, y + dy)

    coords = colors.keys()
    xs = list(map(lambda x: x[0], coords))
    ys = list(map(lambda x: x[1], coords))
    maxx = (max(xs))
    maxy = (max(ys))
    minx = (min(xs))
    miny = (min(ys))

    for y in range(maxy, miny-1,-1):
        row = ['#' if colors.get((x, y)) == 1 else ' ' for x in range(minx, maxx+1)]
コード例 #3
def part2(program):
    totalElements = 50
    outputQueues = [[] for _ in range(totalElements)]
    incomingQueues = [[] for _ in range(totalElements)]
    natValue = None
    natSeen = set()

    def generateHandler(i):
        return lambda x: outputQueues[i].append(x)

    def distributeQueues(i):
        outputQueue = outputQueues[i]
        while outputQueue:
            address = outputQueue.pop(0)
            x = outputQueue.pop(0)
            y = outputQueue.pop(0)

            if address == 255:
                return (x, y)
                incomingQueues[address].append((x, y))
                return None

    computers = [
        startNew(program, generateHandler(i)) for i in range(totalElements)

    for i, c in enumerate(computers):
        computers[i] = resumeWithInput(c, i)

    while True:
        idleCount = 0

        for i, c in enumerate(computers):
            if incomingQueues[i]:
                while incomingQueues[i]:
                    x, y = incomingQueues[i].pop(0)
                    gotX = resumeWithInput(c, x)
                    computers[i] = resumeWithInput(gotX, y)
                idleCount += 1
                computers[i] = resumeWithInput(c, -1)

            nextNat = distributeQueues(i)
            if nextNat:
                natValue = nextNat

        if idleCount == totalElements and not sum(
                1 for i in incomingQueues if i):
            # All things are idle and nothing's incoming. Kick it in the trousers.
            if natValue in natSeen:
                return natValue
コード例 #4
def part1(program):
    totalElements = 50
    outputQueues = [[] for _ in range(totalElements)]
    incomingQueues = [[] for _ in range(totalElements)]
    specialOne = None

    def generateHandler(i):
        return lambda x: outputQueues[i].append(x)

    def distributeQueues(i):
        outputQueue = outputQueues[i]
        while outputQueue:
            address = outputQueue.pop(0)
            x = outputQueue.pop(0)
            y = outputQueue.pop(0)

            if address == 255:
                return (x, y)
                incomingQueues[address].append((x, y))
                return None

    computers = [
        startNew(program, generateHandler(i)) for i in range(totalElements)

    for i, c in enumerate(computers):
        computers[i] = resumeWithInput(c, i)

    while not specialOne:
        for i, c in enumerate(computers):
            if incomingQueues[i]:
                while incomingQueues[i]:
                    x, y = incomingQueues[i].pop(0)
                    gotX = resumeWithInput(c, x)
                    computers[i] = resumeWithInput(gotX, y)
                computers[i] = resumeWithInput(c, -1)

            special = distributeQueues(i)
            if special:
                return special
コード例 #5
def runMaze(program):
    # Just set it big enough so we don't have to worry about expansion
    maze = [[MAZE_UNKNOWN] * 60 for _ in range(60)]
    start = (30, 30)
    setMaze(maze, start, MAZE_ORIGIN)
    output = []
    initialState = startNew(program, lambda x: output.append(x))
    pendingJunctions: List[Runner] = [Runner(initialState, start, 1)]
    visited = set(start)
    oxygen = None

    while pendingJunctions:
        currentRunner = pendingJunctions.pop()
        currentPosition = currentRunner.location
        state = currentRunner.state
        direction = currentRunner.direction
        while True:
            points = [Runner(state.fork(state.outputHandler), currentPosition, d) for d in DIRS if d != direction and getMaze(maze, applyDirection(currentPosition, d)) == MAZE_UNKNOWN]


            nextPoint = applyDirection(currentPosition, direction)
            # Have we already been where we're about to go? No need to revisit.
            if getMaze(maze, nextPoint) != MAZE_UNKNOWN:

            # Run as far as we can in a straight line
            state = resumeWithInput(state, direction)
            result = output.pop(0)

            if result == 0:
                # It is a wall. We can go no further
                setMaze(maze, nextPoint, MAZE_WALL)
            elif result == 1:
                setMaze(maze, nextPoint, MAZE_VISITED) 
            elif result == 2:
                setMaze(maze, nextPoint, MAZE_TARGET)
                oxygen = nextPoint
            currentPosition = nextPoint

    return maze, start, oxygen