コード例 #1
def part1(inputs=None):
    """Output the answer to part 1 - """
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day13input.txt')
    output = cpu.execute_program()
    block_count = sum(
        [1 for instruction in output[2::3] if instruction == BLOCK])
    print(f'Part 1 answer: {block_count}')
コード例 #2
def part1():
    """Output the answer to part 1 - """
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day11input.txt')

    heading = (0, 1)
    path = [(0, 0)]
    paint = {}
    result = None
    next_input = None

    while result is None:
            result = cpu.execute_program(next_input, reset=False)
        except ExecutionError as err:
            assert err.reason == ExecutionCode.NEED_INPUT

        output_count = len(cpu.outputs)
        assert output_count == 2 or output_count == 0
        if output_count == 2:
            new_color = cpu.outputs.pop(0)
            turn = cpu.outputs.pop(0)
            heading = step_robot(new_color, turn, path, heading, paint)
        next_input = paint.get(path[-1], 0)
    print(f'Part 1 answer: {len(paint)}')
コード例 #3
def part2():
    """Output the answer to part 2 - What's the final score"""

    program = IntCodeProcessor.load_program('day13input.txt')
    program[0] = 2
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(program)
    result = None
    next_input = None
    ball_pos = None
    paddle_pos = None
    score = None
    while result is None:
            result = cpu.execute_program(next_input, reset=False)
        except ExecutionError as err:
            assert err.reason == ExecutionCode.NEED_INPUT

        ball_pos, paddle_pos, score = process_output(cpu.outputs, ball_pos,
                                                     paddle_pos, score)
        cpu.outputs = []
        next_input = next_input_for(ball_pos, paddle_pos)
    print(f'Part 2 answer: {score}')
コード例 #4
def part2(inputs = None):
    """Output the answer to part 2 - """
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day15input.txt')
    path = {(0, 0): True}
    grid = {(0, 0): OPEN}
    find_paths(0, 0, None, grid, path, cpu)

    newly_filled_locs = [loc for loc, status in grid.items() if status == SUCCESS]

    steps = -1 # start at -1, because we go through the loop 1 extra time to determine that there are no more spaces to fill
    while len(newly_filled_locs) > 0:
        newly_filled_locs = fill_adjacent(newly_filled_locs, grid)
        steps += 1
    print(f'Part 2 answer: {steps}')
コード例 #5
def part1(inputs = None):
    """Output the answer to part 1 - Minimum number of movement commands to move to the oxygen system"""
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day15input.txt')
    path = {(0, 0): True}
    grid = {(0, 0): OPEN}

    successful_paths = find_paths(0,0,None, grid, path, cpu)

    # remove the "unmarked" locations from the paths
    marked_paths = [[loc for loc, marked in path.items() if marked] for path in successful_paths] 
    shortest_path = min(marked_paths, key=len)

    # subtract 1 because we want the number of movement commands, so we need to
    # subtract out the initial location
    num_movement_commands = len(shortest_path) - 1
    print(f'Part 1 answer: {num_movement_commands}')
コード例 #6
def generate_thruster_signal_part2(program, phase_settings):
    cpus = [IntCodeProcessor(program) for _ in range(5)]
    for index, phase in enumerate(phase_settings):
            logging.debug(f'CPU {index} - initialize')
        except ExecutionError:
    cpu_index = 0
    next_input = [0]
    while True:
            logging.debug(f'CPU {cpu_index} - start')
            if cpus[cpu_index].execute_program(next_input, False) is not None and cpu_index == 4:
        except ExecutionError:
        next_input = cpus[cpu_index].outputs
        cpus[cpu_index].outputs = []
        cpu_index = (cpu_index+1) % 5
    return cpus[-1].outputs
コード例 #7
from intcode import IntCodeProcessor

cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day05input.txt')
print('Part 1 answer: ', cpu.execute_program(1)[-1])
print('Part 2 answer: ', cpu.execute_program(5)[0])
コード例 #8
    return (point[1], -point[0]) if right else (-point[1], point[0])

def step_robot(paint_command, move_command, path, heading, paint):
    location = path[-1]
    paint[location] = paint_command
    new_heading = rotate(heading, move_command)
    path.append((location[0] + new_heading[0], location[1] + new_heading[1]))
    return new_heading

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path='day11input.txt')
    heading = (0, 1)
    path = [(0, 0)]
    paint = {}
    result = None
    next_input = 1

    while result is None:
            result = cpu.execute_program(next_input, reset=False)
        except ExecutionError as err:
            assert err.reason == ExecutionCode.NEED_INPUT

        output_count = len(cpu.outputs)
        assert output_count == 2 or output_count == 0
コード例 #9
def generate_thruster_signal(program, phase_settings):
    cpu = IntCodeProcessor(program)
    signal = 0
    for phase in phase_settings:
        signal = cpu.execute_program([phase, signal])[0]
    return signal 
コード例 #10
from itertools import product
from intcode import IntCodeProcessor

def part1():
    """Output the answer for part 1"""
    print(f'Part 1 answer: {cpu.execute_program_with_inputs(12, 2)}')

def find_inputs_in_range_for_output(range_end, output):
    """ Returns the first aggregated noun and verb (100 * noun + verb) required to produce
        the given output for nouns and verbs in the range 0 to range_end (not including
    for noun, verb in product(range(range_end), range(range_end)):
        result = cpu.execute_program_with_inputs(noun, verb)
        if result == output:
            return noun * 100 + verb
    return None

def part2():
    """Output the answer for part 1"""
    print(f'Part 2 answer: {find_inputs_in_range_for_output(100, 19690720)}')

cpu = IntCodeProcessor(path = 'day02input.txt')
part1() # Expected answer: 662703
part2() # Expected answer: 4019