def scan(): global text, in_buf s = 0 c = IntComputer(text, f_in) rep = {0: '.', 1: '#'} f_edges = [] r_edges = [] points = {} for x in range(1074, 1179): in_beam = False for y in range(1724, 1830): in_buf.append(x) in_buf.append(y) if c.output: o = c.output.pop() s += o if o == 1 and not in_beam: f_edges.append((x, y)) in_beam = True if in_beam and o == 0: r_edges.append((x, y - 1)) in_beam = False points[(x, y)] = o print(rep[o], end="") c.reset() print() import math f_thetas = [] f_edges.pop(0) r_edges.pop(0) for p in f_edges: f_thetas.append(math.degrees(math.atan(p[0] / p[1]))) r_thetas = [] for p in r_edges: r_thetas.append(math.degrees(math.atan(p[0] / p[1]))) print(f_thetas) print(r_thetas) f_avg = sum(f_thetas) / len(f_thetas) r_avg = sum(r_thetas) / len(r_thetas) print(f_avg) print(r_avg) print("min/max f", min(f_thetas), max(f_thetas)) print("min/max r", min(r_thetas), max(r_thetas))
def check(x, y): global text, in_buf outs = [] c = IntComputer(text, f_in) in_buf.append(x) in_buf.append(y) outs.append(c.output.pop()) c.reset() in_buf.append(x + 99) in_buf.append(y) outs.append(c.output.pop()) c.reset() in_buf.append(x) in_buf.append(y + 99) outs.append(c.output.pop()) return all(o == 1 for o in outs)