コード例 #1
ファイル: 21a.py プロジェクト: bslaff/aoc2019
def run_main():

    args = get_args()
    prog = get_prog(args)

    icn = IntcodeComputerNode("ENIAC", prog, [])

    # I don't think there is a strategy that is guaranteed to win based on what we know
    # For example consider:
    # ###.#.#...#
    # ###.#...#.#
    # In the first case, you have to jump at step 3 or you lose
    # In the second case, you have to jump at step 1 or you lose
    # But it looks the same from the beginning. No way to tell them apart.
    # So no strategy is guaranteed to work.
    # A good solution would be something like: figure out rules which allow us to greedily go forward
    # until we have rules that are *good enough* to get us to the end.
    # Or, we can try a heuristic and go from there. Opting for this.

    # So, heuristic strategy: jump if
    ### 4 ahead is hull AND 3 ahead is not hull, OR 1 ahead is not hull
    # sure, we can refine from there as long as we take care to visualize the output.

    ss = ["NOT C J\n", "AND D J\n", "NOT A T\n", "OR T J\n", "WALK\n"]
    ss = [ord(v) for v in "".join(ss)]
    # print(ss)
    icn.inputs = ss
    outs = icn.outputs

    print(f"The outputs are: {outs}")
    ### Output a bunch of ascii-range integers and then a single giant integer which worked.
    ### Great but not the most satisfying I guess?

    return 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: 19a.py プロジェクト: bslaff/aoc2019
def run_main():

    args = get_args()
    prog = get_prog(args)

    icn = IntcodeComputerNode("ENIAC", prog, [])

    XX = 50
    YY = 50
    arr = np.zeros(shape=(XX, YY))

    out_ptr = 0
    for y in range(YY):
        for x in range(XX):
            # icn.run_prog_from_current_state()
            # print(icn.outputs)
            icn.inputs = [y, x]
            # print(f"Running with inputs: {icn.inputs}")
            # print(f"All outputs: {icn.outputs}")
            # print(f"Exit status: {icn.has_exited}")
            arr[y, x] = icn.outputs[out_ptr]
            # exit()
            # out_ptr += 1

    # print(arr)
    # exit()

    for y in range(YY):
        row = "".join([str(int(v)) for v in arr[y, :]])
        # print(row)
        row = row.replace('1', '#').replace('0', '.')

    total = np.sum(arr.flatten())

    print(f"Total number of affected spots: {total}")

    return 0
コード例 #3
def run_main():

    args = get_args()
    prog = get_prog(args)

    icn = IntcodeComputerNode("ENIAC", prog, [])

    # Unlike in part 1 we might now have enough information to know what to do each time.
    # For example consider:
    # ###.#.#...#
    # ###.#...#.#
    # Now that we can see 9 tiles ahead, we know in part 1 we have to wait to jump, and in 2 we can't wait.
    # Now how can we translate this into spring code. Well, start with logic.

    # if 9 ahead is space, cant jump at 5
    # if 8 ahead is space, cant jump at 4
    # so, don't want to land at 4 unless there is a good jump after:
    # land at 4 if 4 hull AND:
    # 3 empty, AND
    # 8 hull, OR
    # 5 hull AND (9 hull OR (6 hull and 7 hull))
    # OR 1 empty (no matter what)
    # eh still not perfect but better?

    # ((2 space and 5 space and 1 hull) OR...: NOT B T, NOT E J, AND J T, AND A T # always avoid a suicide jump next step at 1

    # 6 hull and 7 hull: NOT F J, NOT J J, AND G J # result is in J
    # 9 hull OR that: OR I J # result is in J
    # 5 hull AND that: AND E J # result is in J
    # 8 hull OR that: OR H J # result in J
    # 4 hull AND that: AND D J

    # OR T J # finished OR from the very first step

    # 1 empty OR that: NOT A T, OR T J # always jump if we're about to die

    # that is 14.

    # ss = ["NOT F J\n","NOT J J\n", "AND G J\n",
    # "OR I J\n",
    # "AND E J\n",
    # "OR H J\n",
    # "NOT C T\n", "AND T J\n",
    # "AND D J\n",
    # "NOT A T\n", "OR T J\n", "RUN\n"]

    # ss = ["NOT B T\n","NOT E J\n", "AND J T\n", "AND A T\n",

    # "NOT F J\n", "NOT J J\n", "AND G J\n",
    # "OR I J\n",
    # "AND E J\n",
    # "OR H J\n",
    # "AND D J\n",

    # "OR T J\n",

    # "NOT A T\n", "OR T J\n", "RUN\n"]

    # ss = [

    # "NOT F J\n", "NOT J J\n", 	# (((6 hull
    # "OR I J\n", 				# or 9 hull)
    # "AND E J\n",				# and 5 hull)
    # "OR H J\n",					# or 8 hull)
    # "AND D J\n",				# and 4 hull
    # "NOT C T\n", "AND T J\n",	# and 3 space

    # "NOT B T\n",
    # "AND E T\n", "NOT T T\n",
    # "AND A J\n",

    # "NOT A T\n", "OR T J\n", "RUN\n"]


    #### ALRIGHT LOTS OF FALSE STARTS ABOVE but finally got something working:

    ss = [
        "NOT B T\n",
        "NOT E J\n",
        "AND J T\n",
        "AND A T\n",  # (if 2 space and 5 space and 1 hull, 
        "NOT C J\n",
        "OR J T\n",  # OR 3 space: TRUE -> T)
        "NOT E J\n",
        "NOT J J\n",  # (5 hull
        "OR H J\n",  # or 8 hull)
        "AND D J\n",  # and 4 hull: TRUE -> J
        "AND T J\n"  # T and J -> J
        "NOT A T\n",
        "OR T J\n",
    ]  # if 1 is space or J: J true

    # In english:
    # Jump if:
    # it would be a safe-ish jump (4 is hull AND 5 or 8 is hull), AND either
    # the next step leads to a suicide jump (2 space, 5 space, 1 hull) OR
    # 3 is a space
    # OR: 1 is a space (have to jump)

    ss = [ord(v) for v in "".join(ss)]
    # print(ss)
    icn.inputs = ss
    outs = icn.outputs

    print(f"The outputs are: {outs}")

    if outs[-1] <= 127:
        tumbled = "".join([chr(v) for v in outs])

    ### Output a bunch of ascii-range integers and then a single giant integer which worked.
    ### Cool. Not bad heuristic-finding exercise. Wonder if there was a more "code" way to do it.
    ### Some reddit solutions talk about SAT machines which could be entertaining.

    return 0