コード例 #1
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: woostersoz/3m
def retrieveSfdcOpportunities(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):  
        #company_id = request.user.company_id
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id).first()
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx
#         if existingIntegration is not None and 'mkto' in existingIntegration['integrations']: # if this system is connected to Marketo
#             company_qry = 'company_id'
#             type_field_qry = 'leads__mkto__exists'
#             sfdc_account_field_qry = 'leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId__ne'
#             querydict = {company_qry: company_id, type_field_qry: True, sfdc_account_field_qry: None}
#             leads_with_sfdc_opps = Lead.objects(**querydict).only('mkto_id').only('leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId')
        sfdc = Salesforce()
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx
#         account_list = '('
#         for lead in leads_with_sfdc_opps:
#             account_list += '\'' + lead['leads']['mkto']['sfdcAccountId'] + '\'' + ', '
#         account_list = account_list[:-2]
#         account_list += ')'
        if sinceDateTime is None:
            sinceDateTime = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)).date()
        oppList = sfdc.get_opportunities_delta(user_id, company_id, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime), run_type)
        print 'got opps ' + str(len(oppList['records']))
        #create list of Opp IDs to send for get_contacts call
        oppid_list = '('
        for opp in oppList['records']:
            oppid_list += '\'' + opp['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
        oppid_list = oppid_list[:-2]
        oppid_list += ')'
        contactList = sfdc.get_contacts_for_opportunities(user_id, company_id, oppid_list) # needed because SFDC does not have the Contact ID within the Opp record
        print 'got contacts for opps ' + str(len(contactList['records']))
        saveSfdcOpportunities(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, oppList=oppList, contactList=contactList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Opportunities retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Opportunities'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return oppList
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))