コード例 #1
ファイル: boardsie.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_messages( dsconf, start, end, community ):
    """Get all messages between times 'start' and 'end' from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Community given?
    where_clause = ''
    where_arguments = ()
    if community is not None:
        where_clause += ' AND `posts`.`threadid` IN ('+\
                        'SELECT `threads`.`threadid` FROM `threads` '+\
                         'WHERE `threads`.`forumid` = %s)'
        where_arguments = (community,)

    # Execute query to get all users messages
    query = 'SELECT `posts`.`postid` AS `id`,'+\
                   '`posts`.`userid` AS `user_id`,'+\
                   '`posts`.`threadid` AS `conversation_id`,'+\
                   '`posts`.`posteddate` AS `datetime`,'+\
                   '`replies`.`origpostid` AS `target_id`,'+\
                   '`replies`.`origdate` AS `target_datetime` '+\
              'FROM `posts` '+\
              'LEFT JOIN `replies` '+\
                     'ON (`replies`.`replyingpostid` = `posts`.`postid`) '+\
             'WHERE `posts`.`posteddate` BETWEEN %s AND %s' + where_clause
    cursor.execute( query , ( start , end ) + where_arguments )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #2
ファイル: boardsie.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_users( dsconf ):
    """Get all users from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Get the users from database
    cursor.execute( 'SELECT `users`.`userid` AS `id` FROM `users`' )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #3
ファイル: tiddlywiki.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_communities( dsconf ):
    """Get all available communities from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Get the communities from database
    cursor.execute( 'SELECT 1 AS `id`,'+\
                           '"TiddlyWiki" AS `title`,'+\
                           'MIN(`posts`.`datetime`) AS `start_date`,'+\
                           'MAX(`posts`.`datetime`) AS `end_date` '+\
                      'FROM `posts`' )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #4
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_communities( dsconf ):
    """Get all available communities from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Get the community from database
    cursor.execute( 'SELECT `cm`.`id`, `cm`.`title`,' +\
                           'MAX(`m`.`datetime`) AS `start_date`,' +\
                           'MIN(`m`.`datetime`) AS `end_date` ' +\
                      'FROM `communities` AS `cm` ' +\
                'INNER JOIN `conversations` AS `c` ' +\
                        'ON (`cm`.`id` = `c`.`community_id`) ' +\
                'INNER JOIN `messages` AS `m` ' +\
                        'ON (`c`.`id` = `m`.`conversation_id`) ' +\
                  'GROUP BY `cm`.`id`, `cm`.`title`' )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #5
ファイル: boardsie.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_conversations( dsconf, community ):
    """Get all available conversations from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Community given?
    where_clause = ''
    where_arguments = ()
    if community is not None:
        where_clause += ' WHERE `threads`.`forumid` = %s'
        where_arguments = (community,)
    # Get the conversations from database
    cursor.execute( 'SELECT `threads`.`threadid` AS `id`,'+\
                           '`threads`.`forumid` AS `community_id`'+\
                      'FROM `threads`' + where_clause, where_arguments )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #6
ファイル: boardsie.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
def get_communities( dsconf ):
    """Get all available communities from the database."""

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Get the communities from database
    cursor.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT(`threads`.`forumid`) AS `id`,'+\
                           '`forums`.`title` AS `title`,'+\
                           'MIN(`posts`.`posteddate`) AS `start_date`,'+\
                           'MAX(`posts`.`posteddate`) AS `end_date` '+\
                      'FROM `threads` '+\
                 'LEFT JOIN `forums` '+\
                        'ON (`threads`.`forumid` = `forums`.`forumid`) '+\
                 'LEFT JOIN `posts` '+\
                        'ON (`posts`.`threadid` = `threads`.`threadid`) '+\
                  'GROUP BY `threads`.`forumid`' )
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
コード例 #7
ファイル: tiddlywiki.py プロジェクト: robust-project/platform
    # Only community 1L is available
    if community != 1L and community is not None:
        return ()
    return ((1L,1L),)


def get_messages( dsconf, start, end, community ):
    """Get all messages between times 'start' and 'end' from the database."""

    # Only community 1L is available
    if community != 1L and community is not None:
        return ()

    # Connect to database
    cursor = mysql.get_cursor( dsconf )

    # Execute query to get all users messages
    query = 'SELECT `posts`.`id` AS `id`,'+\
                   '`posts`.`userid` AS `user_id`,'+\
                   '1 AS `conversation_id`,'+\
                   '`posts`.`datetime` AS `datetime`,'+\
                   '`thread`.`targetid` AS `target_id`,'+\
                   '`thread`.`replyDate` AS `target_datetime` '+\
              'FROM `posts` '+\
              'LEFT JOIN `thread` '+\
                     'ON (`thread`.`sourceid` = `posts`.`id`) '+\
             'WHERE `posts`.`datetime` BETWEEN %s AND %s'
    cursor.execute( query , ( start , end ) )
    results = cursor.fetchall()