コード例 #1
ファイル: sum_html.py プロジェクト: valassi/madgraph4gpu
def collect_result(cmd, folder_names=[], jobs=None, main_dir=None):
    """ """ 

    run = cmd.results.current['run_name']
    all = Combine_results(run)

    for Pdir in cmd.get_Pdir():
        P_comb = Combine_results(Pdir)
        if jobs:
            for job in [j for j in jobs if j['p_dir'] in Pdir]:
        elif folder_names:
                for line in open(pjoin(Pdir, 'symfact.dat')):
                    name, mfactor = line.split()
                    if float(mfactor) < 0:
                    if os.path.exists(pjoin(Pdir, 'ajob.no_ps.log')):
                    for folder in folder_names:
                        if 'G' in folder:
                            dir = folder.replace('*', name)
                            dir = folder.replace('*', '_G' + name)
                        P_comb.add_results(dir, pjoin(Pdir,dir,'results.dat'), mfactor)
                if jobs:
                    for job in [j for j in jobs if j['p_dir'] == Pdir]:
            except IOError:
            G_dir, mfactors = cmd.get_Gdir(Pdir, symfact=True)
            for G in G_dir:
                if not folder_names:
                    if main_dir:
                        path = pjoin(main_dir, os.path.basename(Pdir), os.path.basename(G),'results.dat')
                        path = pjoin(G,'results.dat')
                    P_comb.add_results(os.path.basename(G), path, mfactors[G])


        all_channels = sum([list(P) for P in all],[])
        timings = sum(x.timing for x in all_channels)
        logger.info('sum of cpu time of last step: %s', misc.format_time(timings))
    except Exception as error:

    for x in all_channels:
        x.timing = 0

    return all
コード例 #2
ファイル: sum_html.py プロジェクト: useakat/grv_decay
    def nice_output(self, G, no_warning=False):
        """Returns a one-line string summarizing the run statistics 
        gathered for the channel G."""

        # Do not return anythign for now if there is no madloop calls. This can
        # change of course if more statistics are gathered, unrelated to MadLoop.
        if self['n_madloop_calls'] == 0:
            return ''

        stability = [
            ('tot#', self['n_madloop_calls']),
            ('unkwn#', self['unknown_stability']),
            ('UPS%', float(self['unstable_points']) / self['n_madloop_calls']),
            ('EPS#', self['exceptional_points'])

        stability = [
            _ for _ in stability if _[1] > 0 or _[0] in ['UPS%', 'EPS#']
        stability = [(_[0], '%i' % _[1]) if isinstance(_[1], int) else
                     (_[0], '%.3g' % (100.0 * _[1])) for _ in stability]

        tools_used = [
             float(self['CutTools_DP_usage']) / self['n_madloop_calls']),
             float(self['CutTools_QP_usage']) / self['n_madloop_calls']),
            ('PJFry', float(self['PJFry_usage']) / self['n_madloop_calls']),
            ('Golem', float(self['Golem_usage']) / self['n_madloop_calls']),
            ('IREGI', float(self['IREGI_usage']) / self['n_madloop_calls'])

        tools_used = [(_[0], '%.3g' % (100.0 * _[1])) for _ in tools_used
                      if _[1] > 0.0]

        to_print = [('%s statistics:'%(G if isinstance(G,str) else
          +(' %s,'%misc.format_time(int(self['cumulative_timing'])) if
                                     int(self['cumulative_timing']) > 0 else '')
          +((' Avg. ML timing = %i ms'%int(1.0e3*self['averaged_timing'])) if
            self['averaged_timing'] > 0.001 else
            (' Avg. ML timing = %i mus'%int(1.0e6*self['averaged_timing']))) \
          +', Min precision = %.2e'%self['min_precision'])
          ,'   -> Stability %s'%dict(stability)
          ,'   -> Red. tools usage in %% %s'%dict(tools_used)
                    #         I like the display above better after all
                    #          ,'Stability %s'%(str([_[0] for _ in stability]),
                    #                             str([_[1] for _ in stability]))
                    #          ,'Red. tools usage in %% %s'%(str([_[0] for _ in tools_used]),
                    #                                      str([_[1] for _ in tools_used]))

        if self['skipped_subchannel'] > 0 and not no_warning:
            to_print.append("WARNING: Some event with large weight have been "+\
               "discarded. This happened %s times." % self['skipped_subchannel'])

        return ('\n'.join(to_print)).replace("'", " ")
コード例 #3
    def nice_output(self,G, no_warning=False):
        """Returns a one-line string summarizing the run statistics 
        gathered for the channel G."""
        # Do not return anythign for now if there is no madloop calls. This can
        # change of course if more statistics are gathered, unrelated to MadLoop.
        if self['n_madloop_calls']==0:
            return ''

        stability = [

        stability = [_ for _ in stability if _[1] > 0 or _[0] in ['UPS%','EPS#']]
        stability = [(_[0],'%i'%_[1]) if isinstance(_[1], int) else
                     (_[0],'%.3g'%(100.0*_[1])) for _ in stability]
        tools_used = [

        tools_used = [(_[0],'%.3g'%(100.0*_[1])) for _ in tools_used if _[1] > 0.0 ]

        to_print = [('%s statistics:'%(G if isinstance(G,str) else
          +(' %s,'%misc.format_time(int(self['cumulative_timing'])) if
                                     int(self['cumulative_timing']) > 0 else '')
          +((' Avg. ML timing = %i ms'%int(1.0e3*self['averaged_timing'])) if
            self['averaged_timing'] > 0.001 else
            (' Avg. ML timing = %i mus'%int(1.0e6*self['averaged_timing']))) \
          +', Min precision = %.2e'%self['min_precision'])
          ,'   -> Stability %s'%dict(stability)
          ,'   -> Red. tools usage in %% %s'%dict(tools_used)
#         I like the display above better after all
#          ,'Stability %s'%(str([_[0] for _ in stability]),
#                             str([_[1] for _ in stability]))
#          ,'Red. tools usage in %% %s'%(str([_[0] for _ in tools_used]),
#                                      str([_[1] for _ in tools_used]))

        if self['skipped_subchannel'] > 0 and not no_warning:
            to_print.append("WARNING: Some event with large weight have been "+\
               "discarded. This happened %s times." % self['skipped_subchannel'])

        return ('\n'.join(to_print)).replace("'"," ")