コード例 #1
def start_bibupload_job(id_pairs):
    """ Submits the append job to bibupload
    id_pairs - {local_recid: remote_recid} """
    bibupload = ChunkedBibUpload(mode='a', user=SCRIPT_NAME, notimechange=True)
    for local, remote in id_pairs.iteritems():
        bibupload.add(generate_marc_to_append(local, remote))
    bibupload.cleanup()  # This initiates the job
コード例 #2
def start_bibupload_job(id_pairs):
    """ Submits the append job to bibupload
    id_pairs - {local_recid: remote_recid} """
    bibupload = ChunkedBibUpload(mode='a', user=SCRIPT_NAME, notimechange=True)
    for local, remote in id_pairs.iteritems():
        bibupload.add(generate_marc_to_append(local, remote))
    bibupload.cleanup()  # This initiates the job
コード例 #3
def bst_hepnames_orcid_sync():
    bai_orcids = run_sql("SELECT bai.data, orcid.data FROM aidPERSONIDDATA as bai JOIN aidPERSONIDDATA as orcid ON bai.personid=orcid.personid WHERE orcid.tag='extid:ORCID' AND bai.tag='canonical_name'")

    recs = []

    not_matched_profiles = 0
    enhanced_records = 0
    conflicting_orcids = 0

    for bai, orcid in bai_orcids:
        recids = perform_request_search(p="035:%s" % bai, cc="HepNames")
        if len(recids) > 1:
            write_message("WARNING: %s/author/profile/%s, %s matches more than one HepNames: %s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, bai, orcid, recids), stream=sys.stderr)
            not_matched_profiles += 1
        elif not recids:
            write_message("WARNING: %s/author/profile/%s, %s does not match any HepName" % (CFG_SITE_URL, bai, orcid), stream=sys.stderr)
            not_matched_profiles += 1
            recid = recids[0]
            record = get_record(recid)
            for field in record_get_field_instances(record, tag="035"):
                subfields = field_get_subfield_instances(field)
                subfields_dict = dict(subfields)
                if subfields_dict.get('9') == 'ORCID':
                    if subfields_dict.get('a') != orcid:
                        if not subfields_dict.get('a', '').strip():
                            write_message("WARNING: record %s/record/%s has an empty ORCID" % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid), stream=sys.stderr)
                        write_message("WARNING: record %s/record/%s matched by BAI %s/author/profile/%s has a different ORCID %s than the profile one: %s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid, CFG_SITE_URL, bai, subfields_dict.get('a'), orcid), stream=sys.stderr)
                        conflicting_orcids += 1
                new_record = {}
                record_add_field(new_record, tag="001", controlfield_value=str(recid))
                record_add_field(new_record, tag="035", subfields=[('a', orcid), ('9', 'ORCID')])
                write_message("INFO: adding ORCID %s to record %s/record/%s matched by BAI %s/author/profile/%s" % (orcid, CFG_SITE_URL, recid, CFG_SITE_URL, bai))
                enhanced_records += 1
    if recs:
        write_message("INFO: initiating uploads")
        bibupload = ChunkedBibUpload(mode="a", user='******')
        for record in recs:
        write_message("INFO: no modification are necessary")
    write_message("INFO: not_matched_profiles: %s, enhanced_records: %s, conflicting_orcids: %s" % (not_matched_profiles, enhanced_records, conflicting_orcids))
コード例 #4
def bst_arxiv_doi_update(input_uri=None,
    """Update DOIs on documents harvested from ArXiv.

    :param input_uri: Link to new URI data
        DEFAULT: https://vendor.ridge.aps.org/arXiv/latest_pub.xml
        NOTE: Test data can be taken from http://arxiv.org/schemas/doi_feed_test.xml
    :param log_dir: Directory to store log files in
    :param logging: True or False, default True
    :param asana_key: The Asana API, by default uses the value of CFG_ASANA_API_KEY
        NOTE: Passing the value of None for this parameter will skip writing
        to Asana and instead email the instance admin
    :param asana_parent_id: The taskID of the task in Asana to log subtasks to
    :param skip_result_types: Error messages to not bother with during
        reporting, input as Comma Seperated Values CSVs
        Possible values: missing, ambigous, incorrect
    skip_results = verify_skip_results(skip_result_types)

    if input_uri is None:
        _print("Notice: No URI specified, defaulting to " + URI_DEFAULT)
        input_uri = URI_DEFAULT

    task_update_progress("Resolving URI: %s" % (input_uri,))

    # Testing builds characters
    bibupload = ChunkedBibUpload(mode='a', user=SCRIPT_NAME, notimechange=False)

    # open url and parse xml
        tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(input_uri))
        _print('Opened DOI file ' + input_uri)
    except IOError:
        _print("FATAL ERROR: Could not open URL: " + input_uri, 1)
        task_update_progress("Failed retrieving DOI data")
        return False
    except ExpatError:
        _print("FATAL ERROR: Could not parse XML from: " + input_uri, 1)
        task_update_progress("Failed parsing DOI data")
        return False

    root = tree.getroot()

        date_el = root.find('date')
        date_str = '%s-%s-%s' % (date_el.get('year'), date_el.get('month'),
        _print("Processing DOIs last updated on date %s" % date_str)
    except AttributeError:
        _print("Warning: Couldn't get last published date of Arxiv DOI feed.")

    doi_count = 0
    new_count = 0

    # Stores any DOIs with have issues with in structure:
    # Missing: (doi, arxiv preprint_id, published date)
    # Ambiguous: (doi, arxiv preprint_id, rec_ids)
    # Incorrect: (rec_id, old-doi, new-doi)
    problem_dois = {'missing': [], 'ambiguous': [], 'incorrect': []}

    task_update_progress("Processing records...")
    # NB: Element.getiterator() is deprecated since version 2.7: Use
    # method Element.iter() instead.
    for item in root.getiterator('article'):
        doi_count += 1
        doi = item.get('doi')
        arxiv = item.get('preprint_id')
        published_date = item.get('published')
        _print("XML entry #%s: %s" % (str(doi_count), arxiv), 6)
        rec_id = get_record_by_arxiv_id(arxiv)
        if len(rec_id) == 1:
            rec_id = rec_id[0]
                record_xml = append_to_record(rec_id, doi, published_date)
            except DOIError as ex:
                problem_dois['incorrect'].append((rec_id, ex.message, doi))
            if record_xml:
                new_count += 1
                _print("* Now we will run the bibupload for " +
                       "%s record" % rec_id, 5)
                _print("** We will upload the following xml code %s" %
                       repr(record_xml), 9)
        elif len(rec_id) > 1:
            _print('ERROR: %d records found with matching arXiv ID %s' %
                   (len(rec_id), arxiv))
            problem_dois['ambiguous'].append((doi, arxiv, repr(rec_id)))
            _print('No record found matching arxiv ID: %s' % arxiv, 9)
            problem_dois['missing'].append((doi, arxiv, published_date))

    _print("========================| FINAL SCORE |=======================", 1)
    _print("DOIs found and processed: %d" % doi_count, 1)
    _print("Arxiv IDs without corresponding records: %d"
           % len(problem_dois['missing']), 1)
    _print("Arxiv IDs corresponding to multiple records (duplicates): %d"
           % len(problem_dois['ambiguous']), 1)
    _print("Inspire records with an incorrect DOI: %d"
           % len(problem_dois['incorrect']), 1)
    _print("Records without DOIs requiring appends: %d" % new_count, 1)
    _print("==============================================================", 1)


    notify_on_errors(problem_dois, log_dir, doi_count, new_count,
                     asana_key, asana_parent_id, skip_results)

    return True
コード例 #5
def bst_arxiv_doi_update(input_uri=None,
    """Update DOIs on documents harvested from ArXiv.

    :param input_uri: Link to new URI data
        DEFAULT: https://vendor.ridge.aps.org/arXiv/latest_pub.xml
        NOTE: Test data can be taken from http://arxiv.org/schemas/doi_feed_test.xml
    :param log_dir: Directory to store log files in
    :param logging: True or False, default True
    :param asana_key: The Asana API, by default uses the value of CFG_ASANA_API_KEY
        NOTE: Passing the value of None for this parameter will skip writing
        to Asana and instead email the instance admin
    :param asana_parent_id: The taskID of the task in Asana to log subtasks to
    :param skip_result_types: Error messages to not bother with during
        reporting, input as Comma Seperated Values CSVs
        Possible values: missing, ambigous, incorrect
    skip_results = verify_skip_results(skip_result_types)

    if input_uri is None:
        _print("Notice: No URI specified, defaulting to " + URI_DEFAULT)
        input_uri = URI_DEFAULT

    task_update_progress("Resolving URI: %s" % (input_uri, ))

    # Testing builds characters
    bibupload = ChunkedBibUpload(mode='a',

    # open url and parse xml
        tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(input_uri))
        _print('Opened DOI file ' + input_uri)
    except IOError:
        _print("FATAL ERROR: Could not open URL: " + input_uri, 1)
        task_update_progress("Failed retrieving DOI data")
        return False
    except ExpatError:
        _print("FATAL ERROR: Could not parse XML from: " + input_uri, 1)
        task_update_progress("Failed parsing DOI data")
        return False

    root = tree.getroot()

        date_el = root.find('date')
        date_str = '%s-%s-%s' % (date_el.get('year'), date_el.get('month'),
        _print("Processing DOIs last updated on date %s" % date_str)
    except AttributeError:
        _print("Warning: Couldn't get last published date of Arxiv DOI feed.")

    doi_count = 0
    new_count = 0

    # Stores any DOIs with have issues with in structure:
    # Missing: (doi, arxiv preprint_id, published date)
    # Ambiguous: (doi, arxiv preprint_id, rec_ids)
    # Incorrect: (rec_id, old-doi, new-doi)
    problem_dois = {'missing': [], 'ambiguous': [], 'incorrect': []}

    task_update_progress("Processing records...")
    # NB: Element.getiterator() is deprecated since version 2.7: Use
    # method Element.iter() instead.
    for item in root.getiterator('article'):
        doi_count += 1
        doi = item.get('doi')
        arxiv = item.get('preprint_id')
        published_date = item.get('published')
        _print("XML entry #%s: %s" % (str(doi_count), arxiv), 6)
        rec_id = get_record_by_arxiv_id(arxiv)
        if len(rec_id) == 1:
            rec_id = rec_id[0]
                record_xml = append_to_record(rec_id, doi, published_date)
            except DOIError as ex:
                problem_dois['incorrect'].append((rec_id, ex.message, doi))
            if record_xml:
                new_count += 1
                    "* Now we will run the bibupload for " +
                    "%s record" % rec_id, 5)
                    "** We will upload the following xml code %s" %
                    repr(record_xml), 9)
        elif len(rec_id) > 1:
            _print('ERROR: %d records found with matching arXiv ID %s' %
                   (len(rec_id), arxiv))
            problem_dois['ambiguous'].append((doi, arxiv, repr(rec_id)))
            _print('No record found matching arxiv ID: %s' % arxiv, 9)
            problem_dois['missing'].append((doi, arxiv, published_date))

    _print("========================| FINAL SCORE |=======================", 1)
    _print("DOIs found and processed: %d" % doi_count, 1)
        "Arxiv IDs without corresponding records: %d" %
        len(problem_dois['missing']), 1)
        "Arxiv IDs corresponding to multiple records (duplicates): %d" %
        len(problem_dois['ambiguous']), 1)
        "Inspire records with an incorrect DOI: %d" %
        len(problem_dois['incorrect']), 1)
    _print("Records without DOIs requiring appends: %d" % new_count, 1)
    _print("==============================================================", 1)


    notify_on_errors(problem_dois, log_dir, doi_count, new_count, asana_key,
                     asana_parent_id, skip_results)

    return True