コード例 #1
    def put(self, req, form):
        Process requests received from FCKeditor to upload files, etc.
        if not fckeditor_available:

        uid = getUid(req)

        # URL where the file can be fetched after upload
        user_files_path = '%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/record/%(recid)i/comments/attachments/get/%(uid)s' % \
                          {'uid': uid,
                           'recid': self.recid,
                           'CFG_SITE_URL': CFG_SITE_URL}
        # Path to directory where uploaded files are saved
        user_files_absolute_path = '%(CFG_PREFIX)s/var/data/comments/%(recid)s/%(uid)s' % \
                                   {'uid': uid,
                                    'recid': self.recid,
                                    'CFG_PREFIX': CFG_PREFIX}
        # Create a Connector instance to handle the request
        conn = FCKeditorConnectorInvenio(form, recid=self.recid, uid=uid,
                                         allowed_types = ['File', 'Image', 'Flash', 'Media'],
                                         user_files_path = user_files_path,
                                         user_files_absolute_path = user_files_absolute_path)

        # Check that user can upload attachments for comments.
        user_info = collect_user_info(req)
        (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_attach_file_to_comments(user_info, self.recid)
        if user_info['email'] == 'guest' and not user_info['apache_user']:
            # User is guest: must login prior to upload
            data = conn.sendUploadResults(1, '', '', 'Please login before uploading file.')
        elif auth_code:
            # User cannot submit
            data = conn.sendUploadResults(1, '', '', 'Sorry, you are not allowed to submit files.')
            # Process the upload and get the response
            data = conn.doResponse()

        # Transform the headers into something ok for mod_python
        for header in conn.headers:
            if not header is None:
                if header[0] == 'Content-Type':
                    req.content_type = header[1]
                    req.headers_out[header[0]] = header[1]
        # Send our response