def format_element(bfo, new_articles_first='yes', subject_to_css_class_kb="WebJournalSubject2CSSClass", display_all_category_articles='no', display_category_title='no'): """ List all articles one after the other, on the same page. Similar to bfe_webjournal_articles_overview, but displays full articles. Note that you cannot use both bfe_webjournal_articles_overview and bfe_webjournal_articles: you have to choose one of them, as they use the same cache location (It would also not make sense to use both...). @param new_articles_first: if 'yes', display new articles before other articles @param subject_to_css_class_kb: knowledge base that maps 595__a to a CSS class @param display_all_category_articles: if yes, display all articles, whatever category is selected @param display_category_title: if yes, display category title (useful if display_all_category_articles is enabled) @see: """ args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri']) journal_name = args["journal_name"] this_issue_number = args["issue"] category_name = args["category"] verbose = args["verbose"] ln = bfo.lang _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # Try to get the page from cache. Only if issue is older or equal # to latest release. latest_released_issue = get_current_issue(ln, journal_name) if verbose == 0 and not issue_is_later_than(this_issue_number, latest_released_issue): cached_html = get_index_page_from_cache(journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) if cached_html: return cached_html # Shall we display current category, or all? categories = [category_name] if display_all_category_articles.lower() == 'yes': categories = get_journal_categories(journal_name, this_issue_number) out = '' for category_name in categories: if display_category_title.lower() == 'yes': out += '<h2>' + _(category_name) + '</h2>' out += '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' # Get the id list ordered_articles = get_journal_articles(journal_name, this_issue_number, category_name, newest_first=new_articles_first.lower() == 'yes') new_articles_only = False if ordered_articles.keys() and max(ordered_articles.keys()) < 0: # If there are only new articles, don't bother marking them as # new new_articles_only = True order_numbers = ordered_articles.keys() order_numbers.sort() for order_number in order_numbers: for article_id in ordered_articles[order_number]: # A record is considered as new if its position is # negative and there are some non-new articles article_is_new = (order_number < 0 and not new_articles_only) temp_rec = BibFormatObject(article_id) title = '' if ln == "fr": title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('245__a') else: title = temp_rec.field('245__a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') # Get CSS class (if relevant) notes = temp_rec.fields('595__a') css_classes = [temp_rec.kb(subject_to_css_class_kb, note, None) \ for note in notes] css_classes = [css_class for css_class in css_classes \ if css_class is not None] if article_is_new: css_classes.append('new') # Finally create the output. Two different outputs # depending on if we have text to display or not text = [] if ln == "fr": text = temp_rec.fields('590__b') if not text or \ (len(text) == 1 and \ (text[0].strip() in ['', '<br />', '<!--HTML--><br />'])): text = temp_rec.fields('520__b') else: text = temp_rec.fields('520__b') if not text or \ (len(text) == 1 and \ (text[0].strip() in ['', '<br />', '<!--HTML--><br />'])): text = temp_rec.fields('590__b') text = '<br/>'.join(text) out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> %(title)s </h%(header_tag_size)s> <div class="articleBody"> <div class="articleText"> %(text)s </div> </div> </td></tr> ''' % {'title': title, 'text': text, 'header_tag_size': (display_category_title.lower() == 'yes') and '3' or '2', 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes)} out += '</table>' if verbose == 0 and not CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2 : cache_index_page(out, journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) return out
def format_element(bfo, new_articles_first='yes', subject_to_css_class_kb="WebJournalSubject2CSSClass", display_all_category_articles='no', display_category_title='no'): """ List all articles one after the other, on the same page. Similar to bfe_webjournal_articles_overview, but displays full articles. Note that you cannot use both bfe_webjournal_articles_overview and bfe_webjournal_articles: you have to choose one of them, as they use the same cache location (It would also not make sense to use both...). @param new_articles_first: if 'yes', display new articles before other articles @param subject_to_css_class_kb: knowledge base that maps 595__a to a CSS class @param display_all_category_articles: if yes, display all articles, whatever category is selected @param display_category_title: if yes, display category title (useful if display_all_category_articles is enabled) @see: """ args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri']) journal_name = args["journal_name"] this_issue_number = args["issue"] category_name = args["category"] verbose = args["verbose"] ln = bfo.lang _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # Try to get the page from cache. Only if issue is older or equal # to latest release. latest_released_issue = get_current_issue(ln, journal_name) if verbose == 0 and not issue_is_later_than(this_issue_number, latest_released_issue): cached_html = get_index_page_from_cache(journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) if cached_html: return cached_html # Shall we display current category, or all? categories = [category_name] if display_all_category_articles.lower() == 'yes': categories = get_journal_categories(journal_name, this_issue_number) out = '' for category_name in categories: if display_category_title.lower() == 'yes': out += '<h2>' + _(category_name) + '</h2>' out += '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' # Get the id list ordered_articles = get_journal_articles( journal_name, this_issue_number, category_name, newest_first=new_articles_first.lower() == 'yes') new_articles_only = False if ordered_articles.keys() and max(ordered_articles.keys()) < 0: # If there are only new articles, don't bother marking them as # new new_articles_only = True order_numbers = ordered_articles.keys() order_numbers.sort() for order_number in order_numbers: for article_id in ordered_articles[order_number]: # A record is considered as new if its position is # negative and there are some non-new articles article_is_new = (order_number < 0 and not new_articles_only) temp_rec = BibFormatObject(article_id) title = '' if ln == "fr": title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('245__a') else: title = temp_rec.field('245__a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') # Get CSS class (if relevant) notes = temp_rec.fields('595__a') css_classes = [temp_rec.kb(subject_to_css_class_kb, note, None) \ for note in notes] css_classes = [css_class for css_class in css_classes \ if css_class is not None] if article_is_new: css_classes.append('new') # Finally create the output. Two different outputs # depending on if we have text to display or not text = [] if ln == "fr": text = temp_rec.fields('590__b') if not text or \ (len(text) == 1 and \ (text[0].strip() in ['', '<br />', '<!--HTML--><br />'])): text = temp_rec.fields('520__b') else: text = temp_rec.fields('520__b') if not text or \ (len(text) == 1 and \ (text[0].strip() in ['', '<br />', '<!--HTML--><br />'])): text = temp_rec.fields('590__b') text = '<br/>'.join(text) out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> %(title)s </h%(header_tag_size)s> <div class="articleBody"> <div class="articleText"> %(text)s </div> </div> </td></tr> ''' % { 'title': title, 'text': text, 'header_tag_size': (display_category_title.lower() == 'yes') and '3' or '2', 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes) } out += '</table>' if verbose == 0 and not CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2: cache_index_page(out, journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) return out
def format_element(bfo, number_of_featured_articles="1", number_of_articles_with_image="3", new_articles_first='yes', image_px_width="300", small_image_px_width="200", subject_to_css_class_kb="WebJournalSubject2CSSClass", link_image_to_article='yes', image_alignment='left'): """ Creates an overview of all the articles of a certain category in one specific issue. Note the following: <ul> <li>The element consider only the latest issue: when viewing archives of your journal, readers will see the newest articles of the latest issue, not the ones of the issue they are looking at</li> <li>This is not an index of the articles of the latest issue: it display only <b>new</b> articles, that is articles that have never appeared in a previous issue</li> <li>This element produces a table-based layout, in order to have a more or less readable HTML alert when sent some Email clients (Outlook 2007)</li> <li>When producing the HTML output of images, this element tries to insert the width and height attributes to the img tag: this is necessary in order to produce nice HTML alerts. This dimension therefore overrides any dimension defined in the CSS. The Python Image Library (PIL) should be installed for this element to recognize the size of images.</li> </ul> @param number_of_featured_articles: the max number of records with emphasized title @param number_of_articles_with_image: the max number of records for which their image is displayed @param new_articles_first: if 'yes', display new articles before other articles @param image_px_width: (integer) width of first image featured on this page @param small_image_px_width: (integer) width of small images featured on this page @param subject_to_css_class_kb: knowledge base that maps 595__a to a CSS class @param link_image_to_article: if 'yes', link image (if any) to article @param image_alignment: 'left', 'center' or 'right'. To help rendering in Outlook. """ args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri']) journal_name = args["journal_name"] this_issue_number = args["issue"] category_name = args["category"] verbose = args["verbose"] ln = bfo.lang _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if image_px_width.isdigit(): image_px_width = int(image_px_width) else: image_px_width = None if small_image_px_width.isdigit(): small_image_px_width = int(small_image_px_width) else: small_image_px_width = None # We want to put emphasis on the n first articles (which are not # new) if number_of_featured_articles.isdigit(): number_of_featured_articles = int(number_of_featured_articles) else: number_of_featured_articles = 0 # Only n first articles will display images if number_of_articles_with_image.isdigit(): number_of_articles_with_image = int(number_of_articles_with_image) else: number_of_articles_with_image = 0 # Help image alignement without CSS, to have better rendering in Outlook img_align = '' if image_alignment: img_align = 'align="%s"' % image_alignment # Try to get the page from cache. Only if issue is older or equal # to latest release. latest_released_issue = get_current_issue(ln, journal_name) if verbose == 0 and not issue_is_later_than(this_issue_number, latest_released_issue): cached_html = get_index_page_from_cache(journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) if cached_html: return cached_html out = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' # Get the id list ordered_articles = get_journal_articles(journal_name, this_issue_number, category_name, newest_first=new_articles_first.lower() == 'yes') new_articles_only = False if ordered_articles.keys() and max(ordered_articles.keys()) < 0: # If there are only new articles, don't bother marking them as # new new_articles_only = True order_numbers = ordered_articles.keys() order_numbers.sort() img_css_class = "featuredImageScale" for order_number in order_numbers: for article_id in ordered_articles[order_number]: # A record is considered as new if its position is # negative and there are some non-new articles article_is_new = (order_number < 0 and not new_articles_only) temp_rec = BibFormatObject(article_id) title = '' if ln == "fr": title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('245__a') else: title = temp_rec.field('245__a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') # Get CSS class (if relevant) notes = temp_rec.fields('595__a') css_classes = [temp_rec.kb(subject_to_css_class_kb, note, None) \ for note in notes] css_classes = [css_class for css_class in css_classes \ if css_class is not None] if article_is_new: css_classes.append('new') # Maybe we want to force image to appear? display_image_on_index = False if 'display_image_on_index' in notes: display_image_on_index = True # Build generic link to this article article_link = make_journal_url(bfo.user_info['uri'], {'recid':str(article_id), 'ln': bfo.lang}) # Build the "more" link more_link = '''<a class="readMore" title="link to the article" href="%s"> >> </a> ''' % (article_link) # If we should display an image along with the text, # prepare it here img = '' if (number_of_articles_with_image > 0 and \ not article_is_new) or display_image_on_index: img = _get_feature_image(temp_rec, ln) if img != "": # Now we will try to identify image size in order # to resize it in the HTML for a nicer rendering # of the HTML alert in email clients (Outlook wants # both height and width) img_width = None img_height = None small_img_width = None small_img_height = None width_and_height = '' if PIL_imported: try: local_img = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, 'webjournal_' + \ ''.join([char for char in img \ if char.isalnum()])) if len(local_img) > 255: # Shorten to 255 chars local_img = local_img[0:100] + '_' + local_img[156:] if not os.path.exists(local_img): # Too bad, must download entire image for PIL content_type = get_content_type(img) if 'image' in content_type: (local_img, headers) = urllib.urlretrieve(img, local_img) img_file = # IOError if not readable image else: raise IOError('Not an image') else: img_file = # IOError if not readable image except IOError as e: pass else: orig_img_width = img_file.size[0] orig_img_height = img_file.size[1] # Then scale according to user-defined width ## First image ratio = float(orig_img_width) / image_px_width img_width = image_px_width img_height = int(orig_img_height / ratio) ## Other smaller images ratio = float(orig_img_width) / small_image_px_width small_img_width = small_image_px_width small_img_height = int(orig_img_height / ratio) # Note that we cannot reuse the nice phl, ph and # phr classes to put a frame around the image: # this is not supported in Outlook 2007 when HTML # alert is sent. if not img_css_class == "featuredImageScale": # Not first image: display smaller img_width = small_img_width img_height = small_img_height if img_width and img_height: width_and_height = 'width="%i" height="%i"' % \ (img_width, img_height) img = '<img alt="" class="%s" src="%s" %s %s/>' % \ (img_css_class, img, img_align, width_and_height) number_of_articles_with_image -= 1 # Next images will be displayed smaller img_css_class = "featuredImageScaleSmall" # Determine size of the title header_tag_size = '3' if number_of_featured_articles > 0 and \ not article_is_new: # n first articles are especially featured header_tag_size = '2' number_of_featured_articles -= 1 # Finally create the output. Two different outputs # depending on if we have text to display or not text = '' if not article_is_new: text = _get_feature_text(temp_rec, ln) # Link image to article if wanted if link_image_to_article.lower() == 'yes': img = create_html_link(urlbase=article_link, link_label=img, urlargd={}) if text != '': out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> <a title="link to the article" href="%(article_link)s">%(title)s</a> </h%(header_tag_size)s> <div class="articleBody"> %(img)s %(text)s %(more_link)s </div> </td></tr> ''' % {'article_link': article_link, 'title': title, 'img': img, 'text': text, 'more_link': more_link, 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes), 'header_tag_size': header_tag_size} else: out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> <a title="link to the article" href="%(article_link)s">%(title)s</a> %(more_link)s </h%(header_tag_size)s> %(img)s </td></tr> ''' % {'article_link': article_link, 'title': title, 'more_link': more_link, 'img': img, 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes), 'header_tag_size': header_tag_size} out += '</table>' if verbose == 0 and not CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2 : cache_index_page(out, journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) return out
def format_element(bfo, number_of_featured_articles="1", number_of_articles_with_image="3", new_articles_first='yes', image_px_width="300", small_image_px_width="200", subject_to_css_class_kb="WebJournalSubject2CSSClass", link_image_to_article='yes', image_alignment='left'): """ Creates an overview of all the articles of a certain category in one specific issue. Note the following: <ul> <li>The element consider only the latest issue: when viewing archives of your journal, readers will see the newest articles of the latest issue, not the ones of the issue they are looking at</li> <li>This is not an index of the articles of the latest issue: it display only <b>new</b> articles, that is articles that have never appeared in a previous issue</li> <li>This element produces a table-based layout, in order to have a more or less readable HTML alert when sent some Email clients (Outlook 2007)</li> <li>When producing the HTML output of images, this element tries to insert the width and height attributes to the img tag: this is necessary in order to produce nice HTML alerts. This dimension therefore overrides any dimension defined in the CSS. The Python Image Library (PIL) should be installed for this element to recognize the size of images.</li> </ul> @param number_of_featured_articles: the max number of records with emphasized title @param number_of_articles_with_image: the max number of records for which their image is displayed @param new_articles_first: if 'yes', display new articles before other articles @param image_px_width: (integer) width of first image featured on this page @param small_image_px_width: (integer) width of small images featured on this page @param subject_to_css_class_kb: knowledge base that maps 595__a to a CSS class @param link_image_to_article: if 'yes', link image (if any) to article @param image_alignment: 'left', 'center' or 'right'. To help rendering in Outlook. """ args = parse_url_string(bfo.user_info['uri']) journal_name = args["journal_name"] this_issue_number = args["issue"] category_name = args["category"] verbose = args["verbose"] ln = bfo.lang _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if image_px_width.isdigit(): image_px_width = int(image_px_width) else: image_px_width = None if small_image_px_width.isdigit(): small_image_px_width = int(small_image_px_width) else: small_image_px_width = None # We want to put emphasis on the n first articles (which are not # new) if number_of_featured_articles.isdigit(): number_of_featured_articles = int(number_of_featured_articles) else: number_of_featured_articles = 0 # Only n first articles will display images if number_of_articles_with_image.isdigit(): number_of_articles_with_image = int(number_of_articles_with_image) else: number_of_articles_with_image = 0 # Help image alignement without CSS, to have better rendering in Outlook img_align = '' if image_alignment: img_align = 'align="%s"' % image_alignment # Try to get the page from cache. Only if issue is older or equal # to latest release. latest_released_issue = get_current_issue(ln, journal_name) if verbose == 0 and not issue_is_later_than(this_issue_number, latest_released_issue): cached_html = get_index_page_from_cache(journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) if cached_html: return cached_html out = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' # Get the id list ordered_articles = get_journal_articles( journal_name, this_issue_number, category_name, newest_first=new_articles_first.lower() == 'yes') new_articles_only = False if ordered_articles.keys() and max(ordered_articles.keys()) < 0: # If there are only new articles, don't bother marking them as # new new_articles_only = True order_numbers = ordered_articles.keys() order_numbers.sort() img_css_class = "featuredImageScale" for order_number in order_numbers: for article_id in ordered_articles[order_number]: # A record is considered as new if its position is # negative and there are some non-new articles article_is_new = (order_number < 0 and not new_articles_only) temp_rec = BibFormatObject(article_id) title = '' if ln == "fr": title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('245__a') else: title = temp_rec.field('245__a') if title == '': title = temp_rec.field('246_1a') # Get CSS class (if relevant) notes = temp_rec.fields('595__a') css_classes = [temp_rec.kb(subject_to_css_class_kb, note, None) \ for note in notes] css_classes = [css_class for css_class in css_classes \ if css_class is not None] if article_is_new: css_classes.append('new') # Maybe we want to force image to appear? display_image_on_index = False if 'display_image_on_index' in notes: display_image_on_index = True # Build generic link to this article article_link = make_journal_url(bfo.user_info['uri'], { 'recid': str(article_id), 'ln': bfo.lang }) # Build the "more" link more_link = '''<a class="readMore" title="link to the article" href="%s"> >> </a> ''' % (article_link) # If we should display an image along with the text, # prepare it here img = '' if (number_of_articles_with_image > 0 and \ not article_is_new) or display_image_on_index: img = _get_feature_image(temp_rec, ln) if img != "": # Now we will try to identify image size in order # to resize it in the HTML for a nicer rendering # of the HTML alert in email clients (Outlook wants # both height and width) img_width = None img_height = None small_img_width = None small_img_height = None width_and_height = '' if PIL_imported: try: local_img = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, 'webjournal_' + \ ''.join([char for char in img \ if char.isalnum()])) if len(local_img) > 255: # Shorten to 255 chars local_img = local_img[0:100] + '_' + local_img[ 156:] if not os.path.exists(local_img): # Too bad, must download entire image for PIL content_type = get_content_type(img) if 'image' in content_type: (local_img, headers) = urllib.urlretrieve( img, local_img) img_file = local_img ) # IOError if not readable image else: raise IOError('Not an image') else: img_file = local_img) # IOError if not readable image except IOError as e: pass else: orig_img_width = img_file.size[0] orig_img_height = img_file.size[1] # Then scale according to user-defined width ## First image ratio = float(orig_img_width) / image_px_width img_width = image_px_width img_height = int(orig_img_height / ratio) ## Other smaller images ratio = float( orig_img_width) / small_image_px_width small_img_width = small_image_px_width small_img_height = int(orig_img_height / ratio) # Note that we cannot reuse the nice phl, ph and # phr classes to put a frame around the image: # this is not supported in Outlook 2007 when HTML # alert is sent. if not img_css_class == "featuredImageScale": # Not first image: display smaller img_width = small_img_width img_height = small_img_height if img_width and img_height: width_and_height = 'width="%i" height="%i"' % \ (img_width, img_height) img = '<img alt="" class="%s" src="%s" %s %s/>' % \ (img_css_class, img, img_align, width_and_height) number_of_articles_with_image -= 1 # Next images will be displayed smaller img_css_class = "featuredImageScaleSmall" # Determine size of the title header_tag_size = '3' if number_of_featured_articles > 0 and \ not article_is_new: # n first articles are especially featured header_tag_size = '2' number_of_featured_articles -= 1 # Finally create the output. Two different outputs # depending on if we have text to display or not text = '' if not article_is_new: text = _get_feature_text(temp_rec, ln) # Link image to article if wanted if link_image_to_article.lower() == 'yes': img = create_html_link(urlbase=article_link, link_label=img, urlargd={}) if text != '': out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> <a title="link to the article" href="%(article_link)s">%(title)s</a> </h%(header_tag_size)s> <div class="articleBody"> %(img)s %(text)s %(more_link)s </div> </td></tr> ''' % { 'article_link': article_link, 'title': title, 'img': img, 'text': text, 'more_link': more_link, 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes), 'header_tag_size': header_tag_size } else: out += ''' <tr><td class="article"> <h%(header_tag_size)s class="%(css_classes)s articleTitle" style="clear:both;"> <a title="link to the article" href="%(article_link)s">%(title)s</a> %(more_link)s </h%(header_tag_size)s> %(img)s </td></tr> ''' % { 'article_link': article_link, 'title': title, 'more_link': more_link, 'img': img, 'css_classes': ' '.join(css_classes), 'header_tag_size': header_tag_size } out += '</table>' if verbose == 0 and not CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2: cache_index_page(out, journal_name, category_name, this_issue_number, ln) return out