コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: dset0x/invenio
def is_no_quota_user(uid):
    """Return True if the user belongs to any of the no_quota roles."""
    no_quota_role_ids = [acc_get_role_id(role) for role in
    user_info = UserInfo(uid)
    for role_id in no_quota_role_ids:
        if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, role_id):
            return True
    return False
コード例 #2
def Mail_Approval_Request_to_Committee_Chair(parameters,
    This function sends a confirmation email to the Committee Chair
    when approval for a document is requested.
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,

    # retrieve useful information from webSubmit configuration
    res = run_sql("select * from sbmCPLXAPPROVAL where rn=%s", (rn, ))
    categ = res[0][1]

    pubcomchair_address = ""
    # Try to retrieve the committee chair's email from the referee's database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(
            acc_get_role_id("pubcomchair_%s_%s" % (res[0][0], categ))):
        pubcomchair_address += user[1]

    #Get the document details from the repository - use the function in publiline.py
    item_details = get_brief_doc_details_from_repository(rn)

    #Generate the author list
    authors = ""
    for element in item_details['authors']:
        authors += element + ", "

    message = """
    The document %s has been published as a Communication.
    Please select an appropriate referee for this document.

    Title: %s

    Author(s): %s

    To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:

    To select a referee, please go to:

    Best regards.
    The submission team.""" % (
        rn, item_details['title'], authors, CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD,
        sysno, CFG_SITE_URL, res[0][0], res[0][1], res[0][3], rn)
    # send the mail

               "Request for Referee Selection : Document %s" % rn,
    return ""
コード例 #3
def is_no_quota_user(uid):
    """Return True if the user belongs to any of the no_quota roles."""
    no_quota_role_ids = [
        for role in cfg['CFG_WEBMESSAGE_ROLES_WITHOUT_QUOTA']
    user_info = UserInfo(uid)
    for role_id in no_quota_role_ids:
        if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, role_id):
            return True
    return False
コード例 #4
ファイル: webapi.py プロジェクト: mhellmic/b2share
def _resolve_maximum_acces_rights(uid):
    returns [max_role, lcul] to use in execute_action and check_transaction_permissions.
    Defaults to ['guest',0] if user has no roles assigned.
    Always returns the maximum privilege.

    roles = {bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_ADMIN_ROLE: acc_get_role_id(bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_ADMIN_ROLE),
            bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_USER_ROLE: acc_get_role_id(bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_USER_ROLE)}
    uroles = acc_get_user_roles(uid)

    max_role = ['guest', 0]

    for r in roles:
        if roles[r] in uroles:
            rright = bconfig.CMPROLESLCUL[r]
            if rright >= max_role[1]:
                max_role = [r, rright]

    return max_role
コード例 #5
def check_quota(nb_messages):
    @param nb_messages: max number of messages a user can have
    @return: a dictionary of users over-quota
    from invenio.legacy.webuser import collect_user_info
    from invenio.modules.access.control import acc_is_user_in_role, acc_get_role_id
    no_quota_role_ids = [acc_get_role_id(role) for role in CFG_WEBMESSAGE_ROLES_WITHOUT_QUOTA]
    res = {}
    for uid, n in run_sql("SELECT id_user_to, COUNT(id_user_to) FROM user_msgMESSAGE GROUP BY id_user_to HAVING COUNT(id_user_to) > %s", (nb_messages, )):
        user_info = collect_user_info(uid)
        for role_id in no_quota_role_ids:
            if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, role_id):
            res[uid] = n
    return res
コード例 #6
ファイル: dblayer.py プロジェクト: SCOAP3/invenio
def check_quota(nb_messages):
    @param nb_messages: max number of messages a user can have
    @return: a dictionary of users over-quota
    from invenio.legacy.webuser import collect_user_info
    from invenio.modules.access.control import acc_is_user_in_role, acc_get_role_id
    no_quota_role_ids = [acc_get_role_id(role) for role in CFG_WEBMESSAGE_ROLES_WITHOUT_QUOTA]
    res = {}
    for uid, n in run_sql("SELECT id_user_to, COUNT(id_user_to) FROM user_msgMESSAGE GROUP BY id_user_to HAVING COUNT(id_user_to) > %s", (nb_messages, )):
        user_info = collect_user_info(uid)
        for role_id in no_quota_role_ids:
            if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, role_id):
            res[uid] = n
    return res
コード例 #7
def Mail_Approval_Request_to_Committee_Chair(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends a confirmation email to the Committee Chair
    when approval for a document is requested.
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL)

    # retrieve useful information from webSubmit configuration
    res = run_sql("select * from sbmCPLXAPPROVAL where rn=%s", (rn, ))
    categ = res[0][1]

    pubcomchair_address = ""
    # Try to retrieve the committee chair's email from the referee's database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("pubcomchair_%s_%s" % (res[0][0],categ))):
        pubcomchair_address += user[1]

    #Get the document details from the repository - use the function in publiline.py
    item_details = get_brief_doc_details_from_repository(rn)

    #Generate the author list
    authors = ""
    for element in item_details['authors']:
        authors += element + ", "

    message = """
    The document %s has been published as a Communication.
    Please select an appropriate referee for this document.

    Title: %s

    Author(s): %s

    To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:

    To select a referee, please go to:

    Best regards.
    The submission team.""" % (rn,item_details['title'],authors,CFG_SITE_URL,CFG_SITE_RECORD,sysno,CFG_SITE_URL,res[0][0],res[0][1],res[0][3],rn)
    # send the mail

    send_email(FROMADDR,pubcomchair_address,"Request for Referee Selection : Document %s" % rn, message,footer="")
    return ""
コード例 #8
def Send_APP_Mail(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function send an email informing the original submitter of a
    document that the referee has approved/ rejected the document. The
    email is also sent to the referee for checking.


       * addressesAPP: email addresses of the people who will receive
         this email (comma separated list). this parameter may contain
         the <CATEG> string. In which case the variable computed from
         the [categformatAFP] parameter replaces this string.
         eg.: "<CATEG>[email protected]"

       * categformatAPP contains a regular expression used to compute
         the category of the document given the reference of the
         eg.: if [categformatAFP]="TEST-<CATEG>-.*" and the reference
         of the document is "TEST-CATEGORY1-2001-001", then the computed
         category equals "CATEGORY1"

       * newrnin: Name of the file containing the 2nd reference of the
                  approved document (if any).

       * edsrn: Name of the file containing the reference of the
                approved document.
    global titlevalue, authorvalue, emailvalue, sysno, rn
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,
    sequence_id = bibtask_allocate_sequenceid(curdir)
    doctype = form['doctype']
    titlevalue = titlevalue.replace("\n", " ")
    authorvalue = authorvalue.replace("\n", "; ")
    # variables declaration
    categformat = parameters['categformatAPP']
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesAPP']
    newrnpath = parameters['newrnin']
    ## Get the name of the decision file:
        decision_filename = parameters['decision_file']
    except KeyError:
        decision_filename = ""
    ## Get the name of the comments file:
        comments_filename = parameters['comments_file']
    except KeyError:
        comments_filename = ""

    ## Now try to read the comments from the comments_filename:
    if comments_filename in (None, "", "NULL"):
        ## We don't have a name for the comments file.
        ## For backward compatibility reasons, try to read the comments from
        ## a file called 'COM' in curdir:
        if os.path.exists("%s/COM" % curdir):
                fh_comments = open("%s/COM" % curdir, "r")
                comment = fh_comments.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Unable to open the comments file
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                   "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open " \
                                   "comments file [%s/COM] but was " \
                                   "unable to." % curdir
                comment = ""
                comment = comment.strip()
            comment = ""
        ## Try to read the comments from the comments file:
        if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, comments_filename)):
                fh_comments = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, comments_filename), "r")
                comment = fh_comments.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Oops, unable to open the comments file.
                comment = ""
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open comments " \
                                "file [%s/%s] but was unable to." \
                                % (curdir, comments_filename)
                comment = comment.strip()
            comment = ""

    ## Now try to read the decision from the decision_filename:
    if decision_filename in (None, "", "NULL"):
        ## We don't have a name for the decision file.
        ## For backward compatibility reasons, try to read the decision from
        ## a file called 'decision' in curdir:
        if os.path.exists("%s/decision" % curdir):
                fh_decision = open("%s/decision" % curdir, "r")
                decision = fh_decision.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Unable to open the decision file
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                   "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open " \
                                   "decision file [%s/decision] but was " \
                                   "unable to." % curdir
                decision = ""
                decision = decision.strip()
            decision = ""
        ## Try to read the decision from the decision file:
            fh_decision = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, decision_filename), "r")
            decision = fh_decision.read()
        except IOError:
            ## Oops, unable to open the decision file.
            decision = ""
            exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                               "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open decision " \
                               "file [%s/%s] but was unable to." \
                               % (curdir, decision_filename)
            decision = decision.strip()

    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, newrnpath)):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, newrnpath), "r")
        newrn = fp.read()
        newrn = ""
    # Document name
    res = run_sql("SELECT ldocname FROM sbmDOCTYPE WHERE sdocname=%s",
                  (doctype, ))
    docname = res[0][0]
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>", "([^-]*)")
    m_categ_search = re.match(categformat, rn)
    if m_categ_search is not None:
        if len(m_categ_search.groups()) > 0:
            ## Found a match for the category of this document. Get it:
            category = m_categ_search.group(1)
            ## This document has no category.
            category = "unknown"
        category = "unknown"
    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
        if category != "":
            referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
        referee_listname += "@cern.ch"
        addresses = referee_listname
        # Build referee's email address
        refereeaddress = ""
        # Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database
        for user in acc_get_role_users(
                acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" % (doctype, category))):
            refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
        # And if there is a general referee
        for user in acc_get_role_users(
                acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
        refereeaddress = re.sub(",$", "", refereeaddress)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        otheraddresses = otheraddresses.replace("<CATEG>", category)
        addresses = ""
        if refereeaddress != "":
            addresses = refereeaddress + ","
        if otheraddresses != "":
            addresses += otheraddresses
            addresses = re.sub(",$", "", addresses)
    ## Add the record's submitter(s) into the list of recipients:
    ## Get the email address(es) of the record submitter(s)/owner(s) from
    ## the record itself:
    record_owners = print_record(sysno, 'tm', \
    if record_owners != "":
        record_owners_list = record_owners.split("\n")
        record_owners_list = [email.lower().strip() \
                              for email in record_owners_list]
        #if the record owner can not be retrieved from the metadata
        #(in case the record has not been inserted yet),
        #try to use the global variable emailvalue
            record_owners_list = [emailvalue]
        except NameError:
            record_owners_list = []
    record_owners = ",".join([owner for owner in record_owners_list])
    if record_owners != "":
        addresses += ",%s" % record_owners

    if decision == "approve":
        mailtitle = "%s has been approved" % rn
        mailbody = "The %s %s has been approved." % (docname, rn)
        mailbody += "\nIt will soon be accessible here:\n\n<%s/%s/%s>" % (
            CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_RECORD, sysno)
        mailtitle = "%s has been rejected" % rn
        mailbody = "The %s %s has been rejected." % (docname, rn)
    if rn != newrn and decision == "approve" and newrn != "":
        mailbody += "\n\nIts new reference number is: %s" % newrn
    mailbody += "\n\nTitle: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (titlevalue,
    if comment != "":
        mailbody += "Comments from the referee:\n%s\n" % comment
    # Send mail to referee if any recipients or copy to admin
            other_bibtasklet_arguments=['-I', str(sequence_id)])
    return ""
コード例 #9
def index(req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, todo="", id="", doctype="",
          categ="", addusers="", warningText="", role=""):
    """Main entry point for the management of referees."""
    ln = wash_language(ln)
    # get user ID:
    uid = getUid(req)
    (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(req, "cfgwebsubmit", verbose=0)
    if auth_code != 0:
        ## user is not authorised to use WebSubmit Admin:
        return page_not_authorized(req=req, text=auth_message)

    # request for deleting a user
    if todo == "deleteuser":
        acc_delete_user_role(id, name_role=role)
    # request for adding user(s)
    if todo == "adduser":
        role = "referee_%s_%s" % (doctype, categ[1])
        roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
        # if the role does not exists, we create it
        if roleId == 0:
            if acc_add_role(role, "referees for document type %s category %s" % (doctype, categ[1])) == 0:
                return error_page("Cannot create referee role", req, ln)
                roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
            # if the action does not exist, we create it
            actionId = acc_get_action_id("referee")
            if actionId == 0:
                if acc_add_action("referee", "", "no", ("doctype","categ")) == 0:
                    return error_page("Cannot create action 'referee'", req, ln)
                    actionId = acc_get_action_id("referee")
            #create arguments
            arg1Id = acc_add_argument("doctype", doctype)
            arg2Id = acc_add_argument("categ", categ[1])
            # then link the role with the action
            if acc_add_role_action_arguments(roleId, actionId, -1, 0, 0, [arg1Id, arg2Id]) == 0:
                return error_page("Cannot link role with action", req, ln)
        roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
        # For each id in the array
        if isinstance(addusers, types.ListType):
            for adduser in addusers:
                # First check  whether this id is not already associated with this rule
                myRoles = acc_get_user_roles(adduser)
                if not roleId in myRoles:
                    # Actually add the role to the user
                    acc_add_user_role(adduser, roleId)
                    warningText = '<span style="color:#f00">Sorry... This user is already a referee for this category.</span>'
            # First check  whether this id is not already associated with this rule
            myRoles = acc_get_user_roles(addusers)
            if not roleId in myRoles:
                # Actually add the role to the user
                acc_add_user_role(addusers, roleId)
                warningText = '<span style="color:#f00">Sorry... This user is already a referee for this category.</span>'
    return page(title="websubmit admin - referee selection",
                    body=displayRefereesPage(doctype, warningText),
コード例 #10
def Send_Approval_Request (parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to the referee in order to start the
    simple approval process.  This function is very CERN-specific and
    should be changed in case of external use.  Must be called after
    the Get_Report_Number function.


       * addressesDAM: email addresses of the people who will receive
                       this email (comma separated list). this
                       parameter may contain the <CATEG> string. In
                       which case the variable computed from the
                       [categformatDAM] parameter replaces this
                       eg.:"<CATEG>[email protected]"

       * categformatDAM: contains a regular expression used to compute
                         the category of the document given the
                         reference of the document.

                         eg.: if [categformatAFP]="TEST-<CATEG>-.*"
                         and the reference of the document is
                         "TEST-CATEGORY1-2001-001", then the computed
                         category equals "CATEGORY1"

       * authorfile: name of the file in which the authors are stored

       * titlefile: name of the file in which the title is stored.

       * directory: parameter used to create the URL to access the
    global rn,sysno
    # variables declaration
    doctype = re.search(".*/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*$",curdir).group(2)
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesDAM']
    categformat = parameters['categformatDAM']
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>","([^-]*)")
    m_categ_search = re.match(categformat, rn)
    if m_categ_search is not None:
        if len(m_categ_search.groups()) > 0:
            ## Found a match for the category of this document. Get it:
            category = m_categ_search.group(1)
            ## This document has no category.
            category = "unknown"
        category = "unknown"
    # create TI
    if os.path.exists("%s/date" % curdir):
        fp = open("%s/date" % curdir, "r")
        date = fp.read()
        date = ""
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['titleFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['titleFile']),"r")
        title = fp.read()
        title = title.replace("\n","")
        title = ""
    title += " - %s" % date
    # create AU
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['authorfile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['authorfile']), "r")
        author = fp.read()
        author = ""
    # we get the referee password
    sth = run_sql("SELECT access FROM sbmAPPROVAL WHERE rn=%s", (rn,))
    if len(sth) >0:
        access = sth[0][0]
    # Build referee's email address
    refereeaddress = ""
    # Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" % (doctype,category))):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    # And if there are general referees
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    refereeaddress = re.sub(",$","",refereeaddress)
    # Creation of the mail for the referee
    addresses = ""
    if refereeaddress != "":
        addresses = refereeaddress + ","
    if otheraddresses != "":
        addresses += otheraddresses
        addresses = re.sub(",$","",addresses)
    title_referee = "Request for approval of %s" % rn
    mail_referee = "The document %s has been submitted to the %s Server..\nYour approval is requested on it.\n\n" % (rn,CFG_SITE_NAME)
    mail_referee +="Title: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (title,author)
    mail_referee +="To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:<%s/%s/%s/files/>\n\n" % (CFG_SITE_URL,CFG_SITE_RECORD,sysno)
    mail_referee +="To approve/reject the document, you should go to this URL:\n<%s/approve.py?access=%s>\n" % (CFG_SITE_URL,access)
    mail_referee +="---------------------------------------------\nBest regards.\nThe submission team.\n"
    #Send mail to referee
    send_email(FROMADDR, addresses, title_referee, mail_referee, copy_to_admin=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_COPY_MAILS_TO_ADMIN)
    return ""
コード例 #11
def Send_Request_For_Publication(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    global rn, sysno
    # variables declaration
    doctype = re.search(".*/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*$", curdir).group(2)
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesDAM']
    categformat = parameters['categformatDAM']
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>", "([^-]*)")
    categs = re.match(categformat, rn)
    if categs is not None:
        category = categs.group(1)
        category = "unknown"
    # create TI
    if os.path.exists("%s/date" % curdir):
        fp = open("%s/date" % curdir, "r")
        date = fp.read()
        date = ""
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['titleFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['titleFile']), "r")
        title = fp.read()
        title = title.replace("\n", "")
        title = ""
    title += " - %s" % date
    # create AU
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['authorfile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['authorfile']), "r")
        author = fp.read()
        author = ""
    # we get the referee password
    #sth = run_sql("SELECT access FROM sbmAPPROVAL WHERE rn=%s", (rn,))
    #if len(sth) >0:
    #access = sth[0][0]
    # Build referee's email address
    refereeaddress = ""
    # Try to retrieve the publication committee chair's email from the role database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(
            acc_get_role_id("pubcomchair_%s_%s" % (doctype, category))):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    # And if there are general referees
    for user in acc_get_role_users(
            acc_get_role_id("pubcomchair_%s_*" % doctype)):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    refereeaddress = re.sub(",$", "", refereeaddress)
    # Creation of the mail for the referee
    addresses = ""
    if refereeaddress != "":
        addresses = refereeaddress + ","
    if otheraddresses != "":
        addresses += otheraddresses
        addresses = re.sub(",$", "", addresses)
    title_referee = "Request for publication of %s" % rn
    mail_referee = "The document %s has been asked for publication to the %s Server..\nYour have to select an editorial board for it.\n\n" % (
        rn, CFG_SITE_NAME)
    mail_referee += "Title: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (title, author)
    mail_referee += "To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:<%s/%s/%s/files/>\n\n" % (
    mail_referee += "To select an editorial board, you should go to this URL:\n<%s/publiline.py?doctype=%s&categ=%s&RN=%s>\n" % (
        CFG_SITE_URL, doctype, category, rn)
    mail_referee += "---------------------------------------------\nBest regards.\nThe submission team.\n"
    #Send mail to referee
    return ""
コード例 #12
def Send_Approval_Request(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to the referee in order to start the
    simple approval process.  This function is very CERN-specific and
    should be changed in case of external use.  Must be called after
    the Get_Report_Number function.


       * addressesDAM: email addresses of the people who will receive
                       this email (comma separated list). this
                       parameter may contain the <CATEG> string. In
                       which case the variable computed from the
                       [categformatDAM] parameter replaces this
                       eg.:"<CATEG>[email protected]"

       * categformatDAM: contains a regular expression used to compute
                         the category of the document given the
                         reference of the document.

                         eg.: if [categformatAFP]="TEST-<CATEG>-.*"
                         and the reference of the document is
                         "TEST-CATEGORY1-2001-001", then the computed
                         category equals "CATEGORY1"

       * authorfile: name of the file in which the authors are stored

       * titlefile: name of the file in which the title is stored.

       * directory: parameter used to create the URL to access the
    global rn, sysno
    # variables declaration
    doctype = re.search(".*/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*$", curdir).group(2)
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesDAM']
    categformat = parameters['categformatDAM']
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>", "([^-]*)")
    m_categ_search = re.match(categformat, rn)
    if m_categ_search is not None:
        if len(m_categ_search.groups()) > 0:
            ## Found a match for the category of this document. Get it:
            category = m_categ_search.group(1)
            ## This document has no category.
            category = "unknown"
        category = "unknown"
    # create TI
    if os.path.exists("%s/date" % curdir):
        fp = open("%s/date" % curdir, "r")
        date = fp.read()
        date = ""
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['titleFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['titleFile']), "r")
        title = fp.read()
        title = title.replace("\n", "")
        title = ""
    title += " - %s" % date
    # create AU
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['authorfile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, parameters['authorfile']), "r")
        author = fp.read()
        author = ""
    # we get the referee password
    sth = run_sql("SELECT access FROM sbmAPPROVAL WHERE rn=%s", (rn, ))
    if len(sth) > 0:
        access = sth[0][0]
    # Build referee's email address
    refereeaddress = ""
    # Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(
            acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" % (doctype, category))):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    # And if there are general referees
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    refereeaddress = re.sub(",$", "", refereeaddress)
    # Creation of the mail for the referee
    addresses = ""
    if refereeaddress != "":
        addresses = refereeaddress + ","
    if otheraddresses != "":
        addresses += otheraddresses
        addresses = re.sub(",$", "", addresses)
    title_referee = "Request for approval of %s" % rn
    mail_referee = "The document %s has been submitted to the %s Server..\nYour approval is requested on it.\n\n" % (
        rn, CFG_SITE_NAME)
    mail_referee += "Title: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (title, author)
    mail_referee += "To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:<%s/%s/%s/files/>\n\n" % (
    mail_referee += "To approve/reject the document, you should go to this URL:\n<%s/approve.py?access=%s>\n" % (
        CFG_SITE_URL, access)
    mail_referee += "---------------------------------------------\nBest regards.\nThe submission team.\n"
    #Send mail to referee
    return ""
コード例 #13
def Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee(parameters, \
                                       curdir, \
                                       form, \
    This function sends an email to the referee of a document informing
    him/her that the request for its approval has been withdrawn.

    @param categ_file_withd: (string) - some document types are
           separated into different categories, each of which has its own
           In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
           type's category in order to choose the referee.
           This parameter provides a means by which the category information
           can be extracted from a file in the current submission's working
           directory. It should therefore be a filename.

    @param categ_rnseek_withd: (string) - some document types are
           separated into different categories, each of which has its own
           In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
           type's category in order to choose the referee.
           This parameter provides a means by which the category information
           can be extracted from the document's reference number.
           It is infact a string that will be compiled into a regexp and
           an attempt will be made to match it agains the document's reference
           number starting from the left-most position.
           The only pre-requisite is that the segment in which the category is
           sought should be indicated with <CATEGORY>.
           Thus, an example might be as follows:
           This would allow "PHYS" in the following reference number to be
           recognised as the category:

    @return: (string) - empty string.
    ## Get the reference number (as global rn - sorry!) and the document type:
    global sysno, rn
    doctype = form['doctype']

    ## Get the parameters from the list:

    ## Get the name of the category file:
        ## If it has been provided, get the name of the file in which the
        ## category is stored:
        category_file = parameters["categ_file_withd"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category file:
        category_file = None
        if category_file is not None:
            category_file = str(category_file)
            category_file = os.path.basename(category_file).strip()
            if category_file == "":
                category_file = None
    ## Get the regexp that is used to find the category in the report number:
        ## If it has been provided, get the regexp used for identifying
        ## a document-type's category from its reference number:
        category_rn_regexp = parameters["categ_rnseek_withd"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category regexp:
        category_rn_regexp = None
        if category_rn_regexp is not None:
            category_rn_regexp = str(category_rn_regexp).strip()
        if category_rn_regexp == "":
            category_rn_regexp = None
    ## Resolve the document type's category:
    ## This is a long process. The end result is that the category is extracted
    ## either from a file in curdir, or from the report number.
    ## If it's taken from the report number, the admin must configure the
    ## function to accept a regular expression that is used to find the
    ## category in the report number.
    if category_file is not None and category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## It is not valid to have both a category file and a pattern
        ## describing how to extract the category from a report number.
        ## raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning:
        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: " \
              "received instructions to search for the document's category " \
              "in both its report number AND in a category file. Could " \
              "not determine which to use - please notify the " \
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
    elif category_file is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from a file in the
        ## current submission's working directory:
        category = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir, category_file))
        if category is not None:
            category = category.strip()
        if category in (None, ""):
            ## The category cannot be resolved.
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: " \
                  "received instructions to search for the document's " \
                  "category in a category file, but could not recover the " \
                  "category from that file. The referee cannot be notified " \
                  "of the approval request withdrawal by mail."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
    elif category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from the document's
        ## reference number using the regexp in category_rn_regexp:
        ## Does the category regexp contain the key-phrase "<CATEG>"?
        if category_rn_regexp.find("<CATEG>") != -1:
            ## Yes. Replace "<CATEG>" with "(?P<category>.+?)".
            ## For example, this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-<CATEG>-
            ## Will be transformed into this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-(?P<category>.+?)-
            category_rn_final_regexp = \
                category_rn_regexp.replace("<CATEG>", r"(?P<category>.+?)", 1)
            ## The regexp for category didn't contain "<CATEG>", but this is
            ## mandatory.
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: The" \
                  " [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number," \
                  " using a poorly formed search expression (no marker for " \
                  "the category was present.) Since the document's category " \
                  "cannot be retrieved, the referee cannot be " \
                  "notified of the approval request withdrawal by mail." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
            ## Attempt to compile the regexp for finding the category:
            re_categ_from_rn = re.compile(category_rn_final_regexp)
        except sre_constants.error:
            ## The expression passed to this function could not be compiled
            ## into a regexp. Register this exception and raise an
            ## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning:
            exception_prefix = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                               "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has " \
                               "been configured to search for the document " \
                               "type's category in its reference number, " \
                               "using the following regexp: /%(regexp)s/. " \
                               "This regexp, however, could not be " \
                               "compiled correctly (created it from " \
                               "%(categ-search-term)s.)" \
                               % { 'doctype'      : doctype, \
                                   'regexp'       : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                                   'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: The" \
                  " [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number," \
                  " using a poorly formed search expression. Since the " \
                  "document's category cannot be retrieved, the referee" \
                  "cannot be notified of the approval request withdrawal by " \
                  "mail." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
            ## Now attempt to recover the category from the RN string:
            m_categ_from_rn = re_categ_from_rn.match(rn)
            if m_categ_from_rn is not None:
                ## The pattern matched in the string.
                ## Extract the category from the match:
                    category = m_categ_from_rn.group("category")
                except IndexError:
                    ## There was no "category" group. That group is mandatory.
                    exception_prefix = \
                       "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                       "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                       "configured to search for the document type's " \
                       "category in its reference number using the " \
                       "following regexp: " \
                       "/%(regexp)s/. The search produced a match, but " \
                       "there was no \"category\" group in the match " \
                       "object although this group is mandatory. The " \
                       "regexp was compiled from the following string: " \
                       "[%(categ-search-term)s]." \
                       % { 'doctype'           : doctype, \
                           'regexp'            : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                           'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
                    msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                          "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                          "configured to search for the document type's " \
                          "category in its reference number, using a poorly " \
                          "formed search expression (there was no category " \
                          "marker). Since the document's category therefore " \
                          "cannot be retrieved, the referee cannot be " \
                          "notified of the approval request withdrawal " \
                          "by mail." \
                          % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
                    category = category.strip()
                    if category == "":
                        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                              "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has " \
                              "been configured to search for the document " \
                              "type's category in its reference number, but " \
                              "no category was found. The referee cannot be " \
                              "notified of the approval request withdrawal " \
                              "by mail." \
                              % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
                ## No match. Cannot find the category and therefore cannot
                ## continue:
                msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function:" \
                      " The [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                      "search for the document type's category in its " \
                      "reference number, but no match was made. The referee " \
                      "cannot be notified of the approval request " \
                      "withdrawal by mail." \
                      % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
        ## The document type has no category.
        category = ""
    ## End of category recovery

    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        ## see if was a PROC request or not
        notes = get_approval_request_notes(doctype,rn)
        was_proc = 'n'
        was_slide = 'n'
        if notes:
            note_lines = notes.split('\n')
            for note_line in note_lines:
                if note_line.find('Requested Note Classification:') == 0:
                    note_type = note_line.split()[-1]
                    if note_type == 'PROC':
                        was_proc = 'y'
                    elif note_type == 'SLIDE':
                        was_slide = 'y'
                    break  # there may be more than one - just take the first
        if was_proc == 'y':
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            referee_listname += "-%s" %  'proc'
        elif was_slide == 'y':
            referee_listname = "atlas-speakers-comm"
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            if category != "":
                referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
        referee_listname += "@cern.ch"
        mailto_addresses = referee_listname
        if category == 'CDSTEST':    ## our special testing category
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
            mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
        referee_address = ""
        ## Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" \
                                               % (doctype, category))):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        ## And if there are general referees:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        referee_address = re.sub(",$", "", referee_address)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        mailto_addresses = ""
        if referee_address != "":
            mailto_addresses = referee_address + ","
            mailto_addresses = re.sub(",$", "", mailto_addresses)
    ## Send the email:
    mail_subj = "Request for approval of [%s] withdrawn" % rn
    mail_body = CFG_MAIL_BODY % \
                { 'site-name'               : CFG_SITE_NAME,
                  'report-number'           : rn,
    return ""
コード例 #14
def Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to the referee of a document informing
    him/her that a request for its approval has been submitted by the

    @param categ_file_appreq: (string) - some document types are
          separated into different categories, each of which has its own
          In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
          type's category in order to choose the referee.
          This parameter provides a means by which the category information
          can be extracted from a file in the current submission's working
          directory. It should therefore be a filename.

    @param categ_rnseek_appreq: (string) - some document types are
          separated into different categories, each of which has its own
          In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
          type's category in order to choose the referee.
          This parameter provides a means by which the category information
          can be extracted from the document's reference number.
          It is infact a string that will be compiled into a regexp and
          an attempt will be made to match it agains the document's reference
          number starting from the left-most position.
          The only pre-requisite is that the segment in which the category is
          sought should be indicated with <CATEGORY>.
          Thus, an example might be as follows:

          This would allow "PHYS" in the following reference number to be
          recognised as the category:

    @param edsrn: (string) - the name of the field in which the report
          number should be placed when the referee visits the form for making
          a decision.

    @return: (string) - empty string.
    ## Get the reference number (as global rn - sorry!) and the document type:
    global sysno, rn
    doctype = form['doctype']

    ## Get the parameters from the list:

    ## Get the name of the report-number file:
        edsrn_file = parameters["edsrn"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the edsrn file:
        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee function: unable " \
              "to determine the name of the file in which the document's " \
              "report number should be stored."
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
        edsrn_file = str(edsrn_file)
        edsrn_file = os.path.basename(edsrn_file).strip()
        if edsrn_file == "":
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee function: " \
                  "unable to determine the name of the file in which " \
                  "the document's report number should be stored."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    ## Get the name of the category file:
        ## If it has been provided, get the name of the file in which the
        ## category is stored:
        category_file = parameters["categ_file_appreq"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category file:
        category_file = None
        if category_file is not None:
            category_file = str(category_file)
            category_file = os.path.basename(category_file).strip()
            if category_file == "":
                category_file = None
    ## Get the regexp that is used to find the category in the report number:
        ## If it has been provided, get the regexp used for identifying
        ## a document-type's category from its reference number:
        category_rn_regexp = parameters["categ_rnseek_appreq"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category regexp:
        category_rn_regexp = None
        if category_rn_regexp is not None:
            category_rn_regexp = str(category_rn_regexp).strip()
        if category_rn_regexp == "":
            category_rn_regexp = None
    ## Resolve the document type's category:
    ## This is a long process. The end result is that the category is extracted
    ## either from a file in curdir, or from the report number.
    ## If it's taken from the report number, the admin must configure the
    ## function to accept a regular expression that is used to find the
    ## category in the report number.
    if category_file is not None and category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## It is not valid to have both a category file and a pattern
        ## describing how to extract the category from a report number.
        ## raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError
        msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: received " \
              "instructions to search for the document's category in " \
              "both its report number AND in a category file. Could " \
              "not determine which to use - please notify the " \
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    elif category_file is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from a file in the
        ## current submission's working directory:
        category = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir, category_file))
        if category is not None:
            category = category.strip()
        if category in (None, ""):
            ## The category cannot be resolved.
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: received " \
                  "instructions to search for the document's category in " \
                  "a category file, but could not recover the category " \
                  "from that file. An approval request therefore cannot " \
                  "be registered for the document."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    elif category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from the document's
        ## reference number using the regexp in category_rn_regexp:
        ## Does the category regexp contain the key-phrase "<CATEG>"?
        if category_rn_regexp.find("<CATEG>") != -1:
            ## Yes. Replace "<CATEG>" with "(?P<category>.+?)".
            ## For example, this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-<CATEG>-
            ## Will be transformed into this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-(?P<category>.+?)-
            category_rn_final_regexp = \
                category_rn_regexp.replace("<CATEG>", r"(?P<category>.+?)", 1)
            ## The regexp for category didn't contain "<CATEG>", but this is
            ## mandatory.
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                  "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number, " \
                  "using a poorly formed search expression (no marker for " \
                  "the category was present.) Since the document's category " \
                  "therefore cannot be retrieved, an approval request cannot " \
                  "be registered for it. Please report this problem to the " \
                  "administrator." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
            ## Attempt to compile the regexp for finding the category:
            re_categ_from_rn = re.compile(category_rn_final_regexp)
        except sre_constants.error:
            ## The expression passed to this function could not be compiled
            ## into a regexp. Register this exception and raise an
            ## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError:
            exception_prefix = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: " \
                               "The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                               "configured to search for the document type's " \
                               "category in its reference number, using the " \
                               "following regexp: /%(regexp)s/. This regexp, " \
                               "however, could not be compiled correctly " \
                               "(created it from %(categ-search-term)s.)" \
                               % { 'doctype'       : doctype, \
                                   'regexp'        : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                                   'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                  "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number, " \
                  "using a poorly formed search expression. Since the " \
                  "document's category therefore cannot be retrieved, an " \
                  "approval request cannot be registered for it. Please " \
                  "report this problem to the administrator." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
            ## Now attempt to recover the category from the RN string:
            m_categ_from_rn = re_categ_from_rn.match(rn)
            if m_categ_from_rn is not None:
                ## The pattern matched in the string.
                ## Extract the category from the match:
                    category = m_categ_from_rn.group("category")
                except IndexError:
                    ## There was no "category" group. That group is mandatory.
                    exception_prefix = \
                       "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                       "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                       "search for the document type's category in its " \
                       "reference number using the following regexp: " \
                       "/%(regexp)s/. The search produced a match, but " \
                       "there was no \"category\" group in the match " \
                       "object although this group is mandatory. The " \
                       "regexp was compiled from the following string: " \
                       "[%(categ-search-term)s]." \
                       % { 'doctype'           : doctype, \
                           'regexp'            : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                           'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
                    msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                          "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                          "search for the document type's category in its " \
                          "reference number, using a poorly formed search " \
                          "expression (there was no category marker). Since " \
                          "the document's category therefore cannot be " \
                          "retrieved, an approval request cannot be " \
                          "registered for it. Please report this problem to " \
                          "the administrator." \
                          % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
                    category = category.strip()
                    if category == "":
                        msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: " \
                              "The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                              "configured to search for the document type's " \
                              "category in its reference number, but no " \
                              "category was found. The request for approval " \
                              "cannot be registered. Please report this " \
                              "problem to the administrator." \
                              % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
                ## No match. Cannot find the category and therefore cannot
                ## continue:
                msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                      "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                      "search for the document type's category in its " \
                      "reference number, but no match was made. The request " \
                      "for approval cannot be registered. Please report " \
                      "this problem to the administrator." \
                      % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
        ## The document type has no category.
        category = ""
    ## End of category recovery
    ## Get the title and author(s) from the record:
    ## Author(s):
    rec_authors = ""
    rec_first_author = print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "100__a")
    rec_other_authors = print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "700__a")
    if rec_first_author != "":
        rec_authors += "".join(["%s\n" % author.strip() for \
                                author in rec_first_author.split("\n")])
    if rec_other_authors != "":
        rec_authors += "".join(["%s\n" % author.strip() for \
                                author in rec_other_authors.split("\n")])
    ## Title:
    rec_title = "".join(["%s\n" % title.strip() for title in \
                          print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "245__a").split("\n")])
    ## the normal approval action
    approve_act = 'APP'
    ## Get notes about the approval request:
    approval_notes = get_approval_request_notes(doctype, rn)
    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        if doctype == 'ATN':  ## Special case of 'RPR' action for doctype ATN
            action = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir, 'act')).strip()
            if action == 'RPR':
                notetype = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" %
                                         (curdir, 'ATN_NOTETYPE')).strip()
                if notetype not in ('SLIDE', 'PROC'):
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(
                        'ERROR function Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee:: do not recognize notetype '
                        + notetype)
                if notetype == 'PROC':
                    approve_act = 'APR'  # RPR PROC requires APR action to approve
                    referee_listname = "*****@*****.**"
                elif notetype == 'SLIDE':  ## SLIDES approval
                    approve_act = 'APS'  # RPR SLIDE requires APS action to approve
                    referee_listname = "*****@*****.**"
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(
                        'ERROR function Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee:: do not understand notetype: '
                        + notetype)
                referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
                if category != "":
                    referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
            mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
            if category == 'CDSTEST':
                referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
                referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
                mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
        referee_address = ""
        ## Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" \
                                               % (doctype, category))):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        ## And if there are general referees:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        referee_address = re.sub(",$", "", referee_address)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        mailto_addresses = ""
        if referee_address != "":
            mailto_addresses = referee_address + ","
            mailto_addresses = re.sub(",$", "", mailto_addresses)
    ## Send the email:
    mail_subj = "Request for approval of [%s]" % rn
    mail_body = CFG_MAIL_BODY % \
                { 'site-name'               : CFG_SITE_NAME,
                  'CFG_SITE_RECORD'          : CFG_SITE_RECORD,
                  'report-number-fieldname' : edsrn_file,
                  'report-number'           : rn,
                  'title'                   : rec_title,
                  'authors'                 : rec_authors,
                  'site-url'                : CFG_SITE_URL,
                  'record-id'               : sysno,
                  'approval-action'         : approve_act,
                  'doctype'                 : doctype,
                  'notes'                   : approval_notes,
                  'category'                : category,
    return ""
コード例 #15
def Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee(parameters, \
                                       curdir, \
                                       form, \
    This function sends an email to the referee of a document informing
    him/her that the request for its approval has been withdrawn.

    @param categ_file_withd: (string) - some document types are
           separated into different categories, each of which has its own
           In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
           type's category in order to choose the referee.
           This parameter provides a means by which the category information
           can be extracted from a file in the current submission's working
           directory. It should therefore be a filename.

    @param categ_rnseek_withd: (string) - some document types are
           separated into different categories, each of which has its own
           In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
           type's category in order to choose the referee.
           This parameter provides a means by which the category information
           can be extracted from the document's reference number.
           It is infact a string that will be compiled into a regexp and
           an attempt will be made to match it agains the document's reference
           number starting from the left-most position.
           The only pre-requisite is that the segment in which the category is
           sought should be indicated with <CATEGORY>.
           Thus, an example might be as follows:
           This would allow "PHYS" in the following reference number to be
           recognised as the category:

    @return: (string) - empty string.
    ## Get the reference number (as global rn - sorry!) and the document type:
    global sysno, rn
    doctype = form['doctype']

    ## Get the parameters from the list:

    ## Get the name of the category file:
        ## If it has been provided, get the name of the file in which the
        ## category is stored:
        category_file = parameters["categ_file_withd"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category file:
        category_file = None
        if category_file is not None:
            category_file = str(category_file)
            category_file = os.path.basename(category_file).strip()
            if category_file == "":
                category_file = None
    ## Get the regexp that is used to find the category in the report number:
        ## If it has been provided, get the regexp used for identifying
        ## a document-type's category from its reference number:
        category_rn_regexp = parameters["categ_rnseek_withd"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category regexp:
        category_rn_regexp = None
        if category_rn_regexp is not None:
            category_rn_regexp = str(category_rn_regexp).strip()
        if category_rn_regexp == "":
            category_rn_regexp = None
    ## Resolve the document type's category:
    ## This is a long process. The end result is that the category is extracted
    ## either from a file in curdir, or from the report number.
    ## If it's taken from the report number, the admin must configure the
    ## function to accept a regular expression that is used to find the
    ## category in the report number.
    if category_file is not None and category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## It is not valid to have both a category file and a pattern
        ## describing how to extract the category from a report number.
        ## raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning:
        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: " \
              "received instructions to search for the document's category " \
              "in both its report number AND in a category file. Could " \
              "not determine which to use - please notify the " \
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
    elif category_file is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from a file in the
        ## current submission's working directory:
        category = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir, category_file))
        if category is not None:
            category = category.strip()
        if category in (None, ""):
            ## The category cannot be resolved.
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: " \
                  "received instructions to search for the document's " \
                  "category in a category file, but could not recover the " \
                  "category from that file. The referee cannot be notified " \
                  "of the approval request withdrawal by mail."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
    elif category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from the document's
        ## reference number using the regexp in category_rn_regexp:
        ## Does the category regexp contain the key-phrase "<CATEG>"?
        if category_rn_regexp.find("<CATEG>") != -1:
            ## Yes. Replace "<CATEG>" with "(?P<category>.+?)".
            ## For example, this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-<CATEG>-
            ## Will be transformed into this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-(?P<category>.+?)-
            category_rn_final_regexp = \
                category_rn_regexp.replace("<CATEG>", r"(?P<category>.+?)", 1)
            ## The regexp for category didn't contain "<CATEG>", but this is
            ## mandatory.
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: The" \
                  " [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number," \
                  " using a poorly formed search expression (no marker for " \
                  "the category was present.) Since the document's category " \
                  "cannot be retrieved, the referee cannot be " \
                  "notified of the approval request withdrawal by mail." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
            ## Attempt to compile the regexp for finding the category:
            re_categ_from_rn = re.compile(category_rn_final_regexp)
        except sre_constants.error:
            ## The expression passed to this function could not be compiled
            ## into a regexp. Register this exception and raise an
            ## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning:
            exception_prefix = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                               "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has " \
                               "been configured to search for the document " \
                               "type's category in its reference number, " \
                               "using the following regexp: /%(regexp)s/. " \
                               "This regexp, however, could not be " \
                               "compiled correctly (created it from " \
                               "%(categ-search-term)s.)" \
                               % { 'doctype'      : doctype, \
                                   'regexp'       : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                                   'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function: The" \
                  " [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number," \
                  " using a poorly formed search expression. Since the " \
                  "document's category cannot be retrieved, the referee" \
                  "cannot be notified of the approval request withdrawal by " \
                  "mail." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
            ## Now attempt to recover the category from the RN string:
            m_categ_from_rn = re_categ_from_rn.match(rn)
            if m_categ_from_rn is not None:
                ## The pattern matched in the string.
                ## Extract the category from the match:
                    category = m_categ_from_rn.group("category")
                except IndexError:
                    ## There was no "category" group. That group is mandatory.
                    exception_prefix = \
                       "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                       "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                       "configured to search for the document type's " \
                       "category in its reference number using the " \
                       "following regexp: " \
                       "/%(regexp)s/. The search produced a match, but " \
                       "there was no \"category\" group in the match " \
                       "object although this group is mandatory. The " \
                       "regexp was compiled from the following string: " \
                       "[%(categ-search-term)s]." \
                       % { 'doctype'           : doctype, \
                           'regexp'            : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                           'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
                    msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                          "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                          "configured to search for the document type's " \
                          "category in its reference number, using a poorly " \
                          "formed search expression (there was no category " \
                          "marker). Since the document's category therefore " \
                          "cannot be retrieved, the referee cannot be " \
                          "notified of the approval request withdrawal " \
                          "by mail." \
                          % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
                    category = category.strip()
                    if category == "":
                        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee " \
                              "function: The [%(doctype)s] submission has " \
                              "been configured to search for the document " \
                              "type's category in its reference number, but " \
                              "no category was found. The referee cannot be " \
                              "notified of the approval request withdrawal " \
                              "by mail." \
                              % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
                ## No match. Cannot find the category and therefore cannot
                ## continue:
                msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee function:" \
                      " The [%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                      "search for the document type's category in its " \
                      "reference number, but no match was made. The referee " \
                      "cannot be notified of the approval request " \
                      "withdrawal by mail." \
                      % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
        ## The document type has no category.
        category = ""
    ## End of category recovery

    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        ## see if was a PROC request or not
        notes = get_approval_request_notes(doctype,rn)
        was_proc = 'n'
        was_slide = 'n'
        if notes:
            note_lines = notes.split('\n')
            for note_line in note_lines:
                if note_line.find('Requested Note Classification:') == 0:
                    note_type = note_line.split()[-1]
                    if note_type == 'PROC':
                        was_proc = 'y'
                    elif note_type == 'SLIDE':
                        was_slide = 'y'
                    break  # there may be more than one - just take the first
        if was_proc == 'y':
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            referee_listname += "-%s" %  'proc'
        elif was_slide == 'y':
            referee_listname = "atlas-speakers-comm"
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            if category != "":
                referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
        referee_listname += "@cern.ch"
        mailto_addresses = referee_listname
        if category == 'CDSTEST':    ## our special testing category
            referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
            referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
            mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
        referee_address = ""
        ## Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" \
                                               % (doctype, category))):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        ## And if there are general referees:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        referee_address = re.sub(",$", "", referee_address)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        mailto_addresses = ""
        if referee_address != "":
            mailto_addresses = referee_address + ","
            mailto_addresses = re.sub(",$", "", mailto_addresses)
    ## Send the email:
    mail_subj = "Request for approval of [%s] withdrawn" % rn
    mail_body = CFG_MAIL_BODY % \
                { 'site-name'               : CFG_SITE_NAME,
                  'report-number'           : rn,
    return ""
コード例 #16
def User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    Check that user is either the original submitter, or that it
    belongs to the role(s) given as parameter. This enables
    collaborative editing of records, so that collections can be
    curated by a group of people in addition to the original

    If the user has permission, the function ends silently. If not, it
    will raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop, informing the user that
    they don't have rights and sending them back to the submission web

    This function makes it unnecessary to protect the submission with
    WebAccess (i.e. 'submit' action): the function can check
    authorizations by itself.
    However if the case the action in which this function is used is
    still protected with WebAccess (eg. an authorization exists for
    the 'submit' action, in 'MBI'), ALL the possible submitters AND
    the curators groups must be linked to the authorization in order
    for WebSubmit to let users reach this function: this function then
    ensures that only curators or submitters of the record will be
    able to continue further.

    A record owner must have her email in the record metadata.

    A record curator must be in the role given as parameter to this

    WARNING: you must remember that category-based restrictions
    require you to check that the selected category matches the
    document to modify: one can select category 'foo' to modify
    a document submitted in category 'bar', given that submissions
    are indepedendant of the record they create.

    WARNING: for backward compatibility reasons, if no role is given
    as parameter, the function simply check against the WebAccess
    'submit' action, with this submission parameters. It then means
    that anybody connected to the authorization will be able to modify
    ANY of the records this submission can handle.


       - curator_role: a role or mapping of roles that determine if
                       user is a curator or not. The parameter can
                       simply be the name of a WebAccess role. For eg:
                       where 'curator_photo' is a WebAccess role
                       matching curator users for this submission.

                       The parameter can also map the submission
                       categories to different roles, so that
                       different curator groups can be defined. For eg:
                       (syntax: '|' to split mappings, and '=' to map category->role)

                       This specifies that role 'curator_art' is used
                       when category 'Article' is selected (code for
                       this category is 'ARTICLE'), 'curator_rep' when
                       'Report' ('REPORT' code) is selected, and
                       curator_gen in all other cases. * matches all

                       When defining a mapping category->role, and
                       category cannot be retrieved (for eg. with
                       /submit/direct URLs that do not specify
                       category), only the * rule/role is matched.
                       Eg: foo=role1|*=role2 matches role2 only

                       When no role is defined or matched, the curator
                       role is checked against the WebAccess 'submit'
                       action, for current WebSubmit doctype, action
                       and category.

        - curator_flag: the name of a file in which '1' is written if
                        current submitter is a curator. Otherwise, an
                        empty file is written.
                        If no value is given, no file is written.

    @return: Empty string.
    @Exceptions raised: InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop when user is denied
                permission to work with the record.
    global sysno

    # Check if the user is superadmin, in which case grant access
    if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, CFG_SUPERADMINROLE_ID):
        return ""

    # Get current doctype
    doctype_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'doctype'))
    doctype = doctype_fd.read()

    # Get current action
    act_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'act'))
    act = act_fd.read()

    # Get category. This one might not exist
    category = None
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, 'combo%s' % doctype)):
        category_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'combo%s' % doctype))
        category = category_fd.read()

    # Get role to belong to in order to be curator. If not specifed,
    # we simply check against 'submit' WebAccess action for the current
    # WebSubmit action (for eg. 'MBI')
    curator_roles = []
        curator_role = parameters['curator_role']
        curator_role = ''
    if '=' in curator_role:
        # Admin specifed a different role for different category.
        # For eg: general=curator_gen|photo=curator_photo|*=curator_other
        curator_roles = [categ_and_role.split('=', 1)[1].strip() \
                         for categ_and_role in curator_role.split('|') if \
                         len(categ_and_role.split('=', 1)) == 2 and \
                         categ_and_role.split('=', 1)[0].strip() in (category, '*')]
    elif curator_role:
        curator_roles = [curator_role]

    ## Get the current user's e-mail address:
    user_email = user_info["email"].lower()

    ## Now get the email address(es) of the record submitter(s)/owner(s) from
    ## the record itself:
    record_owners_list = [email.lower().strip() for email in \
                          get_fieldvalues(sysno, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_RECORD_OWNER_EMAIL)]

    ## Now determine whether this user is listed in the record as an "owner"
    ## (or submitter):
    user_has_permission = False
    user_msg = ""
    if user_email not in ("", "guest") and user_email in record_owners_list:
        ## This user's email address is listed in the record. She should
        ## be allowed to work with it:
        user_has_permission = True

    # Check if user is curator
    is_curator = False
    if curator_roles:
        # Check against roles
        for role in curator_roles:
            if not acc_get_role_id(role):
                # Role is not defined
            if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, acc_get_role_id(role)):
                # One matching role found
                user_has_permission = True
                is_curator = True
        # Check against authorization for 'submit' (for backward compatibility)
        (auth_code, dummy) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, \
                                                  "submit", \
                                                  verbose=0, \
                                                  doctype=doctype, \
        if auth_code == 0:
            ## The user is a curator for this
            ## submission/collection. Do not prevent access.
            is_curator = True
            user_has_permission = True

        curator_flag = parameters['curator_flag']
        if curator_flag:
            flag_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, curator_flag), 'w')
            flag_fd.write(is_curator and '1' or '0')

    ## Finally, if the user still doesn't have permission to work with this
    ## record, raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop exception sending the
    ## user back to the form.
    if not user_has_permission:
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop(CFG_MSG_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED)
    return ""
コード例 #17
def Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to the referee of a document informing
    him/her that a request for its approval has been submitted by the

    @param categ_file_appreq: (string) - some document types are
          separated into different categories, each of which has its own
          In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
          type's category in order to choose the referee.
          This parameter provides a means by which the category information
          can be extracted from a file in the current submission's working
          directory. It should therefore be a filename.

    @param categ_rnseek_appreq: (string) - some document types are
          separated into different categories, each of which has its own
          In such document types, it's necessary to know the document-
          type's category in order to choose the referee.
          This parameter provides a means by which the category information
          can be extracted from the document's reference number.
          It is infact a string that will be compiled into a regexp and
          an attempt will be made to match it agains the document's reference
          number starting from the left-most position.
          The only pre-requisite is that the segment in which the category is
          sought should be indicated with <CATEGORY>.
          Thus, an example might be as follows:

          This would allow "PHYS" in the following reference number to be
          recognised as the category:

    @param edsrn: (string) - the name of the field in which the report
          number should be placed when the referee visits the form for making
          a decision.

    @return: (string) - empty string.
    ## Get the reference number (as global rn - sorry!) and the document type:
    global sysno, rn
    doctype = form['doctype']

    ## Get the parameters from the list:

    ## Get the name of the report-number file:
        edsrn_file = parameters["edsrn"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the edsrn file:
        msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee function: unable " \
              "to determine the name of the file in which the document's " \
              "report number should be stored."
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
        edsrn_file = str(edsrn_file)
        edsrn_file = os.path.basename(edsrn_file).strip()
        if edsrn_file == "":
            msg = "Error in Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee function: " \
                  "unable to determine the name of the file in which " \
                  "the document's report number should be stored."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    ## Get the name of the category file:
        ## If it has been provided, get the name of the file in which the
        ## category is stored:
        category_file = parameters["categ_file_appreq"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category file:
        category_file = None
        if category_file is not None:
            category_file = str(category_file)
            category_file = os.path.basename(category_file).strip()
            if category_file == "":
                category_file = None
    ## Get the regexp that is used to find the category in the report number:
        ## If it has been provided, get the regexp used for identifying
        ## a document-type's category from its reference number:
        category_rn_regexp = parameters["categ_rnseek_appreq"]
    except KeyError:
        ## No value given for the category regexp:
        category_rn_regexp = None
        if category_rn_regexp is not None:
            category_rn_regexp = str(category_rn_regexp).strip()
        if category_rn_regexp == "":
            category_rn_regexp = None
    ## Resolve the document type's category:
    ## This is a long process. The end result is that the category is extracted
    ## either from a file in curdir, or from the report number.
    ## If it's taken from the report number, the admin must configure the
    ## function to accept a regular expression that is used to find the
    ## category in the report number.
    if category_file is not None and category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## It is not valid to have both a category file and a pattern
        ## describing how to extract the category from a report number.
        ## raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError
        msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: received " \
              "instructions to search for the document's category in " \
              "both its report number AND in a category file. Could " \
              "not determine which to use - please notify the " \
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    elif category_file is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from a file in the
        ## current submission's working directory:
        category = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir, category_file))
        if category is not None:
            category = category.strip()
        if category in (None, ""):
            ## The category cannot be resolved.
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: received " \
                  "instructions to search for the document's category in " \
                  "a category file, but could not recover the category " \
                  "from that file. An approval request therefore cannot " \
                  "be registered for the document."
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
    elif category_rn_regexp is not None:
        ## Attempt to recover the category information from the document's
        ## reference number using the regexp in category_rn_regexp:
        ## Does the category regexp contain the key-phrase "<CATEG>"?
        if category_rn_regexp.find("<CATEG>") != -1:
            ## Yes. Replace "<CATEG>" with "(?P<category>.+?)".
            ## For example, this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-<CATEG>-
            ## Will be transformed into this:
            ##    ATL(-COM)?-(?P<category>.+?)-
            category_rn_final_regexp = \
                category_rn_regexp.replace("<CATEG>", r"(?P<category>.+?)", 1)
            ## The regexp for category didn't contain "<CATEG>", but this is
            ## mandatory.
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                  "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number, " \
                  "using a poorly formed search expression (no marker for " \
                  "the category was present.) Since the document's category " \
                  "therefore cannot be retrieved, an approval request cannot " \
                  "be registered for it. Please report this problem to the " \
                  "administrator." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
            ## Attempt to compile the regexp for finding the category:
            re_categ_from_rn = re.compile(category_rn_final_regexp)
        except sre_constants.error:
            ## The expression passed to this function could not be compiled
            ## into a regexp. Register this exception and raise an
            ## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError:
            exception_prefix = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: " \
                               "The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                               "configured to search for the document type's " \
                               "category in its reference number, using the " \
                               "following regexp: /%(regexp)s/. This regexp, " \
                               "however, could not be compiled correctly " \
                               "(created it from %(categ-search-term)s.)" \
                               % { 'doctype'       : doctype, \
                                   'regexp'        : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                                   'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
            msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                  "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to search " \
                  "for the document type's category in its reference number, " \
                  "using a poorly formed search expression. Since the " \
                  "document's category therefore cannot be retrieved, an " \
                  "approval request cannot be registered for it. Please " \
                  "report this problem to the administrator." \
                  % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
            raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
            ## Now attempt to recover the category from the RN string:
            m_categ_from_rn = re_categ_from_rn.match(rn)
            if m_categ_from_rn is not None:
                ## The pattern matched in the string.
                ## Extract the category from the match:
                    category = m_categ_from_rn.group("category")
                except IndexError:
                    ## There was no "category" group. That group is mandatory.
                    exception_prefix = \
                       "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                       "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                       "search for the document type's category in its " \
                       "reference number using the following regexp: " \
                       "/%(regexp)s/. The search produced a match, but " \
                       "there was no \"category\" group in the match " \
                       "object although this group is mandatory. The " \
                       "regexp was compiled from the following string: " \
                       "[%(categ-search-term)s]." \
                       % { 'doctype'           : doctype, \
                           'regexp'            : category_rn_final_regexp, \
                           'categ-search-term' : category_rn_regexp, }
                    msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                          "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                          "search for the document type's category in its " \
                          "reference number, using a poorly formed search " \
                          "expression (there was no category marker). Since " \
                          "the document's category therefore cannot be " \
                          "retrieved, an approval request cannot be " \
                          "registered for it. Please report this problem to " \
                          "the administrator." \
                          % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
                    category = category.strip()
                    if category == "":
                        msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: " \
                              "The [%(doctype)s] submission has been " \
                              "configured to search for the document type's " \
                              "category in its reference number, but no " \
                              "category was found. The request for approval " \
                              "cannot be registered. Please report this " \
                              "problem to the administrator." \
                              % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
                ## No match. Cannot find the category and therefore cannot
                ## continue:
                msg = "Error in Register_Approval_Request function: The " \
                      "[%(doctype)s] submission has been configured to " \
                      "search for the document type's category in its " \
                      "reference number, but no match was made. The request " \
                      "for approval cannot be registered. Please report " \
                      "this problem to the administrator." \
                      % { 'doctype' : doctype, }
                raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
        ## The document type has no category.
        category = ""
    ## End of category recovery
    ## Get the title and author(s) from the record:
    ## Author(s):
    rec_authors = ""
    rec_first_author    = print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "100__a")
    rec_other_authors   = print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "700__a")
    if rec_first_author != "":
        rec_authors += "".join(["%s\n" % author.strip() for \
                                author in rec_first_author.split("\n")])
    if rec_other_authors != "":
        rec_authors += "".join(["%s\n" % author.strip() for \
                                author in rec_other_authors.split("\n")])
    ## Title:
    rec_title = "".join(["%s\n" % title.strip() for title in \
                          print_record(int(sysno), 'tm', "245__a").split("\n")])
    ## the normal approval action
    approve_act = 'APP'
    ## Get notes about the approval request:
    approval_notes = get_approval_request_notes(doctype, rn)
    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        if doctype == 'ATN':  ## Special case of 'RPR' action for doctype ATN
            action = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir,'act')).strip()
            if action == 'RPR':
                notetype = ParamFromFile("%s/%s" % (curdir,'ATN_NOTETYPE')).strip()
                if notetype not in ('SLIDE','PROC'):
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError('ERROR function Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee:: do not recognize notetype ' + notetype)
                if notetype == 'PROC':
                    approve_act = 'APR'  # RPR PROC requires APR action to approve
                    referee_listname = "*****@*****.**"
                elif notetype == 'SLIDE':  ## SLIDES approval
                    approve_act = 'APS'  # RPR SLIDE requires APS action to approve
                    referee_listname = "*****@*****.**"
                    raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError('ERROR function Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee:: do not understand notetype: ' +notetype)
                referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
                if category != "":
                    referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
            mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
            if category == 'CDSTEST':
                referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
                referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
                mailto_addresses = referee_listname + "@cern.ch"
        referee_address = ""
        ## Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" \
                                               % (doctype, category))):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        ## And if there are general referees:
        for user in \
            acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            referee_address += user[1] + ","
        referee_address = re.sub(",$", "", referee_address)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        mailto_addresses = ""
        if referee_address != "":
            mailto_addresses = referee_address + ","
            mailto_addresses = re.sub(",$", "", mailto_addresses)
    ## Send the email:
    mail_subj = "Request for approval of [%s]" % rn
    mail_body = CFG_MAIL_BODY % \
                { 'site-name'               : CFG_SITE_NAME,
                  'CFG_SITE_RECORD'          : CFG_SITE_RECORD,
                  'report-number-fieldname' : edsrn_file,
                  'report-number'           : rn,
                  'title'                   : rec_title,
                  'authors'                 : rec_authors,
                  'site-url'                : CFG_SITE_URL,
                  'record-id'               : sysno,
                  'approval-action'         : approve_act,
                  'doctype'                 : doctype,
                  'notes'                   : approval_notes,
                  'category'                : category,
    return ""
コード例 #18
ファイル: Send_APP_Mail.py プロジェクト: mhellmic/b2share
def Send_APP_Mail (parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function send an email informing the original submitter of a
    document that the referee has approved/ rejected the document. The
    email is also sent to the referee for checking.


       * addressesAPP: email addresses of the people who will receive
         this email (comma separated list). this parameter may contain
         the <CATEG> string. In which case the variable computed from
         the [categformatAFP] parameter replaces this string.
         eg.: "<CATEG>[email protected]"

       * categformatAPP contains a regular expression used to compute
         the category of the document given the reference of the
         eg.: if [categformatAFP]="TEST-<CATEG>-.*" and the reference
         of the document is "TEST-CATEGORY1-2001-001", then the computed
         category equals "CATEGORY1"

       * newrnin: Name of the file containing the 2nd reference of the
                  approved document (if any).

       * edsrn: Name of the file containing the reference of the
                approved document.
    global titlevalue,authorvalue, emailvalue,sysno,rn
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
    sequence_id = bibtask_allocate_sequenceid(curdir)
    doctype = form['doctype']
    titlevalue = titlevalue.replace("\n"," ")
    authorvalue = authorvalue.replace("\n","; ")
    # variables declaration
    categformat = parameters['categformatAPP']
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesAPP']
    newrnpath = parameters['newrnin']
    ## Get the name of the decision file:
        decision_filename = parameters['decision_file']
    except KeyError:
        decision_filename = ""
    ## Get the name of the comments file:
        comments_filename = parameters['comments_file']
    except KeyError:
        comments_filename = ""

    ## Now try to read the comments from the comments_filename:
    if comments_filename in (None, "", "NULL"):
        ## We don't have a name for the comments file.
        ## For backward compatibility reasons, try to read the comments from
        ## a file called 'COM' in curdir:
        if os.path.exists("%s/COM" % curdir):
                fh_comments = open("%s/COM" % curdir, "r")
                comment = fh_comments.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Unable to open the comments file
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                   "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open " \
                                   "comments file [%s/COM] but was " \
                                   "unable to." % curdir
                comment = ""
                comment = comment.strip()
            comment = ""
        ## Try to read the comments from the comments file:
        if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, comments_filename)):
                fh_comments = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, comments_filename), "r")
                comment = fh_comments.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Oops, unable to open the comments file.
                comment = ""
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open comments " \
                                "file [%s/%s] but was unable to." \
                                % (curdir, comments_filename)
                comment = comment.strip()
            comment = ""

    ## Now try to read the decision from the decision_filename:
    if decision_filename in (None, "", "NULL"):
        ## We don't have a name for the decision file.
        ## For backward compatibility reasons, try to read the decision from
        ## a file called 'decision' in curdir:
        if os.path.exists("%s/decision" % curdir):
                fh_decision = open("%s/decision" % curdir, "r")
                decision = fh_decision.read()
            except IOError:
                ## Unable to open the decision file
                exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                                   "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open " \
                                   "decision file [%s/decision] but was " \
                                   "unable to." % curdir
                decision = ""
                decision = decision.strip()
            decision = ""
        ## Try to read the decision from the decision file:
            fh_decision = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, decision_filename), "r")
            decision = fh_decision.read()
        except IOError:
            ## Oops, unable to open the decision file.
            decision = ""
            exception_prefix = "Error in WebSubmit function " \
                               "Send_APP_Mail. Tried to open decision " \
                               "file [%s/%s] but was unable to." \
                               % (curdir, decision_filename)
            decision = decision.strip()

    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,newrnpath)):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,newrnpath) , "r")
        newrn = fp.read()
        newrn = ""
    # Document name
    res = run_sql("SELECT ldocname FROM sbmDOCTYPE WHERE sdocname=%s", (doctype,))
    docname = res[0][0]
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>", "([^-]*)")
    m_categ_search = re.match(categformat, rn)
    if m_categ_search is not None:
        if len(m_categ_search.groups()) > 0:
            ## Found a match for the category of this document. Get it:
            category = m_categ_search.group(1)
            ## This document has no category.
            category = "unknown"
        category = "unknown"
    ## Get the referee email address:
        ## The referees system in CERN now works with listbox membership.
        ## List names should take the format
        ## "*****@*****.**"
        ## Make sure that your list exists!
        ## FIXME - to be replaced by a mailing alias in webaccess in the
        ## future.
        referee_listname = "service-cds-referee-%s" % doctype.lower()
        if category != "":
            referee_listname += "-%s" % category.lower()
        referee_listname += "@cern.ch"
        addresses = referee_listname
        # Build referee's email address
        refereeaddress = ""
        # Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database
        for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_%s" % (doctype,category))):
            refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
        # And if there is a general referee
        for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("referee_%s_*" % doctype)):
            refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
        refereeaddress = re.sub(",$","",refereeaddress)
        # Creation of the mail for the referee
        otheraddresses = otheraddresses.replace("<CATEG>",category)
        addresses = ""
        if refereeaddress != "":
            addresses = refereeaddress + ","
        if otheraddresses != "":
            addresses += otheraddresses
            addresses = re.sub(",$","",addresses)
    ## Add the record's submitter(s) into the list of recipients:
    ## Get the email address(es) of the record submitter(s)/owner(s) from
    ## the record itself:
    record_owners = print_record(sysno, 'tm', \
    if record_owners != "":
        record_owners_list = record_owners.split("\n")
        record_owners_list = [email.lower().strip() \
                              for email in record_owners_list]
        #if the record owner can not be retrieved from the metadata
        #(in case the record has not been inserted yet), 
        #try to use the global variable emailvalue
            record_owners_list = [emailvalue]
        except NameError:
            record_owners_list = []
    record_owners = ",".join([owner for owner in record_owners_list])
    if record_owners != "":
        addresses += ",%s" % record_owners

    if decision == "approve":
        mailtitle = "%s has been approved" % rn
        mailbody = "The %s %s has been approved." % (docname,rn)
        mailbody += "\nIt will soon be accessible here:\n\n<%s/%s/%s>" % (CFG_SITE_URL,CFG_SITE_RECORD,sysno)
        mailtitle = "%s has been rejected" % rn
        mailbody = "The %s %s has been rejected." % (docname,rn)
    if rn != newrn and decision == "approve" and newrn != "":
        mailbody += "\n\nIts new reference number is: %s" % newrn
    mailbody += "\n\nTitle: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (titlevalue,authorvalue)
    if comment != "":
        mailbody += "Comments from the referee:\n%s\n" % comment
    # Send mail to referee if any recipients or copy to admin
        scheduled_send_email(FROMADDR, addresses, mailtitle, mailbody,
                             other_bibtasklet_arguments=['-I', str(sequence_id)])
    return ""
コード例 #19
def Send_Request_For_Direct_Approval(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to the referee asking him/her to
    approve/reject a document


       * directory: parameter to the link manager program

       * addressesDAM: address of the referee(s)

       * categformatDAM: variable needed to extract the category of
                         the document and use it to derive the

       * authorfile: name of the file containing the author list

       * titleFile: name of the file containing the title
    global rn,sysno
    # variables declaration
    doctype = re.search(".*/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*$",curdir).group(2)
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
    otheraddresses = parameters['addressesDAM']
    categformat = parameters['categformatDAM']
    # retrieve category
    categformat = categformat.replace("<CATEG>","([^-]*)")
    categs = re.match(categformat,rn)
    if categs is not None:
        category = categs.group(1)
        category = "unknown"
    # create TI
    if os.path.exists("%s/date" % curdir):
        fp = open("%s/date" % curdir, "r")
        date = fp.read()
        date = ""
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['titleFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['titleFile']),"r")
        title = fp.read()
        title = title.replace("\n","")
        title = ""
    title += " - %s" % date
    # create AU
    if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['authorfile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['authorfile']), "r")
        author = fp.read()
        author = ""
    # we get the referee password
    #sth = run_sql("SELECT access FROM sbmAPPROVAL WHERE rn=%s", (rn,))
    #if len(sth) >0:
        #access = sth[0][0]
    # Build referee's email address
    refereeaddress = ""
    # Try to retrieve the publication committee chair's email from the role database
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("projectleader_%s_%s" % (doctype,category))):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    # And if there are general referees
    for user in acc_get_role_users(acc_get_role_id("projectleader_%s_*" % doctype)):
        refereeaddress += user[1] + ","
    refereeaddress = re.sub(",$","",refereeaddress)
    # Creation of the mail for the referee
    addresses = ""
    if refereeaddress != "":
        addresses = refereeaddress + ","
    if otheraddresses != "":
        addresses += otheraddresses
        addresses = re.sub(",$","",addresses)
    title_referee = "Request for direct approval of %s" % rn
    mail_referee = "The document %s has been asked direct approval to the %s Server..\nYour approval is requested on it.\n\n" % (rn,CFG_SITE_NAME)
    mail_referee +="Title: %s\n\nAuthor(s): %s\n\n" % (title,author)
    mail_referee +="To access the document(s), select the file(s) from the location:<%s/%s/%s/files/>\n\n" % (CFG_SITE_URL,CFG_SITE_RECORD,sysno)
    mail_referee +="To approve/reject the document, you should go to this URL:\n<%s/publiline.py?doctype=%s&categ=%s&RN=%s>\n" % (CFG_SITE_URL,doctype,category,rn)
    mail_referee +="---------------------------------------------\nBest regards.\nThe submission team.\n"
    #Send mail to referee
    send_email(FROMADDR, addresses, title_referee, mail_referee, copy_to_admin=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_COPY_MAILS_TO_ADMIN)
    return ""
コード例 #20
ファイル: legacy_user.py プロジェクト: Letreguilly/invenio
    def _precache(self, info, force=False):
        """Calculate permissions for user actions.

        FIXME: compatibility layer only !!!
        CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED = current_app.config.get(
            'CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED', False)
        # get authorization key
        acc_key = self.get_acc_key()
        acc = cache.get(acc_key)
        if not force and acc_key is not None and acc is not None:
            return acc

        # FIXME: acc_authorize_action should use flask request directly
        user_info = info

        from invenio.legacy.webuser import isUserSubmitter, isUserReferee, \
            isUserAdmin, isUserSuperAdmin
        from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action
        from invenio.modules.access.control import acc_get_role_id, \
        from invenio_search.utils import \
        from invenio_deposit.cache import \

        data = {}
        data['precached_permitted_restricted_collections'] = \
        data['precached_allowed_deposition_types'] = \
        data['precached_useloans'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'useloans')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usegroups'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usegroups')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usemessages'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usemessages')[0] == 0
            data['precached_viewsubmissions'] = isUserSubmitter(user_info)
        except Exception:
            data['precached_viewsubmissions'] = None
        data['precached_useapprove'] = isUserReferee(user_info)
        data['precached_useadmin'] = isUserAdmin(user_info)
        data['precached_usesuperadmin'] = isUserSuperAdmin(user_info)
        data['precached_canseehiddenmarctags'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'runbibedit')[0] == 0
        usepaperclaim = False
        usepaperattribution = False
        viewclaimlink = False

        if (CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED and acc_is_user_in_role(
                user_info, acc_get_role_id("paperclaimviewers"))):
            usepaperclaim = True

        if (CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED and acc_is_user_in_role(
                user_info, acc_get_role_id("paperattributionviewers"))):
            usepaperattribution = True

        viewlink = False
            viewlink = session['personinfo']['claim_in_process']
        except (KeyError, TypeError):

        if (current_app.config.get('CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED') and
           usepaperattribution and viewlink):
            viewclaimlink = True

#               and ((usepaperclaim or usepaperattribution)
#               and acc_is_user_in_role(
#                   data, acc_get_role_id("paperattributionlinkviewers")))):
#           viewclaimlink = True

        data['precached_viewclaimlink'] = viewclaimlink
        data['precached_usepaperclaim'] = usepaperclaim
        data['precached_usepaperattribution'] = usepaperattribution

        timeout = current_app.config.get(
        cache.set(acc_key, data,
        return data
コード例 #21
    def _precache(self, info, force=False):
        """Calculate prermitions for user actions.

        FIXME: compatibility layer only !!!
        CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED = current_app.config.get(
            'CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED', False)
        # get autorization key
        acc_key = self.get_acc_key()
        acc = cache.get(acc_key)
        if not force and acc_key is not None and acc is not None:
            return acc

        # FIXME: acc_authorize_action should use flask request directly
        user_info = info

        from invenio.legacy.webuser import isUserSubmitter, isUserReferee, \
            isUserAdmin, isUserSuperAdmin
        from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action
        from invenio.modules.access.control import acc_get_role_id, \
        from invenio.modules.search.utils import \

        data = {}
        data['precached_permitted_restricted_collections'] = \
        data['precached_usebaskets'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usebaskets')[0] == 0
        data['precached_useloans'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'useloans')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usegroups'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usegroups')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usealerts'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usealerts')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usemessages'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'usemessages')[0] == 0
        data['precached_usestats'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'runwebstatadmin')[0] == 0
            data['precached_viewsubmissions'] = isUserSubmitter(user_info)
        except Exception:
            data['precached_viewsubmissions'] = None
        data['precached_useapprove'] = isUserReferee(user_info)
        data['precached_useadmin'] = isUserAdmin(user_info)
        data['precached_usesuperadmin'] = isUserSuperAdmin(user_info)
        data['precached_canseehiddenmarctags'] = acc_authorize_action(
            user_info, 'runbibedit')[0] == 0
        usepaperclaim = False
        usepaperattribution = False
        viewclaimlink = False

        if (CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED and acc_is_user_in_role(
                user_info, acc_get_role_id("paperclaimviewers"))):
            usepaperclaim = True

        if (CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED and acc_is_user_in_role(
                user_info, acc_get_role_id("paperattributionviewers"))):
            usepaperattribution = True

        viewlink = False
            viewlink = session['personinfo']['claim_in_process']
        except (KeyError, TypeError):

        if (current_app.config.get('CFG_BIBAUTHORID_ENABLED') and
           usepaperattribution and viewlink):
            viewclaimlink = True

#               and ((usepaperclaim or usepaperattribution)
#               and acc_is_user_in_role(
#                   data, acc_get_role_id("paperattributionlinkviewers")))):
#           viewclaimlink = True

        data['precached_viewclaimlink'] = viewclaimlink
        data['precached_usepaperclaim'] = usepaperclaim
        data['precached_usepaperattribution'] = usepaperattribution

        timeout = current_app.config.get(
        cache.set(acc_key, data,
        return data
コード例 #22
def User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    Check that user is either the original submitter, or that it
    belongs to the role(s) given as parameter. This enables
    collaborative editing of records, so that collections can be
    curated by a group of people in addition to the original

    If the user has permission, the function ends silently. If not, it
    will raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop, informing the user that
    they don't have rights and sending them back to the submission web

    This function makes it unnecessary to protect the submission with
    WebAccess (i.e. 'submit' action): the function can check
    authorizations by itself.
    However if the case the action in which this function is used is
    still protected with WebAccess (eg. an authorization exists for
    the 'submit' action, in 'MBI'), ALL the possible submitters AND
    the curators groups must be linked to the authorization in order
    for WebSubmit to let users reach this function: this function then
    ensures that only curators or submitters of the record will be
    able to continue further.

    A record owner must have her email in the record metadata.

    A record curator must be in the role given as parameter to this

    WARNING: you must remember that category-based restrictions
    require you to check that the selected category matches the
    document to modify: one can select category 'foo' to modify
    a document submitted in category 'bar', given that submissions
    are indepedendant of the record they create.

    WARNING: for backward compatibility reasons, if no role is given
    as parameter, the function simply check against the WebAccess
    'submit' action, with this submission parameters. It then means
    that anybody connected to the authorization will be able to modify
    ANY of the records this submission can handle.


       - curator_role: a role or mapping of roles that determine if
                       user is a curator or not. The parameter can
                       simply be the name of a WebAccess role. For eg:
                       where 'curator_photo' is a WebAccess role
                       matching curator users for this submission.

                       The parameter can also map the submission
                       categories to different roles, so that
                       different curator groups can be defined. For eg:
                       (syntax: '|' to split mappings, and '=' to map category->role)

                       This specifies that role 'curator_art' is used
                       when category 'Article' is selected (code for
                       this category is 'ARTICLE'), 'curator_rep' when
                       'Report' ('REPORT' code) is selected, and
                       curator_gen in all other cases. * matches all

                       When defining a mapping category->role, and
                       category cannot be retrieved (for eg. with
                       /submit/direct URLs that do not specify
                       category), only the * rule/role is matched.
                       Eg: foo=role1|*=role2 matches role2 only

                       When no role is defined or matched, the curator
                       role is checked against the WebAccess 'submit'
                       action, for current WebSubmit doctype, action
                       and category.

        - curator_flag: the name of a file in which '1' is written if
                        current submitter is a curator. Otherwise, an
                        empty file is written.
                        If no value is given, no file is written.

    @return: Empty string.
    @Exceptions raised: InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop when user is denied
                permission to work with the record.
    global sysno

    # Check if the user is superadmin, in which case grant access
    if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, CFG_SUPERADMINROLE_ID):
        return ""

    # Get current doctype
    doctype_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'doctype'))
    doctype = doctype_fd.read()

    # Get current action
    act_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'act'))
    act = act_fd.read()

    # Get category. This one might not exist
    category = None
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, 'combo%s' % doctype)):
        category_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, 'combo%s' % doctype))
        category = category_fd.read()

    # Get role to belong to in order to be curator. If not specifed,
    # we simply check against 'submit' WebAccess action for the current
    # WebSubmit action (for eg. 'MBI')
    curator_roles = []
        curator_role = parameters['curator_role']
        curator_role = ''
    if '=' in curator_role:
        # Admin specifed a different role for different category.
        # For eg: general=curator_gen|photo=curator_photo|*=curator_other
        curator_roles = [categ_and_role.split('=', 1)[1].strip() \
                         for categ_and_role in curator_role.split('|') if \
                         len(categ_and_role.split('=', 1)) == 2 and \
                         categ_and_role.split('=', 1)[0].strip() in (category, '*')]
    elif curator_role:
        curator_roles = [curator_role]

    ## Get the current user's e-mail address:
    user_email = user_info["email"].lower()

    ## Now get the email address(es) of the record submitter(s)/owner(s) from
    ## the record itself:
    record_owners_list = [email.lower().strip() for email in \
                          get_fieldvalues(sysno, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_RECORD_OWNER_EMAIL)]

    ## Now determine whether this user is listed in the record as an "owner"
    ## (or submitter):
    user_has_permission = False
    user_msg = ""
    if user_email not in ("", "guest") and user_email in record_owners_list:
        ## This user's email address is listed in the record. She should
        ## be allowed to work with it:
        user_has_permission = True

    # Check if user is curator
    is_curator = False
    if curator_roles:
        # Check against roles
        for role in curator_roles:
            if not acc_get_role_id(role):
                # Role is not defined
            if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, acc_get_role_id(role)):
                # One matching role found
                user_has_permission = True
                is_curator = True
        # Check against authorization for 'submit' (for backward compatibility)
        (auth_code, dummy) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, \
                                                  "submit", \
                                                  verbose=0, \
                                                  doctype=doctype, \
        if auth_code == 0:
            ## The user is a curator for this
            ## submission/collection. Do not prevent access.
            is_curator = True
            user_has_permission = True

        curator_flag = parameters['curator_flag']
        if curator_flag:
            flag_fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, curator_flag), 'w')
            flag_fd.write(is_curator and '1' or '0')

    ## Finally, if the user still doesn't have permission to work with this
    ## record, raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop exception sending the
    ## user back to the form.
    if not user_has_permission:
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop(CFG_MSG_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED)
    return ""