def get_creation_date_lxml(ctx, recID, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"): """ libxslt extension function: Bridge between BibFormat and XSL stylesheets. Returns record creation date. Can be used in that way in XSL stylesheet (provided xmlns:fn="" has been declared): <xsl:value-of select="fn:creation_date(445)"/> where 445 is a recID if recID is string, value is converted to int if recID is Node, first child node (text node) is taken as value @param ctx: context as passed by lxml @param recID: record ID @param fmt: format of the returned date @return: creation date of X{recID} @rtype: string """ try: if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) elif isinstance(recID, (int, long)): recID_int = recID elif isinstance(recID, list): recID = recID[0] if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt elif isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = fmt[0] if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt else: fmt_str = fmt.text else: fmt_str = fmt.text return get_creation_date(recID_int, fmt_str) except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write("Error during formatting function evaluation: " + \ str(err) + \ '\n') return ''
def _get_creation_date(ctx, recID, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"): """ Bridge between BibFormat and XSL stylesheets. Can be used in that way in XSL stylesheet (provided ``xmlns:fn=""`` has been declared): ``<xsl:value-of select="fn:creation_date(445)"/>`` where 445 is a recID if recID is string, value is converted to int if recID is Node, first child node (text node) is taken as value :param ctx: context as passed by lxml :param recID: record ID :param fmt: format of the returned date :return: creation date of X{recID} :rtype: str """ try: if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) elif isinstance(recID, (int, long)): recID_int = recID elif isinstance(recID, list): recID = recID[0] if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt elif isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = fmt[0] if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt else: fmt_str = fmt.text else: fmt_str = fmt.text return get_creation_date(recID_int, fmt_str) except Exception: current_app.logger.exception( "Error during formatting function evaluation" ) return ''
def _get_creation_date(ctx, recID, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"): """ Bridge between BibFormat and XSL stylesheets. Can be used in that way in XSL stylesheet (provided ``xmlns:fn=""`` has been declared): ``<xsl:value-of select="fn:creation_date(445)"/>`` where 445 is a recID if recID is string, value is converted to int if recID is Node, first child node (text node) is taken as value :param ctx: context as passed by lxml :param recID: record ID :param fmt: format of the returned date :return: creation date of X{recID} :rtype: str """ try: if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) elif isinstance(recID, (int, long)): recID_int = recID elif isinstance(recID, list): recID = recID[0] if isinstance(recID, str): recID_int = int(recID) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) else: recID_int = int(recID.text) if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt elif isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = fmt[0] if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_str = fmt else: fmt_str = fmt.text else: fmt_str = fmt.text return get_creation_date(recID_int, fmt_str) except Exception: current_app.logger.exception( "Error during formatting function evaluation") return ''
def get_creation_date_4suite(ctx, recID, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"): """ 4suite extension function: Bridge between BibFormat and XSL stylesheets. Returns record creation date. Can be used in that way in XSL stylesheet (provided xmlns:fn="" has been declared): <xsl:value-of select="fn:creation_date(445)"/> if value is int, value is converted to string if value is Node, first child node (text node) is taken as value @param ctx: context as passed by 4suite @param recID: record ID @param fmt: format of the returned date @return: creation date of X{recID} @rtype: string """ try: if len(recID) > 0 and isinstance(recID[0], Node): recID_int = recID[0].firstChild.nodeValue if recID_int is None: return '' else: recID_int = int(recID) if len(fmt) > 0 and isinstance(fmt[0], Node): fmt_str = fmt[0].firstChild.nodeValue if fmt_str is None: fmt_str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" else: fmt_str = str(fmt) return get_creation_date(recID_int, fmt_str) except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write("Error during formatting function evaluation: " + \ str(err) + \ '\n') return ''
def dcat(): from invenio.legacy.search_engine import perform_request_search from invenio.modules.records.api import get_record from invenio.modules.formatter.api import get_modification_date, get_creation_date from invenio.utils.mimetype import guess_mimetype_and_encoding, guess_extension recids = perform_request_search(cc='Dataset') dcat = """<rdf:RDF\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dc=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dcat=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dct=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:foaf=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:xsd=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:rdfs=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:owl=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:time=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:prism=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:rdf="">\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:Catalog rdf:about=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/collection/Dataset">\n""" dcat += """ <dc:language>""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """</dc:language>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_NAME'] + """</dct:title>\n""" if current_app.config['CFG_SITE_DESCRIPTION']: dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_DESCRIPTION'] + """</dct:description>\n""" else: dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_NAME'] + """</dct:description>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:extent>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:SizeOrDuration>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:value rdf:datatype="">""" + str(len(recids)) + """</rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str(len(recids)) + """ datasets</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:SizeOrDuration>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:extent>\n""" dcat += """ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_URL'] + """\"/>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:themeTaxonomy rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:themeTaxonomy rdf:resource=""/>\n""" issues = [] modifications = [] for recid in recids: issues.append(get_creation_date(recid)) modifications.append(get_modification_date(recid)) dcat += """ <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">""" + str(min(issues)) + """</dct:issued>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">""" + str(max(modifications)) + """</dct:modified>\n""" for recid in recids: record = get_record(recid) dcat += """ <dcat:dataset>\n""" if 'doi' in record: dcat += """ <dcat:Dataset rdf:about="""" + str(record['doi']) + """\">\n""" dcat += """ <dct:identifier>""" + str(record['doi']) + """</dct:identifier>\n""" else: dcat += """ <dcat:Dataset rdf:about=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_RECORD'] + """/""" + str(recid) + """">\n""" dcat += """ <dct:identifier>""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_RECORD'] + """/""" + str(recid) + """ </dct:identifier>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str(record['title']) + """</dct:title>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str(record['description']) + """</dct:description>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:theme rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dc:language>""" + current_app.config['CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """</dc:language>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>\n""" if record['access_right'] <> 'restricted' and record['access_right'] <> 'closed': if 'url' in record['__license_text__']: dcat += """ <dct:license rdf:resource=\"""" + str((record['__license_text__'])['url']) + """\"/>\n""" if 'embargo_date' in record: dcat += """ <prism:embargoDate rdf:datatype="">""" + str(record['embargo_date']) + """</prism:embargoDate>\n""" for kw in record['keywords']: dcat += """ <dcat:keyword>""" + str(kw) + """</dcat:keyword>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">""" + str(get_creation_date(recid)) + """</dct:issued>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">""" + str(get_modification_date(recid)) + """</dct:modified>\n""" if 'period' in record: for period in record['period']: dcat += """ <dct:temporal>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Interval>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />\n""" dcat += """ <time:hasBeginning>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ <time:inXSDDateTime rdf:datatype="">""" + str(period['start']) + """</time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ </time:hasBeginning>\n""" dcat += """ <time:hasEnd>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ <time:inXSDDateTime rdf:datatype="">""" + str(period['end']) + """</time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ </time:hasEnd>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Interval>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:temporal>\n""" if 'spatial' in record: for spatial in record['spatial']: dcat += """ <dct:spatial>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:Location>\n""" dcat += """ <locn:geometry rdf:datatype="">\n""" dcat += """ {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[""" + str(spatial['north']) + """), """ + str(spatial['west']) + """], [""" + str(spatial['north']) + """, """ + str(spatial['east']) + """], [""" + str(spatial['south']) + """, """ + str(spatial['east']) + """], [""" + str(spatial['south']) + """, """ + str(spatial['west']) + """], [""" + str(spatial['north']) + """, """ + str(spatial['west']) + """]]]}\n""" dcat += """ </locn:geometry>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:Location>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:spatial>\n""" if 'frequency' in record: for frequency in record['frequency']: dcat += """ <dct:accrualPeriodicity>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:Frequency>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label>Every """ + str(frequency['size']) + """ """ + str(frequency['unit']) + """s</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ <time:DurationDescription>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label>""" + str(frequency['size']) + """ """ + str(frequency['unit']) + """s</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ <time:""" + str(frequency['unit']) + """s rdf:datatype="">""" + str(frequency['size']) + """</time:""" + str(frequency['unit']) + """s>\n""" dcat += """ </time:DurationDescription>\n""" dcat += """ </rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:Frequency>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:accrualPeriodicity>\n""" if 'related_identifiers' in record: for reference in record['related_identifiers']: dcat += """ <dct:references rdf:resource="""" + str(reference['identifier']) + """"/>\n""" if 'fft' in record: for dis in record['fft']: dcat += """ <dcat:distribution>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:Distribution>\n""" if 'description' in dis: dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang="en">""" + str(dis['description']) + """</dct:title>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:accessURL rdf:datatype="">""" + str(dis['url']) + """</dct:accessURL>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:format>\n""" mimetype = str(guess_mimetype_and_encoding(dis['url'])[0]) dcat += """ <dct:IMT rdf:value=\"""" + mimetype + """\" rdfs:label=\"""" + str(guess_extension(mimetype)[1:]).upper() + """\"/>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:format>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:byteSize rdf:datatype="">""" + str(dis['file_size']) + """</dcat:byteSize>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Distribution>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:distribution>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Dataset>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:dataset>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Catalog>\n""" dcat += """</rdf:RDF>""" response = make_response(dcat) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=dcat.rdf" return response
def dcat(): from invenio.legacy.search_engine import perform_request_search from invenio.modules.records.api import get_record from invenio.modules.formatter.api import get_modification_date, get_creation_date from invenio.utils.mimetype import guess_mimetype_and_encoding, guess_extension recids = perform_request_search(cc='Dataset') dcat = """<rdf:RDF\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dc=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dcat=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:dct=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:foaf=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:xsd=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:rdfs=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:owl=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:time=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:prism=""\n""" dcat += """ xmlns:rdf="">\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:Catalog rdf:about=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/collection/Dataset">\n""" dcat += """ <dc:language>""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """</dc:language>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_NAME'] + """</dct:title>\n""" if current_app.config['CFG_SITE_DESCRIPTION']: dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_DESCRIPTION'] + """</dct:description>\n""" else: dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_NAME'] + """</dct:description>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:extent>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:SizeOrDuration>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:value rdf:datatype="">""" + str( len(recids)) + """</rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str( len(recids)) + """ datasets</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:SizeOrDuration>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:extent>\n""" dcat += """ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_URL'] + """\"/>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:themeTaxonomy rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:themeTaxonomy rdf:resource=""/>\n""" issues = [] modifications = [] for recid in recids: issues.append(get_creation_date(recid)) modifications.append(get_modification_date(recid)) dcat += """ <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">""" + str( min(issues)) + """</dct:issued>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">""" + str( max(modifications)) + """</dct:modified>\n""" for recid in recids: record = get_record(recid) dcat += """ <dcat:dataset>\n""" if 'doi' in record: dcat += """ <dcat:Dataset rdf:about="""" + str( record['doi']) + """\">\n""" dcat += """ <dct:identifier>""" + str( record['doi']) + """</dct:identifier>\n""" else: dcat += """ <dcat:Dataset rdf:about=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_RECORD'] + """/""" + str(recid) + """">\n""" dcat += """ <dct:identifier>""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_URL'] + """/""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_RECORD'] + """/""" + str( recid) + """ </dct:identifier>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str( record['title']) + """</dct:title>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:description xml:lang=\"""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """\">""" + str( record['description']) + """</dct:description>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:theme rdf:resource=""/>\n""" dcat += """ <dc:language>""" + current_app.config[ 'CFG_SITE_LANG'] + """</dc:language>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>\n""" if record['access_right'] <> 'restricted' and record[ 'access_right'] <> 'closed': if 'url' in record['__license_text__']: dcat += """ <dct:license rdf:resource=\"""" + str( (record['__license_text__'])['url']) + """\"/>\n""" if 'embargo_date' in record: dcat += """ <prism:embargoDate rdf:datatype="">""" + str( record['embargo_date']) + """</prism:embargoDate>\n""" for kw in record['keywords']: dcat += """ <dcat:keyword>""" + str( kw) + """</dcat:keyword>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">""" + str( get_creation_date(recid)) + """</dct:issued>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">""" + str( get_modification_date(recid)) + """</dct:modified>\n""" if 'period' in record: for period in record['period']: dcat += """ <dct:temporal>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Interval>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />\n""" dcat += """ <time:hasBeginning>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ <time:inXSDDateTime rdf:datatype="">""" + str( period['start']) + """</time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ </time:hasBeginning>\n""" dcat += """ <time:hasEnd>\n""" dcat += """ <time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ <time:inXSDDateTime rdf:datatype="">""" + str( period['end']) + """</time:inXSDDateTime>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Instant>\n""" dcat += """ </time:hasEnd>\n""" dcat += """ </time:Interval>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:temporal>\n""" if 'spatial' in record: for spatial in record['spatial']: dcat += """ <dct:spatial>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:Location>\n""" dcat += """ <locn:geometry rdf:datatype="">\n""" dcat += """ {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[""" + str( spatial['north'] ) + """), """ + str(spatial['west']) + """], [""" + str( spatial['north']) + """, """ + str( spatial['east']) + """], [""" + str( spatial['south']) + """, """ + str( spatial['east']) + """], [""" + str( spatial['south']) + """, """ + str( spatial['west']) + """], [""" + str( spatial['north']) + """, """ + str( spatial['west']) + """]]]}\n""" dcat += """ </locn:geometry>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:Location>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:spatial>\n""" if 'frequency' in record: for frequency in record['frequency']: dcat += """ <dct:accrualPeriodicity>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:Frequency>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label>Every """ + str( frequency['size']) + """ """ + str( frequency['unit']) + """s</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ <rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ <time:DurationDescription>\n""" dcat += """ <rdfs:label>""" + str( frequency['size']) + """ """ + str( frequency['unit']) + """s</rdfs:label>\n""" dcat += """ <time:""" + str( frequency['unit'] ) + """s rdf:datatype="">""" + str( frequency['size']) + """</time:""" + str( frequency['unit']) + """s>\n""" dcat += """ </time:DurationDescription>\n""" dcat += """ </rdf:value>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:Frequency>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:accrualPeriodicity>\n""" if 'related_identifiers' in record: for reference in record['related_identifiers']: dcat += """ <dct:references rdf:resource="""" + str( reference['identifier']) + """"/>\n""" if 'fft' in record: for dis in record['fft']: dcat += """ <dcat:distribution>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:Distribution>\n""" if 'description' in dis: dcat += """ <dct:title xml:lang="en">""" + str( dis['description']) + """</dct:title>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:accessURL rdf:datatype="">""" + str( dis['url']) + """</dct:accessURL>\n""" dcat += """ <dct:format>\n""" mimetype = str(guess_mimetype_and_encoding(dis['url'])[0]) dcat += """ <dct:IMT rdf:value=\"""" + mimetype + """\" rdfs:label=\"""" + str( guess_extension(mimetype)[1:]).upper() + """\"/>\n""" dcat += """ </dct:format>\n""" dcat += """ <dcat:byteSize rdf:datatype="">""" + str( dis['file_size']) + """</dcat:byteSize>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Distribution>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:distribution>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Dataset>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:dataset>\n""" dcat += """ </dcat:Catalog>\n""" dcat += """</rdf:RDF>""" response = make_response(dcat) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=dcat.rdf" return response