コード例 #1
def insert_webyear(curdir):
	"""set web year (Wissenschaftlicher Ergebnis Berichtsjahr)
	This function has to be called after insert_date function"""
		recid = int(get_recordid(curdir))
		return #when do we get this exception???
	orig_record_980 = get_fieldvalues(recid,'980__a') #create_hgf_collection was alreay active at this step and changed 980-field, so we have to get the original collections of the record from database
	if "VDB" in orig_record_980: return # do not change web_year after it was released by library (collection tag VDB)
	web_year = None
	current_year = str(datetime.datetime.now().year)
	if check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_260__c"): # publication_year exists
		pub_year = read_file(curdir,"hgf_260__c")
		if pub_year == current_year: web_year = pub_year # publication year is current system year --> set web-year
		if check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_245__f"): # check thesis end_date
			date = read_file(curdir,"hgf_245__f") #insert_date function has already been executed
			sdate,edate = date.split(" - ")
			if ((current_year in edate) or (current_year in sdate)): web_year = current_year # ending year of thesis is current system year --> set web-year
		if check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_1112_d"): # check conf end_date
			date = read_file(curdir,"hgf_1112_d")
			sdate,edate = date.split(" - ")
			if ((current_year in edate) or (current_year in sdate)): web_year = current_year # ending year of conference is current system year --> set web-year

	if web_year: #write web_year
コード例 #2
def add_FFT(curdir):
	!!!move_files_to_storage, move files to done have to be deleted from websubmit function!!!
	add FFT tag into record
	if this function is used: the functions stamp_uploaded_files should not be used in the websubmit anymore
	if not check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_file"): return None # no file submitted
	fulltext_filename = read_file(curdir,"hgf_file")
	fulltext_path = os.path.join(curdir,"files","hgf_file",fulltext_filename)
	if not os.path.exists(fulltext_path): return None # no file named in hgf_file in files directory. something is wrong..
	if os.path.getsize(fulltext_path) == 0: #check file size
		#send email
		#first get the url record link
		if not check_field_exists(curdir,"SN"): return None # no recid-->something is wrong..
		recid = get_recordid(curdir)
		rec_url = CFG_SITE_URL + "/record/" + recid
		#create email
		email_txt = 'Dear Sir or Madam, \n\nAn empty file has been submitted for the record: %s\n\nProbably it was caused, because the file has been deleted from its directory before final submission into %s !!!\nIt is possible, that the record itself is not available, when this email was sent, but it should be processed within minutes. Once this is finished you may add the fulltext by accessing %s and using "modify record" link \n\n' %(rec_url,CFG_SITE_NAME,rec_url)
		email_subject = 'File submission incomplete!!!'
		#email check
		if check_field_exists(curdir,"SuE"): email_to = read_file(curdir,"SuE") # get email from submitter
		else: email_to = CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL # in case somehow no email of submitter exists, send email to admin

		send_email(CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, email_to, email_subject, email_txt,copy_to_admin=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_COPY_MAILS_TO_ADMIN,header="",html_header="")
		return None #cancel file submission (the submitter has already been informed via email), the original submission will be processed.

	inst_dict_list = read_json(curdir,"hgf_9201_") #read in institutes
	inst_list = []
	restriction = "firerole: allow groups 'STAFF'" # staff is always
	# add the institutes id and append the external auth info as this
	# builds the actual group name we need to allow here.
	for inst in inst_dict_list:	restriction += ",'" + inst["0"] + ' ['+CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTH_DEFAULT+']' + "'"  # TODO: multiple authentifications
	filename = read_file(curdir,"hgf_file")
	file_path = os.path.join(curdir,"files","hgf_file",filename)
	if not check_field_exists(curdir,"rn"): return
	rn = read_file(curdir,"rn")

	#fill subfields for FFT
	fft_dict = {}
	fft_dict["a"] = file_path
	fft_dict["n"] = rn
	fft_dict["r"] = restriction
コード例 #3
def Create_hgf_record_json(parameters,curdir, form, user_info=None):
	"""run over all hgf_fields and create hgf_record in json-format"""
	# sort the files by name. This results in getting all structured
	# fields FIRST and then (in case they exist) individual subfields.
	hgf_files = sorted(get_hgf_files(curdir))
	hgf_rec = Create_json_hgf_record(curdir)
	for fieldname in hgf_files:
		flag, ident = check_hgf_field(fieldname)
		if not flag: continue # no standard marc-field (e.g. hgf_vdb)
		if ident == "json": hgf_rec.add_jsondict(fieldname) #add json structure
		elif ident == "asci": hgf_rec.add_field(fieldname) #add non json structure
		elif ident == "master":
			hgf_rec.process_master(fieldname) #process master record
		else: continue
	recid = get_recordid(curdir)
	hgf_rec.transform_values_into_list() #convert values into lists for Make_HGF_Record
	hgf_rec.add_key_value("001",recid) #add recid to json-dict
コード例 #4
def insert_inst_into_980(curdir,uid):
	"""collection handling for institutes"""
	user_groups = get_usergroups(uid)
	if check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_9201_"):
		if read_file(curdir,"hgf_9201_") == "[]": remove_file(curdir,"hgf_9201_") # delete file in case of empty sequence! TODO: this should not happen and has to be fixed in hgfInstitutes.js

	if not check_field_exists(curdir,"hgf_9201_"): #make sure that we have at least one institute
		if str(uid) == "1": return #do not add institutes for admin
		user_insts = extract_user_institutes("0",user_groups)
		if user_insts == []:
			email_txt = "%s is not assigned to any institute. This email was generated from Covert_hgf_fields and function insert_inst_into_980" %get_recordid(curdir)
			send_email(CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, "ERROR: no institute assigned", email_txt,header="",html_header="")
			return #this should not happen!
		jsondict = user_insts   #add institute even if no institute chosen to be inserted into 980
		jsondict = read_json(curdir,"hgf_9201_")
	inst_list = []
	list_980 = read_json(curdir,"hgf_980__")
	for inst in jsondict:
		if {"a":inst["0"]} in list_980: continue
	if inst_list == []: return
	list_980 += inst_list

	#check if users institut in 980, if not take it from user_info
	if str(uid) == "1": pass # no adding of institutes into 980  for admin
		str_list_980 = [str(i) for i in list_980] #convert list with dicts into list with str(dicts), because python sets use list with strings
		intersection_groups = set(str_list_980) & set(user_groups) # user institute not in 980 yet
		intersection_vdb = set(["{'a': 'VDB'}", "{'a': 'VDBRELEVANT'}","{'a': 'VDBINPRINT'}"]) & set(str_list_980) # not vdb_relevant

		if intersection_groups == set([]) and  intersection_vdb == set([]): # # prevent submitting vdb irrelevant stuff for another institute
			list_980 += extract_user_institutes("a",user_groups)