def managedocfilesasync(self, req, form): "Upload file and returns upload interface" argd = wash_urlargd( form, {"ln": (str, ""), "recid": (int, 1), "doctype": (str, ""), "access": (str, ""), "indir": (str, "")} ) user_info = collect_user_info(req) include_headers = False # User submitted either through WebSubmit, or admin interface. if form.has_key("doctype") and form.has_key("indir") and form.has_key("access"): # Submitted through WebSubmit. Check rights include_headers = True working_dir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, argd["indir"], argd["doctype"], argd["access"]) try: assert working_dir == os.path.abspath(working_dir) except AssertionError: return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED try: # Retrieve recid from working_dir, safer. recid_fd = file(os.path.join(working_dir, "SN")) recid = int( recid_fd.close() except: recid = "" try: act_fd = file(os.path.join(working_dir, "act")) action = act_fd.close() except: action = "" # Is user authorized to perform this action? (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, "submit", doctype=argd["doctype"], act=action) if not acc_is_role("submit", doctype=argd["doctype"], act=action): # There is NO authorization plugged. User should have access auth_code = 0 else: # User must be allowed to attach files (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, "runbibdocfile") recid = argd["recid"] if auth_code: return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED return create_file_upload_interface( recid=recid, ln=argd["ln"], print_outside_form_tag=False, print_envelope=False, form=form, include_headers=include_headers, sbm_indir=argd["indir"], sbm_access=argd["access"], sbm_doctype=argd["doctype"], uid=user_info["uid"], )[1]
def Create_Upload_Files_Interface(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None): """ List files for revisions. You should use function in your submission to apply the changes performed by users with this interface. @param parameters:(dictionary) - must contain: + maxsize: the max size allowed for uploaded files + minsize: the max size allowed for uploaded files + doctypes: the list of doctypes (like 'Main' or 'Additional') and their description that users can choose from when adding new files. - When no value is provided, users cannot add new file (they can only revise/delete/add format) - When a single value is given, it is used as default doctype for all new documents Eg: main=Main document|additional=Figure, schema. etc ('=' separates doctype and description '|' separates each doctype/description group) + restrictions: the list of restrictions (like 'Restricted' or 'No Restriction') and their description that users can choose from when adding/revising files. Restrictions can then be configured at the level of WebAccess. - When no value is provided, no restriction is applied - When a single value is given, it is used as default resctriction for all documents. - The first value of the list is used as default restriction if the user if not given the choice of the restriction. CHOOSE THE ORDER! Eg: =No restriction|restr=Restricted ('=' separates restriction and description '|' separates each restriction/description group) + canDeleteDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed to delete. Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canReviseDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed to revise Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canDescribeDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed to describe Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canCommentDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed to comment Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canKeepDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can choose to keep previous versions visible when revising a file (i.e. 'Keep previous version' checkbox). See also parameter 'keepDefault'. Note that this parameter is ~ignored when revising the attributes of a file (comment, description) without uploading a new file. See also parameter Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage.forceFileRevision Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canAddFormatDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can add new formats. If there is no value, then no 'add format' link nor warning about losing old formats are displayed. Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canRestrictDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can choose the access restrictions when adding or revising a file. If no value is given: - no restriction is applied if none is defined in the 'restrictions' parameter. - else the *first* value of the 'restrictions' parameter is used as default restriction. Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canRenameDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed to rename (when revising) Eg: Main|Additional ('|' separated values) Use '*' for all doctypes + canNameNewFiles: if user can choose the name of the files they upload (1) or not (0) + defaultFilenameDoctypes: Rename uploaded files to admin-chosen values. List here the the files in current submission directory that contain the names to use for each doctype. Eg: Main=RN|Additional=additional_filename ('=' separates doctype and file in curdir '|' separates each doctype/file group). If the same doctype is submitted several times, a"-%i" suffix is added to the name defined in the file. The default filenames are overriden by user-chosen names if you allow 'canNameNewFiles' or 'canRenameDoctypes'. + maxFilesDoctypes: the maximum number of files that users can upload for each doctype. Eg: Main=1|Additional=2 ('|' separated values) Do not specify the doctype here to have an unlimited number of files for a given doctype. + createRelatedFormats: if uploaded files get converted to whatever format we can (1) or not (0) + keepDefault: the default behaviour for keeping or not previous version of files when users cannot choose (no value in canKeepDoctypes): keep (1) or not (0) Note that this parameter is ignored when revising the attributes of a file (comment, description) without uploading a new file. See also parameter Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage.forceFileRevision + showLinks: if we display links to files (1) when possible or not (0) + fileLabel: the label for the file field + filenameLabel: the label for the file name field + descriptionLabel: the label for the description field + commentLabel: the label for the comments field + restrictionLabel: the label in front of the restrictions list + startDoc: the name of a file in curdir that contains some text/markup to be printed *before* the file revision box + endDoc: the name of a file in curdir that contains some text/markup to be printed *after* the file revision box """ global sysno ln = wash_language(form['ln']) _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = '' ## Fetch parameters defined for this function (minsize, maxsize, doctypes_and_desc, doctypes, can_delete_doctypes, can_revise_doctypes, can_describe_doctypes, can_comment_doctypes, can_keep_doctypes, can_rename_doctypes, can_add_format_to_doctypes, createRelatedFormats_p, can_name_new_files, keep_default, show_links, file_label, filename_label, description_label, comment_label, startDoc, endDoc, restrictions_and_desc, can_restrict_doctypes, restriction_label, doctypes_to_default_filename, max_files_for_doctype) = \ wash_function_parameters(parameters, curdir, ln) try: recid = int(sysno) except: recid = None out += '<center>' out += startDoc out += create_file_upload_interface(recid, form=form, print_outside_form_tag=True, print_envelope=True, include_headers=True, ln=ln, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, doctypes_and_desc=doctypes_and_desc, can_delete_doctypes=can_delete_doctypes, can_revise_doctypes=can_revise_doctypes, can_describe_doctypes=can_describe_doctypes, can_comment_doctypes=can_comment_doctypes, can_keep_doctypes=can_keep_doctypes, can_rename_doctypes=can_rename_doctypes, can_add_format_to_doctypes=can_add_format_to_doctypes, create_related_formats=createRelatedFormats_p, can_name_new_files=can_name_new_files, keep_default=keep_default, show_links=show_links, file_label=file_label, filename_label=filename_label, description_label=description_label, comment_label=comment_label, restrictions_and_desc=restrictions_and_desc, can_restrict_doctypes=can_restrict_doctypes, restriction_label=restriction_label, doctypes_to_default_filename=doctypes_to_default_filename, max_files_for_doctype=max_files_for_doctype, sbm_indir=None, sbm_doctype=None, sbm_access=None, uid=None, sbm_curdir=curdir)[1] out += endDoc out += '</center>' return out
def managedocfiles(self, req, form): """ Display admin interface to manage files of a record """ argd = wash_urlargd( form, {"ln": (str, ""), "access": (str, ""), "recid": (int, None), "do": (int, 0), "cancel": (str, None)} ) _ = gettext_set_language(argd["ln"]) uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) # Check authorization (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(req, "runbibdocfile") if auth_code and user_info["email"] == "guest": # Ask to login target = "/youraccount/login" + make_canonical_urlargd( {"ln": argd["ln"], "referer": CFG_SITE_URL + user_info["uri"]}, {} ) return redirect_to_url(req, target) elif auth_code: return page_not_authorized( req, referer="/submit/managedocfiles", uid=uid, text=auth_msg, ln=argd["ln"], navmenuid="admin" ) # Prepare navtrail navtrail = """<a class="navtrail" href="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> > %(manage_files)s""" % { "CFG_SITE_URL": CFG_SITE_URL, "manage_files": _("Manage Document Files"), } body = "" if argd["do"] != 0 and not argd["cancel"]: # Apply modifications working_dir = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, "websubmit_upload_interface_config_" + str(uid), argd["access"]) move_uploaded_files_to_storage( working_dir=working_dir, recid=argd["recid"], icon_sizes=["180>", "700>"], create_icon_doctypes=["*"], force_file_revision=False, ) # Clean temporary directory shutil.rmtree(working_dir) # Confirm modifications body += '<p style="color:#0f0">%s</p>' % ( _("Your modifications to record #%i have been submitted") % argd["recid"] ) elif argd["cancel"]: # Clean temporary directory working_dir = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, "websubmit_upload_interface_config_" + str(uid), argd["access"]) shutil.rmtree(working_dir) body += '<p style="color:#c00">%s</p>' % ( _("Your modifications to record #%i have been cancelled") % argd["recid"] ) if not argd["recid"] or argd["do"] != 0: body += """ <form method="post" action="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/submit/managedocfiles"> <label for="recid">%(edit_record)s:</label> <input type="text" name="recid" id="recid" /> <input type="submit" value="%(edit)s" class="adminbutton" /> </form> """ % { "edit": _("Edit"), "edit_record": _("Edit record"), "CFG_SITE_URL": CFG_SITE_URL, } access = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if argd["recid"] and argd["do"] == 0: # Displaying interface to manage files # Prepare navtrail title, description, keywords = websearch_templates.tmpl_record_page_header_content( req, argd["recid"], argd["ln"] ) navtrail = """<a class="navtrail" href="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> > <a class="navtrail" href="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/submit/managedocfiles">%(manage_files)s</a> > %(record)s: %(title)s """ % { "CFG_SITE_URL": CFG_SITE_URL, "title": title, "manage_files": _("Document File Manager"), "record": _("Record #%i") % argd["recid"], } # FIXME: add parameters to `runbibdocfile' in order to # configure the file editor based on role, or at least # move configuration below to some config file. body += create_file_upload_interface( recid=argd["recid"], ln=argd["ln"], doctypes_and_desc=[ ("main", "Main document"), ("latex", "LaTeX"), ("source", "Source"), ("additional", "Additional File"), ("audio", "Audio file"), ("video", "Video file"), ("script", "Script"), ("data", "Data"), ("figure", "Figure"), ("schema", "Schema"), ("graph", "Graph"), ("image", "Image"), ("drawing", "Drawing"), ("slides", "Slides"), ], can_revise_doctypes=["*"], can_comment_doctypes=["*"], can_describe_doctypes=["*"], can_delete_doctypes=["*"], can_keep_doctypes=["*"], can_rename_doctypes=["*"], can_add_format_to_doctypes=["*"], can_restrict_doctypes=["*"], restrictions_and_desc=[("", "Public"), ("restricted", "Restricted")], uid=uid, sbm_access=access, display_hidden_files=True, )[1] body += """<br /> <form method="post" action="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/submit/managedocfiles"> <input type="hidden" name="recid" value="%(recid)s" /> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="access" value="%(access)s" /> <input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" /> <div style="font-size:small"> <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="%(cancel_changes)s" /> <input type="submit" onclick="user_must_confirm_before_leaving_page=false;return true;" class="adminbutton" name="submit" id="applyChanges" value="%(apply_changes)s" /> </div></form>""" % { "apply_changes": _("Apply changes"), "cancel_changes": _("Cancel all changes"), "recid": argd["recid"], "access": access, "ln": argd["ln"], "CFG_SITE_URL": CFG_SITE_URL, } body += websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_do_not_leave_submission_js(argd["ln"], enabled=True) return page( title=_("Document File Manager") + (argd["recid"] and (": " + _("Record #%i") % argd["recid"]) or ""), navtrail=navtrail, navtrail_append_title_p=0, metaheaderadd=get_upload_file_interface_javascript(form_url_params="?access=" + access) + get_upload_file_interface_css(), body=body, uid=uid, language=argd["ln"], req=req, navmenuid="admin", )