def load(self, file): """Load a scene from file or string""" # keep root node instance and copy children instead so root variable in console stays valid del self._root[:] self._root +=[:] if self._root is not None: if file[0] is not '#': self._filePath = file else: self._filePath = "" self.parent().setWindowTitle(self.applicationTitle()) del self.previewWidget.sceneManager.scene[:] resetCamera = False if (, type="DirectionalLight") is None): self.previewWidget.sceneManager.scene += iv.DirectionalLight() if (, type="Camera") is None): self.previewWidget.sceneManager.scene += [ iv.OrthographicCamera(), self._root ] resetCamera = True self.previewWidget.sceneManager.scene += self._root if resetCamera: self.previewWidget.sceneManager.view_all() self.inspectorWidget.attach(self._root)
def create_scene(): '''Returns a simple scene (light, camera, manip, material, cone)''' root = iv.Separator() root += iv.DirectionalLight() root += iv.OrthographicCamera() root += iv.TrackballManip() root += iv.Material("diffuseColor 1 0 0") root += iv.Cone() return root
def create_scene(self): '''Returns a simple scene (light, camera, manip, material, cone)''' root = inventor.Separator() root += inventor.DirectionalLight() root += inventor.OrthographicCamera() root += inventor.Selection("policy SINGLE") root[-1] += inventor.Material("diffuseColor 1 0 0") root[-1] += inventor.Cone() return root
def makeSphericalHarmonicsScene(index): """Returns a spherical harmonics surface surrounded by trackball""" nu = 2**(4 + index) + 1 nv = nu xyzs, colors = sphericalHarmonics(nu, nv, CircularColorMap()) surf = makeSurface(nu, nv, xyzs, colors) root = iv.Separator() root += iv.DirectionalLight() root += iv.OrthographicCamera() root += iv.TrackballManip() root += surf return root
def makeRandomScene(n): """Returns a scene with randomly placed discs""" root = iv.Separator() root += iv.DirectionalLight() root += iv.OrthographicCamera( "position 0 0 100 nearDistance 20 focalDistance 60 farDistance 100 height 80" ) root += iv.ShapeHints( "vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE shapeType SOLID faceType CONVEX") root += iv.Complexity("value 1") shape = iv.Sphere() # color table cmap = np.array([ [0, 0, 1], # blue [1, 0, 1], # magenta [1, 0, 0], # red [1, 1, 0], # yellow [0, 1, 0], # green [0, 1, 1], # cyan ]) cred = cmap[:, 0] cgreen = cmap[:, 1] cblue = cmap[:, 2] cidx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(cmap)) # visualize random numbers as discs in space using the random values for position and size # discs are oriented towards origin but could also represent other dimensions rand = np.random.rand(n, 4) for (r1, r2, r3, r4) in rand: theta = 2 * np.pi * r1 phi = np.pi * r2 r = np.sqrt(r3) scale = 3 * (0.2 + r4) trans = np.array([ r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), r * np.cos(theta) ]) color = (np.interp(r4, cidx, cred), np.interp(r4, cidx, cgreen), np.interp(r4, cidx, cblue)) disc = iv.ShapeKit() disc.shape = shape disc.transform.translation = trans * 40.0 disc.transform.scaleFactor = (scale, 0.3 * scale, scale) disc.transform.rotation = ((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), trans) disc.appearance.material.diffuseColor = color disc.appearance.material.ambientColor = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7) root += disc return root
def loadScene(self, file): root = if root: self.glWidget.sceneManager.scene = root if (len(, type="Camera")) == 0): self.glWidget.sceneManager.scene.insert( 0, iv.OrthographicCamera()) if (len(, type="DirectionalLight")) == 0): self.glWidget.sceneManager.scene.insert( 0, iv.DirectionalLight()) self.glWidget.sceneManager.view_all()
def makeTexturedCubeScene(): """Returns a scene with randomly placed discs""" root = iv.Separator() root += iv.DirectionalLight() root += iv.PerspectiveCamera("orientation 1 0 0 -0.2 heightAngle 0.4") root += iv.Rotor("rotation 0 1 0 0.2 speed 0.1") # Coin3D: root += iv.SceneTexture2("model DECAL") root[-1].scene = makeRandomScene(150) # VSG: # root += iv.Texture2("model DECAL") # root[-1].renderToTextureProperty = makeRandomScene(150) root += iv.Material("diffuseColor 0.2 0.3 0.4 ambientColor 0.1 0.1 0.1") root += iv.Cube() return root
def makeTexturedCubeScene(img): """Returns a scene with randomly placed discs""" # make sure we have 8 bit per channel for RGBA tmp = img.convertToFormat( QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32).mirrored().rgbSwapped() # to get image without alpha: # tmp = img.convertToFormat(QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888).mirrored() root = iv.Separator() root += iv.DirectionalLight() root += iv.PerspectiveCamera("orientation 1 0 0 -0.2 heightAngle 0.4") root += iv.Rotor("rotation 0 1 0 0.2 speed 0.1") root += iv.Texture2("model DECAL") root[-1].image = (tmp.width(), tmp.height(), 3 + tmp.hasAlphaChannel(), tmp.constBits()) root += iv.Material("diffuseColor 0.2 0.3 0.4 ambientColor 0.1 0.1 0.1") root += iv.Cube() return root