コード例 #1
def change_password_page(request):
    employee = Employee.objects.get_for_user_id_or_none(request.user.id)
    org = request.organization
    store = request.store

    # If user is logged in, fetch the Customer record or create one. Then
    # fetch a Receipt record or create a new one.
    customer = None
    receipt = None
    wishlists = None
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        customer = Customer.objects.get_or_create_for_user_email(
        receipt = Receipt.objects.get_or_create_for_online_customer(customer)
        wishlists = Wishlist.objects.filter_by_customer_id_or_none(

    # Display the view with all our model information.
    return render(
        request, 'store_customer/password/view.html', {
            'customer_form': CustomerForm(instance=customer),
            'user_form': UserForm(instance=customer),
            'receipt': receipt,
            'wishlists': wishlists,
            'customer': customer,
            'employee': employee,
            'org': org,
            'store': store,
            'page': 'wishlist',
コード例 #2
def customer_page(request, org_id, store_id, customer_id):
        customer = Customer.objects.get(customer_id=customer_id)
        form = CustomerForm(instance=customer)
    except Customer.DoesNotExist:
        customer = None
        form = CustomerForm(initial={'joined': datetime.now()})
    return render(
        request, 'inventory_customer/add/view.html', {
            'customer': customer,
            'org': Organization.objects.get(org_id=org_id),
            'store': Store.objects.get(store_id=store_id),
            'form': form,
            'tab': 'add_customer',
            'employee': Employee.objects.get(user__id=request.user.id),
            'locations': Store.objects.filter(organization_id=org_id),
コード例 #3
def checkout_cancel_page(request):
    employee = Employee.objects.get_for_user_id_or_none(request.user.id)
    org = request.organization
    store = request.store

    # Fetch Customer / Receipt.
    customer = Customer.objects.get_or_create_for_user_email(
    receipt = Receipt.objects.get_or_create_for_online_customer(customer)

    # Display the view with all our model information.
    return render(
        request, 'store_checkout/cancel/view.html', {
            'receipt': receipt,
            'customer': customer,
            'form': CustomerForm(instance=customer),
            'org': org,
            'store': store,
            'page': 'home',
コード例 #4
def checkout_order_page(request):
    employee = Employee.objects.get_for_user_id_or_none(request.user.id)
    org = request.organization
    store = request.store

    # Fetch Customer / Receipt.
    customer = Customer.objects.get_or_create_for_user_email(
    receipt = Receipt.objects.get_or_create_for_online_customer(customer)

    # Generate our URLs & pick the payment email
    base_url = env_var("HTTP_PROTOCOL")
    prefix = request.META.get("HTTP_X_CUSTOMURL")

    # Configure which PayPal address to send money
    paypal_email = settings.PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL
    currency_code = 'CAD'
    if org is not None and store is None:
        paypal_email = org.paypal_email
        currency_code = get_paypal_currency_code(org.currency)
    if org is not None and store is not None:
        paypal_email = store.paypal_email
        currency_code = get_paypal_currency_code(store.currency)

    # Append the subdomain (including 'www') to the URL
    if prefix:
        base_url += prefix + "." + env_var("DOMAIN")
        base_url += env_var("DOMAIN")

    return_url = base_url + "/checkout/thank_you/" + str(receipt.receipt_id)
    cancel_url = base_url + "/checkout/cancel"
    notify_url = env_var("HTTP_PROTOCOL") + env_var("DOMAIN") + reverse(
    print('Pre-Checkout Receipt #', str(receipt.receipt_id))
    print('notify_url', str(notify_url))
    print('return_url', str(return_url))
    print('cancel_return', str(cancel_url))
    print('prefix', prefix)

    # What you want the button to do.
    paypal_dict = {
        "currency_code": currency_code,
        "business": paypal_email,
        "amount": str(receipt.total_amount),
        "Comic Book(s) Purchase, Receipt #" + str(receipt.receipt_id),
        "invoice": str(receipt.receipt_id),
        "notify_url": notify_url,
        "return": return_url,
        "return_url": return_url,
        "cancel_return": cancel_url,
        "perform_receipt_checkout",  # Custom command to correlate to some function later (optional)
    form = PayPalPaymentsForm(initial=paypal_dict)

    # Run this next set of code to detect if we should give a warning to the
    # Customer so they'll know some items cannot are pickup only.
    has_no_shipping = False
    for product in receipt.products.all():
        if product.has_no_shipping:
            has_no_shipping = True

    # Display the view with all our model information.
    return render(
            #        'image_url': 'https://www.comicscantina.com/static/paypal_logo.png'  # PayPal Logo
            'has_no_shipping': has_no_shipping,
            'paypal_form': form,
            'receipt': receipt,
            'customer': customer,
            'form': CustomerForm(instance=customer),
            'org': org,
            'store': store,
            'page': 'home',
            'src_urls': ['store_checkout/order/warning_modal.html'],  # MODAL
コード例 #5
def checkout_thank_you_page(request, receipt_id=0):
    employee = Employee.objects.get_for_user_id_or_none(request.user.id)
    org = request.organization
    store = request.store

    # Fetch OLD receipt and process it.
    old_receipt = Receipt.objects.get_or_none(receipt_id=receipt_id)

    # STEP 1: Update Customer information.
    billing_address = old_receipt.customer.billing_street_number
    billing_address += ' ' + old_receipt.customer.billing_street_name
    if old_receipt.customer.billing_unit_number:
        billing_address = old_receipt.customer.billing_unit_number + '-' + billing_address

    shipping_address = old_receipt.customer.shipping_street_number
    shipping_address += ' ' + old_receipt.customer.shipping_street_name
    if old_receipt.customer.shipping_unit_number:
        shipping_address = old_receipt.customer.shipping_unit_number + '-' + shipping_address

    old_receipt.email = old_receipt.customer.email
    old_receipt.billing_address = billing_address
    old_receipt.billing_phone = old_receipt.customer.billing_phone
    old_receipt.billing_city = old_receipt.customer.billing_city
    old_receipt.billing_province = old_receipt.customer.billing_province
    old_receipt.billing_country = old_receipt.customer.billing_country
    old_receipt.billing_postal = old_receipt.customer.billing_postal
    old_receipt.shipping_address = shipping_address
    old_receipt.shipping_phone = old_receipt.customer.shipping_phone
    old_receipt.shipping_city = old_receipt.customer.shipping_city
    old_receipt.shipping_province = old_receipt.customer.shipping_province
    old_receipt.shipping_country = old_receipt.customer.shipping_country
    old_receipt.shipping_postal = old_receipt.customer.shipping_postal

    # STEP 2: Finalize our receipt.
    old_receipt.purchased = datetime.today()
    old_receipt.has_finished = True
    old_receipt.status = constants.ONLINE_SALE_STATUS
    old_receipt.payment_method = constants.PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD

    # STEP 3: Inform our products that they are sold out.
    for product in old_receipt.products.all():
        product.is_sold = True

    # Fetch Customer / Receipt
    # Note: Because our previous Receipt was set "has_finished" to true
    #       this will force a new cart to be opened / created here.
    customer = Customer.objects.get_or_create_for_user_email(
    receipt = Receipt.objects.get_or_create_for_online_customer(customer)

    # Display the view with all our model information.
    return render(
        request, 'store_checkout/thank_you/view.html', {
            'old_receipt': old_receipt,
            'receipt': receipt,
            'customer': customer,
            'employee': employee,
            'form': CustomerForm(instance=customer),
            'org': org,
            'store': store,
            'page': 'home',