def SaveProject(self, path=None, compress=False): Publisher.sendMessage('Begin busy cursor') session = ses.Session() if path: dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path) else: dirpath, filename = session.project_path if isinstance(filename, str): filename = utils.decode(filename, const.FS_ENCODE) proj = prj.Project() try: prj.Project().SavePlistProject(dirpath, filename, compress) except PermissionError as err: if wx.GetApp() is None: print( "Error: Permission denied, you don't have permission to write at {}" .format(dirpath)) else: dlg = dialogs.ErrorMessageBox( None, "Save project error", "It was not possible to save because you don't have permission to write at {}\n{}" .format(dirpath, err)) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: session.SaveProject((dirpath, filename)) Publisher.sendMessage('End busy cursor')
def OnTickTimer(self, evt): fmt = "%H:%M:%S" self.lbl_time.SetLabel( time.strftime(fmt, time.gmtime(time.time() - self.t0))) if is not None: if not and is not None: error, traceback = self.OnStop(None) self.HideProgress() dlg = dialogs.ErrorMessageBox( None, "Brain segmentation error", "It was not possible to use brain segmentation because:" + "\n" + str(error) + "\n" + traceback, # wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK, ) dlg.ShowModal() return progress = if progress == np.Inf: progress = 1 self.AfterSegment() if progress < 0: progress = 0 if progress > 1: progress = 1 self.SetProgress(float(progress))
def OnSegment(self, evt): self.ShowProgress() self.t0 = time.time() self.elapsed_time_timer.Start(1000) image = slc.Slice().matrix backend = self.cb_backends.GetValue() if backend.lower() == "pytorch": try: device_id = self.torch_devices[self.cb_devices.GetValue()] except (KeyError, AttributeError): device_id = "cpu" else: try: device_id = self.plaidml_devices[self.cb_devices.GetValue()] except (KeyError, AttributeError): device_id = "llvm_cpu.0" apply_wwwl = self.chk_apply_wwwl.GetValue() create_new_mask = self.chk_new_mask.GetValue() use_gpu = self.chk_use_gpu.GetValue() prob_threshold = self.sld_threshold.GetValue() / 100.0 self.btn_close.Disable() self.btn_stop.Enable() self.btn_segment.Disable() self.chk_new_mask.Disable() window_width = slc.Slice().window_width window_level = slc.Slice().window_level overlap = self.overlap_options[self.overlap.GetSelection()] try: = self.segmenter( image, create_new_mask, backend, device_id, use_gpu, overlap, apply_wwwl, window_width, window_level, ) except (multiprocessing.ProcessError, OSError, ValueError) as err: self.OnStop(None) self.HideProgress() dlg = dialogs.ErrorMessageBox( None, "It was not possible to start brain segmentation because:" + "\n" + str(err), "Brain segmentation error", # wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK, ) dlg.ShowModal()
def OnExportSurface(self, filename, filetype): ftype_prefix = { const.FILETYPE_STL: '.stl', const.FILETYPE_VTP: '.vtp', const.FILETYPE_PLY: '.ply', const.FILETYPE_STL_ASCII: '.stl', } if filetype in ftype_prefix: temp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=ftype_prefix[filetype]) if _has_win32api: utl.touch(temp_file) _temp_file = temp_file temp_file = win32api.GetShortPathName(temp_file) os.remove(_temp_file) temp_file = utl.decode(temp_file, const.FS_ENCODE) try: self._export_surface(temp_file, filetype) except ValueError: if wx.GetApp() is None: print( "It was not possible to export the surface because the surface is empty" ) else: wx.MessageBox( _("It was not possible to export the surface because the surface is empty" ), _("Export surface error")) return try: shutil.move(temp_file, filename) except PermissionError as err: dirpath = os.path.split(filename)[0] if wx.GetApp() is None: print( _("It was not possible to export the surface because you don't have permission to write to {} folder: {}" .format(dirpath, err))) else: dlg = dialogs.ErrorMessageBox( None, _("Export surface error"), "It was not possible to export the surface because you don't have permission to write to {}:\n{}" .format(dirpath, err)) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() os.remove(temp_file)