def main(): """ Fitting for pmt response to ~spe led pulses """ file_name = sys.argv[1] func_name = sys.argv[2] min_stat = 0 fix_ped = False if len(sys.argv) > 3: use_db_gain_seeds = True if 'true' in sys.argv[3] else False min_stat = int(sys.argv[4]) dats = tb.open_file(file_name, 'r') bins = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_dark_bins) specsD = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_dark).sum(axis=0) specsL = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_spe).sum(axis=0) run_no = get_run_number(dats) sensor_type = SensorType.SIPM if 'sipm' in file_name else SensorType.PMT ffuncs = { 'ngau': speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(n_gaussians=7), 'intgau': speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(min_integral=100), 'dfunc': partial(speR.scaled_dark_pedestal, min_integral=100), 'conv': partial(speR.dark_convolution, min_integral=100) } pOrders = { 'ngau': 'norm err poismu err ped err pedSig err gain err 1peSig err', 'intgau': 'norm err poismu err ped err pedSig err gain err 1peSig err', 'dfunc': 'norm err poismu err gain err 1peSig err', 'conv': 'norm err poismu err gain err 1peSig err' } fnam = { 'ngau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_ngau', 'intgau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_min', 'dfunc': 'scaled_dark_pedestal', 'conv': 'dark_convolution' } ## pOut = open('pmtCalParOut_R'+file_name[-7:-3]+'_F'+func_name+'.dat', 'w') posRunNo = file_name.find('R') pOut = tb.open_file( 'pmtCalParOut_R' + file_name[posRunNo + 1:posRunNo + 5] + '_F' + func_name + '.h5', 'w') param_writer = pIO.channel_param_writer(pOut, sensor_type='pmt', func_name=fnam[func_name], param_names=pIO.generic_params) test_names = ['normalization', 'Pedestal', 'Pedestal_sig'] pTest_writer = pIO.channel_param_writer(pOut, sensor_type='pmt', func_name='Pedestal_gaussian', param_names=test_names, covariance=(3, 3)) outDict = {} testDict = {} for ich, (dspec, lspec) in enumerate(zip(specsD, specsL)): b1 = 0 b2 = len(dspec) if min_stat != 0: valid_bins = np.argwhere(lspec >= min_stat) b1 = valid_bins[0][0] b2 = valid_bins[-1][0] outDict[pIO.generic_params[-2]] = (bins[b1], bins[min(len(bins) - 1, b2)]) ## Fit the dark spectrum with a Gaussian (not really necessary for the conv option) gb0 = [(0, -100, 0), (1e99, 100, 10000)] av, rms = weighted_av_std(bins[dspec > 100], dspec[dspec > 100]) sd0 = (dspec.sum(), av, rms) errs = np.sqrt(dspec[dspec > 100]) errs[errs == 0] = 0.0001 gfitRes =, bins[dspec > 100], dspec[dspec > 100], sd0, sigma=errs, bounds=gb0) outDict[pIO.generic_params[2]] = (gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.errors[1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[3]] = (gfitRes.values[2], gfitRes.errors[2]) testDict[test_names[0]] = (gfitRes.values[0], gfitRes.errors[0]) testDict[test_names[1]] = (gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.errors[1]) testDict[test_names[2]] = (gfitRes.values[2], gfitRes.errors[2]) testDict["covariance"] = gfitRes.cov pTest_writer(ich, testDict) ## Scale just in case we lost a different amount of integrals in dark and led scale = lspec.sum() / dspec.sum() print('Scale check: ', scale) if 'dfunc' in func_name: respF = ffuncs[func_name](dark_spectrum=dspec[b1:b2] * scale, pedestal_mean=gfitRes.values[1], pedestal_sigma=gfitRes.values[2]) elif 'conv' in func_name: respF = ffuncs[func_name](dark_spectrum=dspec[b1:b2] * scale, bins=bins[b1:b2]) elif fix_ped: respF = partial(ffuncs[func_name], pedestal_mean=gfitRes.values[1], pedestal_sigma=gfitRes.values[2]) else: respF = ffuncs[func_name] ped_vals = np.array( [gfitRes.values[0] * scale, gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.values[2]]) dark = dspec[b1:b2] scaler_func = dark_scaler(dark[bins[b1:b2] < 0]) seeds, bounds = seeds_and_bounds(sensor_type, run_no, ich, scaler_func, bins[b1:b2], lspec[b1:b2], ped_vals, 'new', gfitRes.errors, func='dfunc', use_db_gain_seeds=True) ## The fit errs = np.sqrt(lspec[b1:b2]) if not 'gau' in func_name: errs = np.sqrt(errs**2 + np.exp(-2 * seeds[1]) * dspec[b1:b2]) errs[errs == 0] = 1 #0.001 rfit =, bins[b1:b2], lspec[b1:b2], seeds, sigma=errs, bounds=bounds) ## plot the result plt.errorbar(bins, lspec, xerr=0.5 * np.diff(bins)[0], yerr=np.sqrt(lspec), fmt='b.') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], rfit.fn(bins[b1:b2]), 'r') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], respF(bins[b1:b2], *seeds), 'g') plt.title('Spe response fit to channel ' + str(ich)) plt.xlabel('ADC') plt.ylabel('AU') outDict[pIO.generic_params[0]] = (rfit.values[0], rfit.errors[0]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[1]] = (rfit.values[1], rfit.errors[1]) gIndx = 2 if 'gau' in func_name: gIndx = 4 outDict[pIO.generic_params[4]] = (rfit.values[gIndx], rfit.errors[gIndx]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[5]] = (rfit.values[gIndx + 1], rfit.errors[gIndx + 1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[-1]] = (respF.n_gaussians, rfit.chi2) param_writer(ich, outDict) next_plot = input('press enter to move to next fit') if 's' in next_plot: plt.savefig('FitPMTCh' + str(ich) + '.png') plt.clf() plt.close() pOut.close()
def fit_dataset(dataF=None, funcName=None, minStat=None, limitPed=None): """ Check new fit function on SiPM spectra """ global useSavedSeeds, GainSeeds, SigSeeds file_name = dataF func_name = funcName min_stat = minStat limit_ped = limitPed optimise = True if not file_name: optimise = False file_name = sys.argv[1] func_name = sys.argv[2] min_stat = 0 limit_ped = 10000. if len(sys.argv) > 3: useSavedSeeds = True if 'true' in sys.argv[3] else False min_stat = int(sys.argv[4]) limit_ped = int(sys.argv[5]) run_no = file_name[file_name.find('R')+1:file_name.find('R')+5] run_no = int(run_no) chNos = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).SensorID.values if useSavedSeeds: dodgy = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).index[DB.DataSiPM(run_no).Active==0].values GainSeeds = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).adc_to_pes.values SigSeeds = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).Sigma.values ## Give generic values to previously dead or dodgy channels GainSeeds[dodgy] = 15 SigSeeds[dodgy] = 2 sipmIn = tb.open_file(file_name, 'r') ## Bins are the same for dark and light, just use light for now bins = np.array(sipmIn.root.HIST.sipm_spe_bins) ## LED correlated and anticorrelated spectra: specsL = np.array(sipmIn.root.HIST.sipm_spe).sum(axis=0) specsD = np.array(sipmIn.root.HIST.sipm_dark).sum(axis=0) ffuncs = {'ngau':speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(n_gaussians=7), 'intgau':speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(min_integral=100), 'dfunc':partial(speR.scaled_dark_pedestal, min_integral=100), 'conv':partial(speR.dark_convolution, min_integral=100)} ## Loop over the specra: outData = [] outDict = {} llchans = [] if not optimise: fnam = {'ngau':'poisson_scaled_gaussians_ngau', 'intgau':'poisson_scaled_gaussians_min', 'dfunc':'scaled_dark_pedestal', 'conv':'dark_convolution'} pOut = tb.open_file('sipmCalParOut_R'+str(run_no)+'_F'+func_name+'.h5', 'w') param_writer = pIO.channel_param_writer(pOut, sensor_type='sipm', func_name=fnam[func_name], param_names=pIO.generic_params) ## Extra protection since 3065 is weird knownDead = [ 3056, 11009, 12058, 14010, 22028, 22029, 25049 ] specialCheck = [1006, 1007, 3000, 3001, 5010, 7000, 22029, 28056, 28057] for ich, (led, dar) in enumerate(zip(specsL, specsD)): if chNos[ich] in knownDead: outData.append([chNos[ich], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0]) if not optimise: for kname in pIO.generic_params: outDict[kname] = (0, 0) param_writer(chNos[ich], outDict) print('no peaks in dark spectrum, spec ', ich) continue ## Limits for safe fit b1 = 0 b2 = len(dar) if min_stat != 0: valid_bins = np.argwhere(led>=min_stat) b1 = valid_bins[0][0] b2 = valid_bins[-1][0] outDict[pIO.generic_params[-2]] = (bins[b1], bins[min(len(bins)-1, b2)]) # Seed finding pD = find_peaks_cwt(dar, np.arange(2, 20), min_snr=2) if len(pD) == 0: ## Try to salvage in case not a masked channel ## Masked channels have al entries in one bin. if led[led>0].size == 1: outData.append([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) print('no peaks in dark spectrum, spec ', ich) continue else: pD = np.array([dar.argmax()]) ## Fit the dark spectrum with a Gaussian (not really necessary for the conv option) gb0 = [(0, -100, 0), (1e99, 100, 10000)] sd0 = (dar.sum(), 0, 2) errs = np.sqrt(dar[pD[0]-5:pD[0]+5]) errs[errs==0] = 0.1 gfitRes =, bins[pD[0]-5:pD[0]+5], dar[pD[0]-5:pD[0]+5], sd0, sigma=errs, bounds=gb0) outDict[pIO.generic_params[2]] = (gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.errors[1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[3]] = (gfitRes.values[2], gfitRes.errors[2]) ## Scale just in case we lost a different amount of integrals in dark and led ## scale = led.sum() / dar.sum() scale = 1 ## Take into account the scale in seed finding (could affect Poisson mu)???? ped_vals = np.array([gfitRes.values[0] * scale, gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.values[2]]) binR = bins[b1:b2] global darr darr = dar[b1:b2] * scale darr = darr[binR<5] seeds, bounds = seeds_and_bounds(ich, func_name, bins[b1:b2], led[b1:b2], ped_vals, gfitRes.errors, limit_ped) ## Protect low light channels if seeds[1] < 0.2: llchans.append(chNos[ich]) ## Dodgy setting of high charge dark bins to zero dar[bins>gfitRes.values[1] + 3*gfitRes.values[2]] = 0 ## if 'dfunc' in func_name: respF = ffuncs[func_name](dark_spectrum=dar[b1:b2] * scale, pedestal_mean=gfitRes.values[1], pedestal_sigma=gfitRes.values[2]) elif 'conv' in func_name: respF = ffuncs[func_name](dark_spectrum=dar[b1:b2] * scale, bins=bins[b1:b2]) else: respF = ffuncs[func_name] ## The fit errs = np.sqrt(led) if not 'gau' in func_name: errs = np.sqrt(errs**2 + np.exp(-2 * seeds[1]) * dar) errs[errs==0] = 0.001 print('About to fit channel ', chNos[ich]) rfit =, bins[b1:b2], led[b1:b2], seeds, sigma=errs[b1:b2], bounds=bounds) chi = rfit.chi2 ## Attempt to catch bad fits and refit (currently only valid for dfunc and conv) if chi >= 7 or rfit.values[3] >= 2.5 or rfit.values[3] <= 1: ## The offending parameter seems to be the sigma in most cases nseed = rfit.values nseed[3] = 1.7 nbound = [(bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[0][2], 1), (bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], bounds[1][2], 2.5)] rfit =, bins[b1:b2], led[b1:b2], nseed, sigma=errs[b1:b2], bounds=nbound) chi = rfit.chi2 if not optimise: if chNos[ich] in specialCheck or chi >= 10 or rfit.values[2] < 12 or rfit.values[2] > 19 or rfit.values[3] > 3: if chNos[ich] in specialCheck: print('Special check channel '+str(chNos[ich])) print('Channel fit: ', rfit.values, chi) plt.errorbar(bins, led, xerr=0.5*np.diff(bins)[0], yerr=errs, fmt='b.') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], respF(bins[b1:b2], *rfit.values), 'r') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], respF(bins[b1:b2], *seeds), 'g') plt.title('Spe response fit to channel '+str(chNos[ich])) plt.xlabel('ADC') plt.ylabel('AU') outData.append([chNos[ich], rfit.values, rfit.errors, respF.n_gaussians, chi]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[0]] = (rfit.values[0], rfit.errors[0]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[1]] = (rfit.values[1], rfit.errors[1]) gIndx = 2 if 'gau' in func_name: gaIndx = 4 outDict[pIO.generic_params[4]] = (rfit.values[gIndx], rfit.errors[gIndx]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[5]] = (rfit.values[gIndx+1], rfit.errors[gIndx+1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[-1]] = (respF.n_gaussians, rfit.chi2) if not optimise: param_writer(chNos[ich], outDict) ## Couple of plots gainIndx = 2 if 'gau' in func_name: gainIndx = 4 plot_names = ["Gain", "1pe sigma", "Poisson mu", "chi2"] pVals = [np.fromiter((ch[1][gainIndx] for ch in outData), np.float), np.fromiter((ch[1][gainIndx+1] for ch in outData), np.float), np.fromiter((ch[1][1] for ch in outData), np.float), np.fromiter((ch[4] for ch in outData), np.float)] if optimise: sipmIn.close() return pVals pOut.close() #global scalerChis pos_x = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).X.values pos_y = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).Y.values chNos = DB.DataSiPM(run_no).SensorID.values ## vals2D = np.zeros((int((pos_x.max()-pos_x.min())/10)+1, int((pos_y.max()-pos_y.min())/10)+1)) ## print('shape: ', vals2D.shape) ## *_, chis = display_matrix(pos_x, pos_y, pVals[3]) ## Trampa #pVals[3][pVals[3]>10] = 0 plt.scatter(pos_x, pos_y, c=pVals[3]) plt.title("Fit chi^2 map") plt.xlabel("X (mm)") plt.ylabel("Y (mm)") plt.colorbar() #mask = np.argwhere((pVals[2]>=2) & (pVals[2]<8)) #mask = np.argwhere((chNos<9000) | (chNos>=11000)) #plt.scatter(pos_x[mask], pos_y[mask], c=pVals[2][mask]) plt.scatter(pos_x, pos_y, c=pVals[2]) plt.title("Fit poisson mu") plt.xlabel("X (mm)") plt.ylabel("Y (mm)") plt.colorbar() ## fg2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ## p = ax2.pcolor(pos_x, pos_y, scalerChis, cmap=cm.Spectral, vmin=np.abs(scalerChis).min(), vmax=np.abs(scalerChis).max()) ## plt.colorbar(p, ax=ax2) ## #plt.hist(scalerChis, bins=1000) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(20,6)) chiVs = pVals[3] for ax, val, nm in zip(axes.flatten(), pVals, plot_names): ax.hist(val[(chiVs<10) & (chiVs!=0)], bins=100) ax.set_title(nm) input('finished with plots?') print('Low light chans:', llchans)
def main(): """ Fitting for pmt response to ~spe led pulses """ fileName = sys.argv[1] funcName = sys.argv[2] min_stat = 0 limit_ped = 10000. fix_ped = False if len(sys.argv) > 3: min_stat = int(sys.argv[3]) limit_ped = int(sys.argv[4]) if limit_ped == 0: fix_ped = True limit_ped = 10000 dats = tb.open_file(fileName, 'r') bins = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_dark_bins) specsD = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_dark).sum(axis=0) specsL = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmt_spe).sum(axis=0) ## bins = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmtdar_bins) ## specsD = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmtdar).sum(axis=0) ## specsL = np.array(dats.root.HIST.pmtspe).sum(axis=0) #respF = fitf.SensorSpeResponse(bins) #ffuncs = {'ngau':respF.set_gaussians, 'intgau':respF.min_integ_gaussians, 'dfunc': respF.scaled_dark_pedestal, 'conv':respF.dark_convolution} #pOrders = {'ngau':'norm err ped err gain err poismu err pedSig err 1peSig err', 'intgau':'norm err ped err gain err poismu err pedSig err 1peSig err', 'dfunc':'norm err gain err poismu err 1peSig err', 'conv':'norm err gain err poismu err 1peSig err'} ffuncs = { 'ngau': speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(n_gaussians=7), 'intgau': speR.poisson_scaled_gaussians(min_integral=100), 'dfunc': partial(speR.scaled_dark_pedestal, min_integral=100), 'conv': partial(speR.dark_convolution, min_integral=100) } pOrders = { 'ngau': 'norm err poismu err ped err pedSig err gain err 1peSig err', 'intgau': 'norm err poismu err ped err pedSig err gain err 1peSig err', 'dfunc': 'norm err poismu err gain err 1peSig err', 'conv': 'norm err poismu err gain err 1peSig err' } ## Not ideal... fnam = { 'ngau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_ngau', 'intgau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_min', 'dfunc': 'scaled_dark_pedestal', 'conv': 'dark_convolution' } ## pOut = open('pmtCalParOut_R'+fileName[-7:-3]+'_F'+funcName+'.dat', 'w') posRunNo = fileName.find('R') pOut = tb.open_file( 'pmtCalParOut_R' + fileName[posRunNo + 1:posRunNo + 5] + '_F' + funcName + '.h5', 'w') ## pOut.write('InputFile: '+fileName+'\n') ## pOut.write('FuncName: '+funcName+'\n') ## pOut.write('Minimum stats: '+str(min_stat)+'\n') ## pOut.write('Pedestal nsig limits: +/-'+str(limit_ped)+'\n') ## pOut.write('\n \n') ## pOut.write('Parameter order: '+pOrders[funcName]+'\n') param_writer = pIO.channel_param_writer(pOut, sensor_type='pmt', func_name=fnam[funcName], param_names=pIO.generic_params) test_names = ['normalization', 'Pedestal', 'Pedestal_sig'] pTest_writer = pIO.channel_param_writer(pOut, sensor_type='pmt', func_name='Pedestal_gaussian', param_names=test_names, covariance=(3, 3)) outDict = {} testDict = {} for i, (dspec, lspec) in enumerate(zip(specsD, specsL)): b1 = 0 b2 = len(dspec) if min_stat != 0: valid_bins = np.argwhere(lspec >= min_stat) b1 = valid_bins[0][0] b2 = valid_bins[-1][0] outDict[pIO.generic_params[-2]] = (bins[b1], bins[min(len(bins) - 1, b2)]) ## Fit the dark spectrum with a Gaussian (not really necessary for the conv option) gb0 = [(0, -100, 0), (1e99, 100, 10000)] av, rms = weighted_av_std(bins[dspec > 100], dspec[dspec > 100]) sd0 = (dspec.sum(), av, rms) errs = np.sqrt(dspec[dspec > 100]) errs[errs == 0] = 0.0001 gfitRes =, bins[dspec > 100], dspec[dspec > 100], sd0, sigma=errs, bounds=gb0) outDict[pIO.generic_params[2]] = (gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.errors[1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[3]] = (gfitRes.values[2], gfitRes.errors[2]) testDict[test_names[0]] = (gfitRes.values[0], gfitRes.errors[0]) testDict[test_names[1]] = (gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.errors[1]) testDict[test_names[2]] = (gfitRes.values[2], gfitRes.errors[2]) testDict["covariance"] = gfitRes.cov pTest_writer(i, testDict) ## Scale just in case we lost a different amount of integrals in dark and led scale = lspec.sum() / dspec.sum() #print('Scale check: ', scale) #respF.set_dark_func(dspec[b1:b2], cent=gfitRes.values[1], sig=gfitRes.values[2], scale=scale) #respF.redefine_bins(bins[b1:b2]) if 'dfunc' in funcName: respF = ffuncs[funcName](dark_spectrum=dspec[b1:b2] * scale, pedestal_mean=gfitRes.values[1], pedestal_sigma=gfitRes.values[2]) elif 'conv' in funcName: respF = ffuncs[funcName](dark_spectrum=dspec[b1:b2] * scale, bins=bins[b1:b2]) elif fix_ped: respF = partial(ffuncs[funcName], pedestal_mean=gfitRes.values[1], pedestal_sigma=gfitRes.values[2]) else: respF = ffuncs[funcName] ## Take into account the scale in seed finding (could affect Poisson mu)???? ped_vals = np.array( [gfitRes.values[0] * scale, gfitRes.values[1], gfitRes.values[2]]) binR = bins[b1:b2] global darr darr = dspec[b1:b2] * scale darr = darr[binR < 0] seeds, bounds = seeds_and_bounds(i, funcName, bins[b1:b2], lspec[b1:b2], ped_vals, gfitRes.errors, limit_ped) print(seeds) #print(bounds) ## The fit errs = np.sqrt(lspec[b1:b2]) if not 'gau' in funcName: errs = np.sqrt(errs**2 + np.exp(-2 * seeds[1]) * dspec[b1:b2]) errs[errs == 0] = 1 #0.001 ## rfit =[funcName], bins[b1:b2], lspec[b1:b2], seeds, sigma=errs, bounds=bounds) rfit =, bins[b1:b2], lspec[b1:b2], seeds, sigma=errs, bounds=bounds) ## plot the result plt.errorbar(bins, lspec, xerr=0.5 * np.diff(bins)[0], yerr=np.sqrt(lspec), fmt='b.') ## plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], rfit.fn(bins[b1:b2]), 'r') ## plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], ffuncs[funcName](bins[b1:b2], *seeds), 'g') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], rfit.fn(bins[b1:b2]), 'r') plt.plot(bins[b1:b2], respF(bins[b1:b2], *seeds), 'g') plt.title('Spe response fit to channel ' + str(i)) plt.xlabel('ADC') plt.ylabel('AU') #print('Sensor index: ', i) #print('Fit values: ', rfit.values) #print('Fit errors: ', rfit.errors) ## print('Number of Gaussians: ', respF.nGau) #print('Number of Gaussians: ', respF.n_gaussians) #print('Fit chi2: ', rfit.chi2) ## pOut.write('Indx: '+str(i)+', params: '+str(np.vstack((rfit.values, rfit.errors)).reshape((-1,), order='F'))+', ngaus = '+str(respF.nGau)+', chi2 = '+str(rfit.chi2)+'\n') ##pOut.write('Indx: '+str(i)+', params: '+str(np.vstack((rfit.values, rfit.errors)).reshape((-1,), order='F'))+', ngaus = '+str(respF.n_gaussians)+', chi2 = '+str(rfit.chi2)+'\n') outDict[pIO.generic_params[0]] = (rfit.values[0], rfit.errors[0]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[1]] = (rfit.values[1], rfit.errors[1]) gIndx = 2 if 'gau' in funcName: gIndx = 4 outDict[pIO.generic_params[4]] = (rfit.values[gIndx], rfit.errors[gIndx]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[5]] = (rfit.values[gIndx + 1], rfit.errors[gIndx + 1]) outDict[pIO.generic_params[-1]] = (respF.n_gaussians, rfit.chi2) param_writer(i, outDict) next_plot = input('press enter to move to next fit') if 's' in next_plot: plt.savefig('FitPMTCh' + str(i) + '.png') plt.clf() plt.close() pOut.close()
} ## Loop over the spectra: outData = [] outDict = {} llchans = [] fnam = { 'ngau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_ngau', 'intgau': 'poisson_scaled_gaussians_min', 'dfunc': 'scaled_dark_pedestal', 'conv': 'dark_convolution' } out_file = tb.open_file( 'sipmCalParOut_R' + str(run_no) + '_F' + func_name + '_scale1.5.h5', 'w') param_writer = cpio.channel_param_writer(out_file, sensor_type='sipm', func_name=fnam[func_name], param_names=cpio.generic_params) knownDead = [] specialCheck = [16028] if black_box: init_sns = 192 detector = 'Black Box' else: init_sns = 0 detector = 'DEMO++' for ich, led, dar in zip(range(init_sns, len(lspecs)), lspecs[init_sns:], dspecs[init_sns:]): if channs[ich] in knownDead: