コード例 #1
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: GreenfishK/rdflib
class BytesIOWrapper(BufferedIOBase):
    __slots__ = ("wrapped", "encoded", "encoding")

    def __init__(self, wrapped: str, encoding="utf-8"):
        super(BytesIOWrapper, self).__init__()
        self.wrapped = wrapped
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.encoded = None

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.encoded is None:
            b, blen = codecs.getencoder(self.encoding)(self.wrapped)
            self.encoded = BytesIO(b)
        return self.encoded.read(*args, **kwargs)

    def read1(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.encoded is None:
            b = codecs.getencoder(self.encoding)(self.wrapped)
            self.encoded = BytesIO(b)
        return self.encoded.read1(*args, **kwargs)

    def readinto(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def readinto1(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()
コード例 #2
def initialize_vm(bytecode: io.BytesIO) -> VmState:
    """Init vm state with given bytecode.

    :param bytecode: Bytecode
    :type bytecode: io.BytesIO

    :return: Initialized VmState
    :rtype: VmState
    code_size = len(bytecode.read1())

    vm_state = VmState(vm_code_buffer=bytecode)

    # Prefetch all labels

    while vm_state.vm_code_pointer < code_size:

        bcode = vm_state.vm_code_buffer.read1(2)
        opcode = struct.unpack('=h', bcode)[0]


        vm_state = VM_LABEL_FUNC[opcode](vm_state)

    vm_state.vm_code_pointer = 0

    return vm_state
コード例 #3
ファイル: write_gtc.py プロジェクト: tbrunetti/GThaCk
def write_gtc(data, handle):
    logger.debug('In sub-method of write_gtc.py, write_gtc(data, handle)')

    num_entries = len(data)
    offset = 8 + num_entries * 6

    buffer = BytesIO()
    for toc_id in data:
        # write the toc ID

        # write the data into the buffer
        if toc_id in list_types:
            handle.write(handle_int(offset + buffer.tell()))
            for element in data[toc_id]:
            if toc2handler[toc_id] == handle_int:
                handle.write(handle_int(offset + buffer.tell()))
コード例 #4
 def test_nameRoundTrip(self):
     Encoding and then parsing the object.
     for n in self.names:
         f = BytesIO()
         f.seek(0, 0)
         self.assertEqual(self.parser.name().name, n)
コード例 #5
 def _recordRoundtripTest(self, record, name, ttl=None):
     Assert that encoding C{record} and then parsing the resulting bytes
     creates a record which compares equal to C{record}.
     stream = BytesIO()
     length = stream.tell()
     stream.seek(0, 0)
     data = stream.read1(-1)
     self.assertEqual(record, getattr(self.parser, 'payload')(name, ttl, length))
コード例 #6
 def test_queryRoundTrip(self):
     Encoding and then parsing the object.
     for n in self.names:
         for dnstype in range(1, 17):
             for dnscls in range(1, 5):
                 f = BytesIO()
                 dns.Query(n, dnstype, dnscls).encode(f)
                 f.seek(0, 0)
                 query = self.parser.query()
                 self.assertEqual(query.name.name, n)
                 self.assertEqual(query.type, dnstype)
                 self.assertEqual(query.cls, dnscls)
コード例 #7
 def test_NULLRecordMessage(self):
     A I{NULL} record with an arbitrary payload can be encoded and parsed as
     part of a L{dns.Message}.
     bytes = b''.join([dns._ord2bytes(i) for i in range(256)])
     rec = dns.Record_NULL(bytes)
     rr = dns.RRHeader(b'testname', dns.NULL, payload=rec)
     msg1 = dns.Message()
     s = BytesIO()
     s.seek(0, 0)
     msg2 = self.parser.message()
     self.failUnless(isinstance(msg2.answers[0].payload, dns.Record_NULL))
     self.assertEqual(msg2.answers[0].payload.payload, bytes)
コード例 #8
    def is_stl(cls, buffer):
        # This is pretty much impossible to know for sure,
        # but I guess we'll give it a
            stream = BytesIO(buffer)
            start = stream.read(5)

            # The only consistent thing in text STL files is the string
            # 'solid' at the beginning, so if that's there, assume we have
            # a valid ASCII STL.
            # Also, any files served from Wikimedia's Swift loader will have
            # this string at the beginning for sure. Hacky, but it works.
            if start == 'solid':
                return True

            # Now we either have a non-STL, or we have a binary STL file.
            # There is literally no consistent way to tell whether a binary
            # file is actually an STL file, but the header is 80 bytes...

            # ...and then there's 4 bytes that indicate how many triangles are
            # present in the file...
            triangles = stream.read(4)

            if len(triangles) < 4:
                return False

            triangles = struct.unpack("<L", triangles)[0]

            # ...so there should be exactly that number, times 386 (the number
            # of bytes in each triangle), left in the file...
            remainder = stream.read(triangles * 386)

            # ...so if we got at east that many bytes...
            if len(remainder) == triangles * 386:
                # ...and there aren't any extras...
                extra = stream.read1(1)
                if len(extra) == 0:
                    # ...this is as close to a golden STL file check as we're
                    # going to get.
                    return True
        except IndexError:

        return False
コード例 #9
    def test_NAPTR(self):
        naptrs = [
            (100, 10, b"u", b"sip+E2U",
             b"!^.*$!sip:[email protected]!", b""),
            (100, 50, b"s", b"http+I2L+I2C+I2R",
             b"", b"_http._tcp.gatech.edu")]

        for (order, preference, flags, service, regexp, replacement) in naptrs:
            rin = dns.Record_NAPTR(order, preference, flags, service, regexp,
            e = BytesIO()
            length = e.tell()
            e.seek(0, 0)
            rout = getattr(self.parser, 'payload')('NAPTR', None, length)
            self.assertEqual(rin.order, rout.order)
            self.assertEqual(rin.preference, rout.preference)
            self.assertEqual(rin.flags, rout.flags)
            self.assertEqual(rin.service, rout.service)
            self.assertEqual(rin.regexp, rout.regexp)
            self.assertEqual(rin.replacement.name, rout.replacement.name)
            self.assertEqual(rin.ttl, rout.ttl)
コード例 #10
class VerifiableStream(BinaryIO):
    """A binary stream whose contents can be verified to not have changed.

    The stream does not accept a HMAC key, but generates it randomly as a nonce. While unusual,
    this is intentional -- these streams are meant to be used as part of model serialization,
    where their nonces and HMAC codes are stored in a cryptographically signed metadata file.
    In other words, the HMAC simply ensures that stream's data has not changed, and does not
    guarantee the data's origin -- that's the metadata signature's job.

    The stream is meant to be used in the following sequence:
        - instantiate the stream
        - write all data to the stream (the stream is not readable yet!)
        - call "finalize()" on the stream, saving the returned nonce and HMAC code
        - read data from the stream (the stream is not writable any more!)
    def __init__(self):
        """Create a new VerifiableStream with a random nonce."""
        self._finalized = False
        self._random_nonce = os.urandom(
            16)  # this is bytes, be careful trying to add strings to it
        self._underlying_stream = BytesIO()
        self._hmac_state = hmac.new(self._random_nonce, digestmod=HASHER)

    def _ensure_finalized(self):
        """Raise an error if the stream has not already been finalized."""
        if not self._finalized:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Expected the stream to be finalized, but it was not!")

    def _ensure_not_finalized(self):
        """Raise an error if the stream has already been finalized."""
        if self._finalized:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Expected the stream to not be finalized, but it was!")

    def finalize(self):
        """Calculate the HMAC code for the stream, disable writing and enable reading.

            tuple (nonce, HMAC code)  (both of type string)

        self._finalized = True

        nonce_string = _convert_base64_bytes_to_string(self._random_nonce)
        hmac_string = _convert_base64_bytes_to_string(

        return nonce_string, hmac_string

    # methods for writing require that the stream not be finalized
    def writable(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the stream is writable, and False otherwise."""
        if self._finalized:
            return False
            return self._underlying_stream.writable()

    def write(self, b: bytes) -> int:
        """Write the given binary data to the stream, and include it in the HMAC calculation."""
        num_bytes = self._underlying_stream.write(b)
        return num_bytes

    def writelines(self, lines: Iterable[bytes]) -> None:
        """Write lines to a stream"""
        )  # technically done by `write` but doesn't hurt to be safe
        for line in lines:
        return None

    # methods for reading require that the stream is finalized
    def readable(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the stream is readable, and False otherwise."""
        if self._finalized:
            return self._underlying_stream.readable()
            return False

    def read(self, size=None) -> bytes:
        """Read bytes from stream"""
        return self._underlying_stream.read(size)

    def readall(self) -> bytes:
        """Read lines from stream"""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "`VerifiablStream` does not implement `readall` since the underlying BtytesIO does not "
            "implement it.")

    def readline(self, size=None) -> bytes:
        """Read a line from stream"""
        return self._underlying_stream.readline(size)

    def readlines(self, size=None) -> List[bytes]:
        """Read lines from stream"""
        return self._underlying_stream.readlines(size)

    def read1(self, size) -> bytes:
        """Read bytes from stream"""
        return self._underlying_stream.read1(size)

    def readinto(self, b) -> Optional[int]:
        """Read bytes into another buffer"""
        return self._underlying_stream.readinto(b)

    def readinto1(self, b) -> Optional[int]:
        """Read bytes into another buffer"""
        return self._underlying_stream.readinto1(b)

    # seeking requires a finalized stream
    def seekable(self):
        """Return True if the read pointer in the stream can be moved, and False otherwise."""
        if self._finalized:
            return self._underlying_stream.seekable()
            return False

    def seek(self, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
        """Seek to a new position. Return the new position"""
        return self._underlying_stream.seek(*args, **kwargs)

    def truncate(self, size: Optional[int] = ...) -> None:
        """Truncate the stream"""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "`VerifiableStream` does not support truncation. It is too "
            "complicated to keep track of the hmac digests")

    def close(self):
        """Close the stream, discarding its data. Will raise an error if not finalized yet."""
        if self._finalized:
            return self._underlying_stream.close()
            raise AssertionError(
                "Attempting to close an unfinalized VerifiableStream. This is "
                "almost certainly a bug.")

    # a bunch of attributes/methods that are always accessible
    def isatty(self) -> bool:
        """Determine whether this is a terminal"""
        return self._underlying_stream.isatty()

    def closed(self) -> bool:
        """Determine whether the stream is closed"""
        return self._underlying_stream.closed

    def fileno(self) -> int:
        """Return the underlying file descriptor"""
        # this will technically raise UnsuportedOperation, but better to let BytesIO do that
        return self._underlying_stream.fileno()

    def mode(self) -> str:
        """Return the underlying file descriptor"""
        # this doesn't exist for the underlying stream
        raise AssertionError(
            "`VerifiableStream` does not have a mode. This is probably a bug in "
            "something assuming that the stream is a backed by a file")

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Return the underlying file descriptor"""
        # this doesn't exist for the underlying stream
        raise AssertionError(
            "`VerifiableStream` does not have a name. This is probably a bug in "
            "something assuming the stream is a file descriptor")

    def flush(self) -> None:
        """Flush the underlying stream"""
        # this technically does nothing in BytesIO
        return self._underlying_stream.flush()

    def tell(self) -> int:
        """Tell the current position"""
        return self._underlying_stream.tell()

    # context manager methods
    def __enter__(self) -> "VerifiableStream":
        return self

    def __exit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> bool:
        return self._underlying_stream.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
コード例 #11
ファイル: parsers.py プロジェクト: enceladus-rex/webauthn-rp
def _read_bytes(bio: io.BytesIO, n: int) -> bytes:
    x = bio.read1(n)
    if len(x) != n:
        raise EOFError('Unexpected number of bytes read')
    return x