コード例 #1
ファイル: journal_processer.py プロジェクト: nkchenz/ideerfs
class JournalProcesser(Processer):
    """Journal, start from id 0, and rollover every 300s, dir is the path to
    save journal files"""

    def __init__(self, dir):
        self.db = FileDB(dir)
        self.record_id = 0
        self.journal_id = 0
        self.rollover = False

        info('Open new journal')

    def rollover_handler(self):
        self.rollover = True

    def start(self):
        info('Starting journal rollover Timer')
        Timer(300, self.rollover_handler).start()

    def open_journal(self, id):
        self.journal = open(self.get_journal_path(id), 'a+')
        # Save the journal id, we can safely checkpoint or compact journals older than it
        self.db.store(id, 'journal_id')

    def get_journal_path(self, id):
        return self.db.getpath('journal.%d' % id)

    def processing(self, response):
        """ Journal the request operation of response
        # Rollover by journal size?
        if self.record_id % 10000 == 0:
        if self.rollover:
            debug('Rolling over journal.%d', self.journal_id)
            self.journal.close() # Close old file
            self.journal_id += 1 # Increase id
            self.open_journal(self.journal_id) # Open new file
            self.rollover = False

        if 'error' not in response: # If error happens, do not journal
            req = response._req
            self.journal.write(str(req) + '\n')
            self.journal.flush()#Make sure all journals are written to the disk
            self.record_id += 1
        return response # Ready to send reponse back 
コード例 #2
ファイル: journal_processer.py プロジェクト: nkchenz/ideerfs
    def __init__(self, dir):
        self.db = FileDB(dir)
        self.record_id = 0
        self.journal_id = 0
        self.rollover = False

        info('Open new journal')
コード例 #3
ファイル: checkpointd.py プロジェクト: nkchenz/ideerfs
 def __init__(self, dir):
     self.db = FileDB(dir)
     self.last_cp_file = 'last_cp'
コード例 #4
ファイル: checkpointd.py プロジェクト: nkchenz/ideerfs
class CheckPointD:
    """CheckPoint Processer"""

    def __init__(self, dir):
        self.db = FileDB(dir)
        self.last_cp_file = 'last_cp'

    def start(self):
        self.do_CP(True) # Do a initial CP
        info('Start checkpoint thread')
        thread.start_new_thread(self.mainloop, ())

    def mainloop(self):
        """Checkpoint thread"""
        while True:

    def get_cp_name(self):
        return 'cp.%s' % time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

    def get_journal_name(self, id):
        return 'journal.%d' % id

    def load_cp(self):
        return self.db.load(self.last_cp_file, compress = True)

    def save_cp(self, cp):
        f = self.get_cp_name()
        info('Creating new CP %s', f)
        self.db.store(cp, f, compress = True)
        self.db.link(f, self.last_cp_file, True)

    def do_CP(self, commit_all = False):
        """If last_cp doesn't exist, try to replay the remain journals. If no
        journals are found, do nothing. If there are replayed journals, create
        a CP and remove the journals.

        Should we raise exception when last_cp is missing?

        journal_id = self.db.load('journal_id') # The journal which might being written currently
        if journal_id is None: # It's possible that id is 0. Becareful!!!
            return # All clean, Nothing to replay

        # Load meta image from last_cp
        old_cp = self.load_cp()

        # Whether to replay the last journal
        if commit_all:
            journal_id += 1

        # Figure out next journal to checkpoint
        if old_cp:
            next = old_cp.committed_journal_id + 1
            next = 0
        if next >= journal_id:
            return # Nothing to do

        # Replay  journals
        for jid in range(next, journal_id):

        # Save new cp and name link
        new_cp = self.handler._store_image()
        new_cp.committed_journal_id = jid
        if commit_all:
            new_cp.committed_journal_id = -1
        # Delete old journal files
        for jid in range(next, journal_id):

    def replay(self, id):
        name = self.get_journal_name(id)
        f = self.db.getpath(name)
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            raise IOError('%s missing' % f)
        info('Replaying %s', name)
        fp = open(f, 'r')
        for line in fp.readlines():
            req = OODict(eval(line))
            service, method = req.method.split('.')
            getattr(self.handler, method)(req)