def __init__(self): """ Variables to track communication frequency for debugging """ self.summer = 0 self.samp = 0 self.avg_freq = 0.0 self.start_frequency_samp = False self.need_to_terminate = False self.flush_rcvd_data = True self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = """ Make sure we have a valid platform """ self.platform = rospy.get_param('~platform', None) if not (self.platform in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS): rospy.logerr("Platform defined is not supported: %s", self.platform) return """ The 440 platforms use the same drivers but different URDF """ pattern = re.compile("RMP_440") if not (None == self.platform = "RMP_440" """ Initialize the publishers for RMP """ self.rmp_data = RMP_DATA() """ Initialize faultlog related items """ self.is_init = True self.extracting_faultlog = False """ Initialize the dynamic reconfigure server for RMP """ self.param_server_initialized = False self.dyn_reconfigure_srv = Server(segwayConfig, self._dyn_reconfig_callback) """ Wait for the parameter server to set the configs and then set the IP address from that. Note that this must be the current ethernet settings of the platform. If you want to change it set the ethernet settings at launch to the current ethernet settings, power up, change them, power down, set the the ethernet settings at launch to the new ones and relaunch """ r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == self.param_server_initialized): r.sleep() if (False == self.param_server_initialized): rospy.logerr( "Parameter server not found, you must pass an initial yaml in the launch! exiting..." ) return """ Create the thread to run RMP communication """ interface = rospy.get_param('~interface', 'eth') self.tx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() self.rx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() if ('eth' == interface): self.comm = IoEthThread((os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_ADDRESS'], int(os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_PORT_NUM'])), self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) elif ('usb' == interface): self.comm = IoUsbThread('ttyACM0', self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) if (False == self.comm.link_up): rospy.logerr("Could not open socket for RMP...") self.comm.close() return """ Initialize the publishers and subscribers for the node """ self.faultlog_pub = rospy.Publisher('/segway/feedback/faultlog', Faultlog, queue_size=10, latch=True) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/cmd_vel", Twist, self._add_motion_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/gp_command", ConfigCmd, self._add_config_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_updates", Config, self._update_move_base_params) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/parameter_updates", Config, self._update_move_base_params) """ Start the receive handler thread """ self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock() self.last_rsp_rcvd = self._rcv_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run) self._rcv_thread.start() """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Stopping the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(False)): rospy.logerr("Could not stop RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return """ Extract the faultlog at startup """ self.flush_rcvd_data = False rospy.loginfo("Extracting the faultlog") self.extracting_faultlog = True if (False == self._extract_faultlog()): rospy.logerr("Could not get retrieve RMP faultlog") self.__del__() return """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Starting the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(True)): rospy.logerr("Could not start RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return self.start_frequency_samp = True """ Ensure that the platform is the right one, we don't want to allow the wrong platform because some things depend on knowing which platform is operating """ if (self.platform != PLATFORM_IDS[( self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)]): rospy.logerr( "Platform ID is not correct!!! Platform reports %(1)s, user set %(2)s..." % { "1": PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)], "2": self.platform }) self.__del__() return """ Force the configuration to update the first time to ensure that the variables are set to the correct values on the machine """ if (False == self._initial_param_force_update()): rospy.logerr( "Initial configuration parameteters my not be valid, please check them in the yaml file" ) rospy.logerr( "The ethernet address must be set to the present address at startup, to change it:" ) rospy.logerr( "start the machine; change the address using rqt_reconfigure; shutdown; update the yaml and restart" ) self.__del__() return rospy.loginfo("Segway Driver is up and running") """ Indicate the driver is up with motor audio """ cmds = [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_AUDIO_COMMAND, MOTOR_AUDIO_PLAY_EXIT_ALARM_SONG ] ] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds)
def __init__(self): """ Variables to track communication frequency for debugging """ self.summer=0 self.samp = 0 self.avg_freq = 0.0 self.start_frequency_samp = False self.need_to_terminate = False self.flush_rcvd_data=True self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = """ Make sure we have a valid platform """ self.platform = rospy.get_param('~platform',None) if not (self.platform in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS): rospy.logerr("Platform defined is not supported: %s",self.platform) return """ The 440 platforms use the same drivers but different URDF """ pattern = re.compile("RMP_440") if not (None == self.platform = "RMP_440" """ Initialize the publishers for RMP """ self.rmp_data = RMP_DATA() """ Initialize faultlog related items """ self.is_init = True self.extracting_faultlog = False """ Initialize the dynamic reconfigure server for RMP """ self.param_server_initialized = False self.dyn_reconfigure_srv = Server(segwayConfig, self._dyn_reconfig_callback) """ Wait for the parameter server to set the configs and then set the IP address from that. Note that this must be the current ethernet settings of the platform. If you want to change it set the ethernet settings at launch to the current ethernet settings, power up, change them, power down, set the the ethernet settings at launch to the new ones and relaunch """ r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == self.param_server_initialized): r.sleep() if (False == self.param_server_initialized): rospy.logerr("Parameter server not found, you must pass an initial yaml in the launch! exiting...") return """ Create the thread to run RMP communication """ interface = rospy.get_param('~interface','eth') self.tx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() self.rx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() if ('eth' == interface): self.comm = IoEthThread((os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_ADDRESS'],int(os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_PORT_NUM'])), self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) elif ('usb' == interface): self.comm = IoUsbThread('ttyACM0', self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) if (False == self.comm.link_up): rospy.logerr("Could not open socket for RMP...") self.comm.close() return """ Initialize the publishers and subscribers for the node """ self.faultlog_pub = rospy.Publisher('/segway/feedback/faultlog', Faultlog, queue_size=10,latch=True) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/cmd_vel", Twist, self._add_motion_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/gp_command",ConfigCmd,self._add_config_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_updates",Config,self._update_move_base_params) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/parameter_updates",Config,self._update_move_base_params) """ Start the receive handler thread """ self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock() self.last_rsp_rcvd = self._rcv_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._run) self._rcv_thread.start() """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Stopping the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(False)): rospy.logerr("Could not stop RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return """ Extract the faultlog at startup """ self.flush_rcvd_data=False rospy.loginfo("Extracting the faultlog") self.extracting_faultlog = True if (False == self._extract_faultlog()): rospy.logerr("Could not get retrieve RMP faultlog") self.__del__() return """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Starting the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(True)): rospy.logerr("Could not start RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return self.start_frequency_samp = True """ Ensure that the platform is the right one, we don't want to allow the wrong platform because some things depend on knowing which platform is operating """ if (self.platform != PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)]): rospy.logerr("Platform ID is not correct!!! Platform reports %(1)s, user set %(2)s..."%{"1":PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)],"2":self.platform} ) self.__del__() return """ Force the configuration to update the first time to ensure that the variables are set to the correct values on the machine """ if (False == self._initial_param_force_update()): rospy.logerr("Initial configuration parameteters my not be valid, please check them in the yaml file") rospy.logerr("The ethernet address must be set to the present address at startup, to change it:") rospy.logerr("start the machine; change the address using rqt_reconfigure; shutdown; update the yaml and restart") self.__del__() return rospy.loginfo("Segway Driver is up and running") """ Indicate the driver is up with motor audio """ cmds = [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID,[GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_AUDIO_COMMAND,MOTOR_AUDIO_PLAY_EXIT_ALARM_SONG]] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds)
class SegwayDriver: def __init__(self): """ Variables to track communication frequency for debugging """ self.summer = 0 self.samp = 0 self.avg_freq = 0.0 self.start_frequency_samp = False self.need_to_terminate = False self.flush_rcvd_data = True self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = """ Make sure we have a valid platform """ self.platform = rospy.get_param('~platform', None) if not (self.platform in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS): rospy.logerr("Platform defined is not supported: %s", self.platform) return """ The 440 platforms use the same drivers but different URDF """ pattern = re.compile("RMP_440") if not (None == self.platform = "RMP_440" """ Initialize the publishers for RMP """ self.rmp_data = RMP_DATA() """ Initialize faultlog related items """ self.is_init = True self.extracting_faultlog = False """ Initialize the dynamic reconfigure server for RMP """ self.param_server_initialized = False self.dyn_reconfigure_srv = Server(segwayConfig, self._dyn_reconfig_callback) """ Wait for the parameter server to set the configs and then set the IP address from that. Note that this must be the current ethernet settings of the platform. If you want to change it set the ethernet settings at launch to the current ethernet settings, power up, change them, power down, set the the ethernet settings at launch to the new ones and relaunch """ r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == self.param_server_initialized): r.sleep() if (False == self.param_server_initialized): rospy.logerr( "Parameter server not found, you must pass an initial yaml in the launch! exiting..." ) return """ Create the thread to run RMP communication """ interface = rospy.get_param('~interface', 'eth') self.tx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() self.rx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() if ('eth' == interface): self.comm = IoEthThread((os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_ADDRESS'], int(os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_PORT_NUM'])), self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) elif ('usb' == interface): self.comm = IoUsbThread('ttyACM0', self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) if (False == self.comm.link_up): rospy.logerr("Could not open socket for RMP...") self.comm.close() return """ Initialize the publishers and subscribers for the node """ self.faultlog_pub = rospy.Publisher('/segway/feedback/faultlog', Faultlog, queue_size=10, latch=True) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/cmd_vel", Twist, self._add_motion_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/gp_command", ConfigCmd, self._add_config_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_updates", Config, self._update_move_base_params) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/parameter_updates", Config, self._update_move_base_params) """ Start the receive handler thread """ self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock() self.last_rsp_rcvd = self._rcv_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run) self._rcv_thread.start() """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Stopping the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(False)): rospy.logerr("Could not stop RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return """ Extract the faultlog at startup """ self.flush_rcvd_data = False rospy.loginfo("Extracting the faultlog") self.extracting_faultlog = True if (False == self._extract_faultlog()): rospy.logerr("Could not get retrieve RMP faultlog") self.__del__() return """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Starting the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(True)): rospy.logerr("Could not start RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return self.start_frequency_samp = True """ Ensure that the platform is the right one, we don't want to allow the wrong platform because some things depend on knowing which platform is operating """ if (self.platform != PLATFORM_IDS[( self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)]): rospy.logerr( "Platform ID is not correct!!! Platform reports %(1)s, user set %(2)s..." % { "1": PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)], "2": self.platform }) self.__del__() return """ Force the configuration to update the first time to ensure that the variables are set to the correct values on the machine """ if (False == self._initial_param_force_update()): rospy.logerr( "Initial configuration parameteters my not be valid, please check them in the yaml file" ) rospy.logerr( "The ethernet address must be set to the present address at startup, to change it:" ) rospy.logerr( "start the machine; change the address using rqt_reconfigure; shutdown; update the yaml and restart" ) self.__del__() return rospy.loginfo("Segway Driver is up and running") """ Indicate the driver is up with motor audio """ cmds = [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_AUDIO_COMMAND, MOTOR_AUDIO_PLAY_EXIT_ALARM_SONG ] ] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) def __del__(self): rospy.logerr( "Segway Driver has called the __del__ method, terminating") with self.terminate_mutex: self.need_to_terminate = True assert (self._rcv_thread) self._rcv_thread.join() def _run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): with self.terminate_mutex: if (self.need_to_terminate): break """ Run until signaled to stop Perform the actions defined based on the flags passed out """ result =[self.rx_queue_._reader], [], [], 0.5) if len(result[0]) > 0: try: data = result[0][0].recv() self._handle_rsp(data) except: rospy.logdebug("select did not return interface data") self.comm.Close() self.tx_queue_.close() self.rx_queue_.close() def _add_command_to_queue(self, command): """ Create a byte array with the CRC from the command """ cmd_bytes = generate_cmd_bytes(command) """ Send it """ self.tx_queue_.put(cmd_bytes) def _update_rcv_frq(self): if (True == self.start_frequency_samp): self.samp += 1 self.summer += 1.0 / ( - self.last_rsp_rcvd) self.avg_freq = self.summer / self.samp self.last_rsp_rcvd = def _handle_rsp(self, data_bytes): self._update_rcv_frq() if (True == self.flush_rcvd_data): return valid_data, rsp_data = validate_response(data_bytes) if (False == valid_data): rospy.logerr("bad RMP packet") return if (self.extracting_faultlog): if (len(rsp_data) == NUMBER_OF_FAULTLOG_WORDS): self.extracting_faultlog = False faultlog_msg = Faultlog() = rsp_data self.faultlog_pub.publish(faultlog_msg) elif (len(rsp_data) == NUMBER_OF_RMP_RSP_WORDS): self.rmp_data.status.parse( rsp_data[START_STATUS_BLOCK:END_STATUS_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.auxiliary_power.parse( rsp_data[START_AUX_POWER_BLOCK:END_AUX_POWER_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.propulsion.parse(rsp_data[ START_PROPULSION_POWER_BLOCK:END_PROPULSION_POWER_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.dynamics.parse( rsp_data[START_DYNAMICS_BLOCK:END_DYNAMICS_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.config_param.parse( rsp_data[START_CONFIG_BLOCK:END_CONFIG_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.imu.parse_data( rsp_data[START_IMU_BLOCK:END_IMU_BLOCK]) rospy.logdebug("feedback received from rmp") def _add_motion_command_to_queue(self, command): """ Add the command to the queue, platform does command limiting and mapping """ cmds = [ MOTION_CMD_ID, [ convert_float_to_u32(command.linear.x), convert_float_to_u32(command.linear.y), convert_float_to_u32(command.angular.z) ] ] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) def _add_config_command_to_queue(self, command): try: cmds = [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [command_ids[command.gp_cmd], command.gp_param] ] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) except: rospy.logerr("Config param failed, it is probably not known") return def _dyn_reconfig_callback(self, config, level): """ The first time through we want to ignore the values because they are just defaults from the ROS parameter server which has no knowledge of the platform being used """ if (True == self.is_init): self.is_init = False return config """ Create the configuration bitmap from the appropriate variables """ config_bitmap = ( ((config.enable_audio ^ 1) << AUDIO_SILENCE_REQUEST_SHIFT) | ((config.motion_while_charging ^ 1) << DISABLE_AC_PRESENT_CSI_SHIFT) | (config.balace_gains << BALANCE_GAIN_SCHEDULE_SHIFT) | (config.balance_mode_enabled << BALANCE_MODE_LOCKOUT_SHIFT) | (config.vel_ctl_input_filter << VEL_CTL_FILTER_SHIFT) | (config.yaw_ctl_input_filter << YAW_CTL_FILTER_SHIFT)) """ Define the configuration parameters for all the platforms """ self.valid_config_cmd = [ LOAD_MACH_CONFIG_CMD_ID, [ convert_float_to_u32(config.vel_limit_mps), convert_float_to_u32(config.accel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.decel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.dtz_decel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.yaw_rate_limit_rps), convert_float_to_u32(config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.lateral_accel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.tire_rolling_diameter_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.wheel_base_length_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.wheel_track_width_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.gear_ratio), config_bitmap ] ] rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Requested!") rospy.loginfo("vel_limit_mps: %f" % config.vel_limit_mps) rospy.loginfo("accel_limit_mps2: %f" % config.accel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("decel_limit_mps2: %f" % config.decel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("dtz_decel_limit_mps2: %f" % config.dtz_decel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("yaw_rate_limit_rps: %f" % config.yaw_rate_limit_rps) rospy.loginfo("yaw_accel_limit_rps2: %f" % config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2) rospy.loginfo("lateral_accel_limit_mps2: %f" % config.lateral_accel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("tire_rolling_diameter_m: %f" % config.tire_rolling_diameter_m) rospy.loginfo("wheel_base_length_m: %f" % config.wheel_base_length_m) rospy.loginfo("wheel_track_width_m: %f" % config.wheel_track_width_m) rospy.loginfo("gear_ratio: %f" % config.gear_ratio) rospy.loginfo("enable_audio: %u" % config.enable_audio) rospy.loginfo("motion_while_charging: %u" % config.motion_while_charging) rospy.loginfo("balance_mode_enabled: %u" % config.balance_mode_enabled) rospy.loginfo("balance_gain_schedule: %u" % config.balace_gains) rospy.loginfo("vel_ctl_input_filter: %u" % config.vel_ctl_input_filter) rospy.loginfo("yaw_ctl_input_filter: %u" % config.yaw_ctl_input_filter) """ The teleop limits are always the minimum of the actual machine limit and the ones set for teleop """ config.teleop_vel_limit_mps = minimum_f(config.teleop_vel_limit_mps, config.vel_limit_mps) config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2 = minimum_f( config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2, config.accel_limit_mps2) config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps = minimum_f( config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps, config.yaw_rate_limit_rps) config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2 = minimum_f( config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2, config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2) """ Set the teleop configuration in the feedback """ self.rmp_data.config_param.SetTeleopConfig([ config.teleop_vel_limit_mps, config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2, config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps, config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2 ]) """ Check and see if we need to store the parameters in NVM before we try, although the NVM is F-RAM with unlimited read/write, uneccessarily setting the parameters only introduces risk for error """ if self.param_server_initialized: load_params = False for i in range(NUMBER_OF_CONFIG_PARAM_VARIABLES - 4): if (self.rmp_data.config_param.configuration_feedback[i] != self.valid_config_cmd[1][i]): load_params = True if (True == load_params): self._add_command_to_queue(self.valid_config_cmd) rospy.loginfo("Sent config update command") """ Just update the peak torque as it is not a persistant command """ if ((1 << 17) == ((1 << 17) & level)): rospy.loginfo("level is %u" % level) cmd = [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_TORQUE_LIMIT, convert_float_to_u32(config.torqe_limit / 100.0) ] ] self._add_command_to_queue(cmd) self.param_server_initialized = True self.valid_config = config self.update_base_local_planner = True self._update_move_base_params(None) return config def _update_move_base_params(self, config): """ If parameter updates have not been called in the last 5 seconds allow the subscriber callback to set them """ if (( - self.last_move_base_update) > 5.0): self.update_base_local_planner = True if self.update_base_local_planner: self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = try: dyn_reconfigure_client = Client( "/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS", timeout=1.0) changes = dict() changes['acc_lim_x'] = minimum_f( self.valid_config.accel_limit_mps2, self.valid_config.decel_limit_mps2) changes[ 'acc_lim_theta'] = self.valid_config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2 changes['max_vel_x'] = self.valid_config.vel_limit_mps changes['max_vel_theta'] = self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps changes[ 'min_vel_theta'] = -self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps dyn_reconfigure_client.update_configuration(changes) dyn_reconfigure_client.close() except: pass try: dyn_reconfigure_client = Client("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS", timeout=1.0) changes = dict() changes['acc_lim_x'] = minimum_f( self.valid_config.accel_limit_mps2, self.valid_config.decel_limit_mps2) changes['acc_lim_th'] = self.valid_config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2 changes['max_vel_x'] = self.valid_config.vel_limit_mps changes['max_rot_vel'] = self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps dyn_reconfigure_client.update_configuration(changes) dyn_reconfigure_client.close() except: pass rospy.loginfo( "Segway Driver updated move_base parameters to match machine parameters" ) def _continuous_data(self, start_cont): set_continuous = [ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SEND_CONTINUOUS_DATA, start_cont] ] ret = False if (True == start_cont): r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == self.rmp_data.status.init): self._add_command_to_queue(set_continuous) r.sleep() ret = not self.rmp_data.status.init else: r = rospy.Rate(5) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == ret): self._add_command_to_queue(set_continuous) if (( - self.last_rsp_rcvd) > 0.1): ret = True r.sleep() self.rmp_data.status.init = True return ret def _extract_faultlog(self): r = rospy.Rate(2) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == self.extracting_faultlog): self._add_command_to_queue([ GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SEND_SP_FAULTLOG, 0] ]) r.sleep() return not self.extracting_faultlog def _initial_param_force_update(self): """ Load all the parameters on the machine at startup; first check if they match, if they do continue. Otherwise load them and check again. """ r = rospy.Rate(2) start_time = load_params = True while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == load_params): load_params = False for i in range(NUMBER_OF_CONFIG_PARAM_VARIABLES - 4): if (self.rmp_data.config_param.configuration_feedback[i] != self.valid_config_cmd[1][i]): load_params = True if (True == load_params): self._add_command_to_queue(self.valid_config_cmd) r.sleep() return not load_params
class SegwayDriver: def __init__(self): """ Variables to track communication frequency for debugging """ self.summer=0 self.samp = 0 self.avg_freq = 0.0 self.start_frequency_samp = False self.need_to_terminate = False self.flush_rcvd_data=True self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = """ Make sure we have a valid platform """ self.platform = rospy.get_param('~platform',None) if not (self.platform in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS): rospy.logerr("Platform defined is not supported: %s",self.platform) return """ The 440 platforms use the same drivers but different URDF """ pattern = re.compile("RMP_440") if not (None == self.platform = "RMP_440" """ Initialize the publishers for RMP """ self.rmp_data = RMP_DATA() """ Initialize faultlog related items """ self.is_init = True self.extracting_faultlog = False """ Initialize the dynamic reconfigure server for RMP """ self.param_server_initialized = False self.dyn_reconfigure_srv = Server(segwayConfig, self._dyn_reconfig_callback) """ Wait for the parameter server to set the configs and then set the IP address from that. Note that this must be the current ethernet settings of the platform. If you want to change it set the ethernet settings at launch to the current ethernet settings, power up, change them, power down, set the the ethernet settings at launch to the new ones and relaunch """ r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == self.param_server_initialized): r.sleep() if (False == self.param_server_initialized): rospy.logerr("Parameter server not found, you must pass an initial yaml in the launch! exiting...") return """ Create the thread to run RMP communication """ interface = rospy.get_param('~interface','eth') self.tx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() self.rx_queue_ = multiprocessing.Queue() if ('eth' == interface): self.comm = IoEthThread((os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_ADDRESS'],int(os.environ['SEGWAY_IP_PORT_NUM'])), self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) elif ('usb' == interface): self.comm = IoUsbThread('ttyACM0', self.tx_queue_, self.rx_queue_, max_packet_size=1248) if (False == self.comm.link_up): rospy.logerr("Could not open socket for RMP...") self.comm.close() return """ Initialize the publishers and subscribers for the node """ self.faultlog_pub = rospy.Publisher('/segway/feedback/faultlog', Faultlog, queue_size=10,latch=True) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/cmd_vel", Twist, self._add_motion_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/segway/gp_command",ConfigCmd,self._add_config_command_to_queue) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_updates",Config,self._update_move_base_params) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/parameter_updates",Config,self._update_move_base_params) """ Start the receive handler thread """ self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock() self.last_rsp_rcvd = self._rcv_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._run) self._rcv_thread.start() """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Stopping the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(False)): rospy.logerr("Could not stop RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return """ Extract the faultlog at startup """ self.flush_rcvd_data=False rospy.loginfo("Extracting the faultlog") self.extracting_faultlog = True if (False == self._extract_faultlog()): rospy.logerr("Could not get retrieve RMP faultlog") self.__del__() return """ Start streaming continuous data """ rospy.loginfo("Starting the data stream") if (False == self._continuous_data(True)): rospy.logerr("Could not start RMP communication stream") self.__del__() return self.start_frequency_samp = True """ Ensure that the platform is the right one, we don't want to allow the wrong platform because some things depend on knowing which platform is operating """ if (self.platform != PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)]): rospy.logerr("Platform ID is not correct!!! Platform reports %(1)s, user set %(2)s..."%{"1":PLATFORM_IDS[(self.rmp_data.status.platform_identifier & 0x1F)],"2":self.platform} ) self.__del__() return """ Force the configuration to update the first time to ensure that the variables are set to the correct values on the machine """ if (False == self._initial_param_force_update()): rospy.logerr("Initial configuration parameteters my not be valid, please check them in the yaml file") rospy.logerr("The ethernet address must be set to the present address at startup, to change it:") rospy.logerr("start the machine; change the address using rqt_reconfigure; shutdown; update the yaml and restart") self.__del__() return rospy.loginfo("Segway Driver is up and running") """ Indicate the driver is up with motor audio """ cmds = [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID,[GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_AUDIO_COMMAND,MOTOR_AUDIO_PLAY_EXIT_ALARM_SONG]] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) def __del__(self): rospy.logerr("Segway Driver has called the __del__ method, terminating") with self.terminate_mutex: self.need_to_terminate = True assert(self._rcv_thread) self._rcv_thread.join() def _run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): with self.terminate_mutex: if (self.need_to_terminate): break """ Run until signaled to stop Perform the actions defined based on the flags passed out """ result =[self.rx_queue_._reader],[],[],0.5) if len(result[0]) > 0: try: data = result[0][0].recv() self._handle_rsp(data) except: rospy.logdebug("select did not return interface data") self.comm.Close() self.tx_queue_.close() self.rx_queue_.close() def _add_command_to_queue(self,command): """ Create a byte array with the CRC from the command """ cmd_bytes = generate_cmd_bytes(command) """ Send it """ self.tx_queue_.put(cmd_bytes) def _update_rcv_frq(self): if (True == self.start_frequency_samp): self.samp+=1 self.summer+=1.0/( - self.last_rsp_rcvd) self.avg_freq = self.summer/self.samp self.last_rsp_rcvd = def _handle_rsp(self,data_bytes): self._update_rcv_frq() if (True == self.flush_rcvd_data): return valid_data,rsp_data = validate_response(data_bytes) if (False == valid_data): rospy.logerr("bad RMP packet") return if (self.extracting_faultlog): if (len(rsp_data) == NUMBER_OF_FAULTLOG_WORDS): self.extracting_faultlog = False faultlog_msg = Faultlog() = rsp_data self.faultlog_pub.publish(faultlog_msg) elif (len(rsp_data) == NUMBER_OF_RMP_RSP_WORDS): self.rmp_data.status.parse(rsp_data[START_STATUS_BLOCK:END_STATUS_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.auxiliary_power.parse(rsp_data[START_AUX_POWER_BLOCK:END_AUX_POWER_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.propulsion.parse(rsp_data[START_PROPULSION_POWER_BLOCK:END_PROPULSION_POWER_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.dynamics.parse(rsp_data[START_DYNAMICS_BLOCK:END_DYNAMICS_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.config_param.parse(rsp_data[START_CONFIG_BLOCK:END_CONFIG_BLOCK]) self.rmp_data.imu.parse_data(rsp_data[START_IMU_BLOCK:END_IMU_BLOCK]) rospy.logdebug("feedback received from rmp") def _add_motion_command_to_queue(self,command): """ Add the command to the queue, platform does command limiting and mapping """ cmds = [MOTION_CMD_ID,[convert_float_to_u32(command.linear.x), convert_float_to_u32(command.linear.y), convert_float_to_u32(command.angular.z)]] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) def _add_config_command_to_queue(self,command): try: cmds = [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID,[command_ids[command.gp_cmd],command.gp_param]] self._add_command_to_queue(cmds) except: rospy.logerr("Config param failed, it is probably not known") return def _dyn_reconfig_callback(self,config,level): """ The first time through we want to ignore the values because they are just defaults from the ROS parameter server which has no knowledge of the platform being used """ if (True == self.is_init): self.is_init = False return config """ Create the configuration bitmap from the appropriate variables """ config_bitmap = (((config.enable_audio^1) << AUDIO_SILENCE_REQUEST_SHIFT)| ((config.motion_while_charging^1) << DISABLE_AC_PRESENT_CSI_SHIFT)| (config.balace_gains << BALANCE_GAIN_SCHEDULE_SHIFT)| (config.balance_mode_enabled << BALANCE_MODE_LOCKOUT_SHIFT) | (config.vel_ctl_input_filter << VEL_CTL_FILTER_SHIFT) | (config.yaw_ctl_input_filter << YAW_CTL_FILTER_SHIFT)) """ Define the configuration parameters for all the platforms """ self.valid_config_cmd = [LOAD_MACH_CONFIG_CMD_ID, [convert_float_to_u32(config.vel_limit_mps), convert_float_to_u32(config.accel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.decel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.dtz_decel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.yaw_rate_limit_rps), convert_float_to_u32(config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.lateral_accel_limit_mps2), convert_float_to_u32(config.tire_rolling_diameter_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.wheel_base_length_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.wheel_track_width_m), convert_float_to_u32(config.gear_ratio), config_bitmap]] rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Requested!") rospy.loginfo("vel_limit_mps: %f"%config.vel_limit_mps) rospy.loginfo("accel_limit_mps2: %f"%config.accel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("decel_limit_mps2: %f"%config.decel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("dtz_decel_limit_mps2: %f"%config.dtz_decel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("yaw_rate_limit_rps: %f"%config.yaw_rate_limit_rps) rospy.loginfo("yaw_accel_limit_rps2: %f"%config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2) rospy.loginfo("lateral_accel_limit_mps2: %f"%config.lateral_accel_limit_mps2) rospy.loginfo("tire_rolling_diameter_m: %f"%config.tire_rolling_diameter_m) rospy.loginfo("wheel_base_length_m: %f"%config.wheel_base_length_m) rospy.loginfo("wheel_track_width_m: %f"%config.wheel_track_width_m) rospy.loginfo("gear_ratio: %f"%config.gear_ratio) rospy.loginfo("enable_audio: %u"%config.enable_audio) rospy.loginfo("motion_while_charging: %u"%config.motion_while_charging) rospy.loginfo("balance_mode_enabled: %u"%config.balance_mode_enabled) rospy.loginfo("balance_gain_schedule: %u"%config.balace_gains) rospy.loginfo("vel_ctl_input_filter: %u"%config.vel_ctl_input_filter) rospy.loginfo("yaw_ctl_input_filter: %u"%config.yaw_ctl_input_filter) """ The teleop limits are always the minimum of the actual machine limit and the ones set for teleop """ config.teleop_vel_limit_mps = minimum_f(config.teleop_vel_limit_mps, config.vel_limit_mps) config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2 = minimum_f(config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2, config.accel_limit_mps2) config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps = minimum_f(config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps, config.yaw_rate_limit_rps) config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2 = minimum_f(config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2, config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2) """ Set the teleop configuration in the feedback """ self.rmp_data.config_param.SetTeleopConfig([config.teleop_vel_limit_mps, config.teleop_accel_limit_mps2, config.teleop_yaw_rate_limit_rps, config.teleop_yaw_accel_limit_rps2]) """ Check and see if we need to store the parameters in NVM before we try, although the NVM is F-RAM with unlimited read/write, uneccessarily setting the parameters only introduces risk for error """ if self.param_server_initialized: load_params = False for i in range(NUMBER_OF_CONFIG_PARAM_VARIABLES-4): if (self.rmp_data.config_param.configuration_feedback[i] != self.valid_config_cmd[1][i]): load_params = True if (True == load_params): self._add_command_to_queue(self.valid_config_cmd) rospy.loginfo("Sent config update command") """ Just update the peak torque as it is not a persistant command """ if ((1<<17) == ((1<<17)&level)): rospy.loginfo("level is %u"%level) cmd = [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID, [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_TORQUE_LIMIT, convert_float_to_u32(config.torqe_limit/100.0)]] self._add_command_to_queue(cmd) self.param_server_initialized = True self.valid_config = config self.update_base_local_planner = True self._update_move_base_params(None) return config def _update_move_base_params(self,config): """ If parameter updates have not been called in the last 5 seconds allow the subscriber callback to set them """ if (( > 5.0): self.update_base_local_planner = True if self.update_base_local_planner: self.update_base_local_planner = False self.last_move_base_update = try: dyn_reconfigure_client= Client("/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS",timeout=1.0) changes = dict() changes['acc_lim_x'] = minimum_f(self.valid_config.accel_limit_mps2, self.valid_config.decel_limit_mps2) changes['acc_lim_theta'] = self.valid_config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2 changes['max_vel_x'] = self.valid_config.vel_limit_mps changes['max_vel_theta'] = self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps changes['min_vel_theta'] = -self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps dyn_reconfigure_client.update_configuration(changes) dyn_reconfigure_client.close() except: pass try: dyn_reconfigure_client= Client("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS",timeout=1.0) changes = dict() changes['acc_lim_x'] = minimum_f(self.valid_config.accel_limit_mps2, self.valid_config.decel_limit_mps2) changes['acc_lim_th'] = self.valid_config.yaw_accel_limit_rps2 changes['max_vel_x'] = self.valid_config.vel_limit_mps changes['max_rot_vel'] = self.valid_config.yaw_rate_limit_rps dyn_reconfigure_client.update_configuration(changes) dyn_reconfigure_client.close() except: pass rospy.loginfo("Segway Driver updated move_base parameters to match machine parameters") def _continuous_data(self,start_cont): set_continuous = [GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID,[GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SEND_CONTINUOUS_DATA,start_cont]] ret = False if (True == start_cont): r = rospy.Rate(10) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == self.rmp_data.status.init): self._add_command_to_queue(set_continuous) r.sleep() ret = not self.rmp_data.status.init else: r = rospy.Rate(5) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (False == ret): self._add_command_to_queue(set_continuous) if (( - self.last_rsp_rcvd) > 0.1): ret = True r.sleep() self.rmp_data.status.init = True return ret def _extract_faultlog(self): r = rospy.Rate(2) start_time = while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == self.extracting_faultlog): self._add_command_to_queue([GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_ID,[GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SEND_SP_FAULTLOG,0]]) r.sleep() return not self.extracting_faultlog def _initial_param_force_update(self): """ Load all the parameters on the machine at startup; first check if they match, if they do continue. Otherwise load them and check again. """ r = rospy.Rate(2) start_time = load_params = True while (( - start_time) < 3.0) and (True == load_params): load_params = False for i in range(NUMBER_OF_CONFIG_PARAM_VARIABLES-4): if (self.rmp_data.config_param.configuration_feedback[i] != self.valid_config_cmd[1][i]): load_params = True if (True == load_params): self._add_command_to_queue(self.valid_config_cmd) r.sleep() return not load_params