コード例 #1
ファイル: esa_cci_sm_v06.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoCCISMv6Ts(SmecvTs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    # implememted subversion that have a set path configuration
    _ds_implemented = [
        ('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v061', 'COMBINED'),
        ('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v061', 'ACTIVE'),
        ('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v061', 'PASSIVE'),

    _t0 = 't0'

    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoCCISMv6Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)

        self.exact_index = exact_index
        if exact_index and (self.parameters is not None):
コード例 #2
ファイル: hsaf_ascat_smdas.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoHsafAscatSMDASTs(base_reader.HSAFAscatSMDASTs):

    _ds_implemented = [('HSAF_ASCAT', 'SMDAS2', 'H14')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, **kwargs):
        dataset_or_path : tuple or str
            e.g. ('HSAF_ASCAT', 'SSM', 'H115+H116')
        force_path_group : str, optional (default: None)
            Select a specific path group from the path config to read.
        kwargs :
            kwargs that are passed to load_path and to initialise the reader.
        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoHsafAscatSMDASTs, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_path_config.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
def test_path_config():
    dataset = ('GLDAS21', 'core')
    conf = PathConfig(dataset, path_settings[dataset])
    assert conf.os in ['win', 'lin']
    # this should fall back to testdata if not on GEO:
    path = conf.load_path(ignore_path_groups=None)
    assert os.path.exists(path)
コード例 #4
ファイル: smos_ic.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoSMOSICTs(SMOSTs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    _ds_implemented = [('SMOS', 'IC', 'ASC'), ('SMOS', 'IC', 'DES')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, **kwargs):

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)
        super(GeoSMOSICTs, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)

    def read_cells(self, cells):
        cell_data = OrderedDict()
        gpis, lons, lats = self.grid.grid_points_for_cell(list(cells))
        for gpi, lon, lat in zip(gpis, lons, lats):
            df = self.read(lon, lat)
            cell_data[gpi] = df
        return cell_data
コード例 #5
ファイル: esa_cci_sm_v03.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoCCISMv3Ts(SmecvTs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    # exact time variable (days) from reference date
    _t0_ref = ('t0', datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

    # fill values in the data columns
    _col_fillvalues = {
        'sm': [-9999.0],
        'sm_uncertainty': [-9999.0],
        _t0_ref[0]: [-3440586.5, -9999.0]
    }  # TODO: why has v045 another fillvalue?

    # implememted subversion that have a set path configuration
    _ds_implemented = [('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v033', 'COMBINED'),
                       ('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v033', 'ACTIVE'),
                       ('ESA_CCI_SM', 'v033', 'PASSIVE')]

    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoCCISMv3Ts, self).__init__(ts_path,

    def _replace_with_nan(self, df):
        Replace the fill values in columns defined in _col_fillvalues with NaN
        for col in df.columns:
            if col in self._col_fillvalues.keys():
                for fv in self._col_fillvalues[col]:
                    if self.scale_factors is not None and \
                            col in self.scale_factors.keys():
                        fv = fv * self.scale_factors[col]
                    df.loc[df[col] == fv, col] = np.nan
        return df

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._replace_with_nan(
            super(GeoCCISMv3Ts, self).read(*args, **kwargs))
コード例 #6
ファイル: ccids_amsr2.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoCCIDsAmsr2Ts(CCIDs):
    _ds_implemented = [('CCIDs', 'v052', 'AMSR2', 'DES')]

    _t0 = 'jd0'

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, exact_index=False,
                 force_path_group=None, **kwargs):

        # TODO:
            # freqband 0=invalid, 16=C_band_1, 32=C_band_2, 32=C_band_
        dataset_or_path : tuple or str
            e.g. ('C3S', 'v201812', 'COMBINED', 'TCDR')
        force_path_group : str, optional (default: None)
            Select a specific path group from the path config to read.
        kwargs :
            kwargs that are passed to load_path and to initialise the reader.
        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        if 'parameters' in kwargs.keys():
            self.parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters')
            self.parameters = None

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoCCIDsAmsr2Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, custom_dtype=None, **kwargs)

        self.exact_index = exact_index
        if self.exact_index and (self.parameters is not None):

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        data =  super(GeoCCIDsAmsr2Ts, self).read(*args, **kwargs,

        if self.parameters is not None:
            data = data[self.parameters]

        if self.exact_index:
            data[self._t0] = jd2dt(data[self._t0])
            data.set_index(self._t0, inplace=True)

        return  data
コード例 #7
ファイル: merra2.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoMerra2Ts(MERRATs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    _ds_implemented = [('MERRA2', 'core')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, **kwargs):

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoMerra2Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)
コード例 #8
class GeoScatSarSWIDrypanAnomsReader(ScatSarSWIDrypanReader):

    _ds_implemented = [('SCATSAR', 'SWI', 'Drypan', 'Anoms')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, switchflip=False):

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoScatSarSWIDrypanAnomsReader, self).__init__(
            path, smart_filename_class=SCATSARSWIDrypanAnomsFilename,
コード例 #9
class GeoPathEra5LandTs(ERATs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above
    _ds_implemented = [('ERA5-Land', 'sm_precip_lai'), ('ERA5-Land', 'snow'),
                       ('ERA5-Land', 'temperature')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, **kwargs):

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoPathEra5LandTs, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)
コード例 #10
ファイル: c3s_sm_v202012.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoC3Sv202012Ts(base_reader.GeoC3STs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above
    # Flagging should be done with the masking adapter from pytesmo
    _t0_ref = ('t0', datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))

    _col_fillvalues = {
        'sm': [-9999.0],
        'sm_uncertainty': [-9999.0],
        _t0_ref[0]: [-3440586.5]

    _ds_implemented = [
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'COMBINED', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'ACTIVE', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'PASSIVE', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'COMBINED', 'MONTHLY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'ACTIVE', 'MONTHLY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'PASSIVE', 'MONTHLY', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'COMBINED', 'DEKADAL', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'ACTIVE', 'DEKADAL', 'TCDR'),
        ('C3S', 'v202012', 'PASSIVE', 'DEKADAL', 'TCDR'),

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None, **kwargs):
        dataset : tuple or string
            e.g. ('C3S', 'v201812', 'COMBINED', 'TCDR')
        force_path_group : str, optional (default: None)
            Select a specific path group from the path config to read.
        kwargs :
            kwargs that are passed to load_path and to initialise the reader.
        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoC3Sv202012Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)
コード例 #11
class GeoC3Sv201706Ts(base_reader.GeoC3STs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above
    # Flagging should be done with the masking adapter from pytesmo

    # exact time variable (days) from reference date
    _t0_ref = ('t0', datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0))

    # fill values in the data columns
    _col_fillvalues = {'sm': [-9999.0],
                       'sm_uncertainty': [-9999.0],
                       _t0_ref[0]: [-9999.0]}

    _ds_implemented = [('C3S', 'v201706', 'COMBINED', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
                       ('C3S', 'v201706', 'COMBINED', 'DAILY', 'ICDR'),
                       ('C3S', 'v201706', 'ACTIVE', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
                       ('C3S', 'v201706', 'ACTIVE', 'DAILY', 'ICDR'),
                       ('C3S', 'v201706', 'PASSIVE', 'DAILY', 'TCDR'),
                       ('C3S', 'v201706', 'PASSIVE', 'DAILY', 'ICDR')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, exact_index=False, force_path_group=None,
        dataset : tuple or str
            e.g. ('C3S', 'v201706', 'COMBINED', 'TCDR') or path as string
        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoC3Sv201706Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)

        self.exact_index = exact_index
        if exact_index and (self.parameters is not None):
コード例 #12
class GeoScatSarCglsSwiReader(ScatSarCglsSwiReader):

    _ds_implemented = [('SCATSAR', 'CGLS', 'C0418', 'E7')]

    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

              self).__init__(path, grid_sampling=grid_sampling, tval=tval)
コード例 #13
ファイル: csar_cgls_ssm.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoCSarSsmTiffReader(CSarTiffReader):

    _ds_implemented = [('CSAR', 'CGLS', 'SSM', '1km', 'V1.1', 'tiff')]

    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoCSarSsmTiffReader, self).__init__(path,
コード例 #14
class GeoScatSarSWIDrypanAbsReader(ScatSarSWIDrypanReader):

    _ds_implemented = [('SCATSAR', 'SWI', 'Drypan', 'Abs')]

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None):

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoScatSarSWIDrypanAbsReader, self).__init__(
            path=path, smart_filename_class=SCATSARSWIDrypanAbsFilename)

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ts_point = super(GeoScatSarSWIDrypanAbsReader, self).read(*args, **kwargs)
        ts_point.values[ts_point.values >= 127] = np.nan
        return ts_point
コード例 #15
ファイル: smap_lprm.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoSMAPLPRMv6Ts(base_reader.LPRMTs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    # implememted subversion that have a set path configuration
    _ds_implemented = []

    _t0 = 'SCANTIME_MJD'

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, force_path_group=None,

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoSMAPLPRMv6Ts, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)
コード例 #16
class GeoCCISMv6GenioTs(CCIDs):
    # Reader implementation that uses the PATH configuration from above

    # implememted subversion that have a set path configuration
    _ds_implemented = []
    _fillval = -999999.

    def __init__(self, dataset_or_path, exact_index=False, force_path_group=None,
                 parameters=None, **kwargs):

        if exact_index:
            raise NotImplementedError

        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        if isinstance(parameters, str):
            parameters = [parameters]

        self.parameters = parameters
        self.dataset = dataset_or_path

        path_config = path_settings[self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        super(GeoCCISMv6GenioTs, self).__init__(ts_path, **kwargs)

        self.exact_index = exact_index

    def _read_gp(self, gpi, **kwargs):
        # override default args
        ts = super(GeoCCISMv6GenioTs, self)._read_gp(gpi, **kwargs)
        if self.parameters is not None:
            ts = ts[self.parameters]
        return ts.replace(self._fillval, np.nan)
コード例 #17
ファイル: ismn_sm.py プロジェクト: wpreimes/io_utils
class GeoISMNTs(ISMN_Interface):
    Modified ISMN Reader class, that reads good (G Flag) ISMN values and provides
    functions for reading the station closest to a passed lonlat tuple.
    _ds_implemented = [('ISMN', 'v20191211'), ('ISMN', 'v20210131')]

    def __init__(self,
        Initialize the reader for ISMN data

        dataset_or_path : tuple or str
            Dataset that is implemented in a path config. Or a path directly,
            where the data is stored.
        network : string or list, optional
            Provide name of network to only load the given network
        force_path_group : str, optional (default: None)
            For a certain path group to load the data from.
        scale_factors : dict, optional (default:None)
            Apply the passed multiplicative scales to the selected columns
        if isinstance(dataset_or_path, list):
            dataset_or_path = tuple(dataset_or_path)

        self.dataset = dataset_or_path
        self.network = network
        path_config = path_settings[
            self.dataset] if self.dataset in path_settings.keys() else None
        self.path_config = PathConfig(self.dataset, path_config)
        ts_path = self.path_config.load_path(force_path_group=force_path_group)

        self.scale_factors = scale_factors
        super(GeoISMNTs, self).__init__(ts_path, network=self.network)

        self.metapath = os.path.join(self.root.root_dir, 'python_metadata')

    def rebuild_metadata(self):
        Remove and rebuild python metadata.
        shutil.rmtree(self.metapath, ignore_errors=True)
        super(GeoISMNTs, self).activate_network(self.network)

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # read by index and scale
        ret = super(GeoISMNTs, self).read(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(ret, tuple):
            df = ret[0]
            meta = ret[1]
            df = ret
            meta = None

        if self.scale_factors is not None:
            for n, s in self.scale_factors.items():
                if n in df.columns: df[n] *= s

        df.index = df.index.tz_localize(None)

        if meta is None:
            return df
            return df, meta

    def read_nearest_station(self,
        Read good (G-flagged) time series values for the station closest to the
        passed lon, lat in the passed depths. To mask the time series from this
        function, use a masking adapter. Only stations that measure the passed
        variable will be considered.

        lon : float
            Longitude of the point to find the nearest station for
        lat : float
            Latitude of the point to find the nearest station for
        variable : str, optional (default: soil_moisture)
            Variable to read, the according flag will be used if only_good=True.
        max_dist : int
            Maximum allowed distance between the passed lon/lat position and the
            actually found nearest station. If the distance is large, no data is read.
        only_good : bool, optional (default: True)
            If True, drops all lines where soil_moisture_flag is not G.
            If False, returns also the flag column
        return_flags : bool, optional (default: False)
        return_distance : bool
            Also return the distance (2 return values), else 1 return value
        filter_kwargs: See ismn.components Sensor.eval() function
                depth : Depth or list or tuple, optional (default: None)
                filter_meta_dict : dict, optional (default: None)
                check_only_sensor_depth_from : bool, optional (default: False)

        data : pd.DataFrame
            Data measured at the station
        nearest_station : ISMN_station
            Station object from which the data was read.
        distance : float
            Distance between the passed coordinates and the read station.
        nearest_station, distance = self.find_nearest_station(lon, lat, True)

        if distance > max_dist:
                'fNo station within the selected distance found: {max_dist}')
            data = None
            data = []
            metadata = {}
            for sensor in nearest_station.iter_sensors(variable=variable,
                ts = sensor.read_data()[[variable, f'{variable}_flag']]
                if only_good:
                    ts.loc[ts[f'{variable}_flag'] != 'G', variable] = nan
                    ts.loc[ts[f'{variable}_flag'] != 'G',
                           f'{variable}_flag'] = nan
                    ts = ts.dropna(how='all')
                if not return_flags:
                    ts = ts[[variable]]
                if self.scale_factors and variable in self.scale_factors.keys(
                    ts[variable] *= self.scale_factors[variable]
                meta = sensor.metadata
                    c: f"{c} {str(meta['variable'].depth)}"
                    for c in ts.columns
                new_name = f"{meta['variable'].val} {str(meta['variable'].depth)}"
                metadata[new_name] = meta

            data = pd.concat(data, axis=1)
            data.index = data.index.tz_localize(None)

        if return_distance:
            return data, nearest_station, distance
            return data, nearest_station