コード例 #1
def readoutresults(reslall, resnall, pickthese, DeltaOmegaParametersBoundaries,
                   savstatdir, namresults, conditions, k23max):
    reads global fitting results from file.
    reslall: list of all residues possibly used for the results output, with a letter
        in front indicating whether this is referring to the folded (A), random
        coil (B) or dimer(C) peak.
    resnall: same list as reslall, without the letter
    pickthese: list pointing to the residues in reslall, resnall actually used
        for the output
    DeltaOmegaParametersBoundaries: boundaries for delta omegas, this is a dummy
        variable in most case. format: [residue1, residue2, ...]; residue1=
        [site A, site B, site C]; site A: [min, max boundary]
    namresults: name of results file. typically has an err_ suffix when referring
        to the error calculations based on a corresponding file without the suffix
        results files have the .dill file extension.
    DEL? conditions: list of fitting conditions, not important (dummy)
        format will me explained later. subject to removal 
    First, a collection of Property Axes is triggered. Containing informations
        about possible magnetic fields, temperatures, sites, concentrations,
        B1 fields, experiment types, TROSY type, residues
    Then a ParameterCollection object based on the params class, using the
        PropertyAxesColl object, is generated.
    All relaxation dispersion fitting data are loaded into a variety
        of variables.
    The resultcoll variable contains the actual results. costs are extracted.
    The resulting parameters are transferred to the ParameterCollection object.
    The ParameterCollection object is re-sorted in order of increasing fitting cost.
    Important variables including a list of fitting conditions saved in the
        results file are returned. Also resultcoll, cost list, the resorted
        Parameter Collection and Property Axes Collection.

    PropAxesColl=mainfuncts.GeneratePropertyAxesCollection([x for y,x in \
        enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese],[x for y,x in enumerate(resnall)\
                 if y in pickthese])
    ParameterColl=mainfuncts.parammake(PropAxesColl,0,[x for y,x in enumerate\
        (DeltaOmegaParametersBoundaries) if y in pickthese],1,10000,100,900,1,k23max,0.005,0.5) #2 or 900

    #DEL?#setparameters2=['combo10l.dat','C:\\Users\\Hans\\Desktop\\TRANSFER\\2020Feb\\',[[x for y,x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese]],conditions,namresults]

    #A variety of pre-calculated data is loaded with this command. Not all of
    #them are in use, so no need to understand every sirngle variable here.
        results,relaxrat1,relaxrat2,relaxrat_1,relaxrat_2,intdiffcorr, intcorr,\
    costcoll = [i.cost for i in resultcoll]
    ParameterColl2 = mainfuncts.resc2param(PropAxesColl, ParameterColl,
                                           resultcoll, 2)
    ParameterColl2 = [ParameterColl2[i] for i in np.argsort(costcoll)]
    costcoll = [costcoll[i] for i in np.argsort(costcoll)]
    return PropAxesColl, ParameterColl2, costcoll, resultcoll, cond
コード例 #2

namresultslist = [
    'FINAL_stage3_indiv_', 'FINAL_stage3_23_indiv_',
    'FINAL_stage3_indiv_restrkp_', 'FINAL_stage3_indiv_restrall_'
zx = []
for x in namresultslist:
    z = []
    for y in np.arange(15):
        namresults = x + str(y) + '_0_'
        #print namresults
            results,relaxrat1,relaxrat2,relaxrat_1,relaxrat_2,intdiffcorr, intcorr,\
        z.append(np.round(resultcoll[0].cost, 2))
    print np.average(z)

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
reslall = [
    'A29', 'A30', 'A31', 'A32', 'A33', 'A34', 'A52', 'A53', 'A54', 'A78',
    'A81', 'A82', 'A83', 'A84', 'A86'
#fullnamlist=['Ser','Gly', 'Trp', 'Val', 'Trp', 'Asn', 'Gln', 'Phe', 'Phe', 'Val', 'Ile', 'Glu', 'Glu', 'Tyr', 'Thr', 'Gly', 'Pro', 'Asp', 'Pro', 'Val', 'Leu', 'Val', 'Gly', 'Arg', 'Leu', 'His', 'Ser', 'Asp', 'Ile', 'Asp', 'Ser', 'Gly', 'Asp', 'Gly', 'Asn', 'Ile', 'Lys', 'Tyr', 'Ile', 'Leu', 'Ser', 'Gly', 'Glu', 'Gly', 'Ala', 'Gly', 'Thr', 'Ile', 'Phe', 'Val', 'Ile', 'Asp', 'Asp', 'Lys', 'Ser', 'Gly', 'Asn', 'Ile', 'His', 'Ala', 'Thr', 'Lys', 'Thr', 'Leu', 'Asp', 'Arg', 'Glu', 'Glu', 'Arg', 'Ala', 'Gln', 'Tyr', 'Thr', 'Leu', 'Met', 'Ala', 'Gln', 'Ala', 'Val', 'Asp', 'Arg', 'Asp', 'Thr', 'Asn', 'Arg', 'Pro', 'Leu', 'Glu', 'Pro', 'Pro', 'Ser', 'Glu', 'Phe', 'Ile', 'Val', 'Lys', 'Val', 'Gln', 'Asp']
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
lab = [
    'Asp29', 'Ser30', 'Gly31', 'Asp32', 'Gly33', 'Asn34', 'Asp52', 'Lys53',
    'Ser54', 'Val78', 'Asp81', 'Thr82', 'Asn83', 'Arg84', 'Leu86'
コード例 #3
def produceindivplots(path2020, savstatdir, datafile, namresults, reslallx,
                      resnallx, parbdslistaxallfx, namout, mode, k121, k122,
                      k131, k132, k231, k232, errruns):
    #print 'a'
    for pickthis in np.arange(len(reslallx)):
        #   print 'b'
        reslall = [reslallx[pickthis]]
        resnall = [resnallx[pickthis]]
        pickthese = [0]
        #  print 'c'
        PropAxesColl = mainfuncts.GeneratePropertyAxesCollection(
            [x for y, x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese],
            [x for y, x in enumerate(resnall) if y in pickthese])
        parbdslistaxallf = [parbdslistaxallfx[pickthis]]
        #paramsxx=mainfuncts.parammake(PropAxesColl,0,[x for y,x in enumerate(parbdslistaxallf) if y in pickthese],1,8000,100,900,k231,k232,0.005,0.1)
        #paramsxx=mainfuncts.parammake(PropAxesColl,0,[x for y,x in enumerate(parbdslistaxallf) if y in pickthese],3000,4000,600,700,k231,k232,0.01,0.02)
        paramsxx = mainfuncts.parammake(
            PropAxesColl, 0,
            [x for y, x in enumerate(parbdslistaxallf) if y in pickthese],
            k121, k122, k131, k132, k231, k232, 0.01, 0.02)
        ##conditions=[0,[1,0,0,5,5]] #individual nitrogen fits
        conditions = [0, [1, 0, 0, 10, 5]]  #individualproton fits
        #setparameters2=['combo10l.dat','C:\\Users\\Hans\\Desktop\\TRANSFER\\2020Feb\\',[[x for y,x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese]],conditions,namresults]
        if namresults == []:
            ParameterColl6 = paramsxx
            poscoll, resnam, allsetcoll, resultcoll, relaxrat0, relaxrat, lookatratio, results, relaxrat1, relaxrat2, relaxrat_1, relaxrat_2, intdiffcorr, intcorr, intmin, ac, oc, rateconstpre, cond = hkio2.loadeverything(
                savstatdir, [namresults], 0, decoupl=0)
            costcoll = [i.cost for i in resultcoll]
            resultcoll = [resultcoll[np.argsort(costcoll)[0]]]

            ParameterColl6 = mainfuncts.resc2param(PropAxesColl, paramsxx,
                                                   resultcoll, mode)
        for nn in [0]:  #np.arange(3):
            namresultsOUT = namout + str(nn) + '_'
            setparameters3 = [
                datafile, path2020,
                [[x for y, x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese]],
                conditions, namresultsOUT, 0
            hkfit2.parallelfit3(path2020, savstatdir, setparameters3, 0,
                                ParameterColl6[nn], PropAxesColl)
            dataname = datafile

            setparameters2 = [
                dataname, path2020,
                [x for y, x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese],
                conditions, namresultsOUT
            ]  #,'A34' #'/home/hanskoss/data/Cadherin/nmrCad/procandcoll/TSnewsort/2020Feb/
            selset = 0
            ss = hkfit2.evaluaterdfit(path2020, savstatdir, PropAxesColl,
                                      setparameters2, 1,
                                      ParameterColl6[selset], 0)
            hkio2.savss(savstatdir, ss, namresultsOUT)

            for errc in np.arange(errruns):
                setparameters3 = [
                    datafile, path2020,
                    [[x for y, x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese]],
                    conditions, namresultsOUT + 'err_' + str(errc) + '_',
                hkfit2.parallelfit3(path2020, savstatdir, setparameters3, 0,
                                    ParameterColl6[nn], PropAxesColl)
        setparameters3 = [
            'combo10l.dat', path2020,
            [[x for y, x in enumerate(reslall) if y in pickthese]], conditions,
            'FINAL_stage4_23_', 'FINAL_stage3_23x_' + str(runnum)
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=hkfit2.parallelfit3,
                                    args=(path2020, savstatdir, setparameters3,
                                          outnum * numrep + runnum,