コード例 #1
ファイル: eventtrigger.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def shutdown(self):
     Shutdown the thread.
     self._running = 0
     from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, getDefaultLogger
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, 'Event Trigger process stopped')
コード例 #2
ファイル: dataengine.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def shutdown(self):
     Shutdown the data engine thread.
     self._running = 0
     from ioidslogging import DATAENGINE_STATUS, getDefaultLogger
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_STATUS, 'Data engine process stopped')
コード例 #3
ファイル: eventtrigger.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def runUntilShutdown(self):
     This is the function, running in the thread, which will initiate the event download frequently.
     from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE, getDefaultLogger
     import time
     while self._running:
         getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE, 'Event Trigger: Synchronise with event database.')
コード例 #4
ファイル: eventtrigger.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def startup(self):
     Puts the trigger in the background thread and makes it waiting until it's shutdown.
     from config import DB_POLL_INTERVAL
     self._interval = DB_POLL_INTERVAL
     self._running = 1
     import thread
     thread.start_new_thread(self.runUntilShutdown, ())
     from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, getDefaultLogger
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, 'Event Trigger process started')
コード例 #5
ファイル: dataengine.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
    def startup(self):
        Start up the data engine in its background thread.
        from config import DATA_ENGINE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL
        self._interval = DATA_ENGINE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL
        self._running = 1
        import thread
        thread.start_new_thread(self.runUntilShutdown, ())
##        self.runUntilShutdown()
        from ioidslogging import DATAENGINE_STATUS, getDefaultLogger
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_STATUS, 'Data engine process started')
コード例 #6
ファイル: dataengine.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
    def runUntilShutdown(self):
        In here, all the queues are checked frequently and appropriate actions are undertaken.
        from ioidslogging import DATAENGINE_PROCESSING_DETAILS, getDefaultLogger, DATAENGINE_ERROR_GENERIC
        import time
        while self._running:
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_PROCESSING_DETAILS, 'Data engine details: check my lists')
                counter = 0
                while len(self._localEvents):
                    del self._localEvents[0]
                    counter += 1
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_PROCESSING_DETAILS, '-- Data engine details: Processed %d local events.' %(counter))
                counter = 0
                while len(self._localIoidsEvents):
                    del self._localIoidsEvents[0]
                    counter += 1
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_PROCESSING_DETAILS, '-- Data engine details: Processed %d local ioids events.' %(counter))
##            except Exception, msg:
            except ValueError, msg:
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_ERROR_GENERIC, 'Data engine ERROR: %s' %(msg))
コード例 #7
ファイル: policyengine.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def startup(self):
     Loads the policy XML files into memory.
     tmpRules = []
     parser = PolicyParser()
     locations = config.LOCATION_POLICY_FILES
     for location in locations:
         file = open(location, 'r')
         policy = file.read()
         rules = parser.parsePolicy(policy)
         tmpRules += rules
     from ioidslogging import getDefaultLogger, DATAENGINE_POLICY_STATUS
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(DATAENGINE_POLICY_STATUS, 'PolicyEngine: Processed %d rule(s) from %d file(s) on startup' %(len(tmpRules), len(locations)))
     for rule in tmpRules:
         self._rules[rule['id']] = rule
     self._sortedKeys = self._rules.keys()
コード例 #8
ファイル: g4dsconnector.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def sendMessage(self, data, action, receiver = None):
     Testing - send it off to everybody in the service :)
     if not receiver:
         from config import G4DS_SERVICE_ID
         receiver = G4DS_SERVICE_ID
     self._g4ds.sendMessage(receiver, None, data, action)
     from ioidslogging import getDefaultLogger, G4DS_CONNECTOR_OUTGOING_MSG, G4DS_CONNECTOR_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_OUTGOING_MSG, 'G4DS Outgoing message: Passed new message to %s' %(receiver))
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Outgoing message details: action is %s' %(action))
     getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Outgoing message details: data size is %s' %(len(data)))
コード例 #9
ファイル: g4dsconnector.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
    def dispatch(self, data, metadata):
        First instance for incoming messages.
##        print "My meta data: %s" %metadata
        from ioidslogging import getDefaultLogger, G4DS_CONNECTOR_INCOMING_MSG, G4DS_CONNECTOR_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_INCOMING_MSG, 'G4DS Incoming message: Received data from %s | %s' %(metadata['senderid'], metadata['communityid']))
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- G4DS Incoming message details: action is %s ' %(metadata['actionstring']))
        getDefaultLogger().newMessage(G4DS_CONNECTOR_INCOMING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- G4DS Incoming message details: data size is %s ' %(len(data)))
        if metadata['actionstring'] == 'ioids.write.newevent':
        elif metadata['actionstring'] == 'ioids.read.events':
            sender = metadata['senderid']
            community = metadata['communityid']
            self._replyToKnowledgeRequest(sender, community, data)