コード例 #1
class MarineFacilityManagementService(BaseMarineFacilityManagementService):

    def on_init(self):
        IonObject("Resource")  # suppress pyflakes error


    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places

        #shortcut names for the import sub-services
        if hasattr(self.clients, "resource_registry"):
            self.RR    = self.clients.resource_registry

        #farm everything out to the impls

        self.logical_instrument  = LogicalInstrumentImpl(self.clients)
        self.logical_platform    = LogicalPlatformImpl(self.clients)
        self.marine_facility     = MarineFacilityImpl(self.clients)
        self.site                = SiteImpl(self.clients)


    def create_marine_facility(self, marine_facility=None):
        create a new instance
        @param marine_facility the object to be created as a resource
        @retval marine_facility_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.marine_facility.create_one(marine_facility)

    def update_marine_facility(self, marine_facility=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param marine_facility the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.marine_facility.update_one(marine_facility)

    def read_marine_facility(self, marine_facility_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param marine_facility_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval LogicalInstrument resource

        return self.marine_facility.read_one(marine_facility_id)

    def delete_marine_facility(self, marine_facility_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param marine_facility_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.marine_facility.delete_one(marine_facility_id)

    def find_marine_facilities(self, filters=None):

        return self.marine_facility.find_some(filters)

    # SITE

    def create_site(self, site=None):
        create a new instance
        @param site the object to be created as a resource
        @retval site_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.site.create_one(site)

    def update_site(self, site=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param site the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.site.update_one(site)

    def read_site(self, site_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param site_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval LogicalInstrument resource

        return self.site.read_one(site_id)

    def delete_site(self, site_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param site_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.site.delete_one(site_id)

    def find_sites(self, filters=None):

        return self.site.find_some(filters)


    def create_logical_instrument(self, logical_instrument=None):
        create a new instance
        @param logical_instrument the object to be created as a resource
        @retval logical_instrument_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.logical_instrument.create_one(logical_instrument)

    def update_logical_instrument(self, logical_instrument=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param logical_instrument the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.logical_instrument.update_one(logical_instrument)

    def read_logical_instrument(self, logical_instrument_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param logical_instrument_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval LogicalInstrument resource

        return self.logical_instrument.read_one(logical_instrument_id)

    def delete_logical_instrument(self, logical_instrument_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param logical_instrument_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.logical_instrument.delete_one(logical_instrument_id)

    def find_logical_instruments(self, filters=None):

        return self.logical_instrument.find_some(filters)


    def create_logical_platform(self, logical_platform=None):
        create a new instance
        @param logical_platform the object to be created as a resource
        @retval logical_platform_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.logical_platform.create_one(logical_platform)

    def update_logical_platform(self, logical_platform=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param logical_platform the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.logical_platform.update_one(logical_platform)

    def read_logical_platform(self, logical_platform_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param logical_platform_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval LogicalPlatform resource

        return self.logical_platform.read_one(logical_platform_id)

    def delete_logical_platform(self, logical_platform_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param logical_platform_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.logical_platform.delete_one(logical_platform_id)

    def find_logical_platforms(self, filters=None):

        return self.logical_platform.find_some(filters)

    #FIXME: args need to change
    def assign_platform(self, logical_platform_id='', parent_site_id=''):
        @todo the arguments for this function seem incorrect and/or mismatched
        raise NotImplementedError()
        #return self.instrument_agent.assign(instrument_agent_id, instrument_id, instrument_agent_instance)

    def unassign_platform(self, logical_platform_id='', parent_site_id=''):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param logical_platform_id    str
        @param parent_site_id    str
        @retval success    bool
        raise NotImplementedError()
        #return self.instrument_agent.unassign(instrument_agent_id, instrument_device_id, instrument_agent_instance)

    def assign_site(self, child_site_id='', parent_site_id=''):
        assert child_site_id and parent_site_id, "Arguments not set"
        aid = self.clients.resource_registry.create_association(parent_site_id, AT.hasSite, child_site_id)
        return True

    def unassign_site(self, parent_site_id='', child_site_id=''):
        assert child_site_id and parent_site_id, "Arguments not set"
        assoc_id, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_associations(parent_site_id, AT.hasSite, child_site_id, True)
        if not assoc_id:
            raise NotFound("Association ParentSite hasSite ChildSite does not exist: parent site: %s  child site: %s" % parent_site_id, child_site_id)

        aid = self.clients.resource_registry.delete_association(assoc_id)
        return True

    def assign_instrument(self, logical_instrument_id='', parent_site_id=''):
        #todo: is platform associated with a Site?
        assert logical_instrument_id and parent_site_id, "Arguments not set"
        aid = self.clients.resource_registry.create_association(parent_site_id, AT.hasInstrument, logical_instrument_id)
        return True

    def unassign_instrument(self, logical_instrument_id='', parent_site_id=''):
        #todo: is instrument associated with a Site?
        assert logical_instrument_id and parent_site_id, "Arguments not set"
        assoc_id, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_associations(parent_site_id, AT.hasInstrument, logical_instrument_id, True)
        if not assoc_id:
            raise NotFound("Association Site hasPlatform LogicalInstrument does not exist: site: %s  instrument: %s" % parent_site_id, logical_instrument_id)

        aid = self.clients.resource_registry.delete_association(assoc_id)
        return True

    def define_observatory_policy(self):
        """method docstring
        # Return Value
        # ------------
        # null
        # ...