コード例 #1
class DataProductManagementService(BaseDataProductManagementService):
    """ @author     Bill Bollenbacher
        @file       ion/services/sa/product/data_product_management_service.py
        @brief      Implementation of the data product management service

    def on_init(self):

    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places
        self.data_product   = DataProductImpl(self.clients)

    def create_data_product(self, data_product=None, stream_definition_id='', parameter_dictionary=None, exchange_point=''):
        @param      data_product IonObject which defines the general data product resource
        @param      source_resource_id IonObject id which defines the source for the data
        @retval     data_product_id

        res, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(restype=RT.DataProduct, name=data_product.name, id_only=True)
        validate_false(len(res), 'A data product with the name %s already exists.' % data_product.name)
        log.info('Creating DataProduct: %s', data_product.name)
        log.debug('%s', data_product.__dict__)

        # Create will validate and register a new data product within the system
        # If the stream definition has a parameter dictionary, use that
        validate_is_not_none(stream_definition_id, 'A stream definition id must be passed to register a data product')
        stream_def_obj = self.clients.pubsub_management.read_stream_definition(stream_definition_id) # Validates and checks for param_dict
        parameter_dictionary = stream_def_obj.parameter_dictionary or parameter_dictionary
        validate_is_not_none(parameter_dictionary , 'A parameter dictionary must be passed to register a data product')
        validate_is_not_none(data_product, 'A data product (ion object) must be passed to register a data product')
        exchange_point = exchange_point or 'science_data'

        # Register - create and store a new DataProduct resource using provided metadata
        data_product_id, rev = self.clients.resource_registry.create(data_product)

        #Create the stream and a dataset if a stream definition is provided

        #if stream_definition_id:
        #@todo: What about topics?

        stream_id,route = self.clients.pubsub_management.create_stream(name=data_product.name,

        # Associate the Stream with the main Data Product and with the default data product version
        self.data_product.link_stream(data_product_id, stream_id)

        # create a dataset...
        data_set_id = self.clients.dataset_management.create_dataset(   name= 'data_set_%s' % stream_id,

        # link dataset with data product. This creates the association in the resource registry
        self.data_product.link_data_set(data_product_id=data_product_id, data_set_id=data_set_id)

        # Return the id of the new data product
        return data_product_id

    def read_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):
        method docstring
        # Retrieve all metadata for a specific data product
        # Return data product resource

        data_product = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)

        return data_product

    def update_data_product(self, data_product=None):
        @todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product    DataProduct
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        validate_is_instance(data_product, DataProduct)


        #TODO: any changes to producer? Call DataAcquisitionMgmtSvc?

    def delete_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):

        #Check if this data product is associated to a producer
        #todo: convert to impl call
        producer_ids = self.data_product.find_stemming_data_producer(data_product_id)

        for producer_id in producer_ids:
            self.clients.data_acquisition_management.unassign_data_product(producer_id, data_product_id)

        # suspend persistence
        if self.is_persisted(data_product_id):
        # remove stream associations

        # remove dataset associations
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasDataset, RT.DataSet, id_only=True)

#        for dataset_id in dataset_ids:
#            self.data_product.unlink_data_set(data_product_id=data_product_id, data_set_id=dataset_id)

        # Delete the data product


    def force_delete_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):

        # if not yet deleted, the first execute delete logic
        dp_obj = self.read_data_product(data_product_id)
        if dp_obj.lcstate != LCS.RETIRED:

        #get the assoc producers before deleteing the links
        producers, producer_assns = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasDataProducer, RT.DataProducer, True)

        for producer in producers:


    def remove_streams(self, data_product_id=''):
        streams, assocs = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, id_only=True)
        datasets, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, id_only=True)
        for dataset in datasets:
            for stream, assoc in zip(streams,assocs):
                self.clients.dataset_management.remove_stream(dataset, stream)

        return streams

    def find_data_products(self, filters=None):
        method docstring
        # Validate the input filter and augment context as required

        # Define set of resource attributes to filter on, change parameter from "filter" to include attributes and filter values.
        #     potentially: title, keywords, date_created, creator_name, project, geospatial coords, time range

        # Call DM DiscoveryService to query the catalog for matches

        # Organize and return the list of matches with summary metadata (title, summary, keywords)

        return self.data_product.find_some(filters)

    def activate_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id=''):
        """Persist data product data into a data set

        @param data_product_id    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_obj, "The data product id should correspond to a valid registered data product.")

        # get the Stream associated with this data product; if no stream then create one, if multiple streams then Throw
        streams = self.data_product.find_stemming_stream(data_product_id)
        if not streams:
            raise BadRequest('Data Product %s must have one stream associated' % str(data_product_id))

        stream_id = streams[0]._id
        log.debug("Activating data product persistence for stream_id: %s"  % str(stream_id))

        # grab the ingestion configuration id from the data_product in order to use to persist it
        if data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id:
            ingestion_configuration_id = data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id
            ingestion_configuration_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.list_ingestion_configurations(id_only=True)[0]

        # persist the data stream using the ingestion config id and stream id

        # find datasets for the data product
        dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(data_product_id)
        log.debug("Activating data product persistence for dataset_id: %s"  % str(dataset_id))
        dataset_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.persist_data_stream(stream_id=stream_id,

        # register the dataset for externalization

        # todo: dataset_configuration_obj contains the ingest config for now...
        # Update the data product object
        data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id = ingestion_configuration_id

    def is_persisted(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Is the data product currently persisted into a data set?
        stream_id = self._get_stream_id(data_product_id)
        return self.clients.ingestion_management.is_persisted(stream_id)

    def suspend_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id=''):
        """Suspend data product data persistence into a data set, multiple options

        @param data_product_id    str
        @param type    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_id)

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_obj, 'Should not have been empty')
        validate_is_instance(data_product_obj, DataProduct)

        if data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id is None:
            raise NotFound("Data Product %s dataset configuration does not exist" % data_product_id)

        # get the Stream associated with this data product; if no stream then create one, if multiple streams then Throw
        #streams = self.data_product.find_stemming_stream(data_product_id)
        stream_id = self._get_stream_id(data_product_id)
        validate_is_not_none(stream_id, 'Data Product %s must have one stream associated' % str(data_product_id))

        ret = self.clients.ingestion_management.unpersist_data_stream(stream_id=stream_id, ingestion_configuration_id=data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id)

        # detach the dataset from this data product
#        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, id_only=True)
#        for dataset_id in dataset_ids:
#            self.data_product.unlink_data_set(data_product_id, dataset_id)

    def get_data_product_provenance(self, data_product_id=''):

        # Retrieve information that characterizes how this data was produced
        # Return in a dictionary

        self.provenance_results = {}

        data_product = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)
        validate_is_not_none(data_product, "Should have got a non empty data product")

        # todo: get the start time of this data product
        self.data_product._find_producers(data_product_id, self.provenance_results)

        return self.provenance_results

    def get_data_product_provenance_report(self, data_product_id=''):

        # Retrieve information that characterizes how this data was produced
        # Return in a dictionary

        self.provenance_results = self.get_data_product_provenance(data_product_id)

        results = ''

        results = self.data_product._write_product_provenance_report(data_product_id, self.provenance_results)

        return results

    #  Data Product Collections

    def create_data_product_collection(self, data_product_id='', collection_name='', collection_description=''):
        """Define a  set of an existing data products that represent an improvement in the quality or
        understanding of the information.
        validate_is_not_none(data_product_id, 'A data product identifier must be passed to create a data product version')

        dpv = DataProductVersion()
        dpv.name = 'base'
        dpv.description = 'the base version on which subsequent versions are built'
        dpv.data_product_id = data_product_id

        dp_collection_obj = IonObject(RT.DataProductCollection, name=collection_name, description=collection_description, version_list=[dpv])

        data_product_collection_id, rev = self.clients.resource_registry.create(dp_collection_obj)
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=data_product_collection_id, predicate=PRED.hasVersion, object=data_product_id)

        return data_product_collection_id

    def update_data_product_collection(self, data_product_collection=None):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product    DataProductVersion
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_collection, "Should not pass in a None object")


        #TODO: any changes to producer? Call DataAcquisitionMgmtSvc?


    def read_data_product_collection(self, data_product_collection_id=''):
        """Retrieve data product information

        @param data_product_collection_id    str
        @retval data_product    DataProductVersion
        result = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_collection_id)

        validate_is_not_none(result, "Should not have returned an empty result")

        return result

    def delete_data_product_collection(self, data_product_collection_id=''):
        """Remove a version of an data product.

        @param data_product_collection_id    str
        @throws BadRequest    if object does not have _id or _rev attribute
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        #check that all assoc data products are deleted
        dataproduct_objs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_collection_id, predicate=PRED.hasVersion, object_type=RT.DataProduct, id_only=False)
        for dataproduct_obj in dataproduct_objs:
            if dataproduct_obj.lcstate != LCS.RETIRED:
                raise BadRequest("All Data Products in a collection must be deleted before the collection is deleted.")

        data_product_collection_obj = self.read_data_product_collection(data_product_collection_id)

        if data_product_collection_obj.lcstate != LCS.RETIRED:

    def force_delete_data_product_collection(self, data_product_collection_id=''):

        # if not yet deleted, the first execute delete logic
        dp_obj = self.read_data_product_collection(data_product_collection_id)
        if dp_obj.lcstate != LCS.RETIRED:


    def add_data_product_version_to_collection(self, data_product_id='', data_product_collection_id='', version_name='', version_description=''):

        dp_collection_obj =self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_collection_id)

        #retrieve the stream definition for both the new data product to add to this collection and the base data product for this collection
        new_data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_id)
        new_data_product_streams, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object_type=RT.Stream, id_only=True)
        validate_is_not_none(new_data_product_streams, 'The data product to add to the collection must have an associated stream')
        new_data_product_streamdefs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=new_data_product_streams[0], predicate=PRED.hasStreamDefinition, object_type=RT.StreamDefinition, id_only=True)

        base_data_product_id = dp_collection_obj.version_list[0].data_product_id
        base_data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(base_data_product_id)
        base_data_product_streams, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=base_data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object_type=RT.Stream, id_only=True)
        validate_is_not_none(base_data_product_streams, 'The base data product in the collection must have an associated stream')
        base_data_product_streamdefs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=base_data_product_streams[0], predicate=PRED.hasStreamDefinition, object_type=RT.StreamDefinition, id_only=True)
        if not self.clients.pubsub_management.compare_stream_definition(stream_definition1_id=new_data_product_streamdefs[0], stream_definition2_id=base_data_product_streamdefs[0]):
            raise BadRequest("All Data Products in a collection must have equivelent stream definitions.")

        #todo: validate that the spatial/temporal domain match the base data product

        dpv = DataProductVersion()
        dpv.name = version_name
        dpv.description = version_description
        dpv.data_product_id = data_product_id


        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=data_product_collection_id, predicate=PRED.hasVersion, object=data_product_id)


    def get_current_version(self, data_product_collection_id=''):

        data_product_collection_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_collection_id)

        count = len (data_product_collection_obj.version_list)

        dpv_obj = data_product_collection_obj.version_list[count - 1]

        return dpv_obj.data_product_id

    def get_base_version(self, data_product_collection_id=''):

        data_product_collection_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_collection_id)

        dpv_obj = data_product_collection_obj.version_list[0]

        return dpv_obj.data_product_id

    def execute_data_product_lifecycle(self, data_product_id="", lifecycle_event=""):
        declare a data_product to be in a given state
        @param data_product_id the resource id
        return self.data_product.advance_lcs(data_product_id, lifecycle_event)

    def get_last_update(self, data_product_id=''):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product_id    str
        @retval last_update    LastUpdate
        @throws NotFound    Data product not found or cache for data product not found.
        from ion.processes.data.last_update_cache import CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        datastore_name = CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        db = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore(datastore_name)
        stream_ids,other = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, id_only=True)
        retval = {}
        for stream_id in stream_ids:
                lu = db.read(stream_id)
                retval[stream_id] = lu
            except NotFound:
        return retval

    def _get_dataset_id(self, data_product_id=''):
        # find datasets for the data product
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasDataset, RT.DataSet, id_only=True)
        return dataset_ids[0]

    def _get_stream_id(self, data_product_id=''):
        # find datasets for the data product
        stream_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasStream, RT.Stream, id_only=True)
        return stream_ids[0]


    def get_data_product_extension(self, data_product_id='', ext_associations=None, ext_exclude=None):
        #Returns an DataProductExtension object containing additional related information

        if not data_product_id:
            raise BadRequest("The data_product_id parameter is empty")

        extended_resource_handler = ExtendedResourceContainer(self)

        extended_product = extended_resource_handler.create_extended_resource_container(

        #Loop through any attachments and remove the actual content since we don't need
        #   to send it to the front end this way
        #TODO - see if there is a better way to do this in the extended resource frame work.
        if hasattr(extended_product, 'attachments'):
            for att in extended_product.attachments:
                if hasattr(att, 'content'):
                    delattr(att, 'content')

        #extract the list of upstream data products from the provenance results
        dp_list = []
        for key, value in extended_product.computed.provenance.value.iteritems():
            for producer_id, dataprodlist in value['inputs'].iteritems():
                for dataprod in dataprodlist:
                    dp_list.append( self.clients.resource_registry.read(dataprod) )
        extended_product.provenance_product_list = set(dp_list)  #remove dups in list

        return extended_product

    def get_data_datetime(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Returns a temporal bounds object of the span of data product life span (may exist without getting a granule)
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedStringValue)
        ret.value = ""
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
        ret.reason = "FIXME. also, should datetime be stored as a string?"

        return ret

    def get_data_ingestion_datetime(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Returns a temporal bounds object of the earliest/most recent values ingested into in the data product
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedStringValue)
        ret.value = ""
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
        ret.reason = "FIXME. also, should datetime be stored as a string?"

        return ret

    def get_product_download_size_estimated(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Returns the size of the full data product if downloaded/presented in a given presentation form
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedIntValue)
        ret.value = 0
            dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(data_product_id)
            size_in_bytes = self.clients.dataset_management.dataset_size(dataset_id, in_bytes=False)
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            ret.value = size_in_bytes
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "Dataset for this Data Product could not be located"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_stored_data_size(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Returns the storage size occupied by the data content of the resource, in bytes.
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedIntValue)
        ret.value = 0
            dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(data_product_id)
            size_in_bytes = self.clients.dataset_management.dataset_size(dataset_id, in_bytes=True)
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            ret.value = size_in_bytes
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "Dataset for this Data Product could not be located"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_data_contents_updated(self, data_product_id=''):
        # the datetime when the contents of the data were last modified in any way.
        # This is distinct from modifications to the data product attributes
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedStringValue)
        ret.value = ""
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
        ret.reason = "FIXME. also, should datetime be stored as a string?"

        return ret

    def get_parameters(self, data_product_id=''):
        # The set of Parameter objects describing each variable in this data product
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedListValue)
        ret.value = []
            stream_id = self._get_stream_id(data_product_id)
            if not stream_id:
                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
                ret.reason = "There is no Stream associated with this DataProduct"
                stream_def_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=stream_id, predicate=PRED.hasStreamDefinition, id_only=True)
                if not stream_def_ids:
                    ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
                    ret.reason = "There is no StreamDefinition associated with this DataProduct"
                    param_dict_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=stream_def_ids[0], predicate=PRED.hasParameterDictionary, id_only=True)
                    if not param_dict_ids:
                        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
                        ret.reason = "There is no ParameterDictionary associated with this DataProduct"
                        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
                        ret.value = self.clients.dataset_management.read_parameter_contexts(param_dict_ids[0])
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_data_url(self, data_product_id=''):
        # The unique pointer to this set of data
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedStringValue)
        ret.value  = ""
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
        ret.reason = "FIXME."

        return ret

    def get_provenance(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Provides an audit trail for modifications to the original data

        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedDictValue)

            ret.value = self.get_data_product_provenance(data_product_id)
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "Error in DataProuctMgmtService:get_data_product_provenance"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_number_active_subscriptions(self, data_product_id=''):
        # The number of current subscriptions to the data
        # Returns the storage size occupied by the data content of the resource, in bytes.
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedIntValue)
        ret.value = 0
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            raise NotFound #todo: ret.value = ???
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_active_user_subscriptions(self, data_product_id=''):
        # The UserSubscription objects for this data product
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedListValue)
        ret.value = []
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            raise NotFound #todo: ret.value = ???
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_past_user_subscriptions(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Provides information for users who have in the past acquired this data product, but for which that acquisition was terminated
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedListValue)
        ret.value = []
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            raise NotFound #todo: ret.value = ???
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_last_granule(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Provides information for users who have in the past acquired this data product, but for which that acquisition was terminated
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedDictValue)
        ret.value = {}
            dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, id_only=True)
            if not dataset_ids:
                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
                ret.reason = "No dataset associated with this data product"
                replay_granule = self.clients.data_retriever.retrieve_last_data_points(dataset_ids[0], number_of_points=1)
                #replay_granule = self.clients.data_retriever.retrieve_last_granule(dataset_ids[0])
                rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(replay_granule)
                ret.value =  {k : rdt[k].tolist() for k,v in rdt.iteritems()}
                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
        except NotFound:
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        return ret

    def get_recent_granules(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Provides information for users who have in the past acquired this data product, but for which that acquisition was terminated
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedDictValue)
        ret.value = {}
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
#        try:
#            dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, id_only=True)
#            if not dataset_ids:
#                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
#                ret.reason = "No dataset associated with this data product"
#            else:
#                replay_granule = self.clients.data_retriever.retrieve_last_data_points(dataset_ids[0])
#                rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(replay_granule)
#                ret.value =  {k : rdt[k].tolist() for k,v in rdt.iteritems()}
#                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
#        except NotFound:
#            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
#            ret.reason = "FIXME: this message should say why the calculation couldn't be done"
#        except Exception as e:
#            raise e

        return ret

    def get_is_persisted(self, data_product_id=''):
        # Returns True if data product is currently being persisted
        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedIntValue)
        ret.value = self.is_persisted(data_product_id)
        ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED

        return ret

    def _remove_associations(self, resource_id=''):
        delete all associations to/from a resource

        # find all associations where this is the subject
        _, obj_assns = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=resource_id, id_only=True)

        # find all associations where this is the object
        _, sbj_assns = self.clients.resource_registry.find_subjects(object=resource_id, id_only=True)

        log.debug("_remove_associations will remove %s subject associations and %s object associations",
            len(sbj_assns), len(obj_assns))

        for assn in obj_assns:
            log.debug("_remove_associations deleting object association %s", assn)

        for assn in sbj_assns:
            log.debug("_remove_associations deleting subject association %s", assn)

        # find all associations where this is the subject
        _, obj_assns = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=resource_id, id_only=True)

        # find all associations where this is the object
        _, sbj_assns = self.clients.resource_registry.find_subjects(object=resource_id, id_only=True)

        log.debug("post-deletions, _remove_associations found %s subject associations and %s object associations",
            len(sbj_assns), len(obj_assns))
コード例 #2
class DataProductManagementService(BaseDataProductManagementService):
    """ @author     Bill Bollenbacher
        @file       ion/services/sa/product/data_product_management_service.py
        @brief      Implementation of the data product management service
    def on_init(self):

    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places
        self.data_product   = DataProductImpl(self.clients)


    def create_data_product(self, data_product=None, stream_definition_id=''):
        @param      data_product IonObject which defines the general data product resource
        @param      source_resource_id IonObject id which defines the source for the data
        @retval     data_product_id
        #   1. Verify that a data product with same name does not already exist 
        #   2. Validate that the data product IonObject does not contain an id_ element     
        #   3. Create a new data product
        #       - User must supply the name in the data product
        # Create will validate and register a new data product within the system

        # Validate - TBD by the work that Karen Stocks is driving with John Graybeal

        # Register - create and store a new DataProduct resource using provided metadata
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product: %s" % str(data_product))
        data_product_id = self.data_product.create_one(data_product)

        #Create the stream if a stream definition is provided
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product: stream definition id = %s" % stream_definition_id)

        if stream_definition_id:
            stream_id = self.clients.pubsub_management.create_stream(name=data_product.name,  description=data_product.description, stream_definition_id=stream_definition_id)
            log.debug("create_data_product: create stream stream_id %s" % stream_id)
            # Associate the Stream with the main Data Product
            self.data_product.link_stream(data_product_id, stream_id)

        # Return a resource ref to the new data product
        return data_product_id

    def read_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):
        method docstring
        # Retrieve all metadata for a specific data product
        # Return data product resource

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:read_data_product: %s" % str(data_product_id))
        result = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)
        return result

    def update_data_product(self, data_product=None):
        @todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product    DataProduct
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:update_data_product: %s" % str(data_product))

        #TODO: any changes to producer? Call DataAcquisitionMgmtSvc?


    def delete_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):

        #Check if this data product is associated to a producer
        #todo: convert to impl call
        producer_ids = self.data_product.find_stemming_data_producer(data_product_id)

        if producer_ids:
            log.debug("unassigning data producers: %s")
        # Delete the data product

    def find_data_products(self, filters=None):
        method docstring
        # Validate the input filter and augment context as required

        # Define set of resource attributes to filter on, change parameter from "filter" to include attributes and filter values.
        #     potentially: title, keywords, date_created, creator_name, project, geospatial coords, time range

        # Call DM DiscoveryService to query the catalog for matches

        # Organize and return the list of matches with summary metadata (title, summary, keywords)

        return self.data_product.find_some(filters)

    def activate_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id='', persist_data=True, persist_metadata=True):
        """Persist data product data into a data set

        @param data_product_id    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)

        # get the Stream associated with this data set; if no stream then create one, if multiple streams then Throw
        streams = self.data_product.find_stemming_stream(data_product_id)
        if not streams:
            raise BadRequest('Data Product %s must have one stream associated' % str(data_product_id))

        #todo: what if there are multiple streams?
        stream = streams[0]
        log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: stream = %s"  % str(stream._id))

        # Find THE ingestion configuration in the RR to create a ingestion configuration
        # todo: how are multiple ingest configs for a site managed?
        ingest_config_objs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(restype=RT.IngestionConfiguration, id_only=False)
        if len(ingest_config_objs) != 1:
            log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: ERROR ingest_config_objs = %s"  % str(ingest_config_objs))
            raise BadRequest('Data Product must have one ingestion configuration %s' % str(data_product_id))

        ingestion_configuration_obj = ingest_config_objs[0]
        log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: ingestion_configuration_obj = %s"  % str(ingestion_configuration_obj))

        if data_product_obj.dataset_id:
            objs,_ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_obj.dataset_id,
                    PRED.hasIngestionConfiguration, RT.DatasetIngestionConfiguration, id_only=False)
            if not objs:
                log.debug('activate_data_product_persistence: Calling create_dataset_configuration for EXISTING Dataset', )
                dataset_configuration_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.create_dataset_configuration(
                    dataset_id=data_product_obj.dataset_id, archive_data=persist_data,
                    archive_metadata=persist_metadata, ingestion_configuration_id=ingestion_configuration_obj._id)
                log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: create_dataset_configuration = %s"  % str(dataset_configuration_id))
                dataset_configuration_obj = objs[0]

                dataset_configuration_obj.configuration.archive_data = persist_data
                dataset_configuration_obj.configuration.archive_metadata = persist_metadata

                # call ingestion management to update a dataset configuration
                log.debug('activate_data_product_persistence: Calling update_dataset_config', )
                dataset_configuration_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.update_dataset_config(dataset_configuration_obj)
                log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: update_dataset_config = %s"  % str(dataset_configuration_id))
            # create the dataset for the data
            # !!!!!!!! (Currently) The Datastore name MUST MATCH the ingestion configuration name!!!
            data_product_obj.dataset_id = self.clients.dataset_management.create_dataset(stream_id=stream,
                    datastore_name=ingestion_configuration_obj.couch_storage.datastore_name, description=data_product_obj.description)
            log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: create_dataset = %s"  % str(data_product_obj.dataset_id))


            # Need to read again, because the _rev has changed. Otherwise error on update later.
            data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_id)

            # call ingestion management to create a dataset configuration
            log.debug('activate_data_product_persistence: Calling create_dataset_configuration', )
            dataset_configuration_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.create_dataset_configuration(
                        dataset_id=data_product_obj.dataset_id, archive_data=persist_data,
                        archive_metadata=persist_metadata, ingestion_configuration_id=ingestion_configuration_obj._id)
            log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: create_dataset_configuration = %s"  % str(dataset_configuration_id))

        # save the dataset_configuration_id in the product resource? Can this be found via the stream id?

        data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id = dataset_configuration_id

    def suspend_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id=''):
        """Suspend data product data persistnce into a data set, multiple options

        @param data_product_id    str
        @param type    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_id)
        if data_product_obj is None:
            raise NotFound("Data Product %s does not exist" % data_product_id)
        if data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id is None:
            raise NotFound("Data Product %s dataset configuration does not exist" % data_product_id)

        #retrieve the dataset configuation object so that attrs can be changed
        dataset_configuration_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id)
        if dataset_configuration_obj is None:
            raise NotFound("Dataset Configuration %s does not exist" % data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id)

        #Set the dataset config archive data/metadata attrs to false
        dataset_configuration_obj.configuration.archive_data = False
        dataset_configuration_obj.configuration.archive_metadata = False

        ret = self.clients.ingestion_management.update_dataset_config(dataset_configuration_obj)

        log.debug("suspend_data_product_persistence: deactivate = %s"  % str(ret))

    def execute_data_product_lifecycle(self, data_product_id="", lifecycle_event=""):
       declare a data_product to be in a given state
       @param data_product_id the resource id
       return self.data_product.advance_lcs(data_product_id, lifecycle_event)

    def get_last_update(self, data_product_id=''):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product_id    str
        @retval last_update    LastUpdate
        @throws NotFound    Data product not found or cache for data product not found.
        from ion.processes.data.last_update_cache import CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        datastore_name = CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        db = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore(datastore_name)
        stream_ids,other = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, id_only=True)
        retval = {}
        for stream_id in stream_ids:
                lu = db.read(stream_id)
                retval[stream_id] = lu
            except NotFound:
        return retval
コード例 #3
class DataProductManagementService(BaseDataProductManagementService):
    """ @author     Bill Bollenbacher
        @file       ion/services/sa/product/data_product_management_service.py
        @brief      Implementation of the data product management service

    def on_init(self):

    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places
        self.data_product   = DataProductImpl(self.clients)

    def create_data_product(self, data_product=None, stream_definition_id='', parameter_dictionary = None):
        @param      data_product IonObject which defines the general data product resource
        @param      source_resource_id IonObject id which defines the source for the data
        @retval     data_product_id

        # Create will validate and register a new data product within the system
        validate_is_not_none(parameter_dictionary, 'A parameter dictionary must be passed to register a data product')
        validate_is_not_none(stream_definition_id, 'A stream definition id must be passed to register a data product')
        validate_is_not_none(data_product, 'A data product (ion object) must be passed to register a data product')

        # Register - create and store a new DataProduct resource using provided metadata
        data_product_id, rev = self.clients.resource_registry.create(data_product)

        log.debug("data product id: %s" % data_product_id)

        # Register - create and store the default DataProductVersion resource using provided metadata
        #create the initial/default data product version
        data_product_version = DataProductVersion()
        data_product_version.name = data_product.name
        data_product_version.description = data_product.description
        dpv_id, rev = self.clients.resource_registry.create(data_product_version)
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasVersion, object=dpv_id)

        #Create the stream and a dataset if a stream definition is provided
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product: stream definition id = %s" % stream_definition_id)

        #if stream_definition_id:
        stream_id = self.clients.pubsub_management.create_stream(name=data_product.name,

        # Associate the Stream with the main Data Product and with the default data product version
        self.data_product.link_stream(data_product_id, stream_id)
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=dpv_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object=stream_id)

        # create a dataset...
        data_set_id = self.clients.dataset_management.create_dataset(   name= 'data_set_%s' % stream_id,

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product: data_set_id = %s" % str(data_set_id))
        data_set_obj = self.clients.dataset_management.read_dataset(data_set_id)
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product: data_set_obj = %s" % str(data_set_obj))

        # link dataset with data product. This creates the association in the resource registry
        self.data_product.link_data_set(data_product_id=data_product_id, data_set_id=data_set_id)
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=dpv_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, object=data_set_id)

        # Return the id of the new data product
        return data_product_id

    def read_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):
        method docstring
        # Retrieve all metadata for a specific data product
        # Return data product resource

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:read_data_product: %s" % str(data_product_id))

        result = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)

        return result

    def update_data_product(self, data_product=None):
        @todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product    DataProduct
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        validate_is_instance(data_product, DataProduct)

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:update_data_product: %s" % str(data_product))


        #TODO: any changes to producer? Call DataAcquisitionMgmtSvc?


    def delete_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):

        #Check if this data product is associated to a producer
        #todo: convert to impl call
        producer_ids = self.data_product.find_stemming_data_producer(data_product_id)

        for producer_id in producer_ids:
            log.debug("DataProductManagementService:delete_data_product unassigning data producers: %s")
            self.clients.data_acquisition_management.unassign_data_product(producer_id, data_product_id)

        # remove stream associations
        stream_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasStream, RT.Stream, id_only=True)

        for stream_id in stream_ids:
            self.data_product.unlink_stream(data_product_id=data_product_id, stream_id=stream_id)

        # remove dataset associations
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasDataset, RT.DataSet, id_only=True)

        for dataset_id in dataset_ids:
            self.data_product.unlink_data_set(data_product_id=data_product_id, data_set_id=dataset_id)

        #        # delete the hasOutputDataProduct associations link
        #        dp_assocs = self.clients.resource_registry.find_associations(data_product_id, PRED.hasOutputProduct)
        #        for dp_assoc in dp_assocs:
        #            self.clients.resource_registry.delete_association(dp_assoc)
        #        # delete the hasInputDataProduct associations link
        #        dp_assocs = self.clients.resource_registry.find_associations(data_product_id, PRED.hasInputProduct)
        #        for dp_assoc in dp_assocs:
        #            self.clients.resource_registry.delete_association(dp_assoc)

        # Delete the data product
        data_product_obj = self.read_data_product(data_product_id)

        validate_is_instance(data_product_obj, DataProduct)

        if data_product_obj.lcstate != LCS.RETIRED:

        #self.clients.resource_registry.set_lifecycle_state(data_product_id, LCS.RETIRED)

    def hard_delete_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):


    def find_data_products(self, filters=None):
        method docstring
        # Validate the input filter and augment context as required

        # Define set of resource attributes to filter on, change parameter from "filter" to include attributes and filter values.
        #     potentially: title, keywords, date_created, creator_name, project, geospatial coords, time range

        # Call DM DiscoveryService to query the catalog for matches

        # Organize and return the list of matches with summary metadata (title, summary, keywords)

        return self.data_product.find_some(filters)

    def activate_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id=''):
        """Persist data product data into a data set

        @param data_product_id    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_obj, "The data product id should correspond to a valid registered data product.")

        # get the Stream associated with this data product; if no stream then create one, if multiple streams then Throw
        streams = self.data_product.find_stemming_stream(data_product_id)
        if not streams:
            raise BadRequest('Data Product %s must have one stream associated' % str(data_product_id))

        stream_id = streams[0]._id
        log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: stream = %s"  % str(stream_id))

        # grab the ingestion configuration id from the data_product in order to use to persist it
        if data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id:
            ingestion_configuration_id = data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id
            ingestion_configuration_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.list_ingestion_configurations(id_only=True)[0]

        log.debug("ingestion_configuration_id for data product: %s" % ingestion_configuration_id)

        # persist the data stream using the ingestion config id and stream id

        # find datasets for the data product
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product_id, PRED.hasDataset, RT.DataSet, id_only=True)

        log.debug("Found the following datasets for the data product: %s" % dataset_ids)
        for dataset_id in dataset_ids:

                dataset_id = self.clients.ingestion_management.persist_data_stream(stream_id=stream_id,
            except BadRequest:
                log.warning("Activate data product may have resulted in a duplicate attempt to associate a stream to a dataset")
                log.warning("Please note that creating a data product calls the create_dataset() method which already makes an association")

            log.debug("activate_data_product_persistence: dataset_id = %s"  % str(dataset_id))

            # link data set to data product
            #self.data_product.link_data_set(data_product_id, dataset_id)

        # todo: dataset_configuration_obj contains the ingest config for now...
        # Update the data product object
        data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id = ingestion_configuration_id

    def suspend_data_product_persistence(self, data_product_id=''):
        """Suspend data product data persistence into a data set, multiple options

        @param data_product_id    str
        @param type    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        log.debug("suspend_data_product_persistence: data_product_id = %s"  % str(data_product_id))

        # retrieve the data_process object
        data_product_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_id)

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_obj, 'Should not have been empty')
        validate_is_instance(data_product_obj, DataProduct)

        if data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id is None:
            raise NotFound("Data Product %s dataset configuration does not exist" % data_product_id)

        log.debug("Data product: %s" % data_product_obj)

        # get the Stream associated with this data product; if no stream then create one, if multiple streams then Throw
        #streams = self.data_product.find_stemming_stream(data_product_id)
        stream_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object_type=RT.Stream, id_only=True)
        if not stream_ids:
            raise BadRequest('Data Product %s must have one stream associated' % str(data_product_id))

        for stream_id in stream_ids:
            log.debug("suspend_data_product_persistence: stream = %s"  % str(stream_id))
            log.debug("data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id: %s" % data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id)

            ret = self.clients.ingestion_management.unpersist_data_stream(stream_id=stream_id, ingestion_configuration_id=data_product_obj.dataset_configuration_id)
            log.debug("suspend_data_product_persistence: deactivate = %s"  % str(ret))

        # detach the dataset from this data product
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, id_only=True)
        for dataset_id in dataset_ids:
            self.data_product.unlink_data_set(data_product_id, dataset_id)

    def get_data_product_provenance(self, data_product_id=''):

        # Retrieve information that characterizes how this data was produced
        # Return in a dictionary

        provenance_results = {}
        current_data_product = data_product_id

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:get_data_product_provenance: %s" % str(current_data_product))

        data_product = self.data_product.read_one(data_product_id)
        validate_is_not_none(data_product, "Should have got a non empty data product")

        # todo: get the start time of this data product
        producer_ids = self._find_producers(data_product_id)

        while producer_ids:
            for producer_id in producer_ids:
                provenance_results[current_data_product] = { 'producer': producer_id, 'inputs': self._find_producer_in_products(producer_id) }
                producer_ids = self._find_producers(current_data_product)

        return {}

    def _find_producers(self, data_product_id=''):
        source_ids = []
        # get the link to the DataProducer resource
        producer_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataProducer, id_only=True)
        for producer_id in producer_ids:
            # get the link to that resources parent DataProducer
            parent_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=producer_id, predicate=PRED.hasParent, id_only=True)
            for parent_id in parent_ids:
                # get the producer that this DataProducer represents
                nxt_producer_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=parent_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataProducer, id_only=True)
                for nxt_producer_id in nxt_producer_ids:
                    nxt_producer_obj = self.clients.resource_registry.read(nxt_producer_id)
                    #todo: check the type of resource; instrument, data process or extDataset
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:_find_producers: %s" % str(source_ids))
        return source_ids

    def _find_producer_in_products(self, producer_id=''):
        # get the link to the inout DataProduct resource
        product_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(   subject=producer_id,

        return product_ids

    def create_data_product_version(self, data_product_id='', data_product_version=None):
        """Define a new version of an existing set of information that represent an inprovement in the quality or
        understanding of the information. Only creates the second and higher versions of a DataProduct.
        The first version is implicit in the crate_data_product() operation.

        @param data_product_id    str
        @param data_product_version    DataProductVersion
        @retval data_product_version_id    str
        @throws BadRequest    if object does not have _id or _rev attribute
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        validate_is_not_none(data_product_id, 'A data product identifier must be passed to create a data product version')
        validate_is_not_none(data_product_version, 'A data product version (ion object) must be passed to create a data product version')

        data_product_version_id, rev = self.clients.resource_registry.create(data_product_version)
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasVersion, object=data_product_version_id)

        #Create the stream and a dataset for the new version
        stream_id = self.clients.pubsub_management.create_stream(name=data_product_version.name,

        # Associate the Stream with the main Data Product and with the default data product version
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association( subject=data_product_version_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object=stream_id)

        #get the parameter_dictionary assoc with the original dataset
        dataset_ids, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, object_type=RT.DataSet, id_only=True)
        if not dataset_ids:
            raise BadRequest('No Dataset associated with the DataProduct %s' % str(data_product_id))

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product_version base_dataset_id: %s", str(dataset_ids[0]))
        base_dataset_obj = self.clients.dataset_management.read_dataset(str(dataset_ids[0]))
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:create_data_product_version base_dataset_obj: %s" % str(base_dataset_obj))

        # create a dataset for this version. must have same parameter dictionary and spatial/temporal domain as original data product.
        data_set_id = self.clients.dataset_management.create_dataset(   name= 'data_set_%s' % stream_id,
        self.clients.resource_registry.create_association(subject=data_product_version_id, predicate=PRED.hasDataset, object=data_set_id)

        return data_product_version_id

    def update_data_product_version(self, data_product_version=None):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product    DataProductVersion
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        validate_is_not_none(data_product_version, "Should not pass in a None object")

        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:update_data_product_version: %s" % str(data_product_version))


        #TODO: any changes to producer? Call DataAcquisitionMgmtSvc?


    def read_data_product_version(self, data_product_version_id=''):
        """Retrieve data product information

        @param data_product_version_id    str
        @retval data_product    DataProductVersion
        log.debug("DataProductManagementService:read_data_product_version: %s" % str(data_product_version_id))

        result = self.clients.resource_registry.read(data_product_version_id)

        validate_is_not_none(result, "Should not have returned an empty result")

        return result

    def delete_data_product_version(self, data_product_version_id=''):
        """Remove a version of an data product.

        @param data_product_version_id    str
        @throws BadRequest    if object does not have _id or _rev attribute
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

    def execute_data_product_lifecycle(self, data_product_id="", lifecycle_event=""):
        declare a data_product to be in a given state
        @param data_product_id the resource id
        return self.data_product.advance_lcs(data_product_id, lifecycle_event)

    def get_last_update(self, data_product_id=''):
        """@todo document this interface!!!

        @param data_product_id    str
        @retval last_update    LastUpdate
        @throws NotFound    Data product not found or cache for data product not found.
        from ion.processes.data.last_update_cache import CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        datastore_name = CACHE_DATASTORE_NAME
        db = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore(datastore_name)
        stream_ids,other = self.clients.resource_registry.find_objects(subject=data_product_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, id_only=True)
        retval = {}
        for stream_id in stream_ids:
                lu = db.read(stream_id)
                retval[stream_id] = lu
            except NotFound:
        return retval