class IntegratorCB(IntegratorCallbacks): def __init__(self, config, client): self.__integrator = Integrator(config, client, self) self.__assets = set() def start(self): self.__integrator.start() def stop(self): self.__integrator.stop() def publish_event(self, event): self.__integrator.publish_event(event) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): log.critical('IntegratorCallbacks Asset created: %s', asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): log.critical('IntegratorCallbacks Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): pass
class TalendTimDocumentIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): """ TalendTimDocumentIntegrator initializing """ def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError('Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache(config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') self.__use_mock_data = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.use_mock_data', required=False, default=False) self.__workers = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.workers', required=False, default=1, check=non_negative_int) self.__loop_time = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=5, check=non_negative_int) self.__req_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.__workers) self.__talend_config_info = TalendConfig( endpoint=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.talend.endpoint', required=True, check=non_empty_str), endpoint_single=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.talend.endpoint_single', required=True, check=non_empty_str), usr=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.talend.usr', required=True, check=non_empty_str), pwd=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.talend.pwd', required=True, check=non_empty_str), timeout=int(NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.talend.timeout', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int)) ) def on_startup(self): """ Starts the integrator. Other public methods herein must not be called beforehand. Should be called after starting Iotic agent. Alternatively use with keyword on the instance. """'Talend Tim Document Integrator Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self): """ Talend Tim Document Integrator Started Running """'Talend Tim Document Integrator Running') self.__process_data() loop_time = self.__loop_time while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): """ Stops the integrator. Should be called before shutting down the Iotic agent. """'Talend Tim Document Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): """ A new asset has been created. Called once for each known asset on startup as well as whenever a new asset appears whilst the integrator is running. """'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): """ An asset has been deleted. Called whenever an asset has been removed and should no longer be considered by the integrator. Note: This is NOT called if an asset has been deleted whilst the integrator is not running. """'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): """ A new type2 request has been made for a particular asset. request - instance of T2Request """ self.__req_pool.submit(self.__process_t2, request) # Wrap since run via thread pool without handling return/exception @log_exceptions(log) def __process_t2(self, request): """ processing t2 request """'New T2 req for %s - %s(%r)', request.asset_id, request.type_, if request.type_ != T2_REQUEST_TALEND_DOCUMENT: log.warning('Ignoring unknown request type %s', request.type_) return self.__t2_do_tlddoc(request) def __t2_do_tlddoc(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) data = self.__get_tim_doc(decoded["serialNumber"], decoded["documentLabel"], decoded["documentName"]) if data: try: self.__integrator.t2_respond(request, "application/pdf", b64decode(data)) except binascii_Error: log.error("Failed to b64decode data") self.__integrator.t2_respond_error(request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) else: self.__integrator.t2_respond_error(request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) def __get_tim_doc(self, serial_no, document_label, document_name):"Get Talend doc for: %s", serial_no) data = None try: if self.__use_mock_data == 1: return except ValueError as ex: log.error(ex) endpoint = self.__talend_config_info.endpoint_single.\ format(asset_id=serial_no, doc_label=document_label, doc_name=document_name) usr = self.__talend_config_info.usr pwd = self.__talend_config_info.pwd timeout = self.__talend_config_info.timeout log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.text and resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: data = resp.json()['document'] except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Could not parse JSON from response: %s", resp.text) log.error(ex) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): """ returns Talend data for asset_id """"Get Talend data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__use_mock_data == 1: log.debug("Using mock data") with open(MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) else: # asset_id hack for RR Dev environment # The dev environment TalendTimDocument API uses a specific asset_id we will swap two of our test IDs. if asset_id in ('1000021', '1000015'): asset_id = '16701003340' usr = self.__talend_config_info.usr pwd = self.__talend_config_info.pwd endpoint = self.__talend_config_info.endpoint_single.format(asset_id=asset_id) timeout = self.__talend_config_info.timeout log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.text and resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: data = resp.json() except Exception as ex: log.error("Could not parse JSON from response: %s", resp.text) raise ex except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def __process_data(self): """ Processing Talend Tim Documents """"Processing Talend Tim Documents") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): event = TalendTimDocumentSet(asset_id, data=data["documentList"]) log.debug("Publishing event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self.__cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown: pass # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data): """ Checking wheather asset cache data has changed for asset_id or not """"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): """ computing data""" jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # After publishing the event, update the cache def __cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data): """ updating Cache asset data for asset_id """"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)
class TalendFirmwareIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config self.__data_cache = self.__config['config']['data-cache'] def on_startup(self):'Talend Firmware Integrator Startup') self.__integrator.start() def main(self):'Talend Firmware Integrator Running') self._process_data() loop_time = self.__config['config']['loop_time'] while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self._process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info):'Talend Firmware Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id):'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id):'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): pass def _get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id):"Get Talend data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['talend']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['talend']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['talend']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '16701003340' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['talend']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_data(self):"Processing Talend Firmware") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data is not None: if self._has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): event = TalendFirmwareSet(asset_id, data=data) log.debug("Publishing event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self._cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown as ex: pass # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def _has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data):"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): # No cache so this is new data return True filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): # No file exists so this is new data return True with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cached_data_hash = data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if cached_data_hash != data_hash: os.remove(file_path) # The data has changed so flush the cache return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def _cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): log.debug("Creating data cache") os.makedirs(self.__data_cache, exist_ok=True) filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.__compute_data_hash(data)) log.debug("Caching data for asset %s", asset_id) MOCK_DATA_FILE = os.path.join('cfg', 'mock-data.json')
class SAPMasterDataIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, RetryingThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache( config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') self.__loop_time = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=False) self.__enable_dev_mapping = NestedConfig.get( self.__config, 'config.enable_dev_mapping', required=False, default=False, check=non_empty_str) self.__sap_config_info = SapConfig( hi_endp=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), md_endp=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), md_usr=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), md_pwd=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), md_timeout=int( NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int))) def on_startup(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Running') loop_time = self.__loop_time while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_master_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): pass def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): """ returns sapmasterdata for asset_id """"Get Master Data for: %s", asset_id) # asset_id hack for RR Dev environment # The dev environment sapmasterdata API uses a specific asset_id we will swap two of our test IDs. if self.__enable_dev_mapping: asset_id = '1000015' usr = self.__sap_config_info.md_usr pwd = self.__sap_config_info.md_pwd timeout = int(self.__sap_config_info.md_timeout) # aggregate_equipment_number, results = self.__get_aggregate_equipment_num(asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) # engine_serial = self.__get_the_engine_serial_number(asset_id, aggregate_equipment_number, results) engine_serial = self.__get_the_engine_serial_number( asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) aggregate_data = self.__get_the_aggregate_data(asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) data = self.__get_the_engine_data(engine_serial, aggregate_data, usr, pwd, timeout) if data: return data return None def __get_the_engine_serial_number(self, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns __get_the_engine_serial_number for asset_id """"Get the Aggregate Equipment Number for asset_id: %s", asset_id) try: hi_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.hi_endp.format( asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling hi_endpoint: %s", hi_endpoint) resp = requests.get(hi_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() results = data['d']['results'] aggregate_equipment_number = None for _data in results: if _data['Hequi'] == "": aggregate_equipment_number = _data['Equnr'] log.debug("Getting aggregate_equipment_number: %s", aggregate_equipment_number) # return aggregate_equipment_number, results for _data in results: if _data[ "Hequi"] == aggregate_equipment_number and _data[ "Eqart"] == "ENG": engine_serial = str(_data["Sernr"]) log.debug("Getting engine_serial: %s", engine_serial) return engine_serial except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Engine Serial %s with asset_id: %s", ex, asset_id) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None # @staticmethod # def __get_the_engine_serial_number(asset_id, aggregate_equipment_number, results): # """ returns engine_serial_number for asset_id """ #"Get the Engine Serial Number for asset_id: %s", asset_id) # # for _data in results: # try: # if _data["Hequi"] == aggregate_equipment_number and _data["Eqart"] == "ENG": # engine_serial = str(_data["Sernr"]) # log.debug("Getting engine_serial: %s", engine_serial) # return engine_serial # except KeyError: # log.error("\'Hequi\' or \'Eqart\' key not found for this item") # return None # # return None def __get_the_aggregate_data(self, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns aggregate_data for asset_id """"Get the Aggregate Data for asset_id: %s", asset_id) try: md_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.md_endp.format( asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling md_endpoint: %s", md_endpoint) resp = requests.get(md_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: event_data = None try: event_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_data['Datab'] = math.floor( datetime.datetime.strptime( event_data['Datab'], '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp()) * 1000 event_data['Datbi'] = math.floor( datetime.datetime.strptime( event_data['Datbi'], '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp()) * 1000 event_data['EqunrAgg'] = event_data['Equnr'] event_data['MaktxAgg'] = event_data['Maktx'] event_data['MatnrAgg'] = event_data['Matnr'] event_data['SernrAgg'] = event_data['Sernr'] for field in ('Equnr', 'Maktx', 'Matnr', 'Sernr'): del event_data[field] except KeyError: log.error("Could not find response for asset %s", asset_id) return event_data else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Aggregate Data %s with asset_id: %s", ex, asset_id) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None def __get_the_engine_data(self, engine_serial, event_data, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns engine_data for engine_serial """"Get the Engine Data for engine_serial: %s", engine_serial) try: md_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.md_endp.format( asset_id=engine_serial) log.debug("Calling md_endpoint: %s", md_endpoint) resp = requests.get(md_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", engine_serial, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: try: engine_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_data['SernrEng'] = engine_data['Sernr'] event_data['MatnrEng'] = engine_data['Matnr'] event_data['MaktxEng'] = engine_data['Maktx'] event_data['EqunrEng'] = engine_data['Equnr'] except KeyError: log.error( "Could not find response for engine_serial %s", engine_serial) return event_data else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Engine Data %s with engine_serial: %s", ex, engine_serial) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None @classmethod def __calc_eventtime(cls, master_data): """ calculate the event time with appropriate format """ event_time = master_data.get('Datab', None) if event_time: try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event_time // 1000) except (OverflowError, ValueError) as exc: log.error("Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) log.error(exc) return event_time def __process_master_data(self): """ Check whether the dat has changed or not. If its changed, create the event and publish """ log.debug("Processing Master Data") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) master_data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if master_data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for( asset_id, master_data):"Publish event for %s", asset_id) event_time = self.__calc_eventtime(master_data) if master_data and event_time: event = SapMasterDataSet(asset_id, data=master_data, time=event_time) log.debug("Event: %s", event) else: continue try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event, retry=True) self.__cache_assetdata_for(asset_id, master_data) except ShutdownRequested: log.debug("Shutdown requested while publishing event") return except AssetUnknown: pass @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): """ compute the md5 hash for the particular data""" jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data): """ checking whether asset data has changed or not """"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False # After publishing the event, update the cache def __cache_assetdata_for(self, asset_id, data): """ update the cache for the asset id """"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)
class SapWarrantyRecallIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): """ SapWarrantyRecallIntegrator initializing """ def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache( config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') self.__use_mock_data = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.use_mock_data', required=False, default=False) self.__loop_time = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=5, check=non_negative_int) self.__sap_config_info = SapConfig( equnr_endpoint=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), sernr_endpoint=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), usr=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), pwd=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), timeout=int( NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int))) def on_startup(self): """ Starts the integrator. Other public methods herein must not be called beforehand. Should be called after starting Iotic agent. Alternatively use with keyword on the instance. """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self): """ Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Started Running """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Running') self.__process_data() loop_time = self.__loop_time while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): """ Stops the integrator. Should be called before shutting down the Iotic agent. """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): """ A new asset has been created. Called once for each known asset on startup as well as whenever a new asset appears whilst the integrator is running. """'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): """ An asset has been deleted. Called whenever an asset has been removed and should no longer be considered by the integrator. Note: This is NOT called if an asset has been deleted whilst the integrator is not running. """'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): """ A new type2 request has been made for a particular asset. request - instance of T2Request """'T2 request: %s', request) def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): """ returns Sap Warranty Recall data for asset_id """"Get Sap Warranty Recall data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__use_mock_data == 1: log.debug("Using mock data") with open(MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: results = json.load(f) try: data = results['d']['results'] # Strip date string values and convert to epoch longs for item in data: item['Refdt'] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', item['Refdt'])[0]) except KeyError as ex: log.error(ex) else: # asset_id hack for RR Dev environment # The dev environment SapWarrantyRecall API uses a specific asset_id we will swap two of our test IDs. if asset_id in ('1000021', '1000015'): asset_id = '5242454668' endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.sernr_endpoint.format( asset_id=asset_id) usr = self.__sap_config_info.usr pwd = self.__sap_config_info.pwd timeout = self.__sap_config_info.timeout log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) data = self.__call_data(endpoint, usr, pwd, timeout) return data @classmethod def __call_data(cls, endpoint, usr, pwd, timeout): try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: results = resp.json() try: data = results['d']['results'] # Strip date string values and convert to epoch longs for item in data: item['Refdt'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', item['Refdt'])[0]) except ValueError as ex: log.error(ex) else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def __process_data(self): """ Processing Sap Warranty Recalls data""""Processing Sap Warranty Recalls") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): event = SapWarrantyRecallSet(asset_id, data=data) log.debug("Publishing event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self.__cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown: pass @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): """ computing data""" jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data): """ Checking wheather asset cache data has changed for asset_id or not """"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False # After publishing the event, update the cache def __cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data): """ updating Cache asset data for asset_id """"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)
class SAPEquipmentHistoryIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, RetryingThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, Mapping) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache( self.__config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') # Pool of workers to execture type2 requests workers = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.workers', required=False, default=1, check=non_negative_int) self.__req_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) # Validate config self.__sap_config_info = SapConfig( eq_hist_endp=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), eq_doc_endp=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), eq_doc_single=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), eq_doc_test=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), usr=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), pwd=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), timeout=int( NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int))) def on_startup(self):'Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self):'Running') loop_time = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=5, check=non_negative_int) while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info):'Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id):'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id):'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): self.__req_pool.submit(self.__process_t2, request) # Wrap since run via thread pool without handling return/exception @log_exceptions(log) def __process_t2(self, request):'New T2 req for %s - %s(%r)', request.asset_id, request.type_, if request.type_ == T2_REQUEST_SAP_DOCUMENTSINGLE: self.__t2_do_document_req(request) elif request.type_ == T2_REQUEST_SAP_SDOCK: self.__t2_do_test_document_req(request) else: log.warning('Ignoring unknown request type %s', request.type_) return def __integrator_t2_respond_error(self, request, reason=T2ProviderFailureReason. REQ_UNHANDLED): try: self.__integrator.t2_respond_error(request, reason) except ShutdownRequested: pass except TypeError: log.error( 'Could not send T2 error response, invalid request or reason', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) except T2ResponseFailure: log.error('Could not send T2 error response', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) def __integrator_t2_test_respond(self, result, request): try: value = result['d']['results'][0]['FileName'] except KeyError: log.error("Error in finding mime type") self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return mime = guess_type(value)[0] if not mime: log.error('Unknown file type') self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return try: file_name = json.dumps(value).encode('utf8') self.__integrator.t2_respond( request, mime, a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring'])) print("\n", mime, "\n") print("\n", file_name, "\n") # print("\n", a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring']), "\n") # doc_data = result['d']['results'] # response_data = [] # for doc in doc_data: # doc_template = {"FileName": "", "Xstring": ""} # # doc_template["FileName"] = doc['FileName'] # doc_template["Xstring"] = doc['Xstring'] # response_data.append(doc_template) # # # self.__integrator.t2_respond( # # request, mime, json.dumps(response_data).encode('utf-8')) # self.__integrator.t2_respond( # request, mime, a2b_base64(response_data)) # print("\nrequest\n", request) # print("\nmime\n", mime) # print("\nvalue\n", value) # # print("\nresult['d']['results'][0]['Xstring']\n", result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring']) # # print("\njson.dumps(value).encode('utf8')\n", json.dumps(value).encode('utf8')) # # print("\na2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring']\n", a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring'])) # # self.__integrator.t2_respond( # # request, mime, json.dumps(value).encode('utf8'), a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['Xstring'])) except binascii_Error: log.error("Failed to a2b_base64 data") self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) except ShutdownRequested: pass except AssetUnknown: log.error('Could not send T2 response, asset unknown', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) except T2ResponseFailure: log.error('Could not send T2 response', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) def __integrator_t2_respond(self, result, request): try: value = result['d']['results'][0]['FileName'] except KeyError: log.error("Error in finding mime type") self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return mime = guess_type(value)[0] if not mime: log.error('Unknown file type') self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return try: self.__integrator.t2_respond( request, mime, a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['String'])) except binascii_Error: log.error("Failed to a2b_base64 data") self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) except ShutdownRequested: pass except AssetUnknown: log.error('Could not send T2 response, asset unknown', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) except T2ResponseFailure: log.error('Could not send T2 response', exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) def __t2_do_test_document_req(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) try: equnr = decoded['equnr'] dokar = decoded['document_type'] except KeyError: log.warning('Equnr or Dokar not in request') self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return log.debug("Getting document by Equnr: %s", equnr) equipment_document_test = self.__sap_config_info.eq_doc_test.format( Equnr=equnr, Dokar=dokar) log.debug("Calling Document Test endpoint: %s", equipment_document_test) try: resp = requests.get(equipment_document_test, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout) if resp.status_code == # pylint: disable=no-member self.__integrator_t2_respond_error( request, reason=T2ProviderFailureReason.RESOURCE_UNKNOWN) return log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: result = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for Equnr %s", equnr, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: self.__integrator_t2_test_respond(result, request) return except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("__get_document_by_type %s with Equnr: %s", ex, equnr) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) def __t2_do_document_req(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) try: instid = decoded['instid'] except KeyError: log.warning('instid not in request') self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) return log.debug("Getting document by instid: %s", instid) equipment_document_single = self.__sap_config_info.eq_doc_single.format( instid=instid) log.debug("Calling Document Single endpoint: %s", equipment_document_single) try: resp = requests.get(equipment_document_single, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout) if resp.status_code == # pylint: disable=no-member self.__integrator_t2_respond_error( request, reason=T2ProviderFailureReason.RESOURCE_UNKNOWN) return log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: result = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for instid %s", instid, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: self.__integrator_t2_respond(result, request) return except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("__get_document_by_instid %s with instid: %s", ex, instid) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) self.__integrator_t2_respond_error(request) def __get_values(self, results, enable_document_hack=False, mock=False): """Get values from the dictionary and update it in a formatted way""" for item in results: item['Datum'] = int(search(r'\d+', item['Datum']).group()) # If there is an equpiment number, fetch the document details # and append them to this item if enable_document_hack: equnr = '10000018' enable_document_hack = False elif not mock: try: equnr = item['Equnr'] log.debug("Getting documents for Equnr: %s", equnr) except KeyError: log.error("\'Equnr\' key not found for this item") item['Documents'] = [] continue if mock: with open(MOCK_DOCUMENT_FILE, 'r') as dfp: results = json.load(dfp) else: results = self.__get_document_by_equnr(equnr) if results is None: item['Documents'] = [] continue try: documents = results['d']['results'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __get_data_for_asset()") item['Documents'] = [] continue # Strip date string values and convert to epoch longs for document in documents: document['Crdat'] = int( search(r'\d+', document['Crdat']).group()) document['Chdat'] = int( search(r'\d+', document['Chdat']).group()) item['Documents'] = documents def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): log.debug("Get Equipment History Data for: %s", asset_id) enable_document_hack = False if asset_id in ('1000021', '1000015'): enable_document_hack = True asset_id = 'WEBER-TEST-01' equipment_history_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.eq_hist_endp.format( asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling Equipment History endpoint: %s", equipment_history_endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(equipment_history_endpoint, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: log.error("RequestException in __get_data_for_asset()") return None results = None log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: data = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None try: results = data['d']['results'] except KeyError: log.error("Could not find results in response for asset %s", asset_id) return None self.__get_values(results, enable_document_hack=enable_document_hack) else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) return results def __get_document_by_equnr(self, equnr): if not equnr: return None log.debug("Getting documents for Equnr: %s", equnr) equipment_document_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.eq_doc_endp.format( equnr=equnr) log.debug("Calling Equipment Document endpoint: %s", equipment_document_endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(equipment_document_endpoint, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code == # pylint: disable=no-member return None resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: return resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for equnr %s", equnr, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("__get_document_by_equnr %s with equnr: %s", ex, equnr) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None def __create_event_and_publish(self, asset_id, data): log.debug("Publish event for %s", asset_id) # Publish the event based on the document type for item in data: if not item.get('Documents'): log.error( "No documents found in equipment history for asset %s", asset_id) continue try: doctype = item['Doctype'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __process_data") continue event = self.__create_document_event(asset_id, doctype, item) if not event: log.error("Could not create document event for this asset") continue log.debug("Event: %s", event) self.__integrator.publish_event(event, retry=True) self.__cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) def __process_data(self): log.debug("Processing Equipment History") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): try: self.__create_event_and_publish(asset_id, data) except ShutdownRequested: log.debug("Shutdown requested while publishing event") return except AssetUnknown: pass @classmethod def __create_document_event(cls, asset_id, doctype, item): try: event_time = item['Datum'] except KeyError: log.error("Datum KeyError for asset_id %s", asset_id) return None try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event_time // 1000) except OverflowError: log.error("Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) return None"Creating document event for: %s", doctype) doctypes = { 'DELI': SapEquipmentHistoryDeliverySet, 'MAIN': SapEquipmentHistoryMaintenanceContractSet, 'MOVE': SapEquipmentHistoryMaterialMovementSet, 'INLO': SapEquipmentHistoryInspectionLotSet, 'PROD': SapEquipmentHistoryProductionOrderSet, 'INVE': SapEquipmentHistoryPhysicalInventorySet, 'PURO': SapEquipmentHistoryPurchaseOrderSet, 'PMOD': SapEquipmentHistoryPmOrderSet, 'NOTI': SapEquipmentHistoryNotificationSet, 'HIST': SapEquipmentHistoryInstallationHistorySet } try: return doctypes[doctype](asset_id, data=item, time=event_time) except KeyError: log.error("Unknown document type: %s", doctype) return None @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data):"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False # After publishing the event, update the cache def __cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)
class SAPEquipmentHistoryIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, Mapping) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config self.__data_cache = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str) # Pool of workers to execture type2 requests workers = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.workers', required=False, default=1, check=non_negative_int) self.__req_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) # Validate config self.__use_mock_data = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.use_mock_data', required=False, default=False) self.__sap_config_info = SapConfig( eq_hist_endp=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str ), eq_doc_endp=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str ), eq_doc_single=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str ), usr=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str ), pwd=NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str ), timeout=int(NestedConfig.get( self.__config, '', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int )) ) def on_startup(self):'Startup') self.__integrator.start() def main(self):'Running') loop_time = NestedConfig.get( self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=5, check=non_negative_int ) while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info):'Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id):'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id):'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): self.__req_pool.submit(self.__process_t2, request) # Wrap since run via thread pool without handling return/exception @log_exceptions(log) def __process_t2(self, request):'New T2 req for %s - %s(%r)', request.asset_id, request.type_, if request.type_ != T2_REQUEST_SAP_DOCUMENTSINGLE: log.warning('Ignoring unknown request type %s', request.type_) return self.__t2_do_document_req(request) def __integrator_respond_error(self, request): try: self.__integrator.t2_respond_error(request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) except AssetUnknown: pass def __t2_do_document_req(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) try: instid = decoded['instid'] except KeyError: log.warning('instid not in request') self.__integrator_respond_error(request) result = self.__get_document_by_instid(instid) if result: try: result['d']['results'][0]['String'] except KeyError: log.error('Unknown file type') self.__integrator_respond_error(request) return try: value = result['d']['results'][0]['FileName'] except KeyError: log.error("Error in finding mime type") self.__integrator_respond_error(request) return mime = guess_type(value)[0] if not mime: log.error('Unknown file type') self.__integrator_respond_error(request) return try: self.__integrator.t2_respond( request, mime, a2b_base64(result['d']['results'][0]['String'], validate=True) ) except binascii_Error: log.error("Failed to a2b_base64 data") self.__integrator_respond_error(request) else: log.error("Failed to get Document Single for: %s. %s", instid, result) self.__integrator_respond_error(request) def __get_document_by_instid(self, instid): log.debug("Getting document by instid: %s", instid) if self.__use_mock_data: return {"d": {"results": [ {"Instid": "123456", "FileName": "text.txt", "FileType": "ASC", "String": "VGltIHdhcyBoZXJlISAyMDE4LTExLTMwIDE4OjA5IQ=="} ]}} # noqa equipment_document_single = self.__sap_config_info.eq_doc_single.format(instid=instid) log.debug("Calling Document Single endpoint: %s", equipment_document_single) try: resp = requests.get( equipment_document_single, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout ) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: log.error("__get_document_by_instid() error") return None if resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: results = resp.json() except ValueError: log.error('Decoding JSON has failed') return None return results def __get_values(self, results, enable_document_hack=False, mock=False): """Get values from the dictionary and update it in a formatted way""" for item in results: item['Datum'] = int(search(r'\d+', item['Datum']).group()) # If there is an equpiment number, fetch the document details # and append them to this item if enable_document_hack: equnr = '10000018' enable_document_hack = False elif not mock: try: equnr = item['Equnr'] log.debug("Getting documents for Equnr: %s", equnr) except KeyError: log.error("\'Equnr\' key not found for this item") item['Documents'] = [] continue if mock: with open(MOCK_DOCUMENT_FILE, 'r') as dfp: results = json.load(dfp) else: results = self.__get_document_by_equnr(equnr) try: documents = results['d']['results'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __get_data_for_asset()") item['Documents'] = [] continue # Strip date string values and convert to epoch longs for document in documents: document['Crdat'] = int(search(r'\d+', document['Crdat']).group()) document['Chdat'] = int(search(r'\d+', document['Chdat']).group()) item['Documents'] = documents def __get_mock_data(self): log.debug("Using mock Equipment History Data data") with open(MOCK_DATA_FILE, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) try: results = data['d']['results'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __get_data_for_asset") return None self.__get_values(results, mock=True) return results def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): log.debug("Get Equipment History Data for: %s", asset_id) if self.__use_mock_data: return self.__get_mock_data() enable_document_hack = False if asset_id in ('1000021', '1000015'): enable_document_hack = True asset_id = 'WEBER-TEST-01' equipment_history_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.eq_hist_endp.format(asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling Equipment History endpoint: %s", equipment_history_endpoint) try: resp = requests.get( equipment_history_endpoint, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: log.error("RequestException in __get_data_for_asset()") return None results = None log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() try: results = data['d']['results'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __get_data_for_asset()") return None self.__get_values(results, enable_document_hack=enable_document_hack) return results def __get_document_by_equnr(self, equnr): if not equnr: return None log.debug("Getting documents for Equnr: %s", equnr) equipment_document_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.eq_doc_endp.format(equnr=equnr) log.debug("Calling Equipment Document endpoint: %s", equipment_document_endpoint) try: resp = requests.get( equipment_document_endpoint, auth=(self.__sap_config_info.usr, self.__sap_config_info.pwd), verify=False, timeout=self.__sap_config_info.timeout ) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: log.error("__get_document_by_equnr error") if resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: results = resp.json() except ValueError: log.error('Decoding JSON has failed') return None return results def __process_data(self): log.debug("Processing Equipment History") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): log.debug("Publish event for %s", asset_id) # Publish the event based on the document type for item in data: if not item.get('Documents'): log.error("No documents found in equipment history for asset %s", asset_id) continue try: doctype = item['Doctype'] except KeyError: log.error("KeyError exception in __process_data") continue event = self.__create_document_event(asset_id, doctype, item) if not event: log.error("Could not create document event for this asset") continue log.debug("Event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown: pass self.__cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) @classmethod def __create_document_event(cls, asset_id, doctype, item): try: event_time = item['Datum'] except KeyError: log.error("Datum KeyError for asset_id %s", asset_id) return None try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event_time // 1000) except OverflowError: log.error("Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) return None"Creating document event for: %s", doctype) doctypes = { 'DELI': SapEquipmentHistoryDeliverySet, 'MAIN': SapEquipmentHistoryMaintenanceContractSet, 'MOVE': SapEquipmentHistoryMaterialMovementSet, 'INLO': SapEquipmentHistoryInspectionLotSet, 'PROD': SapEquipmentHistoryProductionOrderSet, 'INVE': SapEquipmentHistoryPhysicalInventorySet, 'PURO': SapEquipmentHistoryPurchaseOrderSet, 'PMOD': SapEquipmentHistoryPmOrderSet, 'NOTI': SapEquipmentHistoryNotificationSet, 'HIST': SapEquipmentHistoryInstallationHistorySet } try: return doctypes[doctype](asset_id, data=item, time=event_time) except KeyError: log.error("Unknown document type: %s", doctype) return None def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data): """Checks whether the given data for the asset has changed since it was last processed""" log.debug("Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): # No cache so this is new data return True file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, asset_id + '.json') if not os.path.isfile(file_path): # No file exists so this is new data return True with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cached_data_hash = data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if cached_data_hash != data_hash: os.remove(file_path) # The data has changed so flush the cache return True # Nothing has changed for this data log.debug("Asset %s already in cache", asset_id) return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def __cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data): log.debug("Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): log.debug("Creating data cache") os.makedirs(self.__data_cache, exist_ok=True) file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, asset_id + '.json') if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.__compute_data_hash(data)) log.debug("Caching data for asset %s", asset_id)
class SapWarrantyRecallIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, RetryingThingRunner): """ SapWarrantyRecallIntegrator initializing """ def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache( config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') self.__loop_time = NestedConfig.get(self.__config, 'config.loop_time', required=False, default=5, check=non_negative_int) self.__enable_dev_mapping = NestedConfig.get( self.__config, 'config.enable_dev_mapping', required=False, default=False) self.__sap_config_info = SapConfig( md_endpoint=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), hi_endpoint=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), usr=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), pwd=NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=True, check=non_empty_str), timeout=int( NestedConfig.get(self.__config, '', required=False, default=10, check=non_negative_int))) def on_startup(self): """ Starts the integrator. Other public methods herein must not be called beforehand. Should be called after starting Iotic agent. Alternatively use with keyword on the instance. """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self): """ Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Started Running """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Running') self.__process_data() loop_time = self.__loop_time while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self.__process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): """ Stops the integrator. Should be called before shutting down the Iotic agent. """'Sap Warranty Recall Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): """ A new asset has been created. Called once for each known asset on startup as well as whenever a new asset appears whilst the integrator is running. """'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): """ An asset has been deleted. Called whenever an asset has been removed and should no longer be considered by the integrator. Note: This is NOT called if an asset has been deleted whilst the integrator is not running. """'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): """ A new type2 request has been made for a particular asset. request - instance of T2Request """'T2 request: %s', request) # def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): # """ returns Sap Warranty Recall data for asset_id """ #"Get Sap Warranty Recall data for: %s", asset_id) # # # asset_id hack for RR Dev environment # # The dev environment SapWarrantyRecall API uses a specific asset_id we will swap two of our test IDs. # if asset_id in ('1000021', '1000015'): # asset_id = '5242454668' # # url = self.__sap_config_info.sernr_endpoint # hi_url = self.__sap_config_info.hi_endpoint # usr = self.__sap_config_info.usr # pwd = self.__sap_config_info.pwd # timeout = self.__sap_config_info.timeout # log.debug("Calling: %s", url) # # data = self.__call_data(hi_url, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) # # return data def __get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): """ returns Sap Warranty Recall data for asset_id """"Get Sap Warranty Recall data for: %s", asset_id) # asset_id hack for RR Dev environment # The dev environment SapWarrantyRecall API uses a specific asset_id we will swap two of our test IDs. if self.__enable_dev_mapping: log.warning("Swapping asset_id %s for test id 5242454668", asset_id) asset_id = '5242454668' usr = self.__sap_config_info.usr pwd = self.__sap_config_info.pwd timeout = int(self.__sap_config_info.timeout) engine_serial = self.__get_engine_serial_number( asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) aggregate_data = self.__get_aggregate_data(asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout) data = self.__get_engine_data(engine_serial, aggregate_data, usr, pwd, timeout) if data: return data return None def __get_engine_serial_number(self, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns Engine Serial Number for asset_id """"Get the Engine Serial Number for asset_id: %s", asset_id) try: hi_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.hi_endpoint.format( asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling hi_endpoint: %s", hi_endpoint) resp = requests.get(hi_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() results = data['d']['results'] aggregate_equipment_number = None for _data in results: if _data['Hequi'] == "": aggregate_equipment_number = _data['Equnr'] log.debug("Getting aggregate_equipment_number: %s", aggregate_equipment_number) for _data in results: if _data[ "Hequi"] == aggregate_equipment_number and _data[ "Eqart"] == "ENG": engine_serial = str(_data["Sernr"]) log.debug("Getting engine_serial: %s", engine_serial) return engine_serial except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Could not find response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Engine Serial %s with asset_id: %s", ex, asset_id) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None def __get_aggregate_data(self, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns aggregate_data for asset_id """"Get the Aggregate Data for asset_id: %s", asset_id) try: md_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.md_endpoint.format( asset_id=asset_id) log.debug("Calling md_endpoint: %s", md_endpoint) resp = requests.get(md_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: event_data = None try: event_data = data['d']['results'][0] # event_data['Datab'] = math.floor( # datetime.datetime.strptime(event_data['Datab'], # '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp()) * 1000 # event_data['Datbi'] = math.floor( # datetime.datetime.strptime(event_data['Datbi'], # '%Y-%m-%d').timestamp()) * 1000 event_data['AssetType'] = 'AGG' event_data['EqunrAgg'] = event_data['Equnr'] # event_data['MaktxAgg'] = event_data['Maktx'] # event_data['MatnrAgg'] = event_data['Matnr'] event_data['SernrAgg'] = event_data['Sernr'] for field in ('Equnr', 'Maktx', 'Matnr', 'Sernr'): del event_data[field] except KeyError: log.error("Could not find response for asset %s", asset_id) return event_data else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Aggregate Data %s with asset_id: %s", ex, asset_id) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None def __get_engine_data(self, engine_serial, event_data, usr, pwd, timeout): """ returns Engine Data for Engine Serial """"Get the Engine Data for engine_serial: %s", engine_serial) try: md_endpoint = self.__sap_config_info.md_endpoint.format( asset_id=engine_serial) log.debug("Calling md_endpoint: %s", md_endpoint) resp = requests.get(md_endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.ok: try: data = resp.json() except: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", engine_serial, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) else: try: engine_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_data['AssetType'] = 'ENG' event_data['SernrEng'] = engine_data['Sernr'] event_data['MatnrEng'] = engine_data['Matnr'] event_data['MaktxEng'] = engine_data['Maktx'] event_data['EqunrEng'] = engine_data['Equnr'] except KeyError: log.error( "Could not find response for engine_serial %s", engine_serial) return event_data else: log.error("Endpoint response failed: %s", resp.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: log.error("Get the Engine Data %s with engine_serial: %s", ex, engine_serial) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) return None # @classmethod # def __call_data(cls, url, asset_id, usr, pwd, timeout): # # endpoint = url.format(asset_id=asset_id) # # try: # resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) # log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) # resp.raise_for_status() # # if resp.ok: # try: # results = resp.json() # except: # pylint: disable=broad-except # log.error("Could not parse JSON from response for asset %s", asset_id, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) # else: # try: # data = results['d']['results'] # # Strip date string values and convert to epoch longs # for item in data: # item['Refdt'] = int(re.findall(r'\d+', item['Refdt'])[0]) # return data # except: # pylint: disable=broad-except # log.error("Could not parse response for asset %s", asset_id) # # except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: # log.error("%s with asset_id: %s", ex, asset_id) # # except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: # log.error(ex, exc_info=DEBUG_ENABLED) # # return None def __process_data(self): """ Processing Sap Warranty Recalls data""""Processing Sap Warranty Recalls") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self.__get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data and self.__has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): event = SapWarrantyRecallSet(asset_id, data=data) log.debug("Publishing event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event, retry=True) self.__cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) except ShutdownRequested: log.debug("Shutdown requested while publishing event") return except AssetUnknown: pass @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): """ computing data""" jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def __has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data): """ Checking wheather asset cache data has changed for asset_id or not """"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False # After publishing the event, update the cache def __cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data): """ updating Cache asset data for asset_id """"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)
class TalendTimDocumentIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config self.__data_cache = self.__config['config']['data-cache'] self.__req_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.__config['config']['workers']) def on_startup(self):'Talend Tim Document Integrator Startup') self.__integrator.start() def main(self):'Talend Tim Document Integrator Running') self._process_data() loop_time = self.__config['config']['loop_time'] while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self._process_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info):'Talend Tim Document Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id):'Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id):'Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): self.__req_pool.submit(self.__process_t2, request) # Wrap since run via thread pool without handling return/exception @log_exceptions(log) def __process_t2(self, request):'New T2 req for %s - %s(%r)', request.asset_id, request.type_, if request.type_ != T2_REQUEST_TALEND_DOCUMENT: log.warning('Ignoring unknown request type %s', request.type_) return self.__t2_do_tlddoc(request) def __t2_do_tlddoc(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) data = self._get_tim_doc(decoded["serialNumber"], decoded["documentLabel"], decoded["documentName"]) if data: try: self.__integrator.t2_respond(request, "application/pdf", b64decode(data)) except binascii_Error: log.error("Failed to b64decode data") self.__integrator.t2_respond_error( request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) else: self.__integrator.t2_respond_error( request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) def _get_tim_doc(self, serial_no, document_label, document_name):"Get Talend doc for: %s", serial_no) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: return endpoint = self.__config['config']['talend']['endpoint_single'] usr = self.__config['config']['talend']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['talend']['pwd'] endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', serial_no) endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_DOC_LABEL_XXX', document_label) endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_DOC_NAME_XXX', document_name) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['talend']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.text and resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: data = resp.json()['document'] except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Could not parse JSON from response: %s", resp.text) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id):"Get Talend data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['talend']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['talend']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['talend']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '16701003340' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['talend']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.text and resp.status_code ==['ok']: try: data = resp.json() except Exception as ex: log.error("Could not parse JSON from response: %s", resp.text) raise ex except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_data(self):"Processing Talend Tim Documents") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data is not None: if self._has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): event = TalendTimDocumentSet(asset_id, data=data["documentList"]) log.debug("Publishing event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self._cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown as ex: pass # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def _has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data):"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): # No cache so this is new data return True filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): # No file exists so this is new data return True with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cached_data_hash = data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if cached_data_hash != data_hash: os.remove(file_path) # The data has changed so flush the cache return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def _cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): log.debug("Creating data cache") os.makedirs(self.__data_cache, exist_ok=True) filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.__compute_data_hash(data)) log.debug("Caching data for asset %s", asset_id) MOCK_DATA_FILE = os.path.join('cfg', 'mock-data.json')
class SAPBomAsBuiltIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): __TRANSFER_KEYS = frozenset( ("ParRecno", "SonRecno", "Matnr", "Descr", "Valfr", "Valto")) def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config self.__data_cache = self.__config['config']['data-cache'] self.__req_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.__config['config']['workers']) def on_startup(self): log.debug('SAP Bom As Built Integrator Startup') self.__integrator.start() def main(self): log.debug('SAP Bom As Built Integrator Running') loop_time = self.__config['config']['loop_time'] while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self._process_sap_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): log.debug('SAP Bom As Built Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): self.__req_pool.submit(self.__process_t2, request) # Wrap since run via thread pool without handling return/exception @log_exceptions(log) def __process_t2(self, request):'New T2 req for %s - %s(%r)', request.asset_id, request.type_, if request.type_ != T2_REQUEST_SAP_BOMASMAINT: log.warning('Ignoring unknown request type %s', request.type_) return self.__t2_do_bommaint(request) def __t2_do_bommaint(self, request): decoded = json.loads('utf-8')) data = self._get_bom_as_maintained(request.asset_id, decoded["Valfr"]) if data: to_send = self.__tidy_dict(data['d']['results']) self.__integrator.t2_respond(request, "application/json", json.dumps(to_send).encode('utf8')) else: self.__integrator.t2_respond_error( request, T2ProviderFailureReason.REQ_UNHANDLED) def __tidy_dict(self, results): ret = [] for row in results: temp = {} for key in self.__TRANSFER_KEYS: temp[key] = row[key] ret.append(temp) return ret def _get_bom_as_maintained(self, asset_id, valid_from):"Get Bom As Maintained Data for: %s %s", asset_id, valid_from) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock bom data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['endpoint_maint'] usr = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '526104875' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_VALID_FROM_XXX', valid_from) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['bomgar']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id):"Get Bom As Built Data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock bom data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '526104875' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['bomgar']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_sap_data(self): log.debug("Processing Bom As Built") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data is not None: if self._has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data):"Publish event for %s", asset_id) items = data['d']['results'] parents = [ i for i in items if i.get('ParRecno', None) == '' ] event_time = None if parents: event_time = parents[0].get('Valfr', None) if event_time: try: event_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( event_time, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') except Exception as ex: log.error( "Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) log.error(ex) event = SapBomAsBuiltSet(asset_id, data=data['d']['results'], time=event_time) log.debug("Event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self._cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown as ex: pass # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def _has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data):"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): # No cache so this is new data return True filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): # No file exists so this is new data return True with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cached_data_hash = data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if cached_data_hash != data_hash: os.remove(file_path) # The data has changed so flush the cache return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def _cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): log.debug("Creating data cache") os.makedirs(self.__data_cache, exist_ok=True) filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.__compute_data_hash(data)) log.debug("Caching data for asset %s", asset_id) MOCK_DATA_FILE = os.path.join('cfg', 'mock-ibase-data.json')
class SAPMasterDataIntegrator( IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner ): #### IntegratorCallbacks is might be for feed data and action requests stoaring, ?@ where does this feed data and action requests stoaring...???? def __init__(self, config, agent_config ): ### where does config, agent_config came from...????? super().__init__( config=agent_config ) ### reinitializing class 'ThingRunner' using super(), in nested if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') #?? # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide ###?? which top level section??? # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() ### setting up asset, but where and how ???? self.__config = config self.__data_cache = self.__config['config'][ 'data-cache'] ### this might be nested dict, 'self.__data_cache = value' def on_startup(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Startup' ) ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...??? self.__integrator.start() def main(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Running' ) ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...?? loop_time = self.__config['config'][ 'loop_time'] ### how loop_time set up...??? while not self.wait_for_shutdown( loop_time ): ### waiting for shut down untill loop_time, might be stopping the searching of asset self._process_master_data( ) ### calling '_process_master_data()', @down. def on_shutdown( self, exc_info ): ### if commanded to shutdown then asking integrator to stop. log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Shutdown' ) ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...?? self.__integrator.stop() ### stop command for integrator. # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): ### when it gets called...??? log.debug('Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): ### when it gets called...??? log.debug('Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request( self, request ): ### when it gets called...??? ### T2 request comes from app to sys pass def _get_data_for_asset( self, asset_id): ### geting call from _process_master_data() @down."Get Master Data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config'][ 'use_mock_data'] == 1: ### cheacking for mock data present or not log.debug("Using mock master data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to epoch ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] ### might be in binary data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] ### might be in int data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '4711-001' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['bomgar']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=(usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: return data # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_master_data( self ): ### getting call from 'main()' @up, (waiting for shutdown - within loop_time) log.debug("Processing Master Data") for asset_id in list( self.__assets ): ## 'asset_id' came from where? # might be cheacking asset by asset_id in asset pool OR in event list i.e. kafka log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset( asset_id) ### calling '_get_data_for_asset () @up if data is not None: ### means might be kafka having something import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() if self._has_asset_data_changed_for( asset_id, data ): #### calling it to '_has_asset_data_changed_for ()' @down"Publish event for %s", asset_id) if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: continue master_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_time = master_data.get('Datab', None) if event_time is not None: try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( event_time // 1000) except Exception as ex: log.error( "Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) log.error(ex) event = SapMasterDataSet( asset_id, data=master_data, time=event_time ) ### SapMasterDataSet @(kafka) extracting event history log.debug("Event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event( event) ### publish_event(event) @integrator API self._cache_asset_data_for( asset_id, data) ### calling '_cache_asset_data_for() # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown as ex: pass # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. ##### _has_asset_data_changed_for will be same for all integrator def _has_asset_data_changed_for( self, asset_id, data ): ### 'data' came from _get_data_for_asset(). ### getting call from '_process_master_data()' @up"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id ) ### what is 'asset cache' here, why we are checking...??? if not os.path.exists( self.__data_cache ): ### asking whether 'asset cache', if not might be need to append. (might be in kafka(this might be an event)) # No cache so this is new data return True filename = asset_id + '.json' ### created file with '.json' extension file_path = os.path.join( self.__data_cache, filename) ### might be putting '__data_cache' in 'filename' ### if not os.path.isfile( file_path ): ### checking file in the existed file path (location) # No file exists so this is new data return True with open(file_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: ### opening the newfile cached_data_hash = data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash( data) ### calling '__compute_data_hash(data)' @ down. if cached_data_hash != data_hash: ### this might be cross cheacking for format os.remove(file_path) # The data has changed so flush the cache return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def _cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) if not os.path.exists(self.__data_cache): log.debug("Creating data cache") os.makedirs(self.__data_cache, exist_ok=True) filename = asset_id + '.json' file_path = os.path.join(self.__data_cache, filename) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.__compute_data_hash(data)) log.debug("Caching data for asset %s", asset_id) MOCK_DATA_FILE = os.path.join('cfg', 'mock-master-data.json')
class SAPMasterDataIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): #### IntegratorCallbacks is might be for feed data and action requests stoaring, ?@ where does this feed data and action requests stoaring...???? def __init__(self, config, agent_config): ### where does config, agent_config came from...????? super().__init__(config=agent_config) ### reinitializing class 'ThingRunner' using super(), in nested if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') #?? # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide ###?? which top level section??? # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() ### setting up asset, but where and how ???? self.__config = config self.__data_cache = self.__config['config']['data-cache'] ### this might be nested dict, 'self.__data_cache = value' def on_startup(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Startup') ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...??? self.__integrator.start() def main(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Running') ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...?? loop_time = self.__config['config']['loop_time'] ### how loop_time set up...??? while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): ### waiting for shut down untill loop_time, might be stopping the searching of asset self._process_master_data() ### calling '_process_master_data()', @down. def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): ### if commanded to shutdown then asking integrator to stop. log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Shutdown') ### what data and how it comes...? what is a format...?? self.__integrator.stop() ### stop command for integrator. # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): ### when it gets called...??? log.debug('Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): ### when it gets called...??? log.debug('Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): ### when it gets called...??? ### T2 request comes from app to sys pass def _get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id): ### geting call from _process_master_data() @down."Get Master Data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock master data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to epoch ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] ### might be in binary data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] ### might be in int data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '4711-001' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['bomgar']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=( usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: return data # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_master_data(self): ### getting call from 'main()' @up, (waiting for shutdown - within loop_time) log.debug("Processing Master Data") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): ## 'asset_id' came from where? # might be cheacking asset by asset_id in asset pool OR in event list i.e. kafka log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset(asset_id) ### calling '_get_data_for_asset () @up if data is not None: ### means might be kafka having something if self._has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data): #### calling it to '_has_asset_data_changed_for ()' @down"Publish event for %s", asset_id) if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: continue master_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_time = master_data.get('Datab', None) if event_time is not None: try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event_time // 1000) except Exception as ex: log.error("Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) log.error(ex) event = SapMasterDataSet(asset_id, data=master_data, time=event_time) ### SapMasterDataSet @(kafka) extracting event history log.debug("Event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) ### publish_event(event) @integrator API self._cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) ### calling '_cache_asset_data_for()
class SAPMasterDataIntegrator(IntegratorCallbacks, ThingRunner): def __init__(self, config, agent_config): super().__init__(config=agent_config) if not (isinstance(config, dict) and all(section in config for section in ('integrator', 'config'))): raise ValueError( 'Configuration invalid / missing required section') # Whilst the integrator core requires particular configuration, top-level sections could be defined to provide # parameters specific to this integrator. self.__integrator = Integrator(config['integrator'], self.client, self) self.__assets = set() self.__config = config # data cache used to check that the asset has been changed or not before publishing the event self.__data_cache = get_cache(config, config_path='integrator.asset.cache.method') def on_startup(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Startup') self.__data_cache.start() self.__integrator.start() def main(self): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Running') loop_time = self.__config['config']['loop_time'] while not self.wait_for_shutdown(loop_time): self._process_master_data() def on_shutdown(self, exc_info): log.debug('SAP Master Data Integrator Shutdown') self.__integrator.stop() self.__data_cache.stop() # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_created(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset created: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.add(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_asset_deleted(self, asset_id): log.debug('Asset deleted: %s', asset_id) self.__assets.discard(asset_id) # for IntegratorCallbacks def on_t2_request(self, request): pass MOCK_DATA_FILE = os.path.join('cfg', 'mock-master-data.json') def _get_data_for_asset(self, asset_id):"Get Master Data for: %s", asset_id) data = None if self.__config['config']['use_mock_data'] == 1: log.debug("Using mock master data") with open(self.MOCK_DATA_FILE, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to epoch ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) else: endpoint = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['endpoint'] usr = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['usr'] pwd = self.__config['config']['bomgar']['pwd'] key = 'config.enable_sap_sample_serial_hack' if NestedConfig.get(self.__config, key, required=False, default=False, check=bool): if asset_id == '1000021' or asset_id == '1000015': asset_id = '4711-001' endpoint = endpoint.replace('XXX_ASSET_ID_XXX', asset_id) timeout = int(self.__config['config']['bomgar']['timeout']) log.debug("Calling: %s", endpoint) try: resp = requests.get(endpoint, auth=( usr, pwd), verify=False, timeout=timeout) log.debug("Response status: %s", resp.status_code) if resp.status_code ==['ok']: data = resp.json() if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: return data # Strip junk from dates (string) and convert to ints datab = data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datab'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datab)[0]) datbi = data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] data['d']['results'][0]['Datbi'] = int( re.findall(r'\d+', datbi)[0]) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: log.error(ex) return data def _process_master_data(self): log.debug("Processing Master Data") for asset_id in list(self.__assets): log.debug("Processing asset: %s", asset_id) data = self._get_data_for_asset(asset_id) if data is not None: if self._has_asset_data_changed_for(asset_id, data):"Publish event for %s", asset_id) if len(data['d']['results']) == 0: continue master_data = data['d']['results'][0] event_time = master_data.get('Datab', None) if event_time is not None: try: event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event_time // 1000) except Exception as ex: log.error("Could not create a valid datetime from %s", event_time) log.error(ex) event = SapMasterDataSet(asset_id, data=master_data, time=event_time) log.debug("Event: %s", event) try: self.__integrator.publish_event(event) self._cache_asset_data_for(asset_id, data) # These will all retry except EventPublishFailure as ex: log.error("Event Publish Failure: %s", ex) except AssetUnknown as ex: pass @classmethod def __compute_data_hash(cls, data): jdata = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return hashlib_md5(jdata.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # Checks to see if the given data for the asset has changed # since it was last processed. def _has_asset_data_changed_for(self, asset_id, data):"Checking asset cache for: %s", asset_id) try: asset_id_hash = self.__data_cache.get_attr(asset_id, 'hash') except KeyError: # No cache so this is new data return True data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) if asset_id_hash['hash'] != data_hash: # data has changed return True # Nothing has changed for this data return False # After publishing the event, update the cache def _cache_asset_data_for(self, asset_id, data):"Cache asset for: %s", asset_id) data_hash = self.__compute_data_hash(data) self.__data_cache.mark_as_known(asset_id, hash=data_hash)