コード例 #1
ファイル: visnav.py プロジェクト: slamajakub/visnav-py
    def loadTargetImageMeta(self, src):
        if True:
            # FIX: currently doesnt correspond with what is shown
            lblloader.load_image_meta(src, self.systemModel)
            self.systemModel.ast_x_rot.value = -83.88
            self.systemModel.ast_y_rot.value = 74.38
            self.systemModel.ast_z_rot.value = -77.98
            self.systemModel.time.range = (1437391848.27 * 0.99,
                                           1437391848.27 * 1.01)
            self.systemModel.time.value = 1437391848.27
            self.systemModel.x_off.value = -0.42
            self.systemModel.x_rot.value = -49.39
            self.systemModel.y_off.value = 2.47
            self.systemModel.y_rot.value = 123.26
            self.systemModel.z_off.value = -158.39
            self.systemModel.z_rot.value = -96.62

コード例 #2
 def costfun(x, debug=0, verbose=True):
     err = 0
     for file, real in imgs.items():
         lblloader.load_image_meta(os.path.join(sm.asteroid.image_db_path, file + '.LBL'), sm)
         synth2 = ab.render(shadows=True, reflection=model, gamma=1)
         err_img = (synth2.astype('float') - real)**2
         lim = np.percentile(err_img, 99)
         err_img[err_img > lim] = 0
         err += np.mean(err_img)
         if debug:
             if debug%2:
                 cv2.imshow('real vs synthetic', np.concatenate((real.astype('uint8'), 255*np.ones((real.shape[0], 1), dtype='uint8'), synth2), axis=1))
             if debug>1:
                 err_img = err_img**0.2
                 cv2.imshow('err', err_img/np.max(err_img))
     err /= len(imgs)
     if verbose:
         print('%s => %f' % (', '.join(['%.4e' % i for i in np.array(x)*scales]), err))
     return err
コード例 #3
        qfin = (q * q_crop.conj())

        # light direction
        light, err_angle = m.gl_light_rel_dir(err_q, discretize_tol)
        self.latest_discretization_light_err_angle = err_angle if discretize_tol else False

        return (x, y, z), qfin, light

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sm = RosettaSystemModel(rosetta_batch='mtp006')
    #img = 'ROS_CAM1_20140823T021833'
    img = 'ROS_CAM1_20140822T020718'
    #img = 'ROS_CAM1_20150606T213002'  # 017

        os.path.join(sm.asteroid.image_db_path, img + '.LBL'), sm)

    textures = True
    if True:
        re = RenderEngine(sm.cam.width, sm.cam.height, antialias_samples=16)
        #obj_idx = re.load_object(sm.asteroid.hires_target_model_file, smooth=False)
        #obj_idx = re.load_object(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data/original-shapemodels/CSHP_DV_130_01_HIRES_00200.obj'), smooth=False)
        #obj_idx = re.load_object(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data/original-shapemodels/dissolved_5deg_1.obj'), smooth=False)
        obj_idx = re.load_object(os.path.join(
        textures = False
コード例 #4
ファイル: testloop.py プロジェクト: slamajakub/visnav-py
    def generate_system_state(self, sm, i):
        # reset asteroid axis to true values
        if self._state_list is not None:
                os.path.join(self._state_db_path, self._state_list[i]+'.LBL'), sm)

        for i in range(100):
            ## sample params from suitable distributions
            # datetime dist: uniform, based on rotation period
            time = np.random.uniform(*sm.time.range)

            # spacecraft position relative to asteroid in ecliptic coords:
            sc_lat = np.random.uniform(-math.pi/2, math.pi/2)
            sc_lon = np.random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)

            # s/c distance as inverse uniform distribution
                sc_r = np.random.uniform(self.min_r, self.max_r)
                sc_r = 1/np.random.uniform(1/self.max_r, 1/self.min_r)

            # same in cartesian coord
            sc_ex_u, sc_ey_u, sc_ez_u = spherical_to_cartesian(sc_r, sc_lat, sc_lon)
            sc_ex, sc_ey, sc_ez = sc_ex_u.value, sc_ey_u.value, sc_ez_u.value

            # s/c to asteroid vector
            sc_ast_v = -np.array([sc_ex, sc_ey, sc_ez])

            # sc orientation: uniform, center of asteroid at edge of screen
            if self._opzone_only:
                # always get at least 50% of astroid in view, 5% of the time maximum offset angle
                max_angle = rad(min(sm.cam.x_fov, sm.cam.y_fov)/2)
                da = min(max_angle, np.abs(np.random.normal(0, max_angle/2)))
                dd = np.random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
                sco_lat = wrap_rads(-sc_lat + da*math.sin(dd))
                sco_lon = wrap_rads(math.pi + sc_lon + da*math.cos(dd))
                sco_rot = np.random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)  # rotation around camera axis
                # follows the screen edges so that get more partial views, always at least 25% in view
                # TODO: add/subtract some margin
                sco_lat = wrap_rads(-sc_lat)
                sco_lon = wrap_rads(math.pi + sc_lon)
                sco_rot = np.random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)  # rotation around camera axis
                sco_q = ypr_to_q(sco_lat, sco_lon, sco_rot)

                ast_ang_r = math.atan(sm.asteroid.mean_radius/1000/sc_r)  # if asteroid close, allow s/c to look at limb
                dx = max(rad(sm.cam.x_fov/2), ast_ang_r)
                dy = max(rad(sm.cam.y_fov/2), ast_ang_r)
                disturbance_q = ypr_to_q(np.random.uniform(-dy, dy), np.random.uniform(-dx, dx), 0)
                sco_lat, sco_lon, sco_rot = q_to_ypr(sco_q * disturbance_q)

            sco_q = ypr_to_q(sco_lat, sco_lon, sco_rot)
            # sc_ast_p ecliptic => sc_ast_p open gl -z aligned view
            sc_pos = q_times_v((sco_q * sm.sc2gl_q).conj(), sc_ast_v)
            # get asteroid position so that know where sun is
            # *actually barycenter, not sun
            as_v = sm.asteroid.position(time)
            elong, direc = solar_elongation(as_v, sco_q)

            # limit elongation to always be more than set elong
            if elong > rad(sm.min_elong):
        if elong <= rad(sm.min_elong):
            assert False, 'probable infinite loop'
        # put real values to model
        sm.time.value = time
        sm.spacecraft_pos = sc_pos
        sm.spacecraft_rot = (deg(sco_lat), deg(sco_lon), deg(sco_rot))

        # save real values so that can compare later
        sm.time.real_value = sm.time.value
        sm.real_spacecraft_pos = sm.spacecraft_pos
        sm.real_spacecraft_rot = sm.spacecraft_rot
        sm.real_asteroid_axis = sm.asteroid_axis

        # get real relative position of asteroid model vertices
        sm.asteroid.real_sc_ast_vertices = sm.sc_asteroid_vertices()
コード例 #5
        ih, iw, cs = img.shape
        m = cv2.moments(img[:,:,0], binaryImage=binary)
        if np.isclose(m['m00'],0):
            if is_scene:
                raise PositioningException('No asteroid found')
                raise PositioningException('Algorithm failure: model moved out of view')
        # image centroid
        icx = m['m10']/m['m00']/iw*self._cam.width
        icy = m['m01']/m['m00']/ih*self._cam.height
        brightness = m['m00']/iw/ih*self._cam.width*self._cam.height
        # pixel spreads
        # used to model dimensions of asteroid parts visible in image
        hr = math.sqrt(m['mu20']/m['m00']) if m['mu20']>0 else 1
        vr = math.sqrt(m['mu02']/m['m00']) if m['mu02']>0 else 1
        return icx, icy, brightness, hr, vr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sm = RosettaSystemModel()
    lblloader.load_image_meta(sm.asteroid.sample_image_meta_file, sm)
    re = RenderEngine(sm.view_width, sm.view_height)
    obj_idx = re.load_object(sm.asteroid.real_shape_model)

    DEBUG = True
    algo = CentroidAlgo(sm, re, obj_idx)
    algo.adjust_iteratively(sm.asteroid.sample_image_file, None)